08 Classification

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▪ Taxonomy is the branch of biology that deals with identification,
naming and classifying of living things according to characteristics.
▪ Ordered division of organisms into categories based on a set of
similar characteristics
Advantages of taxonomy

Allows taxonomists to store and Nomenclature allows taxonomists

provide information on plants and to give scientific names to
animals systematically. Materials and organisms scattered all over the
information are filed and catalogued world. Communication and
exchange of data and information
to be carried out effectively within
the scientific community

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▪ Taxon (taxonomic rank) - A name for one category or group at one
level in the hierarchy scheme.
▪ Carolus Linnaeus grouped organisms into seven levels.
✓organisms are grouped into different species,
✓several species are grouped into a genus,
✓several genera are grouped into a family,
✓several families into an order,
✓several orders into a class,
✓several classes into a phylum,
✓several phyla into a kingdom
5-Kingdom System

In 1969, Robert Whittaker came up with the Five-Kingdom System (Monera, Protista,
Plantae, Fungi and Animalia).


Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic, Eukaryotes with Eukaryotic, Eukaryotic,
unicellular, mostly unicellular, cellulose cell absorb multicellular,
absorb or absorb, ingest or walls, (heterotrophs), ingest, motile,
photosynthesise photosynthesise, photosynthesise multicellular, sexual
, motile or non- sexual and (autotrophs), non-motile, reproduction
motile, asexual. asexual. multicellular, non- sexual and
(Blue-green (Protozoa, red motile, sexual asexual
algae, bacteria) algae, brown and asexual reproductions.
algae, slime (Multicellular (Mushrooms,
mold) mosses, ferns, lichens, molds)
. grasses, shrubs,
3-Domain System
• Taxonomic levels higher than the kingdom level.
• Both Bacteria and Archaea contain prokaryotes but Archaea are closely related
to eukaryotes than they are to bacteria.
• Archaea can be divided into group depending on the environment they live in,
such as extreme halophiles, extreme thermopiles and extreme methanogens.

Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

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6-Kingdom System

The prokaryotes of
Monera are divided into
two kingdoms, Eubacteria Archaeabacte
and Archaeabacteria. Eubacteria Protista

Eubacteria: Consist of

Archaeabacteria: Unique
group of prokaryotic Fungi Plantae Animalia
Binomial nomenclature system
In biology, binomial nomenclature ▪ The scientific name of each
is the formal system of naming species is formed by the
specific species. combination of two words, which
are in a modern form of Latin.
Scientific name includes a genus
name and a specific epithet.
▪ Species in the basic unit in the
hierarchy of classification. Genus
refers to which unit the species
belong to. The epithet or word
species in the binomial refers to
species itself.
IV – Order Primates Carnivora Campanulales

V – Family Homonidae Felidae Compositae

VI – Genus Homo Panthera Helianthus

VII – Panthera Helianthus

Homo sapiens
Species pardus annuus

sapiens pardus annuus
Binomial nomenclature system
▪ Species names are usually typeset in italics; for example, Homo
▪ The genus name is always written with an initial capital letter. The
specific name is never written with an initial capital.
Binomial nomenclature system
When handwritten, they should be Generally, the binomial should be
underlined; for example, Homo printed in a font different from that
sapiens. Each name should be used in the normal text; for
underlined individually. example, "Several more Oryza
sativa plants were discovered in the
On the left is the scientific
name of lion. Which one
is correctly following the
binomial system of

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