GCE1 - Communication

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4B WHERE IS IT? Student A 2 “Ask B questions for your cities. (Where's emir? 1 amir isin Turkey. 2 Atlanta is in the United States, 3 Basel is in Switzerland 4 Curitiba is in Brazil 5 Dortmund is in Germany. 6 Gdansk is in Poland, 7 Hong Kong is in China, 8 Luxor is in Egypt. b Answer B's questions with a country. (ithink it’ in. {don’t know. PE1 HIT THE SHIPS Student A Draw five ‘ships’ in Your ships. (t’sin G Ops 2A_ IS SUSHI CHINESE? Student: 1 Ci, sushi Chinese? Gisele Bundchen is Brazilian, _ the Rolling Stones American? Lada cars are Russian ay Giorgio Tacos are Mexican. ‘Armani Italian? r % | ___ Victoria Beckham Australian? Antonio Banderas is Spanish, Swatch and Rolex are Your ships 14 2}/3/4)5|6/7/8/9}10 a 8 iC D ea) E | One ship F these a squares H i rim | | B's ships 1/2/3/4|5|6[7]8[9|10) A B | Egyptian? ic Do E F G H 1 n b Try to ‘hit’ B's ships. Say a square, e.g. H8. If B says Hit, tick (/) the square in B's ships. If B says Nothing, cross (x) the square. H82) (\Nothing. 872) (it B says a square. Say Hit or Nothing. O©p.0 the pyramids 5 wis. a Ask B about 1-5. Use Is...? or Ar Tick (V) if the answer is yes. If the answer is no, write the nationality. (Is sushi Chinese? b Answer B’s question about 6-10. No, he /she /it isn't. He/She / It's Yes, they are. ) No, they aren‘. They're... ) 2B PERSONALINFORMATION StudentA 3B HOW MUCH ARE THESE ‘WATCHES? Student A a Look at your picture. You are a customer. Ask B about the missing prices. Use this / that for singular a. Interview B and complete B's form. What's your fist name?) ( Chis, How do you spell it?) (C-H-RS. objects OR these / those for plural objects. Write the prices. Student 8 How much is this mug?) (I's First name ; Pecntaeg home mobile b Answer B's questions. Use the information in the YOU form. i b Now Bis a customer. Answer B’s questions with a ue Alex (ite/ They. pounds. on 15 Park Road, York PE3 WHAT TIME IS IT? Student A YO8 4PX a Ask Ba question to complete the time on clock 1. (Clock 1: what time is? home 0118 496 0752 ‘mobile 07700 900528 abarrett65@bt.com Opis b Answer B's question about clock 2. (ts ¢ Continue with the other clocks. Op.34 8A I'M A TOURIST. WHERE CAN I...? Student A a You are a tourist. B lives in this town. Ask B your questions. In this town 2 + have @ good, cheap meal + see films in English + gowith small children + go in the evening Can I..? “+ take photos in museums + drive in the town centre i where can b_ You live in this town. Answer B’s questions about your town, or a town you know well Opas 9A THE SAME OR DIFFERENT? Student A a Say what the woman in picture 1 is doing. B says if his / her picture is the same or different. Write S or D. b Now listen to B describe the person in picture 2. Is. your person the same or different? Write § or D. © Continue with people 3-8. d_ Compare your pictures and check your answers. pss 10A IS THERE A TV? WHERE IS IT? Student A Look at picture 1. Ask B questions about the things in the list for the picture. books coat Cokes keys lamp laptop newspaper suitcase towels TV ‘Are there any books? ) Is there a coat?) If Banswers Yes, ask Where are they? OR Where is it? Draw the thing(s) in the correct places in picture 1 b Look at picture 2 and answer B's questions. Ops 1B YOUR DAY Students A+B 2 What did you do yesterday? Ask and answer the PE6 EXCUSE ME. CAN YOU HELP ME? Student A questions with a partner. Write your partner's Ask B for directions to the bus station. Then mark answers. it on the map (building 1, 2, or 3). You begin: What time did you get up yesterday?) (Excuse me. Can you help me? Where's the bus station, please? (get up at 6.30 in the morning. ™ YOUR DAY | Your partner 1. What time / get up yesterday? 2 /have a shower? 3 /have breakfast? What / have? 4 /-g0 to work or school? How / get there? 5 What time / start work or school? 6 Where / have lunch? / enjoy it? What time /go home? _ 7 8 //do homework or housework? Bi el - the university. 9 What / have for dinner? 10 / watch TV? Wht / watch? aan =) 11, What time / go to bed? ¢ Now ask B for directions to the Park Hotel and the Peiites goody al. phone shop. Then mark them on the map. d_ Give B directions to the sports centre and the b Change partners. Tell your new partner three shoe factory. things about your first partner. Op71 Op.69 3A MEMORY GAME Students A+B a Look at the photo for 30 seconds. b Close your book. In pairs, can you remember all the things? watch.) (No, two watches, think, @ p18 4B WHERE IS IT? Student B a Answer A's questions with a country. Citisinne (think sn... I don't know. b Ask A questions for your cities. (yn 4. Aeapuleo is in Mexico. 5. Osaka is in Japan. 2. Las Vegas is in the United States. 6 Rostov isin Russia. 3. Manchester is in England 7 Toulouse is in France. 4 Milan isin Italy 8 Valencia is in Spain Ops 's Acapuleo? PE1 HIT THE SHIPS Student B a Draw five ‘ships’ in Your ships. Your ships ["]4]2]3]4]5] 6171819 [10 A 8 c Bt j E ‘One ship F = three G squares iH 0 J Asships [Ta]2]3[4]5] 617] 819 [10 A 8 & D E F ie iH o at I b Assays a square, e.g. H8. If you have a ship in H8, say Hit. If not, say Nothing. 92) (.Nething, 872) (Hit ¢ Try to hit’ A's ships. Say a square, e.g. B3. If A says Hit, tick (V) the square in A’s ships. If A says Nothing, cross (x) the square. Op.i0 2A_ IS SUSHI CHINESE? Student 8 Gisele Bundchen German? Sushi is Japanese. —__ Lada cars Polish? The Rolling Stones are British, g Giorgio Armani is italian. tacos Mexican? iO Antonio Banderas italian? Vietoria Beckham is British, Gd) bh Swatch and Rolex Swiss? The Pyramids are Egyptian a Answer A’s question about 1-5 Yes, he /she /it is.) a No, he/she / it isn't. He/She /t's... ) Yes, they are. ) No, they aren't. They're...) b Ask A about 6-10. Use Is...? or Are...? Tick (V) if the answer is yes. If the answer is no, write the nationality. ( Is Gisele Biindchen German? Op.13 PERSONAL INFORMATION StudentB 3B HOW MUCH ARE THESE WATCHES? “Answer A's questions. Use the information in the Student B YOU form. ‘a Look at your picture. A is a customer. Answer A's questions with a pric (t's They're...pounds ‘You a Lennox SSI American 6 West Steet, Bdport : home 0117 496 0841 ‘mobile 07700 900029 EE ctris71@mac.com Interview A and complete A's form. Bar's your firstname?) (Chai. How do you spell it?) (C-H-R-FS. b Now you are a customer. Ask A about the missing prices. Use this / these OR that / those. Write the Student A Prices. How much i this fag?) (I's. Op.21 PE3 WHAT TIME IS IT? Student B a Answer A's question about clock 1. (ts pas b Ask Aa question to complete the time on clock 2. (Glock 2: whit time st? ¢ Continue with the other clocks. Op34 8A I'MA TOURIST. WHERE CAN 410A IS THERE A TV? WHERE IS IT? Student B Student B a You live in this town. Answer A's questions about a_Look at picture 1 and answer A's questions. your town, or a town you know well. b You are a tourist. A lives in this town. Ask A your questions. In this town where can |...? + go for anice walk | ‘+ go shopping for souvenirs '* park near the town centre '* eat really good food Can |...? * go shopping on Sundays '* pay by credit card in bars and small shops ae | A Op.49 o 9A THE SAME OR DIFFERENT? Student B Look at picture 2. Ask A questions about the things below for the picture. a Listen to A describe what the woman in picture is doing. Is your person the same or different? Istherea bag?) Are there any books? ) bag books clock Cokes extrapillows laptop pens remote control towsls TV If A answers Yes, ask Where is it? OR Where they? Draw the thing(s) in the correct places in picture 2. b Describe the person in picture 2 to A. Say what he / she is doing. A says if his / her picture is the same or different. Write S or D. Orsi ¢ Continue with people 3-8 ‘Compare your pictures and check your answers. d WEE pss EXCUSE ME. CAN YOU HELP ME? 9B UNDERCOVER BOSS Students A+B Student B Help A when he / she asks you for directions to the bus station. Excuse me, ..) (Go. FRIDAY Atthe end of the week, David says tothe workers: “Tm notAndy’. 'm David Clarke, your boss. The workers ‘are very surprised. He tells them about his experience ‘and asks them to make some changes. He also helps Individual workers and gives the very good ones more ‘money. David thinks going undercover is the only way to teally discover what is happening in a company. Ib Ask A for directions to the university. Then mark it @P-56 on the map (building 1, 2, or 3). You begin: {Excuse me. Can you help me? Where's the university, please? ¢ Help A when he / she asks you for directions to the Park Hotel and the phone shop. Ask A for directions to the sports centre and the shoe factory. Then mark them on the map. 1Op71

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