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SC1 Observation Completed by: Date: Place comments/observations about pupils in relevant boxes according to level demonstrated Based

on NC level
descriptors for Sc1 split as appropriate to ensure level description is still accurate to the level

Level 1
Develop a fair test/plan an investigation Ref AF4
*listen carefully to my teacher about how s/he planned the activity *show interest & curiosity about objects/events, sometimes talking about the objects/events

Level 2
*answer questions about how to find things out *make suggestions (with help) about how to collect data to answer questions *follow instructions for simple investigations

Level 3
*respond to suggestions and put forward my own ideas about how to find answers to a question *make suggestions about how to make a test fair, occasionally planning a fair test by myself/with others *say why it is important to collect data/information to answer questions

Level 4
*decide the best method for my investigations *form my own questions, with support, that can then be investigated *carry out a fair test by planning to change one factor whilst keeping some others the same *use a post-it planning board with a little support *recognise that scientific ideas are based on evidence and that this is shown as a series of observations/ measurements

Level 5
*identify the key factors that need to be considered in order to ensure a test is fair *state which factors will be kept the same and which one will be changed *develop questions that can be investigated *use a post-it planning board independently *Identify some variables that can not be controlled *recognise situations when a fair test can not be completed and collection of data, taken from a sample, is required *explain that a larger sample will give more reliable results than a smaller sample

Pupil Name

Comments/levelled achieved


SC1 Observation Completed by: Date:

Place comments/observations about pupils in relevant boxes according to level demonstrated Based on NC level
descriptors for Sc1 split as appropriate to ensure level description is still accurate to the level

Level 1
Predict Ref AF4 Pupil Name
Talk with my teacher and answer questions about what might happen

Level 2
Suggest an idea about what might happen

Level 3
Explain what I think will happen and say why I think that (not necessarily logical/scientific reasons)

Level 4
Explain what I think will happen and give logical reason as to why something is likely to happen

Level 5
*on most occasions apply my existing knowledge to predict what should happen *give scientific reasons for my predictions

Comments/levelled achieved


SC1 Observation Completed by: Date: Place comments/observations about pupils in relevant boxes according to level demonstrated Based on NC level
descriptors for Sc1 split as appropriate to ensure level description is still accurate to the level

Level 1
Resource the activity Ref AF4 Pupil Name
*listen as my teacher tells me about the things we will use *listen to my teacher as information is read out from texts

Level 2
*respond to suggestions and answer questions about the equipment that will be needed for the activity *with help use simple texts to find information

Level 3
*begin to suggest the equipment I need from a small range given to me *use simple texts to find information

Level 4
*plan what is required before starting, selecting the equipment myself (not necessarily the most appropriate) *select information from given sources

Level 5
*always select the most appropriate equipment e.g. the thermometer with an appropriate scale *use a wide range of resources to gather information

Comments/levelled achieved


SC1 Observation Completed by: Date: Place comments/observations about pupils in relevant boxes according to level demonstrated Based on NC level
descriptors for Sc1 split as appropriate to ensure level description is still accurate to the level

Level 1
Use equipment Ref AF4 Pupil Name
begin to name and learn how to handle simple equipment

Level 2
Name and use simple equipment such as a spoon, jug, torch etc with more confidence

Level 3
*Use a wider range of equipment *use equipment with standard units of measurement such as tape measure, scales, measuring cylinders etc

Level 4
*use a wider range of equipment, including ICT to sense physical data, with care *use equipment with standard units of measure accurately

Level 5
*effectively use a wide range of equipment, including ICT to sense physical data *measure with a high degree of precision e.g. to the nearest mm

Comments/levelled achieved


SC1 Observation Completed by: Date: Place comments/observations about pupils in relevant boxes according to level demonstrated Based on NC level
descriptors for Sc1 split as appropriate to ensure level description is still accurate to the level

Level 1
Observe and measure Ref AF1 / 4
*observe and describe simple events accurately *answer my teachers questions about what I saw happening *listen to my teacher talk about the measurements that need to be made *with help start to make nonstandard measurements

Level 2
*remember a few things that happened during the activity, making simple comparisons *describe observations in terms of how much/how many (qualitative) *make non-standard measurements independently *with help start to use standard units to measure length/height

Level 3
*discuss what should be measured or observed *make relevant observations *take appropriate measurements *use simple standard units to measure mass or length/height

Level 4
*decide what to measure or observe *make observations and measurements adequate for the task, sometimes doing this more than once *use standard units to measure time, mass length, height, width and force *use ITC to make some measurements

Level 5
*Decide what to measure or observe and how many times to do this (understanding that repeating reduces errors and gives more reliable evidence) *make a series of observations, comparisons or measurements appropriate to the task *record observations & measurements systematically *use small graduations/units to measure time, length, width, height and force with greater precision to get accurate data *use ICT to make measurements

Pupil Name

Comments/levelled achieved


SC1 Observation Completed by: Date: Place comments/observations about pupils in relevant boxes according to level demonstrated Based on NC level
descriptors for Sc1 split as appropriate to ensure level description is still accurate to the level

Level 1
Present my evidence Ref AF3 Pupil Name
*talk to people about my findings in simple ways *complete drawings to show what was seen *listen to my teacher as I learn how to make a record of what happened and begin to make contributions to class charts/tables

Level 2
*talk about and draw a chart/ table as part of a group *complete charts which the layout has been provided for *use a simple table to record observations *use annotated drawings and simple sentences to describe observations

Level 3
*discuss how to record my results and with help decide the best method to use *start to draw my own simple charts, tables & block graphs

Level 4
*suggest the most appropriate method to record my results *draw my own bar charts and tables *begin to plot points to form simple graphs

Level 5
*set out results logically and clearly in the most appropriate way (including the use of ICT) *explain the difference between continuous and discontinuous data, and recognise that only continuous data can be presented as a line graph

Comments/levelled achieved


SC1 Observation Completed by: Date: Place comments/observations about pupils in relevant boxes according to level demonstrated Based on NC level
descriptors for Sc1 split as appropriate to ensure level description is still accurate to the level

Level 1
Analyse and explain my results
*answer questions about what I have seen *talk with my teacher and my friends about what happened in the activity

Level 2
*observe objects, living things or events related to the task and describe what I have seen *compare my observations of objects, living things or events

Level 3
*say what happened and provide simple explanations for observations *identify any simple patterns that I notice, e.g. on the hard

Level 4
use knowledge and understanding to; *say what the results actually show *describe a pattern (if one

Level 5
*use the correct scientific terms to state my conclusion clearly and say why it matches the results collected *use scientific knowledge to

Ref AF5

*extract information bar charts and tables with support

surface the ball bounced more *extract information bar charts and tables

occurs) in general terms using the correct scientific terms *explain the patterns shown in my graphs/ charts/tables *extract information from some simple line graphs

explain observations and measurements using diagrams if appropriate *use appropriate scientific language to talk about quantitative and qualitative data *use line graphs to help identify trends in results

Pupil Name

Comments/levelled achieved


SC1 Observation Completed by: Date: Place comments/observations about pupils in relevant boxes according to level demonstrated Based on NC level
descriptors for Sc1 split as appropriate to ensure level description is still accurate to the level

Level 1
Evaluate Ref AF5
*talk again with my teacher and friends about what I thought would happen *answer questions about the information in a class chart/table

Level 2
*say whether what actually happened was what I thought would happen *answer questions about how my investigation can be changed and made better

Level 3
*discuss why/when a test has been made fair/unfair & how it might affect the results *suggest a way in which my investigation could be improved

Level 4
*explain why the specific results have been obtained and answer questions about factors that may have affected the results *talk about whether results support my prediction

Level 5
*say when an activity needs to be repeated in order to obtain more valid results *say what might affect the accuracy of results *suggest reasons why

*suggest, with reasons how my work could have been improved

measurements may have differed *make practical suggestions about how their working methods could be improved *make further predictions on the basis of conclusions drawn from investigations

Pupil Name

Comments/levelled achieved


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