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Km. 17 Brgy. Ilang Bunawan District, Davao City

Tel No. (082) 282 3738|
Government Recognition R XI No. 003 s, 2012

S.Y. 2023-2024
AUGUST 29- 30, 2023

Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

Teacher: Odyfier A. Bagonoc____________ School Principal: Purificacion S. Yambao Ed.


Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a weak to violent shaking of the ground produced by the sudden movement of rock
material below the earth’s surface.
a. eruption b. earthquake c. tectonic d. explosion
2. What do you call the outermost shell of a terrestrial planet?
a. mantle b. crust c. outer core d. inner core
3. It is defined as the fault zones that separate the rigid interior of plates.
a. lithosphere b. fault line c. plate boundaries d. tectonic plate
4. Which of the following is a fault block mountain?
a. Andes b. Sierra Nevada c. Alps d. Rockies
5. Constructive Boundary is also known as a ____________________________.
a. Conservative Boundary b. Collision Boundary c. Divergent Plate Boundary d.
Destructive Boundary
6. All of the following are types of Electromagnetic Radiation except one?
a. EM radiation b. gamma radiation c. infrared d. radio waves
7. Which of the following is a type of electromagnetic radiation used for communication?
a. Electromagnetic spectrum b. radio waves c. Low Frequency d. Medium Frequency
8. Which of the following is a packet of electromagnetic energy photon?
a. gamma photon b. x-rays c. gamma rays d. gamma radiation
9. The mountain summit refers to the_______________________________________.
a. top of a mountain b. shape of a mountain c. side of the mountain d. base of the
10. Fold mountains are created through, what process?
a. butte b. orogeny c. mesa d. plate tectonics
11. Where does the first motion of an earthquake occur?
a. fault b. epicenter c. focus d. locus
12. In what direction do seismic waves carry the energy of an earthquake?
a. toward the focus b. away from the focus c. from the surface to the
interior d. all of the above
13. Why do earthquakes usually occur at plate boundaries?
a. The rock on the edges of tectonic plates is soft and gives in easily to various pressures.
b. The boundaries between tectonic plates have been seismically active for millions of
c. Rocks in environments near tectonic plate boundaries experience great stress.
d. Rocks in environments near tectonic plate boundaries experience little stress.
14. Which of the following known to be the highest/ largest mountain in the Solar System?
a. Olympus Monks b. Mount Everest c. Olympus Mons d. Mount Fuji
15. Which of the following known to be the deepest trench?
a. deep trench b. Puerto Rico Trench c. Pacific Trench d. Mariana Trench
16. Human being perceive different wavelength of light as colors including red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, and violet. Which color has the longest wavelength?
a. red b. blue c. violet d. green
17. How does light normally travel?
a. Light travels always toward a dark area. b. Light travels in a curved line. c. Light
travels in a straight line d. Light travels in concentric circles.
18. Through which medium is the speed of light the fastest?
a. water b. glass c. vacuum d. air
19. Which type of mirror produces an image that is always erect, always the same height as the
object and always virtual?
a. Concave b. convex c. plane d. none of the above
20. Images created by convex mirror are always____________________________________ .
a. Larger than the object. b. Smaller than the object c. The same size as the
d. None of the above
21. What connects the urinary bladder and the penis?
a. epididymis b. sperm duct c. urethra d. vas deferens
22. What term refers to the fluid produced by glands of the male reproductive system?
a. urine b. semen c. ovum d. sperm
23. Where is the sperm produced?
a. penis b. prostate gland c. testes d. urethra
24. What hormone is responsible for the expression of secondary sex characteristics in human
a. Testosterone b. FSH c. estrogen d. LH
25. Menstruation is the process by which the inner lining of the ____________ created during
ovulation is no longer needed and is discharged from the woman’s body.
a. vagina b. oviduct c. uterus d. urethra
26. Homeostasis is maintained primarily via_________________ feedback mechanisms.
a. negative b. positive c. both d. neither
27. Which of the following best describes the endocrine system?
a. It regulates homeostasis by means of nerve impulses.
b. It absorbs nutrients.
c. It produces blood cells that transport oxygen.
d. It is made up of glands that produces and secrete hormones.
28. DNA is made up of a phosphate group, an organic base, and a ______________________.
a. A. fat b. molecule of ATP c. protein d. sugar
29. What type of both connects base pairs?
a. covalent bond b. ionic bond c. hydrogen bond d. metallic bond
30. An allele is ______________________________.
a. a. another word for a gene b. a homozygous genotype c. a heterozygous genotype
d. a pair of genes

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