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Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315893 on 23 October 2019. Downloaded from http://ep.bmj.

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Investigating ataxia in childhood

Emily Petley ‍ ‍,1 Manish Prasad,2 Shalini Ojha ‍ ‍,1,3
William P Whitehouse1,2

Academic Division of Child Abstract postures. These can help establish the
Health, School of Medicine,
Ataxia is a common presentation to an acute differential diagnosis.
University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, UK paediatric unit and it can often be difficult The term is derived from the Greek
Nottingham Children’s Hospital, to determine the cause. It is important to α-τάξις meaning (lack of)+(order), that is,
Nottingham University Hospitals distinguish between serious causes, for un(co)ordinated. It is useful to realise that
NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK
Derbyshire Children’s Hospital,
example, brain tumours and encephalitis, not all ataxia is cerebellar ataxia and it is
Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS and more benign causes in order to guide important to distinguish between the types
Foundation Trust, Derby, UK investigations and treatment. In this review, (table 1). Furthermore, the presentation
we describe the different types of ataxia, the and evolution of ataxia can be acute, over
Correspondence to causes associated with them, the examination hours or a few days, episodic relapsing
Dr William P Whitehouse,
Academic Division of Child findings and what investigations to perform in and remitting, chronic non-progressive or
Health, School of Medicine, order to make a diagnosis. chronic progressive over weeks, months
University of Nottingham, or years.
Nottingham NG7 2UH,
The most common causes of ataxia are

Library 1970 Campus Drive. Protected by copyright.

UK; ​william.​whitehouse@​
nottingham.a​ c.​uk discussed below. They are grouped and
Introduction discussed according to the timing of the
Received 19 July 2018 Ataxia is a concerning symptom and sign presentation of the ataxia, rather than the
Revised 12 August 2019 for both the parents and the clinician, type of ataxia.
Accepted 18 September 2019
so children generally present within a
few days of onset. However, it can also
present insidiously, and may be ignored Acute ataxia
by health professionals initially, until it The relative risk of different diagnoses
becomes more obvious. Clinical assess- depends on the clinical context. This was
ment will aim to determine the type of reviewed a few years ago.2
ataxia, and any associated symptoms and We describe the common causes of acute
signs. As always, a careful history and ataxia below including the presenting
clinical assessment will inform investiga- symptoms, causative organisms and
tion and management. possible treatment options.
The most common causes of ataxia
in children referred to a tertiary paedi- Intoxication or metabolic
atric neurology service for acute ataxia Intoxication causes many cases of acute
were postinfectious cerebellar ataxia ataxia, typically a cerebellar ataxia
(59% of cases), drug intoxication (8% of (table 1), but is under-represented in
cases) and opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia case series based on hospitalisations. It
(8% of cases).1 However, in general accounts for as many as 30% of cases
practice, hospital or community paedi- of acute ataxia in published series,
atric settings, or in a children’s emer-
and there may be no history of inges-
gency department drug intoxication will
tion. The most common substances to
account for a much higher proportion,
cause intoxication with acute ataxia
and opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia will be
are alcohol (ethanol), benzodiazepines,
extremely rare.2
phenytoin and carbamazepine.3 4 Gener-
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2019. No
ally, once the substance has been cleared
commercial re-use. See rights What exactly is ataxia? by the body, the ataxia will resolve. In
and permissions. Published Ataxia is an abnormality of movement these situations, advice may always be
by BMJ.
characterised by impairments in coor- sought from the local specialist poisons
To cite: Petley E, Prasad M, dination, typically with jerky or wobbly and toxins centre.
Ojha S, et al. Arch Dis Child or unsteady movements, associated with Ataxia will also commonly accom-
Educ Pract Ed Epub ahead
of print: [please include Day compensatory movements and postures. pany confusion and stupor from hypo-
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ It can be seen sometimes in combination glycaemia, and any number of metabolic
edpract-2018-315893 with other abnormal movements and derangements before the advent of coma.

Petley E, et al. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/edpract-2018-315893     1
Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315893 on 23 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 23, 2019 at Northwestern University

Table 1 Neurological types of ataxia

Type of ataxia Symptoms and signs Aetiology
Cerebellar ataxia ►► Intention tremor with dysmetria, eg, past pointing Damage to or disorders of the cerebellum, or its connections,
►► Dysdiadochokinesis eg, alcohol (ethanol) intoxication, acute cerebellitis, ADEM,
►► Nystagmus—think: ataxia of external ocular movements posterior fossa tumours, spinocerebellar ataxias.
►► Slurred and/or staccato speech—think: ataxia of speech
►► Wide-based jerky and unsteady gait, an ataxic gait
►► Titubation—head nods are ataxia of axial posture
►► Hypotonia
See box 2
Vestibular ataxia ►► Associated with vertigo and nystagmus Labyrinthitis and middle ear disease.
►► Often with nausea
►► Can occur without other cerebellar signs
Sensory ataxia ►► Loss of joint position sense Caused by the loss of sense of position of body parts in the
►► Positive or abnormal Romberg’s test: after standing environment.
relatively stably with eyes open, the child becomes much Seen in children with sensory neuropathies and/or spinal cord
more ataxic or falls over when they close their eyes dorsal column pathology, eg, in Friedreich's ataxia, subacute
combined degeneration of the cord.
Ataxia due to muscle Usually clinically obvious, with significant weakness in Typically seen in patients with GBS, milder versions of SMA
weakness muscles of the ataxic limbs 2 or SMA 3, due to motor neuron loss with the remaining
neurons each innervating many more muscle fibres than
usual. This causes jerky movements.
Functional or medically Present with inconsistent clinical findings, eg, a narrow Often no underlying cause can be found, although functional

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unexplained ataxia stance and unsteady gait. symptoms and signs can be seen in post-traumatic stress
They may have ataxia and additional functional disorder, even when the patient denies feeling anxious or
neurological symptoms and signs. stressed.
A comprehensive review is beyond the scope of this article.
ADEM, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome; SMA, spinal muscular atrophy.

Cerebellitis/encephalitis and postinfectious cerebellar viral infection, often of the upper respiratory tract
ataxia (72%). There are also a few reports of ADEM associ-
The most common causes of acute cerebellar ataxia in ated with vaccination.8
tertiary paediatric neurology settings is cerebellitis and Children present with a cerebellar ataxia, fever,
postinfectious cerebellar ataxia. It accounts for over headache, vomiting, decreased conscious level and
50% of cases. These children all have a recent history sometimes seizures. The symptoms progress over 4–5
of infection and most are aged 1–6 years.1 It presents days and can include hemiparesis, optic neuritis and a
as a sudden-onset ataxia over a maximum of 72 hours transverse myelitis. Most patients have improvement
with other cerebellar signs (table 1), vomiting and irri- of their clinical symptoms within 3–6 months of the
tability. In postinfectious cerebellar ataxia, there is no onset of disease. Treatment options include intrave-
fever, no signs of meningism and the symptoms and nous steroids, and patients require specialist tertiary
signs are symmetrical. The most common infections to paediatric neurology assessment.6 9
cause an acute postinfectious cerebellar ataxia are vari-
cella zoster virus, coxsackie virus, Epstein-Barr virus Cerebellar abscess
(EBV), echovirus, enterovirus, parvovirus, measles and Cerebellar abscesses often present with cerebellar
mumps.4 5 ataxia, fever and headache, but with no signs of
Children with encephalitis usually present with fever, meningism initially. They are generally caused by the
a decreased conscious level, focal neurological signs extension of an infection, for example, otitis media or
and sometimes epileptic seizures: an acute enceph- mastoiditis. Generally, they present over a few days or
alopathy. They may also have a cerebellar ataxia. weeks, but rupture of the abscess can result in a sudden
Patients presenting with these symptoms need to be onset, or worsening, of the ataxia.
promptly started on empirical antibiotics and antivi-
rals. Often the precise aetiology is not determined, but Posterior circulation cerebrovascular event (stroke)
the patient improves with empirical treatment (review A posterior circulation stroke will present with sudden
the decreased conscious level in children and young cerebellar ataxia. Other signs and symptoms include
people guideline6 and the encephalitis guideline7). headache, focal weakness, numbness, vomiting, visual
disturbances and difficulty with speech.3
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a rare Intracranial haemorrhage
inflammatory, demyelinating autoimmune disease that Intracranial haemorrhage into the posterior fossa or
generally occurs within 2 weeks of an unremarkable cerebellum, in the most severe case, will also present

2 Petley E, et al. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/edpract-2018-315893

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315893 on 23 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 23, 2019 at Northwestern University

Table 2 Causes of episodic ataxia Table 3 Non-progressive ataxia

Aetiology Characteristic features Aetiology Characteristic features
Glucose ►► Impaired glucose transport to the brain secondary Ataxic cerebral palsy A diagnosis of exclusion.
transporter type 1 to a transporter deficiency resulting in: Children present with:
deficiency –– Seizures with abnormal eye movements; ►► Cerebellar ataxia;
–– Cerebellar ataxia; ►► Clear cerebellar injury on brain imaging;
–– Spasticity and dystonia; ►► Low tone;
–– Cognitive impairment. ►► Impaired motor development.
►► Symptoms that often present in infancy. Every child diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsy
►► Ketogenic diet is the treatment of choice.13 should be re-assessed carefully with a view to
Urea cycle ►► Ornithine transcarbamilase and other causes of making a more precise diagnosis.
enzyme disorders hyperammonaemia can cause cerebral damage.14 ►►
Structural Cerebellar ataxia.
►► It is important to measure an ammonia level in ►► Hypotonia.
a child with acute or episodic cerebellar ataxia, ►► Developmental delay including language.
especially with any impairment in conscious level. including cerebellar
hypoplasia ►► Nystagmus.
►► Other acute symptoms include: ►► Seizures.
–– Impaired conscious level;
–– Seizures;
–– Visual loss;
–– Vomiting.
vertigo and ataxia. This can last several minutes to
Aminoacidurias ►► Isovaleric acidemia is the most common of the
several hours and the child will have a normal clin-
aminoacidurias. ical examination between attacks. They normally have
►► Children present with a severe acidemia resulting associated nystagmus during the attack, but this can
in: be difficult to elicit due to their fear related to the

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–– Lethargy;
–– Cerebellar ataxia;
–– Vomiting; These are both self-limiting conditions but may take
–– Characteristic odour.15 many weeks to resolve.
Genetic episodic ►► Episodic ataxia (EA)1 and EA2 account for most
ataxias (types cases. Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome
1–7) ►► EA type 1: This is a syndrome characterised by opsoclonus, myoc-
–– Brief episodes of gait and limb ataxia, lasting
1–2 min. lonus and cerebellar ataxia. Opsoclonus is character-
–– Start in childhood or adolescence.16 istic: comprising sudden short bursts of chaotic eye
–– Children often have a normal examination judders, lasting a second or two. Opsoclonus myoc-
between attacks. lonus syndrome generally has a sudden onset and can
►► EA type 2:
–– Triggered by emotional stress and exercise, become a chronic disease. It is generally considered a
phenytoin and caffeine. paraneoplastic syndrome. Children who present with
–– Episodes can last a few hours to a few days. opsoclonus need extensive investigation, as 41%–43%
–– Children with EA2 often have nystagmus either of children with opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome
during or between attacks.16
have a malignancy, most frequently neuroblastoma.10
Spinocerebellar ►► Increasing number of genes have been identified.
ataxias ►► Present almost always in adults, but can present in Early recognition of the characteristic opsoclonus
childhood. should help early referral to paediatric neurology or
Basilar migraine ►► Migraine with brainstem signs and symptoms paediatric oncology teams.
including diplopia, vertigo and cerebellar ataxia.
►► No associated limb weakness, but patients do Guillain-Barré syndrome
complain of a headache.
►► The patient is asymptomatic between episodes.12
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rapidly progressive
autoimmune condition following an apparently benign
infection such as an upper respiratory tract infection
with a sudden-onset ataxia with visual disturbance and or gastroenteritis in the preceding 6 weeks. It typically
severe sudden-onset headache. It can be caused by a presents with an ascending paralysis, from the distal
traumatic head injury and/or rupture of an arteriove- lower limbs. The most common causative agents of
nous or other vascular malformation. These patients GBS are EBV, Campylobacter jejuni, Haemophilus
need urgent imaging and neurosurgical review. influenzeae and cytomegalovirus.
Children present with ataxia or weakness or irrita-
Labyrinthitis and benign paroxysmal vertigo bility and pain, and signs consistent with a lower motor
Labyrinthitis does not cause cerebellar ataxia, however neuron impairment, particularly depressed or more
in younger children it can be difficult to distinguish often absent deep tendon reflexes. The most common
between a cerebellar ataxia and the effects of vertigo. symptoms in a prospective study were ataxia (45%),
Hearing loss and vomiting typically occur. neuropathic pain (34%) and inability to walk (24%).
Benign paroxysmal vertigo is considered a migraine These symptoms all progress to maximum severity by
variant in preschool children, generally aged 2–6 2–4 weeks and it can take weeks to months for func-
years. They experience a severe and sudden onset of tion to recover.11

Petley E, et al. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/edpract-2018-315893 3

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315893 on 23 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 23, 2019 at Northwestern University

Table 4 Progressive ataxias

Aetiology Characteristic features
Posterior fossa space occupying 40%–50% of brain tumours in children are located in the posterior fossa.17
lesions Can result in a slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia.
(including cerebellar tumour) Associated signs and symptoms of raised intracranial pressure:
►► Papilloedema;
►► Cranial nerve palsies;
►► Headaches.
Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) Characterised by:
►► Progressive cerebellar ataxia in preschool years;
►► Progressive neurodegeneration;
►► Immunosuppression;
►► Respiratory deterioration;
►► Malignancy.
Followed by:
►► Emergence of complex movement disorder;
►► Oculomotor apraxia;
►► Ocular telangiectasia.
Children with classical A-T are generally wheelchair-bound by the age of 12 years.
There is no proven treatment to cure or prevent progression of the disease.
Friedreich ataxia Most commonly presents in the adolescent years with signs of a sensory ataxia.
Other symptoms include:
►► Slowly progressive sensory gait ataxia;

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►► Progressive trunk and limb cerebellar ataxia;
►► Muscle weakness;
►► Scoliosis;
►► Pes cavus.
There is no effective treatment to stop the progression of the disease.18
Multiple sclerosis ►► Usually relapsing and remitting.
►► 5% of the population with multiple sclerosis have their first episode in childhood.19
►► Present with a cerebellar ataxia with associated pyramidal or corticospinal tract signs.
Vitamin deficiencies Subacute combined degeneration of the cord
►► Early diagnosis and treatment with vitamin B12 can lead to full recovery.20
Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency
►► Generally presents before the age of 20 years with a gait disturbance and progressive cerebellar ataxia.
►► Also giving high-dose vitamin E can prevent the progression of the disease if the child is already
Mitochondrial disease Cerebellar ataxia often seen, and sometime sensory ataxia or ataxia associated with weakness with a
neuropathy or myopathy.
Neurological coeliac disease ►► Patients with coeliac disease can have a range of neurological symptoms, including ataxia, whether or not
they have the gastrointestinal symptoms.
►► It generally responds well to a gluten-free diet and symptoms can resolve fully.22
Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia AOA type 1
(AOA)— ►► Presents in early childhood;
type 1 and type 2 ►► Cerebellar ataxia;
►► Oculomotor apraxia;
►► Chorea and myoclonus, but tend to resolve with time;
►► Neuropathy;
►► Limb weakness.
AOA type 2
►► Presents around age 15 years;
►► Cerebellar ataxia;
►► Oculomotor apraxia;
►► Chorea and myoclonus, persistent;
►► Neuropathy.
Niemann-Pick C disease ►► Present in childhood;
►► Cerebellar ataxia;
►► Vertical supranuclear gaze palsy;
►► Dystonia;
►► Liver disease;
►► Interstitial lung disease;
►► Progressive speech and swallowing difficulties.
Spinocerebellar ataxias ►► Increasing number of genes have been identified.
►► Present almost always in adults, rarely in childhood.

4 Petley E, et al. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/edpract-2018-315893

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315893 on 23 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 23, 2019 at Northwestern University

Table 5 History taking for ataxia Box 2 Cerebellar signs

Associated symptoms Significant aspects
Gait disturbance Acute, episodic or chronic onset Saccades
►► Jerky eye movements called hypometric saccades.
Other cerebellar symptoms Rate of progression
Loss of sensation Ingestion of substance or alcohol Pursuits
Weakness in upper or lower limbs Recent illnesses ►► Jerky pursuits or nystagmus near the extremes of gaze.
Seizures Recent trauma or whiplash A couple of small beats of nystagmus at the extremes of
Headache Recurrent infections lateral gaze are normal.
Developmental regression Weight loss
Skin changes (neuropathy) Developmental regression
►► Slurring and poor articulation, and especially staccato
  Family history of ataxia
(eg, spinocerebellar ataxia,
spinocerebellar ataxia)
►► Alternating forearm pronation/supination, if particularly
Miller-Fisher syndrome is a variant of GBS and slow or uncontrolled.
consists of ataxia, opthalmoplegia, hypotonia and
Finger-nose test
areflexia.11 Management involves early diagnosis, ►► Increase in tremor as the finger approaches target:
spine MRI, nerve conduction studies and sometimes dysmetria.
cerebrospinal fluid examination. Intravenous immu-
noglobulin or plasma exchange can speed-up recovery. Tandem gait

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Other complications of GBS are respiratory failure, ►► Walking forwards and backwards heal to toe with
unsafe swallow, pain, and dysautonomia causing excessive wobble.
hypertension and arrhythmias.12
►► Typically a wide-based and lurching unsteady gait.
Functional or medically unexplained ataxia
In children and young people with functional neuro-
logical symptoms and signs there are often character-
istic but inconsistent clinical findings on examination. illness is often needed to help the child back to normal
Video recordings are very helpful in reaching a diag- function.
nosis, together with a detailed history and careful
neurological examination. An explanation of func-
tional illness helps, explaining that dangerous or Episodic ataxia
damaging conditions have been ruled out by history, It is important to know about the conditions related to
examination and investigation. Multidisciplinary reha- episodic ataxia as patients suffering from this disorder
bilitation from professionals experienced in functional can repeatedly present to the emergency department
and/or paediatric assessment unit. A brief description
of common causes of episodic ataxia is mentioned in
Box 1 General examination in a child with ataxia table 2.

►► General observation
–– Height, weight, body mass index, head circumference. Non-progressive chronic ataxia
–– Vital signs including blood pressure, heart rate, Some children will develop ataxia slowly, or it may
respiration rate, temperature. emerge together with or after other signs (table 3).
–– Demeanour and behaviour. Mental state.
–– Conscious level.
–– Posture.
–– Dysmorphic features. Box 3 Sensory examination
–– Rashes and skin lesions.
►► Gait and posture Joint position sense
–– Observe for truncal, limb and gait ataxia. ►► This is normally performed on the middle finger and the
►► Cranial nerve exam including fundi. large toe.
►► Muscle bulk, fasciculation, tone, power, joint position
sense (see Box 3). Romberg’s test
►► Cerebellar signs (see box 2). ►► If the patient falls, staggers or becomes much more
►► Ear, nose and throat examination. unsteady, or needs to be supported by the examiner, it
►► Musculoskeletal examination. is positive, that is, abnormal. This is a sign of sensory
►► Respiratory and cardiovascular examinations. impairment, eg, of joint position sense, indicating a
►► Gastrointestinal examination. neuropathy and/or dorsal column spinal cord pathology.

Petley E, et al. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/edpract-2018-315893 5

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315893 on 23 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 23, 2019 at Northwestern University

Box 4 Indications for urgent neuroimaging Table 7 Investigations for episodic ataxia
Investigations Results
►► Signs of a raised intracranial pressure. Genetic episodic Molecular genetic testing Mutations in KCNA1 (episodic
►► Focal or asymmetrical neurological signs. ataxias ataxia type 1) or CACNA1A
►► History of head trauma with new-onset ataxia. (episodic ataxia type 2)
►► Cranial neuropathies. Glucose Fasting lumbar puncture Low CSF glucose, low to
►► Transient loss of consciousness >5 min followed by new- transporter type 1 normal CSF lactate
deficiency Molecular genetic testing SLC2A1 gene mutation
onset ataxia.
►► Signs of acute encephalopathy. Brain MRI Normal, sometimes mild
EEG No characteristic pattern
Urea cycle Plasma ammonia Plasma ammonia >150 μmol/L
Progressive chronic ataxias enzyme Arterial pH, serum lactate, Normal anion gap, elevated
An exhaustive list of progressive ataxias is beyond the deficiencies electrolytes lactate
scope of this article, but you should be aware of the Serum glucose Normal serum glucose
more common diagnoses, listed in table 4, and we Plasma amino acids Abnormal amino acids,
depending on condition
would recommend early advice from your paediatric
Urine organic acids, orotic Can be abnormal
neurology, paediatric oncology or paediatric neuro- acid
surgery team as indicated. Other rare genetic causes Molecular genetic testing Recognised mutation
include the spinocerebellar ataxias more commonly Aminoacidurias Plasma ammonia Can have hyperammonaemia
seen in adults, and the pontocerebellar hypoplasias, pH, bicarbonate, serum Metabolic acidosis
usually picked up on MRI. lactate, electrolytes

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Serum glucose Can have hypoglycaemia
Assessment of ataxia Liver function tests Liver dysfunction
History Basilar migraine Brain MRI Normal MRI
It is important to take a clear and concise history CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
including the timing of onset of symptoms and their
progression over time. You need to ask about family
history and a developmental history and determine if Investigations
there has been any developmental regression. Table 5 We do not recommend an extensive set of inves-
highlights important points to ask in history. tigations on all children who present with ataxia. A
comprehensive history and examination will indi-
Examination cate which investigations are required, in accordance
Box 1 summarises the general examination that should with the differential diagnosis. However, all children
be covered. Boxes 2 and 3 summarise the key features presenting with acute ataxia should have toxicology
of a cerebellar and sensory examination.

Table 8 Investigations for progressive ataxia

Investigations Results
Table 6 Investigations for ataxia with no obvious cause
Cerebellar MRI brain Lesion visualised on MRI
What investigations should I consider in a child with ataxia and tumour Funduscopy Papilloedema
no obvious cause? Ataxia- Genetic testing Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated gene mutation
Blood Urine MRI brain Normal early on with later cerebellar atrophy
Toxicology Toxicology Serum immunoglobulins Low IgA
Full blood count and blood film Organic acids, orotic acid Serum alpha-fetoprotein Raised in 90% of cases
Lactate and ammonia Sialic acid Friedreich Nerve conduction studies Absent sensory nerve action potentials
Very long chain fatty acids Catecholamines (including ataxia Genetic testing FXN gene mutation due to GAA repeat
Transferrin isoform electrophoresis vanillylmandelic acid, MRI brain and spine Atrophy of cervical spinal cord
for congenital disorders of vanillylmandelic acid) Multiple MRI brain and spine Periventricular lesions and discrete white
glycosylation sclerosis matter abnormalities. Plaques can be visible in
the optic nerve, brainstem and spinal cord
Amino acids Visual evoked potential Slowed responses
Vitamin E, cholesterol,
Vitamin Vitamin E levels Low
White cell enzymes deficiencies Vitamin B12 levels Low
Ataxia gene panel
Neurological Anti-endomysial IgA Raised
Save EDTA sample for future DNA coeliac disease antibody
analysis Antitissue transglutamase Raised
Imaging Other tests in selected cases IgA antibodies
MRI brain and spine Nerve conduction studies or IgA Low
CT brain (in emergency department electromyography HLA DQ2/8 testing Positive
setting) Small bowel biopsy Villous atrophy with crypt hyperplasia

6 Petley E, et al. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/edpract-2018-315893

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315893 on 23 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 23, 2019 at Northwestern University

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Figure 1 Ataxia in children: early recognition and clinical evaluation. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. Adapted from Pavone et al.23

screening (blood and urine) and a blood glucose, and Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from
any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
consider requesting a breath or blood alcohol test.
We recommend that all children with new-onset Competing interests None declared.
ataxia have brain neuroimaging. The mode of neuro- Patient consent for publication Not required.
imaging will depend on the urgency of the imaging Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
and the imaging modality available (see box 4). MRI Data availability statement There are no data in this work.
is most sensitive and gives most information; however, ORCID iDs
CT is useful in an emergency as it is quick and can Emily Petley http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0003-​2388-​3793
identify some pathologies requiring urgent surgical Shalini Ojha http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0001-​5668-​4227
See tables 6–8 for an approach to the investigation
of ataxia.
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8 Petley E, et al. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/edpract-2018-315893

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