Conception and Initiation

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The unpaid invoices obstacles road

Customer Renegotiating and
Product Retention chasing (by Virtuo and
Avoiding situations of Liaising with customers
unpaid invoices, and who actively tries to
creating tools and pay out debts - as well
automation solutions as creating channels
for the other two teams
Teams involved

Customer Alex
Product Retention Jaime

Rich Thibaut de Roulhac

Cécile Camila

Also Design: Thibaut

The currently not-so-bumpy road
5 emails sent as reminders to customers
Efficacy still to be tested

2 recent improvements were made though!

Product created a tool for Finance to manually try to capture partial amounts
Same tool being now used by Customer Retention for when customers ask to pay in
Improvements in place

In-app reminder of unpaid invoices

Past 60 days:
high number of customers clicked on it: 663
high number of customer paid: 348
we don't have numbers still comparing to the universe of new
unpaid invoices in the period
In-app option to contact Customer Retention and make payments in
Already working
Improvements in discussion

Installments + renegotiation
At what point to introduce the amount renegotiation possibility so don't nudge for
Only in e-mails? As from the 3rd email onwards?
To check with Customer Retention
Not in the app, but n-app reminder of unpaid invoices
Improvements in discussion

Virtuo automated attempts for partial charging

3 rounds:
round of 75%, if successful, we skip to the third round
round of 50%, if successful, it is repeated once
round of 25%, if successful, it is repeated until the full amount is paid or until it is
no longer successful
To decide:
When should them be inserted?
They can be inserted either along the emails about the unpaid invoices (e.g.
after the 4th email)
After those rounds, the unpaid invoice is sent for debt collection

Debt collection
3 agencies contacted, waiting on more details on their services (e.g. rates)
No win, no fee (we will only agree to pay percentages of debts)
To decide:
Do we want them to take debtors to court after chasing them unsuccessfully?

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