Kenpo Philosophies

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Kenpo Philosophies:

School Rules
Always bow onto and off of the mat.
Remove your shoes.
Show respect to all students and teachers.
If others need help – offer it.
Say, “yes, sir–no, sir” & “yes, ma’am–no, ma’am” as appropriate.

Kenpo Rules
Avoid hopping.
Keep your back straight.
Always drop your weight.
Kenpo Philosophies
As you teach – so shall you learn.
As you practice – so shall you do.
If you don’t want to get hit – take Tai Chi

What goes out, must come back.

If someone touches you with something – it’s yours to keep.
Before you kick someone above the waist, bring them down a notch or two.
If your first block doesn’t work, the technique is useless.

Kenpoist strive to achieve....

Discipline: To enforce upon oneself a pattern of positive behaviour necessary for self-

Patience: To perservere calmly when faced with difficulty.

Character: To be accountable for oneself and act responsibly towards others.

Etiquette: To follow the accepted codes of proper behaviour.

Modesty: To never underestimate the abilities of others.

Self-Control: To excercise restraint over ones actions and impulses.

Peace: To maintain a state of mental calm.

Justice: To be fair and resonable in ones interactions with others.

Self-Preservation: To do what is necessary to live.

Indomitable Spirit: To remain determined, brave, and impossible to defeat.

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