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November–December 2023

Kol Echad
The Voice of Congregation Shir Chadash
Second Floor, Albert Community Centre
610 Clarence Avenue, South, Saskatoon, SK S7H 2E2
(306) 242-3756 •

Message from the President

Last night I received a notice and a phone call from Dr. Goluboff,
a member of Agudus Israel (AI) board, regarding a vigil for Israel
to be held at AI. He asked me if I would say a few words, and my
initial reaction was a most resounding no. I had visions of myself
standing at the vigil and weeping uncontrollably. Then I thought
of all the families of those 700 murdered Israelis, and I realized
that my weeping was of absolutely no consequence, compared to
their tremendous loss.
At the AI vigil, Rabbi Claudio screened pictures showing
some of the victims and some of the atrocities, and it was heart
breaking. Yes, it was Thanksgiving, and we here have a lot to be
thankful for. But the victims’ families will never again have
anything but memories of their loved ones.
We pride ourselves on being a caring community and I, for one,
would have preferred to stay home. But I kept thinking of the
families who will now only have memories of their loved ones.
We can all make donations to the Jewish organization of our
choice, but please let us think in terms of togetherness. We are all
Jews and Israel is our insurance policy, and if we can’t be
together we will all lose out in the long run. If my tears help one
person’s burden become a bit lighter, then I will never stop
2 Simchas & Announcements Yahrzeits 3

Happy birthday November 3 and 4 Lily Swartz Cheshvan 22

to Anna Gersher, Max Sonnenschein, Ruth Cooper, Burna Purkin, Philip Baron Cheshvan 25
Talya Gryn, Rachel Donen. November 17 and 18 Annie Shiffman Kislev 10
Board meeting Alon Zack Kislev 10
Next board meeting Sunday, November 12, 10 AM at the shul. Beverly Shiffman Kislev 11
All members welcome.
Sally Jones Kislev 17
Welcome December 1 and 2 Arnold Goldstein Kislev 23
to our newest member, Jack Sandbrand. Chaim Kolominsky Kislev 24
Ann Weeks Kislev 24
Sisterhood Cards December 8 and 9 Raya Gersher Kislev 26
Get well Adam Melnychuk Kislev 28
to Lawrence Clein from Mary Melnychuk, and Barbara and Harley December 8 and 9 Marjorie Cohen Tevet 1
December 15 and 16 D’vorah Katzman Tevet 6
Happy birthday
Labe Katzman Tevet 6
to Myra Goldstein from Burna Purkin.
Joseph Donen Tevet 7
Sisterhood Sarah Basker Tevet 8

Sisterhood and Shir Chadash members have provided kosher food December 22 and 23 Bea Mossny Tevet 12
items for the kiddush on Saturdays and the Breaking of the Fast. We Binah Akkerman Tevet 13
completed a cleanup and de-clutter bee and many items were donated
to charity. We provided reusable cutlery and cups so that we are more Fran Snukal Tevet 17
environmentally friendly. We continue to visit and keep in touch with December 29 and 30 Sarah Epstein Tevet 20
our shut-ins.
Esther Pentol Tevet 20
While all these activities are needed by our synagogue they pale
beside the horrors in the world. Our local sisterhood maintains our Peter Holdstock Tevet 20
connection to Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. We now
receive communications that keep us connected to the organizations
that are struggling to deal with the heart-breaking events in Israel and Prayers for Israel
around the world. We pray for peace, the release of hostages, and for
Prayers for those lost, wounded, and taken as hostage by
the recovery of Jews injured in the recent attacks in Israel. We mourn
Hamas on October 7, 2023.
the senseless loss of life and the brutality that we could never have
imagined. More than ever, it is now imperative that we support one May Israel prevail in removing the terrorist group Hamas
another through these incredibly difficult times. with as little loss to civilian life as possible.
4 Services
Erev Shabbat: Services cancelled until further notice 7:00 PM
Shabbat: Morning services 10:00 AM

Upcoming Dates
Chanukah: December 7–15
Shir Chadash celebration TBA
Tu B’Shvat: January 25

Shir Chadash
2023 Board
President: Mary Melnychuk
Vice-President: Michael Barber
Constitution: _____________
Treasurer: Les Sicherman
Secretary: Anna Gersher
Sisterhood Chair: Barbara Donen
Chevra Kadishe: Mary Melnychuk
Outreach/Membership Chair: Hanna Jodrey
Newsletter/Archives: Perry Millar
Ritual Co-Chair: Linda Epstein and
Suzanne Basker
(Suzanne does not serve
on the board)

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