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Teacher’s name Hicham Talbi

Date of lesson Tuesday, November 6th 2018

Lesson Topic Demonstratives (this, that, these and those)
Time and length of lesson 10 – 11 A.M. (one hour)
Level of class (eg Beginner) Complete beginners
Number of students 10 children
Make-up of the class (eg age, - Ranging from 6 to 8 years old;
strength / weaknesses, - Monolingual (i.e., sharing the same L1);
nationalities, mixed abilities) - 5 boys and 5 girls (all Chinese kids);
- Hyperactive and prefer moving around the class to desk activities;
- Varied learning styles: kinaesthetic, auditory and visual learners;
- Mixed abilities: high/low achievers, outgoing/shy individuals.
Aims of the lesson By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Identify the demonstrative pronouns this, that, these and those;
- Distinguish between singular and plural demonstratives;
- Use the learned grammar items in real-life situations.
Secondary aims of the lesson - Refreshing students’ memory about the previously taught vocabulary items;
- To be able to point out classroom objects both near and far ones (e.g.,
whiteboard, chair(s), desk(s), pens, etc.) using demonstratives;
- To assimilate and internalise the chunks “this is + singular noun”, “that is +
singular noun”, “these are + plural noun” and “those are + plural noun”;
- To integrate the four skills within the lesson (i.e., listening, speaking, reading
and writing).

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Anticipated difficulties - SS might find difficulty pronouncing the voiced interdental fricative /ð/ with
which the demonstratives begin, mispronouncing it as the voiced alveolar
stop /d/ due to the impact of their L1.
- Because of some students’ hyperactivity and boisterousness, loud and
obstructive noise might arise during the group and pair activities.
Strategies to overcome difficulties - In the first stages of drilling, I will use gestures. I will stick my tongue out and
put it between my upper and lower teeth before pronouncing each of this,
that, these and those. Then I will ask SS to do the same until they get it right.
- I will try to prevent uncontrollable noise from happening by making mixed-
gender pairs (one boy and one girl) so as to minimise the noise and L1
discussions between boys and boys on the one hand and between girls and
girls on the other.
Materials to be used - Whiteboard, markers of different colours, realia, worksheet, projector, laptop
and loudspeakers.

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Timing Stage / Procedure Interaction Reason for doing the
- In order to break the ice
and create a stress-free,
5 minutes Introduction to the lesson lively and friendly
10:00 – 10:05 A.M. atmosphere.
T greets SS with a vibrant T – SS
smile and then asks each T–S
student about their feelings. - T smoothly railroads SS
to the lesson to be
T reminds SS of the previous taught during the
lesson (about vocabulary T - SS session as well as
related to food) and then drawing attention to the
briefly sets out the aims of previous one.
the current lesson.
Warm up - SS are heavily engaged,
especially since they
10 minutes T divides SS into two love to be physically
10:05 – 10:15 A.M. groups/teams: Team A and T – SS active more than to be
Team B. Each team consists S–T assigned desk activities.
of 5 students of mixed - Getting SS in the right
gender. frame of mind for the
T chooses to play the activity lesson.
of “Run and Touch the - The warm up activity
Object”. Every time, T takes involves all SS without
two students from both exception.

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teams. Then, T mentions - Implicit introduction of
something that is inside the new vocabulary takes
classroom using the place.
demonstrative pronouns, - SS physically respond to
and the quickest S to touch commands (TPR) and
that object will add a point stimuli in English (thus
to their team! When all SS thinking in English)
pass, T announces the whilst simultaneously
winning team, yet rewards having fun.
both teams and gives all SS
positive reinforcement
To exemplify this activity,
when T says, “Touch this
pen”, SS must run to touch
the pen nearest to the T.
Similarly, if T says, “Touch
that door”, SS must run to
touch the door (which is,
obviously, farthest from
both). And so on. T will keep
giving commands and
changing his position in the
classroom until all SS are
given the chance to
participate, using all

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demonstratives, i.e., this,
that, these and those.

T thanks SS and asks them to

go back to their seats and to
pay attention to the
- T introduces
Presentation demonstratives and
models sentences with
10 minutes T writes 4 interrogative the right pronunciation
10:15 – 10:25 A.M. sentences (questions) on the and intonation.
board, highlighting the - By writing the sentences
keywords in different on the board, T
colours: highlights the written
1. What is this? T – SS form of the
2. What are these? T–S demonstratives.
3. What is that? - By means of chorusing, T
4. What are those? highlights the spoken
forms of the words this,
T reads each sentence out that, these and those.
loud and asks SS to repeat - Constant feedback and,
after him. Then T points to overall, positive
real objects in the feedback will keep SS in
classroom: general on track and
boisterous SS in

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1. Taking a pen, T asks, particular interested in
“What is this?”, eliciting the lesson, engaged and
the answer from SS. T absorbed. Slapping high
then says,” Very good! fives, voicing
This is a pen (slowly, encouraging words or
with short stops after showing a thumbs up
each word).” T models can imbue SS with a
the sentence and SS sense of intimacy,
repeat it after him many acceptance and
times. After that, T “safety”, and this, in
writes the declarative turn, will most likely
sentence “This is a pen” make them excited and
under question 1, keen on answering T’s
highlighting the questions and speaking
demonstrative in a in English.
different colour and -
explaining that “this” is a
demonstrative which is
used to point to an
object/person (singular)
that is near to the
speaker but far from the
addressee, or that is
near both the speaker
and hearer. (using more

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simplified words of
2. T then moves close to
the SS, and pointing to
the pens on students’
desks, he asks, “What
are these?”, eliciting the
answer from SS. One
student says, “Pens” and
T replies, “Excellent!
These are pens.” SS
repeat after the T
several times. After that,
T writes the declarative
sentence “These are
pens” under question 2,
highlighting the
demonstrative in a
different colour and
explaining that “these” is
a demonstrative which is
used to point to
objects/people (plural)
that are near to the
speaker but far from the
addressee/hearer, or

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that are near both the
speaker and hearer.
3. T points to the door and
asks SS, “What is that?”,
giving them ample time
to think and then
eliciting the answer from
them. SS reply, “Door!”
and T says, with thumbs
up, “Very good! That’s a
door!” SS repeat the
chunk “that’s a door”
several times. Following
that, T writes the
declarative sentence
“That is or that’s a door”
under question 3,
highlighting the
demonstrative in a
different colour. He then
explains that “that” is a
demonstrative which is
used to point to an
that is near the speaker
but far from the

Lesson plan template

addressee/hearer or that
is far from both the
speaker and the hearer.
To check students’
understanding, T asks,
“Is that a chair?” and SS
say “no, that’s a door!”
T gives positive feedback
instantaneously saying,
“Excellent!” and slapping
high fives with all
4. T uses his hand to point
to the windows and asks,
“What are those?” T
elicits the answer from
SS saying, “Those
(pointing to the
windows)…what?” SS
respond, “Window!” T
follows up, “Nice! Very
He models the sentence
and SS keep repeating it
many times until they

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memorise the whole
chunk. Following that, T
writes the declarative
sentence “Those are
windows” under
question 4, highlighting
the demonstrative in a
different colour and
explaining that “those”
is a demonstrative which
is used to point to
objects/people (plural)
that are far from both
the speaker and the
addressee/hearer or that
are far from the speaker
but near the hearer.

In addition to this, T uses

realia. He takes an apple
(since the previous
session was about food!)
out of his bag and tries
to elicit answers from SS.
Putting the apple (or 2
apples) in a different

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place will result in a
different demonstrative.
This further deepens
students’ understanding
of the newly introduced
concept. T continues to
maintain interaction
with SS and keeps them
engaged as much as

As a closure for this stage, T

summarises the rule and
usage of demonstratives
this, that, these and those
on the board and keeps that
written on the board as a
reference for SS throughout
the session.

10 minutes (controlled practice) -SS practice the spoken form
10:25 – 10:35 A.M. of the learning elements,
T divides SS into 5 groups of using the target language,
2 and assigns an activity in English.
the form of a “board game”.

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T gives elaborate and clear S–S
instructions to SS as to how - This activity is very fun,
to carry out the activity by T-S exciting and engaging. It
demonstrating it to them encourages SS and channels
first. them to move from
assimilation (input) onto
Each group of 2 has a board practice (output).
and a dice. The board is
divided into 4 - SS don’t feel shy of making
quarters/areas: mistakes or held back as
What is this?/What are they direct answers towards
these?/ What is that?/What their pairs, and not the
are those? teacher. Hence, it is a good
SS roll the dice in tandem. opportunity for them to
The other student has to explore their linguistic
answer the question upon repertoire and practice
which the dice has fallen. For speaking English whilst
example, Student A rolls the rolling the dice and having
dice and the latter falls on fun.
“What are these?”. Student
A asks that question whilst
pointing to an object (let’s
say Student B’s shoes).
Student B has to answer by
saying, “These are (my)

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T keeps moving around the
class and monitoring SS
answers and use of English
whilst taking notes of any
recurrent errors either at the
level of pronunciation or
grammatical formulae. T
ascertains English is the only
language that is being
spoken and provides
constant feedback and
scaffolding to struggling or
shy SS.
(free practice)
- SS explore the topic in a
10 minutes T gives each student a freer way.
10:35 – 10:45 A.M. worksheet (1 page, with - SS practice the written
colours and illustrations) and form of the learning
asks SS to fill in the blanks. T T – SS elements, using the
explains and simplifies the T–S target language, English.
instructions and gives a time S–S - Giving SS the
limit. While SS are doing the opportunity to practice
exercise, T moves around grammatical structures.
the classroom and monitors - Developing the ability to
students’ progress up close. use context

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He gives constant feedback (illustrations, nouns
and helps out any students following
who seem to be struggling demonstratives) to
with the given exercise. deduce and find the
right answer.
At the end of the allotted - SS demonstrate their
time, T asks SS to do pair understanding of the
correction. After that, whole lesson.
class correction,
orchestrated by T, takes

Summarise and review - Reviewing the outcomes

7 minutes of the activities and
10:45 – 10:52 A.M. T brings SS together and summarising the
recapitulates the whole T – SS learning points.
lesson on the board. T draws - Making sure the learned
attention to usage and form items are internalised
using arrows and different and embedded in
colours for keywords (i.e., students’ long-term
this, that, these and those). memory.

- SS enjoy watching the

8 minutes Cooler animated video and
10:52 – 11:00 A.M. listen to the rhyming
song while at the same

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T Plays an animated time unconsciously
YouTube video about reviewing what they
demonstratives. Then plays a have just studied during
lively and fun song using T – SS the session.
demonstratives. T–S - T ends the class on a
high note, smiles to all
T asks SS to read the SS and says goodbye,
following section on the preparing them for the
following page for the next session.
coming session’s lesson.

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