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Late Turonian (Cretaceous) climate cooling in

Europe: faunal response and possible causes
Phase de refroidissement au Turonien
supérieur (Crétacé) en Europe : réaction de la


Impact Factor: 1.01


155 36


Frank Wiese Silke Voigt

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main


Available from: Frank Wiese

Retrieved on: 22 July 2015
Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77

Late Turonian (Cretaceous) climate cooling in Europe: faunal response

and possible causes
Phase de refroidissement au Turonien supérieur (Crétacé) en Europe :
réaction de la faune et causes possibles
Frank Wiese a,*, Silke Voigt b
Paläontologisches Institut, FU Berlin, Malteser Strasse 74-100/Haus D, 12249 Berlin, Germany
Geologisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Strasse 49a, 50674 Cologne, Germany
Received 12 November 2000; accepted 31 May 2001


Isochronous variations of δ18O curves within several European basins indicate a period of Late Turonian climate cooling, which is
characterized by two distinct cooling phases, separated by a period of climate stability. Literature data for macrofauna (ammonites,
echinoids, and belemnites) indicate that the cooling phases are associated with a southward shift of taxa. Concomitant Late Turonian events
(volcanism and relative sea-level changes) suggest the migration to be triggered mainly by relative sea-level falls. The inferred cooling
phases are seen in context with a general cooling trend due to the decrease in Mid-Cretaceous volcanogenic CO2 emission. Short-term
stagnation of cooling in the Late Turonian has been probably triggered by renewed volcanism. Due to the general high temperatures during
Mid-Cretaceous times, a glacio-eustatic explanation for the coincidence of cooling and sea-level fall is considered unlikely. © 2002
Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


Des courbes isochrones de δ18O provenant de plusieurs bassins crayeux indiquent une phase de refroidissement au Turonien supérieur.
Celle-ci se compose de deux phases séparées par une période de stabilité climatique. Sur la base de données issues de la littérature, il est
possible de mettre en évidence une migration d’éléments de faune du nord vers le sud (ammonites, échinides irréguliers, bélemnites). Une
discussion des données empiétant sur d’autres domaines en rapport avec d’autre facteurs (variation eustatiques, volcanisme) permet de
supposer que le refroidissement reflète en fait la tendance normale à cause de la diminution des émissions volcanogénes de CO2. Un
nouveau volcanisme avec émissions de CO2 au Turonien supérieur interrompt le refroidissement pendant peu de temps. © 2002 Éditions
scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. Tous droits réservés.

Keywords: Oxygen isotopes; Climate cooling; Faunal response; Volcanism; Late Turonian (Upper Cretaceous)

Mots clés: Isotopes; Oxygène; Refroidissement climatique; Réponse faunique; Volcanisme; Turonien terminal (Crétacé supérieur)

1. Introduction Atlantic Ocean) indicate a Late Turonian climate cooling

(Huber et al., 1995; Jenkyns et al., 1995; Clarke and
Relative trends of oxygen isotope records from several Jenkyns, 1999; Voigt and Wiese, 2000; Stoll and Schrag,
European and ODP sites (Indian, Pacific and the South 2000). All the above-mentioned δ18O records are based on
bulk rock data, which are altered by burial diagenesis. The
synchroneity of their relative variations, however, indicates
* Corresponding author. a preserved palaeoenvironmental signal (Jenkyns et al.,
E-mail address: (F. Wiese). 1994; Schrag et al., 1995; Clarke and Jenkyns, 1999; Voigt
© 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 6 - 6 9 9 5 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 1 0 - 4
66 F. Wiese, S. Voigt / Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77

and Wiese, 2000). Using a high-resolution integrated strati- scope of this paper is to present a calibration of the bulk-
graphic framework, Voigt and Wiese (2000) proved two rock δ18O records in context with the data on Middle/Late
short, isochronous δ18O increases (Phases I and III) with a Turonian palaeobiogeographic changes in selected sections
duration of ∼ 400 kyr in Middle to Upper Turonian succes- of the Temperate Realm and the Tethys in Europe and
sions of three European Cretaceous basins. They proposed a northern Africa. In addition, a discussion of possible causes
reorganization of the ocean circulation patterns as a possible for the Late Turonian climate cooling, and their relation to
cause for this cooling. New δ18O data from diagenetically sea-level changes, and carbon, oxygen and strontium iso-
unaltered articulate brachiopod shells indicate a decrease of tope variations will be given. This contribution represents a
seawater temperature of about 2 °C for Phase III (Voigt, review of the present knowledge and the state of discussion.
2000). Stoll and Schrag (2000) suggested a glacio-eustatic
mechanism for the cooling because of the correlation be-
tween sea-level lowstand and the relative δ18O increase in 2. Correlation and timing of δ18O variations
Upper Turonian to Coniacian sediments of Italy and
southern Spain. Concomitant to the δ18O increases, palaeo- Several δ18O records for western, central and southern
biogeographic changes (ammonites, echinoids, and to some Europe represent a north–south transect from the epiconti-
extent, belemnites and inoceramids) and periods of general nental, temperate Chalk seas of Lower Saxony (Voigt and
shallowing (Voigt and Wiese, 2000) can be recognized. The Hilbrecht, 1997) and southern England (Jenkyns et al.,
1994) over a mixed siliciclastic/calcareous shelf of northern
Spain (Wiese, 1999) to pelagic, deep water environments of
the Betic Cordillera (Stoll and Schrag, 2000) and the
Gubbio area (Jenkyns et al., 1994; Stoll and Schrag, 2000)
(Fig. 1). For reliable intra-basinal correlations between NW
Europe and N Spain, integrated stratigraphic methods were
applied by Voigt and Wiese (2000), using biostratigraphy
(ammonites, inoceramids), event and tephrostratigraphy
(Gale, 1996; Wray et al., 1996; Ernst and Wood, 1997;
Wiese, 1997; Wood and Ernst, 1997; Wray, 1999). These
were calibrated by a δ13C stratigraphy (Jenkyns et al., 1994;
Voigt and Hilbrecht, 1997; Wiese 1999; Fig. 2). These

Fig. 1. Approximate geographic position of localities/geologic units fre-

quently mentioned in the text. (1) Anglo-Paris Basin; (2) Westphalia,
Germany; (3) Lower Saxony, Germany; (4) Bohemian/Saxonian Creta-
ceous, Czech Republic and SE Germany; (5) Waschberg-Ždánice Unit,
Austria; (6) Gosau area, northern Calcareous Alps of Austria; (7) Bran-
denberg, northern Calcareous Alps of Austria; (8) Gubbio, Italy; (9)
Kaalat–Senan, Tunisia; (10) Santa Ines, S Spain; (11) North Cantabrian
Basin, N Spain; (12) Basco Cantabrian Basin, N Spain; (13) Uchaux area,
S France; (14) Touraine, France. Note: numbering also valid for the
simplified palaeogeographic map of Fig. 4.
Position géographique approximative des localités/unités géologiques fré-
quemment mentionnées dans le texte. (1) Bassin d’anglo-parisien; (2) Fig. 2. Carbon isotope correlation of δ13C records from Contessa and Santa
Westphalie, Allemagne; (3) Saxe inférieure, Allemagne; (4) Crétacé de Ines (Stoll and Schrag 2000), with the Cenomanian–Turonian composite
Bohème/Saxe, République Tchèque et sud-est de l’Allemagne; (5) Unité de δ13C curve (Voigt, 2000) Dotted lines are tie points for correlation.
Waschberg-Zdanice, Autriche; (6) Région de Gosau, Alpes calcaires au Question marks indicate uncertainties in correlation in the higher Middle
nord de l’Autriche; (7) Brandenberg, Alpes calcaires au nord de l’Autriche; Turonian of Santa Ines.
(8) Gubbio, Italie; (9) Kaalat-Senan, Tunisie; (10) Santa Ines, sud de Corrélation des données de δ13C avec la courbe δ13C composées de
l’Espagne; (11) Bassin au nord du Cantabrien, nord de l’Espagne; (12) Contessa et Santa Ines (Stoll et Schrag, 2000), du Cénomanien au Turonien
Bassin au nord du Cantabrien, nord de l’Espagne; (13) Région d’Uchaux, (Voigt 2000). Les lignes en pointillés sont des points de jonction pour la
sud de la France; (14) Touraine, France (note: numérotation valide pour la corrélation. Les points d’interrogation indiquent des incertitudes de corré-
carte paléogéographique Fig. 4). lation dans la partie supérieure du Turonien moyen de Santa Ines.
F. Wiese, S. Voigt / Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77 67

Fig. 3. Bulk-rock oxygen isotope curves of temperate (Söhlde, Salder: Voigt and Hilbrecht, 1997, Kent: Jenkyns et al., 1994) transitional (Liencres: Wiese,
1999) and Tethyan (Contessa, Santa Ines: Stoll and Schrag, 2000) sections. Two synchronous phases of relative increases in oxygen isotope values, each of
them lasting ∼ 400 kyrs, indicate periods of climate cooling (Phases I and III of Voigt and Wiese 2000).
Courbes d’isotope de l’oxygène de la roche totale pour les coupes tempérées (Söhlde, Salder: Voigt et Hilbrecht, 1997 Kent: Jenkyns et al., 1994)
transitionnelles (Liencres: Wiese, 1999)et téthysiennes (Contessa, Santa Ines: Stoll et Schrag, 2000). Deux phases synchrones de l’isotope relatif de l’oxygène
augmentant, chacune d’elles durant 400 kyrs, indiquent des périodes de refroidissement du climat (phases I and III de Voigt et Wiese, 2000).

techniques provide, when combined, isochronous datum

lines at a resolution unattainable with conventional bios-
tratigraphy alone. Problems only exists with the biostrati-
graphic control of stable isotope records from Italy and
Spain published by Stoll and Schrag (2000). The authors
plotted their detailed oxygen and carbon isotope data
against the sea-level curve of Haq et al. (1987). However,
uncertainties in correlating planktic foraminifera, and the
usage of an older time scale made a precise calibration of
their detailed stable isotope records with the integrated
Cenomanian/Turonian stratigraphic framework applied
here, difficult.
Changes of relative sea-level and differential subsidence
in European shelf-sea basins caused strong variations of
accumulation rates, and, in the Turonian, several hiatuses
occur at different levels in the succession (e.g. Gale, 1996;
Voigt and Hilbrecht, 1997). Based on δ13C correlations,
hiatuses can easily be detected, and their temporal duration
can be estimated by comparison with more complete sec-
tions. Thus, a composite δ13C record was generated from
the most complete sections and was calibrated against the
Gradstein et al. (1995) time scale (Voigt, 2000). Based on
Ar/39Ar bentonite ages from the western interior basin
(Obradovich, 1993) and a correlation of ammonite zones Fig. 4. Simplified palaeogeographic overview (northern Africa and Eu-
between North America and Europe (Hancock et al., 1993), rope), with inferred boundary areas of biogeographic units; map based on
Voigt (1996) (numbering as in Fig. 1).
a time frame for the relative δ13C variations was provided. Vue paléogéographique générale simplifiée (Nord de l’Afrique et de
This composite δ13C curve is used here to incorporate the l’Europe), avec les unités biogéographiques limitantes; carte basée sur
δ13C stratigraphy of the Contessa and Santa Ines sections Voigt (1996) (numérotation Fig. 1).
68 F. Wiese, S. Voigt / Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77

(Stoll and Schrag, 2000) into the integrated biostratigraphic tween these areas permits good dating of the δ18O fluctua-
Cenomanian–Turonian framework (Fig. 2) and to replot the tions and the faunal changes. If the interpretation of δ18O
corresponding δ18O data against the Gradstein et al. (1995) fluctuations as cooling events were correct, the variations of
time scale (Fig. 3). The Middle Turonian part of the Santa palaeotemperature may also have an effect on the compo-
Ines δ13C curve is somewhat insignificant, which prevents sition of the marine faunal assemblages, and thus, the
detailed intra-basinal correlation with other curves at least biogeographic character of the areas in question (Wiese,
in this interval. However, correlation of the δ18O stratigra- 1999; Voigt and Wiese, 2000).
phies shows also the late Middle and Late Turonian δ18O This paper is an attempt to summarize the distribution
increase (Phase I and III; Voigt and Wiese, 2000) and, pattern of ammonites, and to some extent, irregular echi-
consequently, true isochronous cooling phases. Each phase noids, belemnites and inoceramids during the interval in
lasted about 400 kyr, separated by an approximately 500 kyr question, and it is based on a compilation of data available
period (Phase II) of more stable climate (Fig. 3). from the literature. Only stratigraphically well-labelled
Phase I (91.0–90.6 Ma) is characterized by a significant records were considered. Although not yet statistically
positive 0.5‰ δ13C excursion. Biostratigraphically, it falls analysed, as done, for example, by Smith (1992) for
into the upper Collignoniceras woollgari ammonite Zone of Cenomanian echinoids, the trends shown here affected wide
the Temperate Realm and into the Tethyan Romaniceras areas and produced comparable patterns. Thus, true biogeo-
deverianum ammonite Zone (Fig. 2), above the last occur- graphic implications are inferred.
rence (LO) of the planktic foraminifera Helvetoglobotrun-
cana helvetica.
Phase III (90.1–89.7 Ma) falls into the middle Subpri- 4. Phase I (Middle/Upper Turonian boundary interval)
onocyclus neptuni Zone (Fig. 2). In its upper part, it to Phase II (Lower Middle Turonian)
corresponds to the Hitch wood Hardground of the English
Chalk Rock (Bromley and Gale, 1982; Gale, 1996), a time 4.1. Ammonites
equivalent of the German (Dahmer and Ernst, 1986) Hy-
phantoceras Event. It terminates below the base of the To visualize fading southern influence in the north and
Mytiloides scupini inoceramid Zone (upper Upper Turo- vice versa in Europe and northern Africa, the northernmost
nian). Comparable bio-events that serve long-range event limits of the Tethyan/intermediate Romaniceras and the
stratigraphic correlation are not known from the deeper southernmost occurrence of collignoniceratids may be used
pelagic Tethyan sections in Italy and Spain. Phase III falls (Fig. 5). In the North European Subprovince, the faunal
into the Marginotruncana sigali/coronata planktic foramin- successions pre-dating Phase I (Middle Turonian C. wooll-
ifera Zone and corresponds to a 1.0‰ δ13C increase. The gari Zone or R. ornatissimum Zone, respectively) are
three phases of Turonian δ18O variations are independent of mainly characterized by a collignoniceratid fauna (e.g.
facies, sedimentary thickness and degree of diagenesis. C. woollgari, C. carolinum) with Lewesiceras, scaphitids,
Their synchroneity in all sections excludes diagenesis as a anisoceratids and baculitids (England: Wright and Kennedy,
cause for these temporal variations (Stoll and Schrag, 2000; 1981; France: Roman and Mazaran, 1913, Devalque et al.,
Voigt and Wiese, 2000). 1982, Kennedy et al., 1980a, Robaszynski et al., 1982;
Germany: Petrascheck, 1902, Seiffert, 1955, Kaplan, 1988;
Poland: Tarkowski, 1991; Czech Republic: Laube and
3. Palaeobiogeographic data (Europe and northern Bruder, 1887; Bulgaria: Minev, 1994). From the middle
Africa) Middle Turonian of the northern Calcareous Alps, Austria, a
collignoniceratid/baculitid fauna has been recorded (Sum-
During the Middle and Late Turonian, Europe and N mesberger, 1992). In northern Spain (NTS), the fauna is
Africa were characterized by well developed, latitudinal characterized by a Romaniceras/desmoceratacean assem-
biogeographic units (Klinger and Wiedmann, 1983; Matsu- blage with Tetragonites, Gaudryceras and Phylloceras
moto, 1973; Fig. 4). The NW-European localities (Anglo- (Lamolda et al., 1989; Santamaría Zabala, 1992, 1995;
Paris Basin: Kent; Lower Saxony Cretaceous Basin: Salz- Wiese, 1997; Küchler, 1998). Anisoceratids, baculitids and
gitter–Salder and Söhlde), located at an approximate collignoniceratids are insignificant, and the very rare occur-
palaeolatitude of around 43°N, belonged to the North rences of the Boreal Middle Turonian index ammonite
European Subprovince of the Boreal Realm (sensu Kauff- C. woollgari are mostly restricted to the upper Mid-
man, 1973). This area is in large parts synonymous with the Turonian ornatissimum ammonite Zone. One doubtful
Central European Subprovince of Christensen (1976). To- record of C. woollgari has been recorded from Tunisia
wards the south, it graded into the Northern Transitional within an otherwise monospecific assemblage of Coilopo-
Subprovince (NTS; Ernst et al., 1996), an intermediate area ceras (Robaszynski et al., 1990). On the other hand, R. or-
between the Tethys and the Boreal Realm (North Cantabrian natissiumum is known from northern Africa up to the
Basin: Liencres section) with an approximate palaeolatitude Anglo-Paris Basin. It occurs particularly abundantly in
between 30° and 35°. The excellent δ13C correlation be- northern Spain, and, in decreasing quantities from the
F. Wiese, S. Voigt / Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77 69

Fig. 5. Pre-Phase 1: southern limits of collignoniceratid faunas and Fig. 6. Terminal Phase I/Phase II: southern limits of the Subprionocyclus
northern limits of the Romaniceras ornatissimum distribution (Middle distribution and northern limits of Romaniceras and Coilopoceras (early
Turonian ornatissimum ammonite Zone). neptuni ammonite Zone).
Pré-phase 1: limites sud des faunes de collignoniceratidés et limites nord de Phase terminale I/ Phase II: limites sud de la distribution de Subprionocy-
la distribution de Romaniceras ornatissimum (Turonien moyen zone de clus, et limites nord de Romaniceras et Coilopoceras (partie inférieure de
l’ammonite ornatissimum). la zone de l’ammonite neptuni).

Touraine (France) via the French part of the Anglo-Paris ianum, Tongoboryceras rhodanicum, Pachydesmoceras lin-
Basin to southern England, indicating likewise a decreasing deri) occur together with the Boreal Lewesiceras mantelli
southern influence (Kennedy et al., 1980b; Wright and (plus associated Scaphites geinitzii, Gaudryceras cf. mite
Kennedy, 1981). Rare records are known from the southern and Puzosia curvatisulcata), suggesting likewise a mixed
rim of the Münsterland Basin (Kaplan, pers. Comm.) and assemblage. R. deverianum occurs in decreasing quantities
the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Fritsch and Schlönbach, towards the north. It is known from the Anglo-Paris Basin
1872). Towards the south-east, its distribution extends to and the marginal glauconitic facies near the Rhenish and
Bulgaria (Pavlishina and Minev, 1998). Bohemian massifs (Dacque, 1939; Lommerzheim, 1976;
With terminal Phase I/Phase II, slight faunal modifica- Wright and Kennedy, 1981). Coilopoceras is recorded as far
tions occurred (Fig. 6). In Tunisia, the fauna is dominated north as the Münsterland Basin (Lommerzheim, 1976). It is
by the Tethyan/intermediate Romaniceras deverianum and important to realize that terminal Phase I/Phase II—above
Coilopoceras requienianum. The scattered occurrence of the interpreted as a cooling event—reflects a bimodal faunal
Western Interior ammonite Prionocyclus indicates immigra- migration of boreal taxa to the south and warmer water
tion from the latter region (Robaszynski et al., 1990). From forms to the north.
the northern Calcareous Alps (Austria), palaeogeographi-
cally located much more southward than its position today 4.2. Irregular echinoids
(Sanders et al., 1997, p. 353, Fig. 2), R. deverianum and
C. requienianum are recorded (Herm et al., 1979; Summes- Other than for the Cenomanian (Smith, 1992), no de-
berger and Kennedy, 1996), but no biogeographic state- tailed palaeobiogeographic data or comprehensive faunal
ments are possible due to the general scarcity of ammonites. lists on Turonian echinoids have been published. However,
In northern Spain, a southward shift of a Collignoniceras some general statements appear possible. A differentiation
fauna is indicated by the occurrence of Subprionocyclus into a late Mid-/early Late Turonian northern (northern
(Santamaría Zabala, 1995; Küchler, 1998), which co-occurs Germany, eastern England) and an intermediate (northern
with R. deverianum and C. requienianum. In addition, Spain) echinoid fauna is possible. In the first area, taxa such
scaphitids that, at least in the Turonian, show a latitudinally as Discoidea, Cardiaster truncatus, Conulus subrotundus,
bound distribution pattern, become more frequent. The Micraster ex gr. leskei, Sternotaxis plana, Infulaster excen-
overall faunal character, however, is that of a mixed tricus, Echinocorys gravesi and Cardiaster cotteauanus are
Boreal/intermediate assemblage. This is also true for SE not uncommon (Ernst, 1970, 1972; Ernst et al., 1996). Of
France (Uchaux massif; Figs 1 and 6), where the these, the last five taxa are unknown from the NTS, where
Tethyan/intermediate taxa (R. deverianum, C. requien- Epiaster michelini, Hemiaster (Bolbaster) gauthieri and
70 F. Wiese, S. Voigt / Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77

Cardiaster cretacea are the most important taxa (Wiese,

1997). With terminal Phase I/early Phase II, however, the
northern M. leskei, C. cotteauanus and S. plana enter the
stratigraphic record in northern Spain and occur together
with Hemiaster (Bolbaster) gauthieri. As for the ammo-
nites, the echinoids indicate an intermediate assemblage.

4.3. Belemnites

No belemnites have been recorded from this interval in

Europe. They are generally rare in the European lower
Upper Cretaceous, where they are restricted to distinct
intervals. Specifically short incursions during the Cenoma-
nian, e.g., the primus Event with Actinocamax primus and
A. boweri (Ernst et al., 1983; Christensen, 1992) and the
short-term incursion of Praeactinocamax plenus in the
Upper Cenomanian (plenus Zone in the Anglo-Paris Basin,
Jefferies, 1963; plenus Event of Germany, Ernst et al., 1983)
are interpreted as short-term migration events due to sudden
cooling (Ernst et al., 1996). Christensen (1997) suggested
that the progressive climate warming and the concomitant Fig. 7. Phase III/post-Phase III: extension of Prionocyclus distribution,
warming of the oceans during the terminal Cenomanian and southern limits of Subprionocyclus and Hyphantoceras. Inferred belemnite
the Lower/Middle Turonian forced the belemnites to retreat incursion is indicated by arrows (late neptuni/early germari ammonite
to the Russian platform.
Phase III/ post Phase III: extension de la distribution de Prionocyclus,
limites sud de Subprionocyclus et d’Hyphantoceras. L’incursion déduite
des bélemnites est indiquée par des flèches (partie supérieure de la zone
5. Phase III (Middle Upper Turonian) d‘ammonite neptuni (partie inférieure de la zone d’ammonite germari).

5.1. Ammonites spread of abundant calcareous nannofossils and calci-

Phase III is characterized by the spread of the Hyphan- Towards northern Spain, the influence of the reussianum
toceras reussianum ammonite fauna over wide parts of the Fauna ceases, and only some elements (scaphitids, colli-
North European Subprovince. This so-called reussianum gnoniceratids, Hyphantoceras; Santamaría Zabala, 1992;
fauna occurs in England, parts of France, Germany, the Wiese, 1997; Küchler, 1998) occur (Fig. 7). However,
Czech Republic, Poland and, to some extent, in Kazakhstan incursion of northern waters is not only documented by the
(e.g. Roman and Mazaran, 1913; Seifert, 1955; Tröger and occurrence of certain taxa, but also by the significant
Wolf, 1960; Kaplan, 1986; Wright, 1979; Tarkowski, 1991; reduction of previously frequent groups (e.g., desmocerata-
Metzdorf, 1992; Juignet and Breton, 1994; Marcinowski ceans, puzosiids, Tetragonites; Ernst et al., 1996; Küchler,
et al., 1996). Integral components of the fauna are hetero- 1998). Hyphantoceras reussianum and Eubostrychoceras
morph ammonite taxa such as Bostrychoceras, Hyphanto- saxonicum reached even northern Africa (Algeria: Pervin-
ceras, Allocrioceras, Scaphites, and Sciponoceras and ‘nor- quière, 1910; Fig. 7). From Tunisia, (Kaalat–Senan), the
mally’ coiled forms such as collignoniceratids and collignoniceratids Prionocyclus and Subprionocyclus are
Lewesiceras. Areas previously influenced by southern fau- specifically common and are associated with rare Hemitis-
nas became now part of the North European Subprovince, sotia (Robaszynski et al., 1990, 2000). Although interpreted
such as SE France (Uchaux area), where the reussianum as terminal Turonian in age by the latter authors, the
fauna with all its components occurs (Roman and Mazaran, assemblage can be shown—based on a newly established
1913; Devalque et al., 1982). In Saxony (North European δ13C curve (Wiese, unpublished data)—to equate with
Subprovince), the cooling is macrofaunistically indistinct. Phase III. After a peak occurrence of Prionocyclus
However, the unique occurrence of limestones (Strehlen and (Robaszynski et al., 1990) above Phase III, the Boreal
Weinböhla limestones; Seifert, 1955) within the otherwise influence due to the short-term cooling event faded in
siliciclastic-dominated facies near the Bohemian Massif Tunisia, indicated by the establishment of a monospecific
(Tröger, 1987; Tröger and Voigt, 1995) may be interpreted assemblage of Barroisiceras tunetanum (Robaszynski et al.,
as a southward shift of the temperate (Pläner-) limestone 2000).
facies, restricted otherwise to Westphalia, Lower Saxony From Lower Austria (Waschberg–Ždánice Unit; Sum-
and Saxony–Anhalt (NW Germany). Micropalaeontologi- mesberger et al., 1999; Fig. 1), a small collignoniceratid
cally, this is an expression of a short-termed southward ammonite fauna (Subprionocyclus), associated with phyllo
F. Wiese, S. Voigt / Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77 71

ceratids, desmoceratids and puzosiids, is recorded. Palaeo- Republic), in the vicinity of the Bohemian Massif (Chris-
geographically located south of the Bohemian Massif, the tensen, 1982; Košták, 1996). From the middle Upper
presence of the collignoniceratids indicate at least some Turonian Strehlen Limestone (Saxony) two complete speci-
boreal influence in the latter area during the interval. Minor mens are described, and from the slightly younger (Upper
northern influence is detectable in the northern Calcareous Turonian/Lower Coniacian) Teplice Formation (Bohemia),
Alps (Gosau Group; Figs 1 and 7), where Hyphantoceras one complete specimen and four fragments are known. One
reussianum co-occurs with baculitids in an interval, equa- presumed Upper Turonian specimen of P. bohemicus has
ting stratigraphically with the top of Phase III or slightly been recorded from Särdal in Sweden, in the vicinity of
above (Summesberger and Kennedy, 1996). Although col- Fennoscandia (Bergström et al., 1973). The immigration of
lignoniceratids are present in the form of Barroisiceras belemnites into the Central European Province happened
habnerfellneri, this taxon is almost exclusively restricted to presumably from the Central Russian Subprovince, where
the northern Calcareous Alps. It should better be interpreted belemnitellids persisted during the Turonian in the Volga
to indicate endemic development. Rather, the absence of Region (Naidin, 1981). The taxonomic relation, however,
additional northern taxa points at indistinct southward between the Russian and European occurrences remain still
incursion into the latter area. The biogeographic relation of unclear (Christensen, 1997). Based on the few specimens,
an endemic collignoniceratid fauna in Croatia (Dugi–Otok, the European occurrences may be interpreted as a first
Davey et al., 1992; Fig. 7) remains unclear. re-immigration into the Central European province in con-
text with the cooling pulse of Phase III. Of particular
5.2. Irregular echinoids interest is the facies dependency of the European belemni-
tellids. Praeactinocamax obviously preferred shallower
In the North Cantabrian Basin, sediments representing habitats in the vicinity of emerged areas such as the
Phase III are turbidites of a lowstand fan, and echinoid body Bohemian Massif (Christensen, 1976). Thus, the brief
fossils are rare. With the onset of autochthonous sedimen- immigration pulse may be seen in the light of climatic
tation at the top of Phase III (Wiese, 1997), an echinoid cooling (as indicated by the δ18O excursion), as well as in
fauna with a northern character occurs. Specifically the context with a sea-level fall during the terminal Phase III.
stratigraphic succession of the genus Micraster (small The immigration pulse is terminated by the succeeding
M. Leskei–large M. Leskei–advanced Micraster ex gr. transgression, and a new immigration (Goniocamax
praecursor/normanniae) is identical to that of the Anglo- lundgreni: island of Bornholm and Bohemia; Košták, 1996;
Paris Basin (Fouray, 1981; Stokes, 1973; Mortimore, 1986), Christensen, 1997; Christensen and Schulz, 1997) occurred
and the general evolutionary trend from early to advanced during the early Coniacian regression (Haq et al., 1988).
Micraster is also recognizable in the Basco-Cantabrian
Basin and northern Germany (Ernst, 1970, 1972; Küchler, 5.4. Others
1998). In addition, the evolutionary development of Sterno-
taxis plana in the North Cantabrian Basin is identical to that In the North Cantabrian Basin, inoceramids were scarce
in northern Germany: in the uppermost Phase III, S. plana in the lower Upper Turonian, and are represented by
shows a typical size increase and a shift towards forms of ex endemic (?) taxa, which resisted specific interpretation
gr. S. placenta. The lineages of both Micraster and Sterno- (K.-A. Tröger, pers. comm.). At the end of Phase III,
taxis show an isochronous, uniform evolution during Phase inoceramids became more common and are represented by
III in northern Germany, England/France and northern Mytiloides incertus and Mytiloides scupini, which occur
Spain. True Boreal echinoids such as Infulaster, common in both in northern Germany and northern Spain, indicating
northern Germany and England, have not yet been observed comparable assemblages. In the Austrian Gosau, the Late
in northern Spain. With Phase III, hemiasterid echinoids Turonian and early Coniacian inoceramid assemblages also
ceased to be an integral part of the echinoid assemblage of show northern affinities, thus indicating clear north–south
the North Cantabrian Basin. On the other hand, some faunal exchange (Voigt, 1996; Tröger and Summesberger,
species of Hemiaster play an important role in the echinoid 1994; Herm et al., 1979).
assemblages of the Castillian Ramp during Phase III
(Néraudeau, 1990; Néraudeau and Floquet, 1991), sugges-
ting general warmer settings in the latter area.
6. Sea-level development
5.3. Belemnites
Sequence stratigraphic comparison at a high stratigraphic
A short belemnite incursion into the Central European level is hampered by scarce literature data. The ‘global’
Province occurs at an interval representing the upper part of sea-level curves (e.g., Haq et al., 1988; Hardenbol et al.,
Phase III. Only a handful of specimens, belonging to the 1998) as a possible standard is of limited value due to its
Belemnitellidae (Praeactinocamax bohemicus), have been lack of accuracy in the interval considered. The data
recorded from Saxony (Germany) and Bohemia (Czech collected from the literature are of regional significance;
72 F. Wiese, S. Voigt / Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77

however, due to the stratigraphic resolution, they can be put avoided pelagic settings (Kennedy and Cobban, 1976;
into an interbasinal context for the areas considered. Tanabe et al., 1978; Tanabe, 1979; Kaplan, 1988), during
Early Phase I coincides with progressive shallowing and terminal Phase I/Phase II took place in context with regres-
coincides approximately with a terminal Mid-Turonian sion and low relative sea level. With Phases II and III, the
sequence boundary. It is recorded from northern and south- northward shift of southern taxa ceased, and an exclusive
eastern Germany (Tröger and Voigt, 1995; Ernst and Wood, southward spread of Boreal taxa as far south as Tunisia is
1995), England (Gale, 1996), parts of France (Juignet and recorded. This happened also during relative sea-level
Breton, 1994) and northern Spain (Gräfe, 1999; Wiese and lowstands. Thus, migration may have been initially trig-
Wilmsen, 1999). It is also recorded by Haq et al. (1988), gered by relative sea-level fluctuations, and resultant, pos-
where it is marked as a major, short-term regressive pulse. sible modifications in the current systems and/or swell-basin
At the top of Phase II, there is a short-term regressive configurations (Voigt and Wiese, 2000). A comparable
pulse in northern Germany, indicated by a well developed mechanism was suggested by Bengtson and Kakabadzé
thickening-upward sequence, which terminates in a marker (1999). The magnitude of the faunal exchange may second-
fossil bed (costellatus/plana Event; Ernst et al., 1983). Its arily have been controlled by palaeotemperature gradients.
top marks a turnover towards renewed transgression. Based No plausible, widely accepted general models to explain
on δ13C correlation (Voigt and Hilbrecht, 1997), this bed high frequency 3rd order sea-level changes in an ice-free
correlates with the Caburn Sponge Bed of England, which greenhouse world have been presented yet. While some
is, based on its lithology (nodular chalk, sponge accumula- workers infer glacio-eustatic impulses as a possible driving
tions) also interpreted as a regressive event here. In northern mechanism (e.g. Pitman and Golovchenko, 1983; Plint,
Spain, the same event is expressed by a facies change from 1991; Malatre et al., 1998), others suggested intra-plate
nodular limestones towards turbidites of a lowstand fan stress as a possible triggering mechanism (Cloethingh,
(Wiese and Wilmsen, 1999). 1988; see summary with further references in Price, 1999).
Phase III is associated with a progressive–regressive Stoll and Schrag (2000) discussed the temporal coincidence
pulse in Germany and England (Tröger and Voigt, 1995; of increasing oxygen isotope values (1–2‰) and falling sea
Gale, 1996; Voigt and Hilbrecht, 1997). In northern Spain, level (40–80 m) for an interval corresponding to our Phase
sediments representing Phase III are characterized by tur- III as glacio-eustatic-induced climate cooling. However, the
biditic sequences of an expanded lowstand fan (Wiese and Mid-Cretaceous period is interpreted as unusually warm
Wilmsen, 1999). In England, it is expressed as a major with ice-free polar regions. Physiognomic leaf analyses of
hardground (Hitch wood Hardground, Bromley and Gale, Late Turonian to Early Coniacian floras from the northern
1982), interpreted by Hancock (1987) as a ‘trough of hemisphere suggest overall warm temperatures at palaeo-
regression’ and thus, the inflection point from an overall latitudes around 80°N with more than 8 months warmer
regressive development towards an overall transgressive than 10 °C and polar nights rarely reaching –4 °C (Herman
situation. Contrary to Gale (1996), who interpreted the and Spicer, 1996). Data on vertebrates support the impres-
Hitch wood Hardground as a transgressive surface, we sion of comparatively warm temperatures for the intervals
interpret it here as a complex surface, representing both a in question (Tarduno et al., 1998). From Antarctica, only
sequence boundary and a transgressive surface. very few data are available for the Turonian, but a cool
temperate, moist climate may be inferred from palynologi-
cal data (Askin and Spicer, 1995). Thus, the polar regions
7. Discussion seem to have been characterized by moderate temperatures
and not by glaciation.
While the pre-Phase I situation was characterized by Geochemically, more detailed statements are possible.
more or less latitudinally orientated faunal Oxygen isotope data from the Indian Ocean (Exmouth
provinces/subprovinces in wide parts of Europe, this com- Plateau; ∼ 47°S) suggest warm ocean surface water condi-
paratively well defined situation became unstable with the tions with approximate palaeotemperatures around 15 °C
onset of Phase I, and a bimodal—southward and northward (Clarke and Jenkyns, 1999). Huber et al. (1995) pointed at
directed—faunal mixing occurred. Thus, the interpretation the possibility of warm waters in high southern latitudes in
of the southward spread of Boreal taxa to result exclusively the South Atlantic. Upper Turonian oxygen isotope data
from cooling, indicated by the δ18O fluctuations, is too from diagenetically unaltered brachiopod shells of Phase III
simple. The faunal data indicate that non-pelagic ammonite (Voigt, 2000b) show an δ18O increase of ∼ 1‰, and there-
morphotypes (Westermann, 1996), some benthic organisms fore a lower magnitude of cooling (∼ 2–4 °C) than estimated
(inoceramids, echinoids) and possibly belemnites (although by Stoll and Schrag (2000) from bulk-rock data (4–8 °C).
the data set is too poor for unequivocal statements) spread, Assuming a glacio-eustatic mechanism for the Late Turo-
when regression produced areas on the European shelf in nian cooling, about 0.2–0.5‰ of the δ18O increase should
communication with each other. In fact, the northward account for a modified isotope composition of seawater
spread of Romaniceras and Coilopoceras, and vice versa, because of the storage of isotopically light oxygen in
the southward shift of collignoniceratid ammonites, which high-latitude ice caps. Assuming a δ18Oice value of –20
F. Wiese, S. Voigt / Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77 73

to –30‰, an increase of 0.2–0.5‰ in δ18Oseawater would

require an ice-shield the size of ∼ 40% of the present
Antarctic and Greenland ice-shields (Shackleton and Ken-
nett, 1975). Formation of such large ice caps should have
had considerable impact on the planetary radiation balance
due to high ice-albedo and would have forced additional
cooling. Such a scenario is hardly to maintain with the
palaeontological record, which indicates a vegetation cover
with evergreen conifer, and temperate deciduous forests.
A recent Campanian climate simulation with the GEN-
ESIS v. 2.0 Global Climate Model could demonstrate
climate relevant feedback mechanisms of climate–vegeta-
tion–ocean interactions (DeConto et al., 1999). With defined
climate model boundary conditions (Campanian palaeo-
geography, atmospheric CO2 value of 1.500 ppm, adjust-
Fig. 8. Comparison of Late Turonian cooling phases with carbon (Voigt,
ment of ocean heat transport to present values), the resulting 2000a; Jenkyns et al., 1994) and strontium isotope curves (McArthur et al.,
climate model predicted Cretaceous greenhouse conditions, 1993 Howarth and McArthur, 1997) ages of oceanic intra-plate basalts
with polar regions having a low meridional temperature (Kerr et al., 1997; Duncan, 1991; Coffin and Eldholm, 1994; Mahoney et
gradient, warm temperatures and winter temperatures in the al., 1993; Tejada et al., 1996).
interior of Antarctica only just below freezing point. One Comparaison des phases de refroidissements du Turonien supérieur avec
des courbes d’isotope du carbone (Voigt, 2000a; Jenkyns et al., 1994) et du
important parameter that prevented Antarctica from cooling strontium (McArthur et al., 1993; Howarth et McArthur, 1997) âges des
was the presence of vegetation, consisting of high latitude basaltes océaniques intraplaques (Kerr et al., 1997; Duncan, 1991; Coffin
conifer forests: the lower albedo of a forest canopy has a and Eldholm, 1994; Mahoney et al., 1993; Tejada et al., 1996).
positive influence on the radiation balance by preventing
back-radiation of heat to space, especially in the late
winter–early spring time. Furthermore, forests caused an Mahoney et al., 1993; Tejada et al., 1996; Caribbean–Co-
enhanced latent heat transport via transpiration and main- lombian plateau: Kerr et al., 1997; Marion hotspot: Storey
tained also warm temperatures in the summer months. A et al., 1995; Broken Ridge: Duncan, 1991; Coffin and
further interesting result of the Campanian climate simula- Eldholm, 1994; Fig. 8). Within this stratigraphic accuracy, it
tion was that with slightly decreased atmospheric CO2 is extremely difficult to refer stratigraphically well-dated,
values (1350 ppm), and a lower meridional oceanic heat short-term bio- and isotope events at magnitudes of only
transport, the high latitude forests had been completely few ka to distinct volcanic events with diffuse radiometric
substituted by tundra vegetation. The albedo of tundra ages.
vegetation is higher than that of forests, which caused a
positive climate cooling mechanism. DeConto et al. (1999) A different proposed measure for hydrothermal activity,
therefore, argued that a reorganization of high-latitude and therefore for the rate of oceanic crust production and
terrestrial ecosystems, from evergreen conifer forest to volcanism is the strontium isotope record of seawater
tundra and back could have contributed to intermittent (Ingram et al., 1994; Jones et al., 1994). Evolution of
cooling periods. Although this model is only valid for the seawater strontium isotopes through time reflects the chan-
Campanian, some of the basic principles may also be worth ging balance between continental weathering (87Sr) and
considering for the Mid-Cretaceous period and its compara- mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal fluids (86Sr). Both processes
tively higher temperatures. invoke, via the global CO2 cycle, a link between strontium
The high Mid-Cretaceous temperatures are commonly isotopes and palaeoclimate (e.g., Berner et al., 1983; Raymo
interpreted to result from increased volcanogenic CO2 and Ruddiman, 1992). The early Late Cretaceous seawater
emission due to high oceanic crust production rates at Sr/86Sr record shows a decrease from the Late Cenoma-
mid-oceanic ridges and the development of expanded intra- nian to the Middle Turonian and a minimum during the Late
oceanic plateaus (Kominz, 1984; Larson, 1991). During this Turonian (Fig. 8), suggesting the onset of enhanced crust
period, the estimated level of the greenhouse gas CO2 was production and release of volcanic CO2 in the Late Ceno-
between 1.5 and 8 times higher than the present, pre- manian. The residence time of Sr in seawater is in the order
industrial levels (GEOCARB II; Berner, 1994). In this of several million years, which might cause a time lag with
context it is puzzling that the cooling phases at 90 Ma respect to variations in the supply of depleted 86Sr (Bral-
coincide with a period of increased oceanic intra-plate ower et al., 1997). Minimum Sr-isotope values in the higher
volcanism and the development of large flood basalts (Kerr, Turonian could be the expression for the end of the
1998), resulting in an increase of CO2 emission. However, Mid-Cretaceous high crust production phase and subse-
radiometric ages of these occurrences cover a comparatively quently decreasing volcanogenic CO2 emission. This de-
broad time span from 95.3 to 87 Ma (Ontong Java: crease of atmospheric CO2 could affect the global radiation
74 F. Wiese, S. Voigt / Geobios 35 (2002) 65–77

balance, resulting in a climate cooling with corresponding . Biblios non appelées

changes in the terrestrial and marine biota. A longer-term
triggering of early Late Cretaceous climate cooling is also (Chancellor et al., 1994; Davey et al., 1992; Fristch and
supported by a first proposed cooling step in relation with Schloenbach, 1872; Küchler and Ernst, 1989; Pervinquiere,
the climate perturbations during the Cenomanian–Turonian 1910; Sanders et al., 1997 ; Storey et al., 1995)
boundary event (Jenkyns et al., 1994). In this context, the
climatic cooling trend may have been normal during the
Turonian–Coniacian interval, and the 90 Ma volcanism and Acknowledgements
associated CO2 emissions might have caused short-term
phases of warmer temperatures (and, therefore, oscillating We thank Jörg Mutterlose (Bochum) for his critical
δ18O fluctuations). Thus, the cooling events observed here, review of the manuscript and Sarah Aboussalam (Naturkun-
probably do not reflect distinct deviation from an overall demuseum Berlin) and Michel Guérin (FU Berlin) for
warm climate but normal cooling trend, periodically inter- French translations. This work was financially supported by
rupted by phases of warming due to volcanogenic CO2 grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to Wiese
emission. (Wi 1656/3-1) and Voigt (Vo 687/2).

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