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NIM : 2023003030
MATKUL : Bahasa Inggris



What colors are used in the painting?

The Impression painting, Sunrise is a very beautiful landscape painting and very comfortable to
look at as a whole. In keeping with its genre, this painting displays strong lighting effects, with
an emphasis on the appearance of color and not form. This painting was not created to show an
accurate view of Le Havre harbor, Claude Monet used short, broken, and at the same time pure
strokes of color that give life to paintings. The emphasis of the painting then shifts to the overall
impression rather than the details of certain objects. Therefore, we can find the trees drawn in
a haphazard way and also the round reddish-orange sun that dominates the painting.
There are also those who say that the main characteristics of Impressionist painting are strong
brush strokes, bright colors (many Impressionist painters even forbade black because they
thought it was not part of light), open composition, emphasis on the quality of lighting, painting
subjects that are not too bright. stand out, and an unusual point of view. However, the use of
bright colors and the prohibition of black does not apply to the painting Impression, Sunrise by
Claude Monet. Because we can see that this cake uses a calmer color combination, namely a
combination of blue and orange, which really depicts the afternoon time very accurately.
What meanings do you think the colors bring?
Monet in his paintings uses colors on canvas with a base layer of gray in different shades. The
layering effect creates depth even if the details shown are not clear. The end result is a rich and
vivid depiction of an environment that looks like, although not exactly, Le Havre. in his paintings
monet uses faded colors to create a misty atmosphere to create a serene and mystical
atmosphere, in his palette monet uses colors, cadmium yellow, vermilion, deep madder, cobalt
blue, emerald green and then neutralizes using white which is faded with brush strokes. This is
what causes Monet's painting style to use faded colors and is one of his trademarks to create a
serene atmosphere with a mystical touch.
What lines can you seed used in the painting?
According to the case study, the boundaries in Monet's paintings don’t use clear boundaries, as
in the example above, the difference between the blue sky and sea, boundaries that Monet
painted seems unclear, according to the journal I read, I want to conclude that Monet did not
make clear boundaries in his paintings with lines. The lines he uses are only fleeting using a
slight difference in color.
Why do you think the lines are used in the painting?
Monet only uses a few lines which are brushed directly from the tip of the brush, in the painting
above he only uses lines briefly to form waves in the water to emphasize the waves created, in
the rest of his painting Monet blurs the lines he makes in color so that the lines become
blurred. clear.

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