The Effects of Using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements (RAP) On The Long-Term Performance of Asphalt Concrete Overlays

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Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348

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The effects of using reclaimed asphalt pavements (RAP) on the long-term

performance of asphalt concrete overlays
Yuhong Wang
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

h i g h l i g h t s

 RAP performance is affected by asphalt overlay thickness and pre-treatment intensity.

 Virgin asphalt outperforms RAP in crack resistance in thin and less treated overlay.
 Virgin asphalt outperforms RAP in rutting resistance in thin and less treated overlay.
 Virgin asphalt outperforms RAP in smoothness in thin and less treated overlay.
 RAP outperforms virgin asphalt in rutting resistance in thick and pre-treated overlay.
 RAP outperforms virgin asphalt in smoothness in thick and pre-treated overlay.
 RAP performance is driven by its reduced crack resistance and increased stiffness.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The long-term performance of asphalt concrete (AC) overlays using mixtures containing reclaimed
Received 7 December 2015 asphalt pavements (RAP) is compared with the performance of overlays using virgin mixtures. Data from
Received in revised form 13 May 2016 18 sites of the long-term pavement performance (LTPP) program are used for analysis. Each site consists
Accepted 15 May 2016
of 8 side-by-side experimental sections that vary in overlay thickness and pre-overlay treatment method.
Available online 24 May 2016
The selected performance indicators include fatigue cracking, longitudinal cracking, transverse cracking,
rutting, and roughness. Explorative data analysis, non-parametric survival analysis, and pair-t tests are
used to compare possible performance differences. The analysis results suggest that there are interactive
Reclaimed asphalt pavements
Asphalt concrete
effects between the use of RAP-containing mixtures, overlay thickness, and pre-overlay treatment
Overlay method. With relatively thin (51 mm) overlay and minimal pre-overlay treatment, undesirable perfor-
Long-term performance mance of RAP-containing mixtures is expected. Conversely, with relatively thick (127 mm) overlay and
Aging intensive pre-overlay treatment, RAP-containing mixtures outperform virgin mixtures in rutting and
Cracking roughness, without inducing additional cracking-related distresses. The field performance of RAP-
Rutting containing mixtures is believed to be driven by their fundamental properties, i.e., the reduced cracking
Roughness resistance and increased stiffness.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ties of recycled asphalt binders [e.g., 1–3] and 2) the properties of
asphalt mixtures containing RAP [4,5]. The actual field perfor-
Demolition of asphalt pavements generates a large quantity of mance of asphalt pavements incorporated with RAP, however, is
inert solid waste. With the depletion of landfill spaces, ever- rarely reported. Particularly lacking is information on the long-
increasing demands on natural aggregates and bitumen, and con- term performance of RAP-containing asphalt pavements side-by-
struction cost escalation, asphalt pavement recycling has become side compared with pavements that only use virgin mixtures. Such
a top priority for highway agencies around the world. Currently, information would not only be useful in understanding the engi-
a number of highway agencies permit the use of reclaimed asphalt neering performance of RAP mixtures, but also be critically impor-
pavements (RAP) in new asphalt mixtures. Extensive laboratory tant for life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and /or life cycle assessment
studies have been conducted to examine the effects of using RAP (LCA) of pavements containing RAP.
on pavement performance from the perspectives of: 1) the proper- This paper aims to systematically compare the long-term per-
formance of asphalt concrete (AC) overlays using only virgin
E-mail address: asphalt mixtures with the performance of AC overlays using mix-
0950-0618/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
336 Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348

tures with 30 percent of RAP. Data used for comparison is the 18 sive picture of possible performance difference between virgin
SPS-5 sites constructed and monitored under the long-term pave- and RAP-containing mixtures. In addition, they enable local high-
ment performance (LTPP) program in the United States (U.S.) and way agencies to find a site that has similar climate conditions with
Canada [6]. At each site, 8 pavement sections were built side-by- theirs and use the performance data from the LTPP site as a
side, half of which used virgin asphalt mixtures while the other reference.
half used RAP-containing mixtures. The sites had been periodically The SPS-5 experiment involves three factors: overlay thickness,
monitored for the development of cracks, permanent deformation, pre-overlay treatment, and materials (virgin vs. RAP). The factorial
and roughness. The longest monitoring period is more than design of the experiment, excluding the control section (ID: 0501)
20 years. Therefore, a large quantity of performance data was gen- where no overlay was applied, is shown in Table 2. Only the effects
erated. Since pavement sections at each site were built at the same of materials are interested in this study. Hence, to avoid perfor-
time with the same construction methods and were subject to the mance variations due to overlay thickness and pre-overlay treat-
same traffic and climate conditions, the data realistically reflect the ment, the data is divided into four blocks: Each block is a unique
effects of materials (RAP vs. virgin) on the long-term performance combination of overlay thickness and pre-overlay treatment. Sec-
of AC overlays. tions using virgin and RAP-containing mixtures are compared
It is noted that several studies have been performed using the within each block.
LTPP SPS-5 data [e.g., 1,7–9]. In the National Cooperative Highway Each section is about 152.4 m long and 3.66 m wide. Periodic
Research Program (NCHRP) project 20-50[3/4], the performance of visits had been made to collect various performance data from
various pavement maintenance and rehabilitation treatment tech- the pavement sections. Three major types of cracks were exam-
niques is compared by using LTPP data, including the SPS-5 data ined, including: fatigue cracking, longitudinal cracking, and trans-
[1]. The analysis indicates that there is no significant difference verse cracking. According to the ‘‘Distress Identification Manual”
in roughness, rutting, and cracking between sections using virgin for LTPP [10], fatigue cracking is characterized as ‘‘a series of inter-
and RAP-containing mixtures, and between sections using minimal connected cracks in early stages of development,” which later
pre-overlay treatments and those using extensive pre-overlay develop into ‘‘many-sided, sharp-angled pieces” with ‘‘a chicken
treatments [1]. However, more data had been accumulated after wire/alligator pattern”. Longitudinal cracks are ‘‘parallel to pave-
the NCHRP project, and possible interactive effects of overlay ment centerline,” while transverse cracks are ‘‘perpendicular to
thickness and pre-overlay treatment is not included in the project. pavement centerline [10].” Fatigue cracking is provided in crack
Although the studies by Dong and Huang [7–9] generate useful area (m2), and the longitudinal and transverse cracking is given
information, they do not focus on the performance of RAP- in crack length (m). The severity (low, medium, high), location
containing mixtures. In addition, not all the pavement performance (wheel path, non-wheel path) and treatment history (sealed, not
indicators are included, and possible interactive effects of overlay sealed) of the cracks are also recorded in the LTPP database. This
thickness and pre-overlay treatment are not considered, either. study treats potholes as the advanced form of fatigue cracking
Unlike the existing studies, this paper focuses on the performance and patching as the remedy of the fatigue cracking. Therefore,
comparisons of virgin and RAP-containing mixtures used in AC the fatigue cracking areas of the three severity levels, pothole
overlays that vary in thickness and pre-overlay treatment. areas, and patching areas are summed to represent the total fatigue
cracking area. The addition of potholes and patching, however,
2. Research data selection only slightly increase the total fatigue cracking areas in a limited
number of data records. For the longitudinal and transverse crack-
The locations and summaries of climate conditions of the 18 ing, cracks of all severity levels, with or without being sealed, are
test sites are shown in Table 1. These sites cover a wide spectrum added to represent the total crack length of the test section.
of climate conditions. For instance, the climate is warm and wet for Different cross-sectional deformation measurements are avail-
the sites in Florida and Alabama, warm and dry for the sites in Ari- able in the LTPP database. In this study, rutting is represented by
zona and California, cold and wet for the sites in Alberta and Man- the maximum displacement between the bottom of a 1.8-m
itoba, and relatively cold and dry for the sites in Colorado and New straight edge and pavement surface. At each wheel path, about
Mexico. The variations in climate conditions paint a comprehen- 10–11 measurements are made along the test section. This study

Table 1
The experimental sites from 18 states/provinces in the U.S. and Canada

State/ Annual Precipitation Annual Wet Annual Snow Fall No. of Days above No. of Days below No. of Freeze-thaw
Province (mm) Days (mm) 32.2 °C 0 °C Cycles
Alabama 1433 144 3 68 31 31
Arizona 220 51 0 172 20 20
California 113 30 3 135 24 24
Colorado 413 71 862 32 165 140
Florida 1515 197 0 62 1 1
Georgia 1267 139 62 35 63 61
Maine 1038 165 1866 4 161 102
Maryland 1098 143 547 21 91 80
Minnesota 650 139 1066 3 189 89
Mississippi 1420 131 19 57 51 49
Missouri 1076 132 247 45 96 88
Montana 410 91 1378 25 149 121
New Jersey 1157 136 631 17 107 91
New Mexico 315 84 135 85 102 102
Oklahoma 774 87 102 91 74 69
Texas 986 117 45 92 38 36
Alberta 514 161 1494 0 217 135
Manitoba 575 129 1201 3 194 78
Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348 337

Table 2 Y
n X
The experimental design of the pavement sections analyzed in this study [1]. LðhÞ ¼ aij hj ; ð2Þ
i¼1 j¼1
Overlay thickness 51 (mm) 127 (mm)
Pre-overlay treatment Minimal Intensive Minimal Intensive
where n is the number of subjects, aij = 1 if the Turnbull interval
Materials (V: virgin; V R V R V R V R Ij ¼ ðqj ; pj  is contained in the observed subject failure interval
ðLi ; Ri  and 0 otherwise. The maximum likelihood estimates for
Section ID 505 502 506 509 504 503 507 508 ^ ¼ fh
h ^j ; j ¼ 1; . . . ; mg can be used to estimate the survival function:

^S ¼ ^hk ; j ¼ 1; . . . ; m; pj 6 t 6 qjþ1 ð3Þ
uses the average value of the rut depth measurements taken at k¼jþ1
both the left and right wheel paths to represent the overall rutting
It is noted that t can only be defined if it is not within the Turn-
level of a particular test section.
bull intervals. The above procedure has recently been incorporated
Roughness of the test section is provided in the international
in the ICLIFETEST procedure in the SAS/STATÒ system [15]. In addi-
roughness index (IRI) value. Multiple runs were performed during
tion, the procedure enables the comparisons of treatment effects
each site visit, and IRI values at both two wheel paths were
(RAP vs. virgin) on survival functions based on the generalized
recorded separately. This study uses the average IRI value from
log-rank statistic.
all the runs and at both wheel paths as the representative rough-
The paired-t test enables the comparison of two performance
ness value of the entire test section.
indicators that were obtained at about the same time. At the same
Data processing results in sets of time series of fatigue cracking,
test site, performance measurements of different sections were
longitudinal cracking, transverse cracking, rutting, and roughness
typically made on the same day; however, a few days of lapses
development data at each test section. A few sections were resur-
may occur when measuring different sections because the tests
faced or treated with aggregate seal coat at the end of the monitor-
may be time consuming [16]. In this study, pairwise comparisons
ing period. For these sections, data after treatments are removed
are made between two sections for which performance measure-
from analysis because they may distort the distress development
ments were made within 30 days. It is anticipated that this short
trends. A total of 3603 cracking, 1691 rutting, and 1547 roughness
period does not significantly change the conditions of a section.
measurements are finally used for further analysis.
The three cracking measurements contain a large number of zeros
because cracks may not have been developed in the early ages of
the pavements. The paired-t test aims to assess the difference in
3. Data analysis methods
the cracking extent of two sections after they had already shown
the signs of cracking. Therefore, the observations in which both
Three approaches are used to compare the performance of
of the paired sections have zero cracks are removed from the sta-
pavements made of virgin asphalt mixtures and those containing
tistical tests.
RAP. The first approach is explorative data analysis by plotting
Survival analysis provides information on pavement perfor-
the data from RAP and non-RAP sections on the same diagram to
mance from the perspective of time. For different experiments,
examine the possible difference. The second approach is non-
the changes of survival probability with time can be compared in
parametric survival analysis to assess the difference in perfor-
a visually friendly manner. However, each pavement section only
mance lives of two test sections at pre-determined threshold val-
contributes one observation in survival analysis. Conversely, the
ues. The third approach is to use paired-t test to evaluate the
paired-t test provides information on the magnitude of distress/
performance difference of two paired sections.
performance indicators at all the time points. Compared with sur-
Survival analysis can be generally divided into two types: para-
vival analysis, the amount of data to make inference in the paired-t
metric and non-parametric. Parametric survival analysis requests
test is much more. The results of the two tests, although related,
the specification of the underlying probability distribution func-
offer insights on performance differences between virgin and RAP
tion, while non-parametric survival analysis is distribution free.
mixtures from different perspective.
The parametric approach has been used in analyzing pavement
performance data [e.g., 11,12], while the use of non-parametric
approach in pavement data analysis is rare, likely due to the chal-
4. Results and discussion
lenges in handling interval-censored data. For example, this paper
uses 20 m2 of cracking area (about 3.6% of the total section area) as
4.1. Fatigue cracking
the survival threshold for fatigue cracking, which is consistent with
a previous study [11]. A test section may have reached this thresh-
Examples of fatigue cracking development for 51 mm AC over-
old between two consecutive time points at which measurements
lay with minimum pre-overlay treatment are shown in Fig. 1. The
were made. We can only know the interval of the failure time, but
four plots represent four extreme climate conditions. The series
not the exact time point. This creates an interval-censoring situa-
labeled with ‘‘0502 (LTPP section code)” used RAP-containing mix-
tion. Methods and tools for non-parametric estimation of the sur-
tures, while the ones labeled with ‘‘0505” used virgin mixtures.
vival function have been developed relatively recently. In
Pavements made of the two materials demonstrate noticeable dif-
performing non-parametric estimation, the overlapping failure
ferences at some sites. For instance, at the sites in Florida and
time intervals need to be first converted to non-overlapping inter-
Alberta, fatigue cracking developed more rapidly and more
vals, also known as Turnbull intervals fIj ¼ ðqj ; pj ; j ¼ 1; . . . ; mg
severely in the RAP sections, compared with the sections using vir-
[13–15]. The probability of failure time occurring in a Turnbull gin mixtures. At the site in California, fatigue cracking of the two
interval is defined as [11]: sections initially developed at the same rate, but the section using
RAP showed more fatigue cracking in a long run. The apparent ‘‘de-
hj ¼ PðT 2 Ij Þ; j ¼ 1; . . . ; m: ð1Þ
cline” in fatigue cracking in the section ‘‘6-0502” may be attributed
The likelihood function for h ¼ fhj ; j ¼ 1; . . . ; mg is calculated as to crack type classification variations. A common variation is that
[11]: certain longitudinal cracking may be classified as low severity level
338 Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348

(a) 12-0502: RAP; 12-0505: Virgin (b) 6-0502: RAP; 6-0505: Virgin

(c) 81-0502: RAP; 81-0505: Virgin (d) 35-0502: RAP; 35-0505: Virgin
Fig. 1. Comparisons of fatigue cracking development in 51 mm overlays without pre-overlay treatment at four example sites.

fatigue cracking and vice versa [11]. At the site in New Mexico, fati- axis shows the number of the pairs and the Y-axis is the difference
gue cracking developed slowly in both sections. in fatigue cracking areas between the sections 0502 (RAP) and
The estimated survival functions of all the pavement sections 0505 (virgin). Fig. 3 indicates that the sections using RAP-
made of RAP-containing or virgin HMA mixtures are shown in containing mixtures (0502) obviously developed more extensive
Fig. 2. In processing the data, if the 20 m2 cracking threshold fatigue cracks. For the interest of brevity, the fatigue cracking dif-
occurred between two observed time points and the difference of ferences of other comparisons are not shown in figures, but sum-
the two time points are less than 2 years, an interpolation method marized in Table 3.
is used to estimate the time point at which the threshold is
reached. This approach converts an interval observation to a point 4.2. Longitudinal cracking
observation. If the interval between the two observed time points
is greater than 2 years, the interval is used directly for the estima- For illustration purpose, the trends of longitudinal cracking
tion of the survival functions. The reduction in interval observa- development of the four pavement sections in Fig. 1 are shown
tions (by converting them into point observations) assists in Fig. 4. Unlike fatigue cracking, it appears that the longitudinal
improving estimation efficiency. The same approach is used to pro- cracking of the sections using RAP in Florida (12-050X) and Califor-
cess the data of longitudinal cracking, transverse cracking, rutting nia (6-050X) is even less severe than those using virgin mixtures.
and roughness. At the site in Alberta, the extent of longitudinal cracking of the sec-
Fig. 2 indicates that the survival probabilities of the sections tion using RAP (81-0502) seems higher than that using virgin mix-
using virgin materials are generally higher, especially toward the ture, but the difference is not as distinguishable as the difference in
end of the monitoring periods. This trend applies to all of the four fatigue cracking (Fig. 1c). At the site in New Mexico, the extent of
experiments. Therefore, the survival functions indicate that fatigue longitudinal cracking of the section using RAP (35-0502) is initially
resistance of the pavement sections using virgin materials is gener- higher than that using virgin mixture, but eventually became less
ally better than those using RAP. at the end of the monitoring period. The four sites, representing
The paired-t tests show the differences in the magnitudes of four extreme climate conditions, indicate that the trends of longi-
fatigue cracking between the pavement sections made of the two tudinal cracking development may be different than the trends of
materials. As mentioned previously, a pair is created by measure- fatigue cracking.
ments from two sections at the same site and the time lapse Possible differences in longitudinal cracking of the pavement
between two measurements is within one month. Since all the sections using RAP-containing vs. those using virgin mixtures are
other conditions of the two sections are very similar, if the RAP- further examined from the survival functions. A total crack length
containing and virgin mixtures perform the same, no difference of 20 m is chosen as the failure threshold. This threshold often
in fatigue cracking areas should be expected. One example of the coincides with the sudden jump in the longitudinal crack develop-
differences between the pairs is shown in Fig. 3, where the X- ment curves, as shown in Fig. 4.
Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348 339


RAP Virgin

(a) 51 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment (c) 127 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment
(0502: RAP; 0505: Virgin) (0503: RAP; 0504: Virgin)



(b) 51 mm overlay with intensive pre-overlay treatment (d) 127 mm overlay with extensive pre-overlay treatment
(0509: RAP; 0506: Virgin) (0508: RAP; 0507: Virgin)

Fig. 2. Fatigue cracking survival functions of 4 experiments at 18 sites.

the two comparison sections are quite similar, except for those in
Fig. 5(d) where the sections using virgin mixtures demonstrate
higher survival probabilities after 5 years. Therefore, the longitudi-
nal cracking survival functions of the two sections from each
experiment appear to be more similar.
The magnitude of the longitudinal cracking difference of the
two sections for each experiment during the monitoring period is
also evaluated using the paired-t tests. The results of paired-t tests
are summarized in Table 4. A pair is formed by two observations
from the two sections at the same site and measured within one
month period, hence most likely reflecting the performance differ-
ences of the materials. Table 4 indicates that the differences in lon-
gitudinal cracking are not significant for the relatively thin
(51 mm) overlay sections, regardless of the availability of pre-
Fig. 3. Difference in fatigue cracking area between the sections using RAP mixtures treatment.
and those using virgin mixtures.
Cautions need to be taken to interpret the insignificant differ-
ence in longitudinal cracking in the relatively thin overlay sections.
It does not necessarily imply that RAP mixtures perform as well as
For each of the four experiments, the survival functions of the the virgin mixtures in resisting longitudinal cracking in these sec-
sections using RAP as compared with those using virgin materials tions. A more plausible explanation is that once longitudinal cracks
are shown in Fig. 5. The figure shows that the survival functions of emerge on the sections using RAP, they are more easily evolved
340 Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348

Table 3
Summary of pair-t tests for fatigue cracking.

Comparisons Average difference (m2) No. of observations Sample standard deviation t-Value Significant? (significance level = 0.01)
502(RAP)-505 42.985 89 70.894 5.720 Yes
509(RAP)-506 41.659 91 95.400 4.166 Yes
503(RAP)-504 37.732 70 64.548 4.891 Yes
508(RAP)-507 15.201 78 59.624 2.252 No

(a) 12-0502:RAP; 12-0505:Virgin (b) 6-0502:RAP; 6-0505:Virgin

(c) 81-0502:RAP; 81-0505:Virgin (d) 35-0502:RAP; 35-0505:Virgin

Fig. 4. Comparisons of longitudinal cracking development in 51 mm overlays without pre-overlay treatment at four example sites.

into fatigue cracks, which are a more severe form of cracking. For section using RAP (81-0502) seems less than that using virgin mix-
the sections using relatively thick (127 mm) overlays, it takes a ture. The transverse cracking development trends of the four sites
longer time for the longitudinal cracks to further deteriorate into appear to be different than the trends of fatigue cracking and lon-
fatigue cracks. Therefore, the longitudinal cracks of the sections gitudinal cracking.
using RAP mixtures are significantly higher on the thick overlay Possible differences in transverse cracking of the pavement sec-
sections. tions using RAP vs. virgin mixtures are further examined from the
survival functions. The failure threshold is chosen to be 20 m of the
4.3. Transverse cracking total crack length. This threshold also often coincides with the sud-
den jump in the transverse crack development curves, as shown in
Transverse cracking is typically related to the thermal proper- Fig. 7.
ties of asphalt mixtures [17]. The trends of the transverse cracking For the two thin overlay experiments, Fig. 7 reveals that the sur-
development of the four pavement sections in Fig. 1 are shown in vival functions of the sections using RAP-containing mixtures are
Fig. 6. For the site in Florida (12-050x), it appears that the total similar to those using virgin mixtures. For the two thick overlay
length of transverse cracks of the section using RAP mixture is ini- experiments, however, the survival probabilities of the sections
tially similar to that of section using virgin mixture, but becomes using virgin materials appear to be higher within the monitoring
relatively less toward the end of the monitoring period. At the sites period.
in California (6-050X) and New Mexico (35-050X), the transverse The results of paired-t tests on the transverse cracking differ-
cracking of the sections using the two materials appear to be sim- ences of the sections using virgin vs. those using RAP-containing
ilar. At the site in Alberta, the extent of transverse cracking of the mixtures are summarized in Table 5. It shows that the differences
Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348 341

Virgin RAP

(a) 51 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment (c) 127 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment
(0502:RAP; 0505:Virgin) (0503:RAP; 0504:Virgin)

Virgin RAP

(b) 51 mm overlay with intensive pre-overlay treatment (d) 127 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment
(0509: RAP; 0506: Virgin) (0508: RAP; 0507: Virgin)
Fig. 5. Longitudinal cracking survival functions of 4 experiments based on data from 18 sites.

Table 4
Summary of pair-t tests for longitudinal cracking.

Comparisons Average difference (m) No. of observation Sample standard deviation t-Value Significant? (significance level 0.01)
502(RAP)-505 3.651 114 91.533 0.426 No
509(RAP)-506 20.602 119 165.960 2.121 No
503(RAP)-504 43.461 106 105.664 4.235 Yes
508(RAP)-507 49.160 122 105.203 5.161 Yes

are not significant for the relatively thin overlay sections, regard- transverse cracks, or fatigue cracks developed earlier than the
less of the availability of pre-overlay treatment. The differences, transverse cracks. The fatigue cracks in the wheel path may have
however, are significant for the relatively thick overlay sections. caused the apparent ‘‘drop” in the total length of transverse cracks,
The findings are similar to those for longitudinal cracking. especially in the thin overlay sections where fatigue cracks devel-
Again, cautions need to be taken to interpret the insignificant oped much earlier and more extensively. The amount of fatigue
transverse cracking in the relatively thin overlay sections. It does cracks in the thick overlay sections is limited and hence causes less
not necessarily imply that RAP-containing mixture performs as interference on the transverse cracks. Consequently, the amount of
well as virgin mixture in transverse cracking in those sections. A transverse cracks in the thick overlay sections using RAP-
more plausible explanation is that fatigue cracks in the wheel path containing mixture is significantly more than that in the sections
may have ‘‘covered” (overlapped with) the previously developed using virgin mixtures.
342 Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348

(a) 12-0502:RAP; 12-0505:Virgin (b) 6-0502: RAP; 6-0505: Virgin

(c) 81-0502:RAP; 81-0505:Virgin (d) 35-0502: RAP; 35-0505: Virgin

Fig. 6. Comparisons of transverse cracking development in 51 mm overlays without pre-overlay treatment at four experimental sites.

4.4. Rutting are initially higher, but become similar to those of the RAP sections
toward the end of the monitoring period. The survival probabilities
Rutting, or cross-sectional permanent deformation, is an impor- of the RAP and non-RAP sections are about the same for the thin
tant performance indicator of asphalt pavements. In wet weathers, overlays with intensive pre-overlay treatment and the thick over-
rutting increases the risk of vehicle hydroplaning and loss of skid lay without pre-overlay treatment. It is interesting to note, how-
resistance [18]. In addition to pavement rut depth, other factors ever, that the survival probabilities of the RAP sections of the
such as pavement mix design and surface textures, the character- thick overlays with intensive pre-overlay treatment are apparently
istics of traveling vehicles, and environment factors also play roles higher than the survival probabilities of the non-RAP sections.
in vehicle hydroplaning and skid resistance [18]. A comprehensive The paired-t test results are summarized and presented in
literature review by Fwa et al. [18] suggests that the low limit of Table 6. It indicates that, for the thin overlay sections, the average
rut depth that may cause hydroplaning risk is 5.1 mm (0.2 in.). rut depths of the RAP sections are higher than those of the non-RAP
The authors further developed criteria for safety assessment of sections. For the thick overlay sections without pre-overlay treat-
vehicles with different speeds and braking distance for rut depths ment, the difference in average rut depth between the RAP and
ranging from 5 mm to 25 mm. In this paper, 5.5 mm rut depth is non-RAP sections is not statistically significant. For the thick over-
used as the low threshold in survival analysis. lay sections with pre-overlay treatment, however, the average rut
Rutting may be caused by different mechanisms, including depth of the RAP section is significantly less than that of the
shear flow of AC, loss of surface materials, or permanent deforma- non-RAP section. Since these findings are based on a large amount
tion of unbound layers. The trends of rutting development of the of data, they may reflect the intrinsic rutting development mecha-
four pavement sections in Fig. 1 are shown in Fig. 8. Unlike fatigue nisms in those test sections as well as how different factors affect
cracking, rut depth does not start with zero. It appears that rutting rutting development. Rutting is a complicated phenomenon. As
development of the four sections in Fig. 8 followed different trends. stated previously, it is caused by AC shear flow, loss of pavement
The overall rut depth of the RAP sections in Florida (12-0502) and surface materials, permanent deformation of unbound layers, and
Alberta (81-0502) appear to be higher than the rut depth of the their combinations. Previous analysis has clearly shown that fati-
sections using virgin materials, while in California (6-0502) and gue cracking is prevalent in the thin overlays. Fatigue cracking
New Mexico (35-0502) the rut depth of the RAP sections is similar weakens pavement structure and likely leads to permanent defor-
to that of the non-RAP sections. mation of unbound layers and even the loss of surface materials.
Using 5.5 mm rut depth as the threshold value, the survival Conversely, the thick overlays with intensive pre-overlay treat-
functions of the comparison sections in the four experiments are ment showed much less fatigue cracking. As a result, rutting in
shown in Fig. 9. For thin overlay without pre-overlay treatment, the thick overlays with intensive pre-treatment may be mainly
the survival probabilities of the sections using virgin materials manifested in the shear flow of the asphalt mixtures. RAP-
Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348 343




(a) 51 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment (c) 127 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment
(0502: RAP; 0505: Virgin) (0503: RAP; 0504: Virgin)





(d) 127 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment

(b) 51 mm overlay with intensive pre-overlay treatment
(0508: RAP; 0507: Virgin)
(0509: RAP; 0506: Virgin)
Fig. 7. Transverse cracking survival functions of 4 experiments based on data from 18 sites.

Table 5
Summary of pair-t tests for transverse cracking.

Comparisons Average difference (m) No. of observation Sample standard deviation t-Value Significant? (significance level = 0.01)
502(RAP)-505 10.880 109 86.690 1.310 No
509(RAP)-506 20.668 112 87.220 2.508 No
503(RAP)-504 41.357 91 70.891 5.565 Yes
508(RAP)-507 30.520 94 66.188 4.471 Yes

containing mixture is typically harder than the virgin mixture due Therefore, roughness has been used as a key parameter in LCA
the age hardening of asphalt binder. Therefore, RAP-containing and LCCA of asphalt pavements. Pavement roughness is commonly
mixture may become more resistant to rutting caused by shear represented by the international roughness index (IRI). Pavement
flow. The data of the four experiments clearly and logically shows conditions are commonly rated by roughness values based on
a transition of the average rut depth in response to pavement established thresholds. In the U.S., for instance, pavement with
thickness, pre-overlay treatment, and the use of RAP-containing an IRI value of less than 0.9 (m/km) is rated as ‘‘excellent,” between
or non-RAP mixtures. 0.9 and 1.5 is rated as ‘‘good,” between 1.5 and 2.7 is rated as ‘‘fair,”
and above 2.7 is rated as ‘‘poor [19].”
4.5. Roughness The trends of roughness development of the four pavement sec-
tions in Fig. 1 are shown in Fig. 10. The overall roughness appears
Roughness is an important functional performance indicator of to be affected by the initial roughness conditions. In addition, the
pavements. High roughness not only affects ride comfortability, sites in Florida (12-050X) and New Mexico (35-050X) suggest that
but also affects the vehicle operating costs and fuel consumption. the roughness of the RAP sections was always higher than that of
344 Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348

(a) 12-0502:RAP; 12-0505:Virgin (b) 6-0502:RAP; 6-0505:Virgin

(c) 81-0502:RAP; 81-0505:Virgin (d) 35-0502:RAP; 35-0505:Virgin

Fig. 8. Comparisons of rutting development in 51 mm overlays without pre-overlay treatment at four experimental sites.

the sections using virgin materials. The sites in California (6-050X) cross-sectional profile while roughness is a measurement of the
and Alberta suggest that the roughness of the RAP sections was ini- longitudinal profile. The paired-t tests indicate that the two pro-
tially similar to that of the non-RAP sections but the RAP sections files are closely related. For thin overlays, pavement roughness is
became rougher toward the end of the monitoring period. Overall, negatively affected by reduced cracking resistance of the RAP-
the RAP sections are rougher than the non-RAP sections at the end containing mixtures, while for thick overlays with pre-overlay
of the monitoring period. treatments, pavement roughness benefits from the reduced shear
Using 1.5 m/km as the roughness threshold, the survival func- flow caused by stiffer RAP-containing mixtures.
tions of different experiments are shown in Fig. 11. For the thin
overlays without pre-overlay treatment, the survival probability
of the sections using virgin mixtures appears to higher than that 5. Summary and conclusions
of using RAP mixtures. For the other experiments, however, the
survival probabilities of the two sections are mixed. The last pair The long-term performance of asphalt concrete (AC) overlays
of survival functions (thick overlay with intensive pre-overlay using virgin asphalt mixtures is systematically compared with
treatment) do not yield much information because the predomi- the performance of overlays containing 30 percent of RAP. Pave-
nant majorities of the pavement sections did not reach the IRI ment fatigue cracking, longitudinal cracking, transverse cracking,
threshold, indicating that they were still in very good condition. rutting, and roughness are used as performance indicators for com-
The paired-t test results are summarized and presented in parison. Performance differences between the RAP sections and
Table 7. It indicates that, for thin overlays, the average IRI values non-RAP sections are compared by explorative data analysis,
of the RAP sections are higher than those of the non-RAP sections. non-parametric survival analysis, and paired-t tests. Major findings
For the thick overlays without pre-overlay treatment, the differ- are shown as follows.
ence in average IRI values between the RAP and non-RAP sections
is not statistically significant. For the thick overlays with intensive (1) Fatigue cracking. For pavement sections with the same over-
pre-overlay treatment, the average IRI value of the RAP sections is lay thickness and pre-overlay treatment method, the sur-
significantly less than that of the non-RAP sections. Since the vival probabilities of the non-RAP sections are typically
results are based on a large amount of data, they may reflect the higher than those of the RAP sections. The overall fatigue
intrinsic roughness development mechanisms in the test sections cracking areas of the non-RAP sections are significantly less
as well as how different factors affect roughness development. than those of RAP sections, except for the thick overlays with
Interestingly, the results of paired-t tests on roughness follow the intensive pre-overlay treatment where the overall fatigue
similar trends as rutting. Rut depth is a measurement of the cracking level is very low.
Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348 345


RAP Virgin


(a) 51 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment (c) 127 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment
(0502:RAP; 0505:Virgin) (0503: RAP; 0504: Virgin)



(b) 51 mm overlay with intensive pre-overlay treatment (d) 127 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment
(0509: RAP; 0506: Virgin) (0508: RAP; 0507: Virgin)
Fig. 9. Rutting survival functions of 4 experiments based on data from 18 sites.

Table 6
Summary of pair-t tests on rut depth.

Comparisons Average difference (mm) No. of observations Sample standard deviation t-Value Significant? (significance level = 0.01)
502(RAP)-505 0.755 222 1.733 6.489 Yes
509(RAP)-506 0.593 243 2.851 3.240 Yes
503(RAP)-504 0.277 220 2.046 2.010 No
508(RAP)-507 0.429 245 2.053 3.268 Yes

(2) Longitudinal cracking. The survival probabilities of the non- (3) Transverse cracking. The survival probabilities of the thin
RAP sections are similar to those of the comparable RAP sec- overlay sections using virgin mixtures are similar to
tions, except for the thick overlays with pre-overlay treat- those using RAP-containing mixtures. For the thick overlay
ment where the survival probabilities of non-RAP sections sections, however, the survival probabilities of the sections
are slightly higher. The average longitudinal crack lengths using virgin materials are higher. The differences in trans-
between the paired sections (virgin mixtures vs. RAP- verse crack lengths are not significant for the two thin over-
containing mixtures) are not significant for the two thin lay experiments, but are significant for the thick
overlay experiments. For the thick overlays, however, the overlay experiments where the RAP sections show more
sections using RAP-containing mixtures show significantly transverse cracks. The difference between the thin and thick
more longitudinal cracks. The findings are believed to be overlays is likely attributed to fatigue cracking develop-
attributed to the quick evolution of the longitudinal cracks ment in the wheel path that overlaps with the transverse
into fatigue cracks in the thin overlay sections. cracking.
346 Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348

(a) 12-0502: RAP; 12-0505: Virgin (b) 6-0502: RAP; 6-0505: Virgin

(c) 81-0502:RAP; 81-0505:Virgin (d)35-0502: RAP; 35-0505: Virgin

Fig. 10. Comparisons of roughness development in 51 mm overlays without pre-overlay treatment at four experimental sites.

(4) Rutting. The survival probabilities of the RAP and non-RAP is not significant for the thick overlays without pre-overlay
sections are about the same for the two thin overlay exper- treatment. For the thick overlays with pre-overlay treat-
iments and the thick overlays without pre-overlay treat- ment, however, the average IRI value of the RAP section is
ment. For the thick overlays with pre-overlay treatment, significantly less than that of the sections using virgin mate-
the survival probabilities of the RAP sections are comparably rials. The paired-t tests on roughness follow similar trends as
higher. For the two thin overlay experiments, the average rut rutting. For thin overlays, pavement roughness is negatively
depths of the non-RAP sections are significantly less than the affected by the reduced cracking resistance of RAP-
corresponding RAP sections. For the thick overlay with pre- containing mixtures, while for thick overlays with pre-
overlay treatment, however, the average rut depth of the overlay treatment, pavement roughness benefits from the
sections using virgin mixtures is significantly higher. The reduced shear flow of the stiffer RAP-containing mixtures.
effects are likely attributed to the reduced cracking resis-
tance and increased stiffness of RAP-containing mixtures. The analysis results consistently indicate that the field perfor-
The former leads to distresses that weaken pavement struc- mance of RAP-containing mixtures is driven by their fundamental
ture and cause rutting in the thin overlays, while the latter material properties, i.e., the reduced cracking resistance and
favorably causes the reduction in shear flow in the thick increased stiffness. It is noted that the reduced cracking resistance
overlays (with pre-overlay treatments) where the structural of RAP-containing mixtures is also shown in other LTPP experi-
integrity is not a concern. Despite the statistically significant ments [20]. With relatively thin (51 mm) overlay and minimal
differences in some of the paired-t tests on average rut pre-overlay treatment, undesirable performance of RAP-
depth, the magnitudes of the differences are small (<1 mm). containing mixtures is observed because the influence of cracks
(5) Roughness. The survival probabilities of the non-RAP thin from existing pavement on overlay is expected to be relatively
overlays without pre-overlay treatment appear to be higher high. Conversely, with relatively thick (127 mm) overlay and inten-
than the corresponding RAP sections. For the other experi- sive pre-overlay treatment, RAP-containing mixtures outperform
ments, however, the survival probabilities of the comparison virgin mixtures in rutting and roughness, without inducing addi-
sections are mixed. The average IRI values of the RAP sec- tional cracking-related distresses. Therefore, the recommended
tions in the two thin overlay experiments are higher than use of RAP-containing mixtures may be summarized as a simple
those of the corresponding non-RAP sections. The difference rule of thumb: if the overlay is not expected to resist cracking,
Y. Wang / Construction and Building Materials 120 (2016) 335–348 347




(a) 51 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment (c) 127 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment
(0502:RAP; 0505:Virgin) (0503: RAP; 0504: Virgin)





(b) 51 mm overlay with intensive pre-overlay treatment (d) 127 mm overlay with minimal pre-overlay treatment
(0509: RAP; 0506: Virgin) (0508: RAP; 0507: Virgin)
Fig. 11. Roughness survival functions of 4 experiments based on data from 18 sites.

Table 7
Summary of pair-t tests on roughness.

Comparisons Average difference (m/km) No. of observations Sample standard deviation t-Value Significant? (significance level = 0.01)
502(RAP)-505 0.152 0.343 189 6.073 Yes
509(RAP)-506 0.101 0.431 198 3.310 Yes
503(RAP)-504 0.014 0.229 192 0.852 No
508(RAP)-507 0.081 0.209 204 5.523 Yes

RAP mixture should be favorably considered; otherwise, cautions References

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