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Activity Booklet

© Primary Ilm
Fill in the blanks
idols biggest father rejected moon
punish star worshipped fire questioned

1. Prophet Ibrahim's people worshipped _______.

2. Ibrahim (as) said the idols they _____________ couldn't
benefit or harm them
3. At night, he saw a _____ and questioned if it was his lord.
4. He then observed the rising _______ but realised it
wasn't God.
5. After seeing the sun, Ibrahim (as) __________ the idols.
6. Ibrahim advised his __________ to not worship idols.
7. Ibrahim broke all the idols except the _________ one.
8. When ____________, he pointed to the biggest idol as the
9. The angry people decided to _______ Ibrahim.
10. The king ordered him to be thrown in to the _______,
but Allah saved him. Page 1 © Primary Ilm
Answer the Questions
1. How do you think Prophet Ibrahim felt when standing up
against the entire community?

2. What lessons can we learn from Prophet Ibrahim's

unwavering faith in Allah?

3. How can we apply the story of Prophet Ibrahim in our

daily lives when faced with challenges?

Page 2 © Primary Ilm


Prop h e t I b r ahim (as) bel ieved that the idols TRUE FALSE
1 his p e o p l e w o rshipped had real power.

2 Ibra h i m ( a s )'s father wa s a maker of idols.

Prop h e t I b r a him (as) broke all the idols TRUE FALSE

3 exce p t t h e smallest one.

The t o w n s p e ople thought the idols could TRUE FALSE

4 harm t h e m s e lves.

When a s k e d , Prophet Ibr ahim suggested that TRUE FALSE

5 mayb e t h e l argest idol br oke the smaller ones.

The f i r s t c e l estial body Ibrahim (as) TRUE FALSE

6 thou g h t m i g ht be his lord was the sun.

The p e o p l e were happy w ith Prophet Ibrahim TRUE FALSE

7 for q u e s t i o ning their beli efs.

Prop h e t I b r ahim (as) was thrown into TRUE FALSE

8 wate r a s h i s punishment.

Allah c o m m a nded the fire to be cool and TRUE FALSE

9 peac e f u l f o r Prophet Ibr ahim (as).

Prop h e t I b r ahim's comple te faith in Allah TRUE FALSE

10 was t h e r e a son he was un harmed in the fire.

© Primary Ilm
Page 3
Prophet Ibrahim

ibrahim worship moon

faith allah nimrod
belief sun
idol fire
Page 4 © Primary Ilm
Prophet Ibrahim (as)'s realisation
Indeed I have turned
my face towards He
who created the
heavens and the
earth, inclining to
truth and I am not of
those who associate
others with Allah.
(Surah Al-Anam,
Ayahs 75-79)
Page 5 © Primary Ilm
Ibrahim (as)'s Discovery
Draw, Write and Colour

1 2 3

4 5 6

Rewrite Prophet Ibrahim (as)'s discovery of Allah in your own words.

Draw pictures to go with the words then colour them in.
Page 6 © Primary Ilm
Ibrahim (as)'s Discovery
Write and Colour

1 2 3

4 5 6

Rewrite Prophet Ibrahim (as)'s discovery of Allah in your own words.

Colour in the pictures.
Page 7 © Primary Ilm
Ayah Mobile So when the night covered him
[with darkness], he saw a star. He said, 'This is
my Lord.' But when it set, he said, 'I do not like those that
disappear. And when he saw the moon rising, he said, 'This is my
Lord.' But when it set, he said, 'Unless my Lord guides me, I will surely be
among the people gone astray.' And when he saw the sun rising, he said, 'This is
my Lord; this is greater.' But when it set, he said, 'Oh my people, indeed I am free from
what you associate with [Allah]. Surah Al Anam (Ayah 76-78)

Page 8 © Primary Ilm

'And of His signs
are the night and
day and the sun
and moon'

© Primary Ilm

Rubbing alcohol or A metal tray or non-

isopropyl alcohol flammable surface
Fireproof gloves Small pieces of cotton cloth
A pair of tongs Lighter or matches

1. Begin by discussing the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and

how he was thrown into a fire but was unharmed by Allah's
2. Ensure you're in a well-ventilated area away from flammable
3. Place the metal tray or non-flammable surface on a stable
table or ground.
4. Dampen (not soak) the piece of cotton cloth with alcohol.
5. Using tongs, place the dampened cloth onto the tray.
6. Light the cloth with a lighter or match. Observe how the
cloth burns but doesn't get consumed.
7. After the alcohol has burned off and the flame subsides,
pick up the cloth using tongs to show that it remains

Page 9 © Primary Ilm

Never leave the flame unattended.
Ensure children are at a safe distance.
Make sure to have a fire extinguisher or water source nearby.
Use fireproof gloves and tongs to handle materials.
Avoid using too much alcohol; a little goes a long way.

The Nature of Miracles: Start by asking what a miracle is.

Discuss how it's an extraordinary event that goes beyond
natural explanations. Just as the cloth doesn't burn in the
experiment, Prophet Ibrahim (as) didn't burn in the fire. This
was a divine miracle.
Allah's Protection: Highlight the concept of Allah's protection
and will. No matter how intense the fire was, when Allah
commanded it to be cool and safe, it obeyed. Similarly, in our
experiment, even though it seems like the cloth should burn, it
remains unscathed due to the properties of alcohol. It's a way
to show how, when certain conditions are met, the expected
outcome can be altered, just as Allah can alter any situation.
Faith and Trust in Allah: Emphasize the unwavering faith
Prophet Ibrahim (as) had in Allah. Despite being faced with such
a life-threatening situation, his trust in Allah never wavered.
Ask the children how they might feel in scary or uncertain
situations, and how remembering Allah's stories and promises
can give comfort.

Page 10 © Primary Ilm

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