Tugas EFT2 - Devanna Restu Putri - 206032 - K

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Tugas EFT

1. There are 20 kinds of food and drink, which consists of 5 kind drinks and 15 foods.
2. Drinks= Iced Tea with Blue Iced Cube, Ice Cendol, Joss Coffe, Lemongrass Tea,
Wedang Ronde.
Food= Grontol, Pecel, Lupis, Sambal, Lalapan, Gudeg, Mangut Catfish, Tempe Bacem,
Ingkung, Fried Javanese Noodles, Boiled Javanese Noodles, Boiled Banana, Tofu
Bacem, Moringa Leaves Wisth Lots of Sweet Corn, Green Papaya Soup With
Melinjo Leaves.
3. Gudeg :Rp 20.000
Wedang Ronde :Rp 6.000
Lupis :Rp 10.000
Javanese Noodles:Rp 20.000
Mangut Catfish :Rp 30.000
4. Drenches, Drumstick, Coconut Milk, Catfish, Broth, Smoky, Sorghum, Chayote,
Braising, Stink Beans, Meaty, Carbs, Winged Beans, Moringa Leaves, Blue Pea Flower.
5. *Grontol made from corn, which is boiled until soft, then mixed with grated coconut.
*Ice Cendol is a traditional drink from Yogyakarta, A drink made from glutinous rice
flour, mixed with coconut milk and liquid plam sugar.
*Joss Coffee is coffee that is served hot with added charcoal fire in inside.

Bonus Question:
1) What is the name of the Lupis seller?
The name of the Lupis seller is Mbah Satinem.

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