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The diagram below shows how electricity is generated in a

hydroelectric power station.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the
main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words

Ielts Writing Task 1 Diagrams Dam

The given diagram elucidates functioning of a hydroelectric

production unit.

OVERVIEW, the hydroelectric power production installation is

largely divided into 4 primary parts, high level reservoir behind
the dam, a channel to pump water to the turbine in the day and
back to high level reservoir at night, a power station which has
reversible turbines and a generator, and a low level reservoir.
This unit produces electricity in the day.
The water stored in large reservoir behind the dam is
channelized towards the low reservoir by opening the intake
during the day. The water while flowing towards low reservoir
runs the reversible turbines, housed at the base of power station,
which in turn operate generator, producing electricity. The
electricity is supplied to the grid with the help of power lines.
This operation takes place in the day.
In the night, the electricity generation is halted and water from
the low reservoir is pumped back into the high reservoir with the
turbines operating in reverse direction.

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