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International Women’s Day is no longer a new topic today.

It is celebrated
across the world in order to recognize and appreciate the contributions and
achievements of the women in various fields.

Respected Chief Guest, Guests of Honour, Directors of the ‘ABC for women’,
Party organisers and the visitors!

First of all, I would like to welcome you all to the 7th annual Award
Distribution Ceremony. Like every year, we have organised the event on the
International Women’s Day as our Organisation is a Non-Profit Organisation
that works for the development of deprived women in various parts of the
country. Started just 7 years ago, it gives me immense pleasure to share that
today we have 15 branches across India and the fame of our NGO has
spread across the world. Since International Women’s Day is celebrated
globally to honour the achievements of women in the field of Social, politics
and economy; therefore this celebration is organized to give recognition to
these personalities. We have several people working voluntarily for the NGO
in order to contribute to the welfare of women and to the society

Celebrated on 8th March, every year, the significance of International

Women’s Day is increasing year after year and has become a custom today. It
appears as a celebration of respect, appreciation, love and care towards
women. It is glad to know that Women’s Day is also celebrated in colleges
and schools nowadays which instil respect and care for women in the minds
of young brains since their childhood itself. It also forms an essential part of
the curriculum in some schools in order to spread the knowledge and
awareness of women empowerment, their position in the society and their

I have been given this opportunity to host the program and I am extremely
glad since this is an opportunity for me to thank all those women who have
played an important role in my life. I probably never wish verbally these
ladies on the ‘International Women’s Day’, but deep inside my heart I always
thank them for being in my life and shaping it the way it is today.

My mother, my sister and my wife are the three important women in my life,
who have not only made me a better person and supported me through
thick and thin, but also inspired me to join this NGO and do something
fruitful for the society. On professional front, I met Mrs. A and Mrs D at this
organisation and after witnessing their hard work and knowing about the
hardships they have been through in the past, they have become the
greatest inspirations for me. In fact, all the women colleagues and staffs
here, irrespective of your position and posts, you all are wonderful creations
of God because you not only manage the office well but also ensure that
every need of your house is met perfectly. That’s the reason, our NGO always
emphasize upon giving due honour to the women in their life. They need
respect, care, support and motivation from us.

Today’s woman is no longer a dependent soul; she is Independent and self-

reliant in every respect and is capable of doing everything. Let’s recognise the
importance of their existence and motivate them for the future

Thank You!


Good Morning Friends!

We have gathered here to celebrate the International Women’s Day at our

office; I am extremely glad that I have been given this opportunity to host the
program and deliver a speech today. First of all, I would like to express my
gratitude to the CEO, Board of Directors and the Management of this
organisation which gives so much of importance to women empowerment at
work and in the society and thus our company celebrates this event every
year with utmost zeal and enthusiasm. It’s really an honour to be a part of
this organisation.

International Women’s Day is celebrated across the world to pay honour to

the great women of the society. Empowering women is very necessary for
bringing gender equality. Those societies flourish well where women are
given equal respect and are not taken for granted. Most of the conventional
people still feel that women should be confined to household chores and
should not step out for work, etc as that’s not their area of work; which
shouldn’t be practiced in today’s society. Women today have got equal
potential provided they are been trusted and valued. Today’s women realize
their strengths and abilities and step out in order to contribute to the society
and the world consequently.

Being a woman myself, it really feels nice to have a special day for women
too when they can be appreciated and honoured. But I feel that woman
should be respected not just because they are women, but also because they
are individuals with their own identity. They contribute equally to the
betterment of the society. If I can be little biased then I would say, if there is
no woman on the earth then mankind would cease to exist because it’s a
woman who brings life to this earth. Every woman is special whether she is
working at home or office or doing both. She plays an important role in the
upbringing of children and managing their home efficiently.

Well, like I said previously, our organisation gives utmost importance to

gender equality and I am pleased to announce that the company is now
associated with three different Non-Government Organisations that work for
the women and children betterment. I have been given the responsibility to
complete all the formalities and would be managing the relevant day to day
activities. While I am very glad and feel honoured, I am also determined that
together we’ll be able to help all those women who are deprived, needy or
require support to stand shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts
in the society.

We have lots of plans on the agenda and we will begin with making visits to
the remote areas where education is still a dream for young girls. Not only do
we plan to introduce education system in those localities in association with
the NGOs, but we will also fund 50% of the total education cost. I am sure,
this journey is going to be a learning experience for me but I would also need
your good wishes and motivation.

Thank You!



Good morning everyone!

Welcome ladies to this special get together of ours on occasion of Women’s
day. Though I believe that everyday should be dedicated to the celebration
womanhood but we all know we would sound so unfair to men for this.. Just

International women’s day is the day that is specially dedicated to the

women’s for praising them for the tremendous efforts that they put in for
everyone. Presence of a woman has such a strong impact in everyone’s life.
This world would have not been possible without this species. Woman is not
only the one who is married or somebody who is beyond a certain age. Each
feminine that is born has the inherited woman traits in herself. The special
feelings of care, affection, endless and overwhelming love and many more.
Women are the perfect entities to be celebrated.

We women should cherish the blessing of being a woman. I know at times in

life we feel that we are only ones who have to make sacrifices or who have to
let go their feelings and dreams for others linked to us, but, it is just the
result of the power that god has given us. God created the feminine creature
as a symbol of utmost affection that not only leads the perfect life for herself
but also lays down the strongest base for others dreams as well.

That is why I said, this single 24 hour day is way too short for appreciating or
recognizing the deeds that woman do. This day is specified as the day that
celebrates the social, economic, cultural, political and personal achievements
of a woman. Each one of us is so confident to know our weaknesses and
work with the best of the efforts to overcome them. It seems so great to see
when the reward and recognition posts go on declaring the ‘Top 100 women
entrepreneurs’, ‘Top 20 women CEOs’, ‘Women leading the NGOs’, etc.
Women are reaching great heights of recognition and working style. This day
is dedicated to the parity discussion as well.

We should continue putting in all our efforts. There is no stance in which we

women are less in comparison to men. It is just our mindset, changing our
mindset and our actions is the first thing we should focus on. Our actions
and thoughts will make us lead the great height of our dreams and further
let the world believe us and our deeds. Women’s day for me, is just a hault
that makes me realise the efforts we have put in throughout the 365 days for
ourselves and all other people linked to us.
Each women should understand their importance and should have the
courage to built in their efforts for their own progress. Happy women’s day
to every beautiful women present here, on behalf of the entire organization I
would like to thank you all for being a part of it and making it fulfill its vision
of success.

Women power is incredible and cannot be expressed through few words.

Thank you!



Hello everybody, good morning to all beautiful personalities present here.

You all must be knowing that this early morning we are gathered here to
share our gratitude towards our women employees on this occasion of
International Women’s day.

On behalf of the entire management and everybody present here, I would

like to extend my thanks to all the ladies present here. You people are
incredible in your own way. I am pretty sure that I will be short of words to
express my gratitude for the womanhood. Entire feminine category present
in this nation has lead this world to an extraordinary extent. This single day is
way too concise to appreciate the things you people do on both personal and
professional end of your lives. There is no limit to the work or efforts that a
woman can put forward for her own progress as well as the progress of the
people linked to her.

In the past decades women have been able to showcase themselves in such
a perfect manner that mindset of people has widen to recognize the deeds
done by women overall for themselves and the society. It is celebrated to
enhance the worldwide awareness about women, their rights, their
contributions, importance of education for them, their career opportunities
and much more. Scope of celebration of women day cannot be defined as
the deeds done by women as it can never ever be summed up. Talk about a
relation and you will have endless efforts that the woman put in for it.
Workfront or homefront everyplace has a special non replaceable role that
the women plays.
Women have continuously strived through put in a strong image for
themselves through the past decades. And, I will suggest you all to keep
doing your best. You should stand strong and fight for your rights, you have
all rights to further educate yourselves and enhance your skills, learn safety
techniques and much more. Woman have been just like water, easy to fit on
every role that they are offered for. Personal or professional, big or small,
entrepreneurs or employees; each and every role has witnessed the perfect
blend of women combination. We are overwhelmed to have you all in our
organization, each of yours presence has enhanced the company’s progress.

Glad that we get this honour of recognizing and celebrating our efforts on
this occasion of women day. Sorry, male employees but just see how special
these women are that a special dedicated day is announced for them. We all
should owe this responsibility to appreciate and respect every women
present in our lives. They are the best blend of teachings and affections.

Happy women’s day to all you courageous and incredible women. Your
presence is inexpressible in few words and so are your deeds. Each one of
you has the perfect special role that you are playing in many lives. Without
women the world and our lives are incomplete.

Thank you everyone for being a part of this occasion. Thank you all.



Good Morning everyone, Thanks for your get together here and giving your
precious time, on this special occasion I am going to deliver a speech on
International Women’s Day.

International Women’s Day is celebrated with full enthusiasm all over the
world. It has been observed since early 1990s but now it is celebrated every
year on 8th March. The agenda behind celebrating this day is to empower
the women who has gone through number of hurdles all through her life be
it their social, political, religious, and cultural rights simultaneously it also
calls for “Gender Equality”.
No any single government or any association is responsible for the creation
of this day instead it is made possible with the collective efforts of all those
who cares about the human rights. This day reminds us of all the
contributions and achievements of the women in the society. It is celebrated
to show the respect, care and place we owe to them.

Thus International Women’s Day is all about unity, integrity, celebration, and
reflection of struggles which is proven well over a century and continues to
strengthen with the passage of time. We take many pledges but forget the
actions that are being required to fulfill those pledges. In lieu of this
International Women’s Day is being celebrated globally. We all are not born
equal but by the grace of almighty we all are born with the same rights
“Human Rights”. And thus have the right to be treated equally, right to seek
equal education and other benefits from which the females have been
deprived of since long.

Many past records can evidently prove that women’s have been doing great
in many fields leaving behind the gentleman’s of the country. Cheers to the
“Feminism” you yourself is the creator of your own identity.

Thank You
Excellencies, Distinguished representatives,
Generation Equality change-makers,
A very warm welcome to the 2020 Asia-Pacific commemoration of International Women’s Day.

Today, it my honour to host you along with the colleagues from UN Women for this important
occasion. We are all gathered here to celebrate the achievements of women and girls across the
region and beyond.

Asia and the Pacific region has made great achievement in raising women’s economic
empowerment, political participation, leadership and decision-making power. We have also
witnessed remarkable progress in education and health. Furthermore, 47 countries in the region
have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women
and 33 countries now have strategies on gender equality.

Importantly, with the strengthening of strong legal and institutional foundations, the countries in
our region have adopted progressive measures to ratify laws and regulations. Action is taken to
prevent violence against women and to provide land rights.

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

You may recall the Asia-Pacific Regional Review of Beijing+25 that took place in Bangkok last
November adopted an ambitious forward-looking Declaration which strengthens the region’s
commitment to action on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

This list of emerging factors slowing the progress of gender equality and women’s empowerment

First, substantial gender gaps continue to deprive women and girls of opportunities. We continue
to remain off-target to achieve SDG 5 on gender equality. Worryingly, progress on some of the
gender indicators has either stagnated or deteriorated over the past few years.

Second, better educational outcomes and economic growth have still not translated into more and
better jobs for women. Women’s labour force participation rates have stagnated and even
declined in some subregions over the past five years.

Third, women are being disproportionately impacted due to climate change and environmental
depletion, which has reduced food security and increased threats to livelihood. The natural
disaster events have further increased pressures on women’s time, income, health, nutrition and
social support systems.

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me highlight three areas of our engagement to strengthen our programme support for gender
equality and women’s empowerment:

First, we promote women’s entrepreneurship as a catalyst for advancing women’s economic

empowerment. Our initiatives contribute to enabling policy environments that increase women
entrepreneurs’ access to finance and digital technologies.

Second, encouraging women’s active participation in leadership and decision-making is another

of our priority. We at the UN have prepared a report that highlights key pathways to women’s
transformative leadership. If we strengthen women’s capabilities and their access to resources,
the prospect of leadership roles will be within reach for many more women in this region.

Finally, high-quality, timely, and sex-disaggregated data is very crucial for informed
policymaking. We support countries to design and implement evidence-based, gender-sensitive
policies and programmes through policy-data integration tools.

Going forward, UN ESCAP stands ready to work with UN Women and other UN agencies to
realize our collective vision to leave no one behind at all levels to push the boundaries forward
for women and girls.
I am also delighted to note that this year’s commemoration has been designed as an interactive
dialogue with young change-makers. I am pleased to see our younger generations picking up the
baton so confidently, to galvanize our collective efforts for realizing women’s rights.

On this International Women’s Day, let us rejuvenate our efforts for a better world - realizing
equal rights for women and men, girls and boys everywhere.
Thank you for your attention and I wish you a successful commemorative event.

Oprah Winfrey
“Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have”

Angelina Jolie
“There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free and educated woman. There is no more
inspiring role model than a man who respects and cherishes women and champions their leadership”.

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