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UTILITARIANISM  This addresses the practical

Based on Newton’s Physics and challenges of calculating

scientific method aims to construct a moral consequences for each specific
theory based on empirical approaches. act.

Jeremy Bentham
 Pleasure and happiness as the ultimate George Edward Moore
goals, proposing the "greatest  Goodness is an unanalyzable concept.
happiness of the greatest number" as While critical of egoistic utilitarianism
the fundamental principle. and the principle of the greatest
 "felicific calculus" evaluates actions happiness of the greatest number, he
based on intensity, duration, remains a utilitarian by emphasizing the
probability, proximity, fecundity, purity, objective good produced by an action.
and extent of pleasure. Challenges and Criticism
 Rooted in the pursuit of pleasure and One fundamental criticism of utilitarianism
avoidance of pain is the challenge of quantifying and comparing
John Stuart Mill (influenced by Bentham) pleasure or happiness.
 Emphasizing higher and lower Critics argue that the theory may lead to
pleasures. He sees happiness as the morally objectionable conclusions, such as
harmonious development of the human sacrificing the few for the benefit of the many.
person and considers the happiness of
others essential for overall well-being. Metaphysical Naturalistic Fallacy
 Higher pleasures, such as intellectual Elements
and moral pleasures, are considered Deals with the nature A concept introduced
more valuable than lower, physical of reality, existence, by G. E. Moore,
pleasures. and fundamental particularly in his
principles that go work "Principia
 Happiness, understood as the
beyond the empirical Ethica." It refers to
development of the human person, is
and observable the error of
the ultimate goal. attempting to derive
Henry Sidgwick normative
 Classifies moral theories into egoism, statements
(statements about
intuitionism, and utilitarianism.
what ought to be)
 Individual and general happiness should
from purely
be maximized, even if conflicts arise.
descriptive or
Rule Utilitarianism naturalistic
 Emphasizes the importance of statements
following general rules that lead (statements about
to overall happiness. what is).
 Instead of evaluating each Occur if one were to
individual act, rule utilitarianism define "good" solely
assesses whether the act in terms of
conforms to rules that, in observable facts such
general, promote the greatest as pleasure,
happiness. happiness, or any
other empirical
condition without
providing a justifiable
bridge from
statements to
normative ethical

A philosophical position that asserts
pleasure (or happiness) as the highest and only
intrinsic good. In the context of utilitarianism,
especially in the formulations of Jeremy
Bentham, the pursuit of pleasure and the
avoidance of pain are central to ethical

Individuals are fundamentally motivated by

the desire to maximize pleasure and
minimize pain.

Higher Ends (John Stuart Mill)

Certain intellectual, moral, and
aesthetic pleasures have a higher value than
mere physical or sensory pleasures.

Higher ends imply that the pursuit of

knowledge, moral virtue, aesthetic experiences,
and other intellectual or cultural activities
contributes more significantly to human well-
being than simple bodily pleasures.

By Group 5
Bengil, Adrian Paul
Linog, Alyana
Menoza, Adrian
Jumdail, Donna Grace
Magbaril, Franzcine
Mamauag, Indira

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