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Course and Year: BSEE 2A

LA 2: Moral Questions

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. Distinguish ethics from morality.

- Ethics is the academic and systematic study of what is right and wrong in a broader societal or professional
context, while morality is an individual's personal sense of right and wrong, often influenced by cultural,
religious, and personal factors. Morality can be seen as a subset of ethics, and the relationship between the
two can be complex, as personal moral beliefs often inform ethical decision-making at the societal level.

2. Cite specific socio-political issues in our society today. Which among these would you consider as moral
issues? Explain.

- Some specific socio-political issues in our society today include income inequality, racial discrimination,
gender inequality, climate change, and immigration policies.
Among these issues, one that can be considered a moral issue is racial discrimination. Racial discrimination
involves treating individuals unfairly based on their race or ethnicity, which goes against the principles of
equality and justice. It raises ethical concerns as it infringes upon the basic human rights and dignity of
individuals solely based on their racial background. Addressing racial discrimination requires not only legal
measures to protect individuals from discrimination but also a shift in societal attitudes and beliefs. It is
important to promote inclusivity and diversity, as well as educate people about the harmful effects of racial
discrimination. By fostering understanding and empathy, we can work towards creating a more equitable
and just society for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

3. Consider certain practices that are accepted in one religion, but rejected in another. Is the difference a
matter of religious belief or of moral principle? Explain.

- The difference in practices accepted in one religion but rejected in another is a complex interplay of religious
belief and moral principle. Religious beliefs form the core of a religion's practices, and these beliefs are often
intimately tied to moral principles. However, there can be variations and nuances in interpretation, cultural
influences, and historical factors that further shape these differences. It's important to recognize that these
distinctions are not always black and white, and they can be the subject of ongoing debate and discussion
both within and outside religious communities. These debates and discussions contribute to the evolution of
religious beliefs and moral principles over time. They allow for a deeper understanding and adaptation of
these principles to changing social, cultural, and ethical landscapes. Therefore, it is crucial to approach these
differences with open-mindedness and respect, fostering dialogue that promotes mutual understanding and
tolerance among individuals of different religious backgrounds.

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