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Week 8


Period 15 : Culture 1: Pets in Thailand.
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Core competences
 Cognition:
- To say the names of animals we keep as pets.
- To describe a pet.
 Skills:
- Improve listening, reading skills.
2. General Competences
- Co-operation (ready to help friends in pair work/ group work).
- Self-study ( can perform individual reading tasks and solve problems by
- Use language to talk with friends pets in Thailand.
3. Attributes
 Kindness: Help partners to complete listening, reading tasks.
 Diligence: Complete reading, listening tasks.
II. Language focus
 Vocabulary: fish, pet, cat, dog, hamster
 Grammar and Sentence pattern
1. Teacher
Audio tracks 98, flashcards, class book, workbook, board, chalk.
2. Students
*Greetings (2 minutes):
1. Warm up (3 minutes)
 Objectives: Sts sing a song.
 Teaching method/techniques: work individually.
 Procedures
Teacher Students
Hello song
- Ask students sing along the song. - Sing.

2. Activity 1: Listen, point and repeat. track 98 (8 minutes)

 Objectives: Students listen, point and repeat pets in
 Teaching method/techniques: work individually.
 Procedures
Teacher Students
- Play the first part of the track - Listen and point.
- Students listen and point.
- Play the second part of the track
- Students point and repeat. - Point and repeat.
- Play several times if necessary

3. Activity 2: Read, look and say. (7 minutes)

 Objectives: Sts read, match and say the countries.
 Teaching method/techniques: work individually.
 Procedures
Teacher Students
- Put the flashcard of the pets on the board. Point - Look.
to the pet’s eyes, nose, and ears and check if
students know these words.
- Now point to the pet’s fur or ears or eyes and
ask: What color are they? - Read.
- Elicit some different colors from the class.
- For each pet elicit or say the following My pet
is brown/ black/ orange/ white, etc. My pet has a
black nose. My pet has green /brown eyes. My
pet has white/brown ears. Encourage the children
to repeat with you.
- Finish by saying What a good
- Encourage the children to repeat with you.
- Hold up your book and point to the pictures.
- Point to each pet one at a time and elicit some
information about them.
- Now read sentences 1 to 4.
- Tell the children to complete the sentences with
the correct pet
4. Activity 3: Point and Say. (5 minutes)
 Objectives: Sts know how to read a long sentence.
 Teaching method/techniques: work individually.
 Procedures
Teacher Students
- Encourage the children to point to - Say
the pictures and say the words with a
- Model a few sentences together with
the class and then put children in pairs
to practice saying It’s a (cat).

5. Workbook page 52.(5 minutes)

 Objectives: Sts understand and do exercises.
 Teaching method/techniques: work individually.
 Procedures
Teacher Students
- Ask students to do exercises in - Do exercises.
workbook page 52.
- Go around to help and encourage the

6.Consolidation and homelink.(5 minutes)

Teacher Students
Goodbye song
- Students sing along. - Sing.

Week 8
Period 16 : Consolidation.

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