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eed A EM ETT Ct acl VES MAN MI READING AND LISTENING CE us @ CB Ask and answer the questions. 1 Where do you tke to go on holiday? 2 Do you tke to ty new things on holiday? What? 3 Can you thnk of any kind of holiday you wouldnt enjoy? b Read Yes Man changed my life and answer the questions. 1 What is Danny Wallace's book, Yes Man about? rage ier apd ea een lps Pease story of a year in the life of author, Danny Wallace. Cee UR eeu an © Read Day One and Day Two and then answer the questions. ee wo a CU UR eee eR ce oO Day One ; Cece a 1 Why did Richard go into the travel agents? ea aia at 2 What holiday cid he book? wile year. From the day ho start, 3 Did he book te kindof haliay he usualy kes? (ee eee 4 When was his fight? had all kinds of adventures, Pee mene Its a fantastic story. When I finshed iy eae aan the book, | wanted to change my life 2 Howwas theweather? Teese Oe oe ces caw holiday from work, and became 4 What is he going to do on Day Three? How does he fel about it ah a 1d SB Would you like to try water skiing? Do you think Richard Addi will enjoy it? @ @MEA Listen to Richard describing day three, Are sentences 1-5 true (7) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 1 The lacs began with lesson before hey went out io sea 2 Richard felt fre when they wet out onthe boat He found itcificutto stand upon the water ss. 4 He het water sing 5 When he got back tothe hotel, he wet to be f Can you think of a time when you were surprised you enjoyed something? LISTENING A ah eee a CHER Which of the activities in 2c do you EAGRAMMAR Past simple: positive think Richard enjoyed? Tela partner Listen Underline the past simple form of these verbs in the article. our aE aa b @aea Listen again. What is Richard's last fais Sane gree eemee Gh anh ahve uestion? Do you think he will say yes or eesti See no? Why? b Which verbs in 2a end in -ed in the past tense? ¢ CW Ask and answer the questions. How do the other verbs change? 1 Do you ever say yas wnen you don't want to? You can find a list of irregular verbs on p.176 Wher? 2 Would you like o be a Yes Man’ for a wook? © Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs Why / Why not? in brackets. 1 |___as a waiter fora day for no money. (work) 2 |___a dey fishing with five Greek fishermen. (spend) 3. |__ata beach party until icin the morning. (stay) 4 |__a dancing competition. (win) 5 6 |__—the same boat trip three times. (taka) |____ swimming at midright. (go) | started on Saturday morning. At 10 am, | got my fist question. | saw a poster in the window of a travel agent’ It said, "Tired?" (Yes ~| slept badly the night before, so | was tred). Under this, it sald, “Do you need a holiday?” (Yes, definitely) So | went in. The travel agent asked me where | wanted to go. But before | could answer, she said, “Somewhere hot?” {don't tke hot weather, but said, “Yes.” “Abeach holiday? Maybe in Greece?” | don't ike the beach. | prefer cites, But sald, “Yes.” "What kind of accommodation? A hotel? Ora...” {hate hotels, but before she could continue | said, “Yes \arived at my hotel onthe island of Zanto at lunchtime. tt was very, very ho. ust wanted fo check in and unpack my suitcase, butte receptionist sid, "We have a minibus tothe beach inten minutes, Do you want to go? You know the answer | gave her. ttwas about 40°C at the beach. Luckly, | brought suntan lotion. A man came towards me: “Sunglasses? Do you want sunglasses?” thad some in my bag, but said, "Yes. Five minutes later, another man came: “Beautiful ha, sir?” {tied not to look at him. Three hours later, | had two pairs of sunglasses, three hats, watch and a woman's necklace. twas cifcut to carry al my new things back to the minibus. \ decided: no trips tomorow, just rest. When | go back, the receptionist asked, “Did you lke the beach?” Ic, but I sad, “Yes. “Oh, there's a waterskiing course tomorrow. Do you want me to book a place for you?" Ican't swim very well and I don’t ike the sea. I wanted o ory GRAMMAR Past simple: negative and questions Complete the sentences withthe words in the box. Te at a wet ee | tke the mosauitoes that bt me you have a good week? What your fevourte thing? Look at the sentences in 4a and answer the questions about the past simple. 1. Which sentences include the verb be? 2 How do we make negatives and questions ‘with the verb be? + with other verbs? ¢_B Now go to Grammar Focus 2A on p.144 Five minutes later everything was ready. My fight was the next day. EX PRONUNCIATION -ed endings a @MEM Listen and tick (V) the verbs which have an extra syllable when we add -ed. change > changes (] ply > payed J need > needed [] ask > asked decide > decided [] want > wanted sot > stated b Complete the rule with two sounds. -od endings are pronounced with an extra syllable fd after — and only. ¢ @IIEA Which of the verbs + -ed in the box have the extra /1d/ syllable? Listen and check. waited included arrived looked watched shouted smiled stopped ended believed TA VOCABULARY Tourism a CB What useful holiday items can you see on these pages? What else do people normally take? b BD Now go to Vocabulary Focus 2A on p.133 SPEAKING @ Think of a holiday you enjoyed. Think about your answers to these questions. ‘= When did you go? ‘+ Where did you go? Was it your fist time? How long did you go for? Who aid you go with? What kind of accomadation did you stay in? Did you do any sightseeing? Who aid you meet? Did you bring back any souvenirs? b CQ Tell your partner about your holiday. Listen to your partner and ask questions.

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