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Question 1

The instances which caused friction between Benton and her team members were :-

Instance 1-
Linton's comment that she disliked Harvard MBAs on Benton's first day of work. Linton also
informed Benton that she was busy and short on time, and that she had requested her to
familiarise herself with the area so that they could begin working on the goals in a couple of
weeks. Benton was disappointed to see her boss treat her in such an indifferent manner.

Instance 2-
Richard Clark, the group product manager who had impressed her during the hiring process,
hardly acknowledged Benton when she arrived at the company and offered her a cold

Instance 3-
Scoville also mentioned that he does not like Harvard MBAs when he took Lisa out for lunch.
He also possesses a condescending attitude and was acting like an overbearing big brother. He
also assigned copying activities which also, according to me, created friction.

Instance 4-
When Benton approached Linton, she saw that Linton and Scoville were working together to
do a brand review. Benton felt like an intruder because they both appeared to be intimate with
one another. Linton was busy on the fourth day when Benton went to ask a question, so she
hastily hid something and told her to come back later. Benton also felt like an intruder as a
result of this.
Question 2

Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to High Scoville had moved from operations

Experience department to the marketing with sharp
contrasting roles. This is where we can say the
reason behind the openness to experience as

Conscientiousness Low The copying instance with Lisa Benton where

Scoville was hysterically making changes at the
last moment is evidence for his low

Extraversion Low Scoville did not blend well with others, he

asked Benton to get approvals from other
departments. The other staff members have also
mentioned to Benton that he is difficult to get
along with.

Agreeableness Low Scoville was critical in his approach, as

evidenced by the fact that he was not
particularly impressed with Lisa's MBA during
their first encounter. He was also found
irritated when other employees who took Lisa’s
side later.
Neuroticism High Scoville was very nice in the beginning wherein
he had answered to all the questions and
cleared Lisa’s doubts. However, he threw
temper and tantrums during disagreement with
Lisa on the assumptions on Pure and Fresh’s
pricing strategy. Due to this emotional
instability he scored high on Neuroticism.

Write your answer for Part B here.

 Lisa can initiate an emotional connect with Scoville. She should know on what ticks
him and what doesn’t by connecting with him on emotional level.
 She can also make herself indispensable to Scoville by using her relationships with
other department colleagues in getting work done quickly for him. This can improve
her relationship with Scoville.

Question 3

Write your answer for Part A here.

Write your answer for Part B here.

Question 4

Write your answer here.

Question 5

Write your answer here.

Question 6

Write your answer for Part A here.

Write your answer for Part B here.

Question 7

Write your answer here.

Question 8

Write your answer here.

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