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Write an essay of at least 300 words on the following topic:

“Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra

responsibilities (for example, helping at home or at work). Others

believe that, outside of school, children should be free to enjoy their

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Student’s name: Hồ Hải Đăng


One common area of debate among parents is that should they let their children do
the extra chores in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility for them or not..
In my point of view, I generally agree with the first statement, though it should be
taken in a considerable level.

On the one hand, somebody believe that taking extra responsibilities can
overburden children. In the world today, teenagers have to be under great pressure
at school to perform well. For insance, nowadays, children do not only take
compulsory curriculum at school but also have to go to extra class then they have
to do homework at night in order to make sure that they will get high score as well
as rank in class. Although all of them are at the young ages, they have such an
overloaded routine that occurs from the morning to the evening. As a result, these
student even do not have enough time to rest, let alone do extra responsibilities.

On the other hand, increasing responsibilities strengthens maturity and

indepedence. Children who can maintain their room is clean or cook dishes by
themselves will be always more mature. For instance, children who pick out their
own clothes; they will have to consider these factors carefully and it will make
them more responsible when it comes to shopping and taking care of their
wardrobe. On contrary, the ones who cannot do extra chores will mainly depend on
their parents. Due to this, they will not know how to manage their live as well as
run a house when they live far away from their parents. Furthermore, extra
responsibilities are not only chores but also social activities. Thanks to doing social
activities, they will know more soft skills which will be helpful for them in the
future, as a results, they will be always more successful than the ones do not attend
social activities.

To sum up, nobody can deny that benefits that extra responsibilities bring for
children is unessential. However, we should take this in a considerable limit in
order to not make children feel overloaded.

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