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Technical Support: Collecting Data

This feature is only relevant for Vision controllers using PID with Autotune.

PID Server collects data during the VisiLogic Autotune process. If you need technical support, you save this data into an .upl file and
send it, together with the PID Ladder application, to Unitronics' technical support department.

Overview: Assembling Data for PID Technical Support

Detailed instructions follow the overview given in the following diagram.

Collecting Data with PID Server

Getting Started
1. Connect the PC to the controller and start PID Server from:
- within VisiLogic via the menu bar, Tools> PID Server,
- within Windows via Start>Programs>Unitronics> PID Server.
2. From the Connection menu, click controller model, and then select your controller type.
3. From the Connection menu, click Communication - PC Settings, and select the appropriate settings.
4. Open the VisiLogic PID application. This enables you to get data you need for the PID Server file.
Setting up the PID Server file
1. Click File>New Loop.
2. PID Server opens the PLC OS and FB Version box. Fill in the requested information:
a. Enter the OS Version. To determine the OS version in the controller, in VisiLogic click Connection>Communication and look
under OPLC Information.

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b. Enter the FB Version. In VisiLogic, click View>FB Information. Under FB types, click PID Autotune and note the version

c. Select Input and Output types via the drop-down arrows.

3. Configure the PID Server file parameters using the same operand addresses you use in your VisiLogic PID Ladder application.
Marking a PID Server parameter as Visible will cause PID Server to graph the value during On-line Test mode.
a. Enter the same operands that are in the PID Configuration.

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b. Enter the same operands that are in the PID FB Control Components. Note the parameter Resolution Factor in the Control
Component FB. In most applications, you can use a value of 10 for this parameter.

c. Note that the parameters in Loop Properties have a default address of 0. Unused parameters will therefore all have the value
of 0. This causes a 'duplicate operand addresses error'. Avoid this by changing the default address.
4. Click the Edit Comments button to edit data or enter a comment.

Collecting PID Data

1. Connect the controller to the PC so that you can establish a communication link between the PC running PID Server and the Vision
running the PID application.
2. Toggle PID Server into On-line Test mode. Do not run the PID Sever Autotune!!

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3. Activate PID Autotune in the Vision Ladder application.

If the PC-PLC communication link is active, PID Server is now recording Autotune data.

4. Wait while Vision performs Autotune. When Autotune is complete, and the system has reached setpoint, let the system stabilize.
5. Turn off On-Line Test Mode.
6. Click File>Save As to create a .upl file.

If you do not save the file, all of the data

will be lost.

Sending the Data to Unitronics

Send the following information to

This .upl file

The VisiLogic PID application
A description of your system problem

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PID Server Features

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