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Deal Center Updates – October 13th, 2023

Create Deal:

 Rename “Goldvision Proposal URL” input to “Goldvision Proposal”.

 Currently, the user has the ability to select more than one Goldvision Proposal when creating a deal.
This should not be the case. This functionality needs to be adjusted such that the user can only select
one Goldvision Proposal when creating a deal.
 If creating a deal, and then immediately creating another deal, the inputs from the first deal are
“saved” in the “Create a New Deal” pop-up. Please make it such that the inputs are “reset” each time
the green “Create New Deal” button is clicked.

 Please add “Region” as an additional filter for the “Open Deals” and “Closed Deals” sections.
Table Display:

 Currently, the headers of the tables are all the same size. However, some need to be bigger/smaller
than others.
o Region  Smaller
o Created By  Smaller
o Date Created  Smaller
o Type of Engagement  Bigger
o Description  Bigger
 Please center the (+)/(-) symbols in the cells.
Inside An Expanded Deal:

 Sponsor Dashboard Report

o Correctly displays “No Sponsor” when there is no Sponsor.
o When there is a Sponsor, one of two values should be displayed (for each Sponsor)
 “Sponsor [Company Name] does not currently receive the Sponsor Dashboard report.
Please email to set up the report”.
 “Sponsor [Company Name] already receives the Sponsor Dashboard report. No further
action is required.”
 Upload Deal Summary Email Sent to Client
o When clicking the green button to mark as complete, change the message on the pop-up from
“Are you sure you wish to mark this deal summary as complete?” to “Are you sure you wish to
mark the action upload deal summary email sent to client as complete?”
o Then once the green “Mark As Completed” button is clicked, change the message on the pop-up
from “Deal Summary marked as complete” to “Upload deal summary email sent to client
marked as complete”.
 Ready To Trade Checklist (Frontend)
o Create a third row in the “Actions” table (above the “Upload Deal Summary Email Sent to
Client” row, so the second row) where in the first cell it displays “Ready To Trade Checklist” and
below that will be a link for the user to click to access the checklist. In the second cell, include
the green button with the checkmark that has the “Mark As Completed” message when
hovering over it. When clicking this button, the message on the pop-up should display “Are you
sure you wish to mark the ready to trade checklist as complete? Only mark as complete if the
green “Good To Trade” status is visible on the checklist.” Then once the “Mark As Completed”
button is clicked, the message on the pop-up should display “Ready to trade checklist marked as
complete.” Once done, it should update the corresponding value in the database from 0 to 1.
o If there is no checklist template for the selected Type of Engagement, instead of including a link
below “Ready To Trade Checklist” include a message saying “Checklist Coming Soon”. Then the
green button with the checkmark should be grayed out/unclickable, and the value in the
database should be automatically set to 1.
 Ready To Trade Checklist (Backend)
o Currently, we have Excel templates for 3 checklists which correspond to the selected Type of
Engagement in the Deal Center: Deal Contingent Interest Rate Hedging, Interest Rate Hedging,
and Deal Contingent Foreign Exchange Hedging. If a deal is created with any of these types of
engagements, then there will be the corresponding checklist included. Otherwise, it will say the
checklist is coming soon and the action should be marked as complete in the database.
o We must store these 3 templates somewhere. When a deal is created that has a checklist, a
copy of the template specific to that deal should be made and will be accessed by users via a
link on the webpage.
o When clicking the link to access the checklist, it should open a shared Excel file. Meaning if two
users click the link to open the checklist, they can both edit it together without one user
overwriting the changes of the other.
o To achieve this, the checklist for each deal should be stored on the server, not on S3 buckets.
o File names should follow this format:
 Deal Contingent Interest Rate Hedging  [Description] - DC IR Hedging Checklist
 Interest Rate Hedging  [Description] – IR Hedging Checklist
 Deal Contingent Foreign Exchange Hedging  [Description] – DC FX Hedging Checklist
o Resources sent by Syed:
Logic for Moving a Deal from “Open Deals” to “Closed Deals”:

 When a deal is created, it automatically goes into the “Open Deals” section. The logic for when a deal
gets moved to the “Closed Deals” section will change as we expand functionality in the Deal Center, but
for now, this is the logic:
o If ready to trade checklist is complete (1 in database) AND upload deal summary email sent to
client is complete (1 in database) then the deal becomes “closed”.
 The deal completion date should be stored in the database, and the deal should be
removed from the “Open Deals” section and added to the “Closed Deals” section.

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