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Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An 1

Lecture outline

• Describe the relationship between profit and risk


• Compare and contrast being an entrepreneur and working for

2 others

• Analyze the effect of the economic environment and taxes on

3 businesses.

• Demonstrate how businesses can meet and beat competition


• Analyze the social changes affecting business


• Identify what businesses must do to meet global challenges,

6 including war and terrorism

2 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An


q Business -- Any activity that seeks to provide goods

and services to others while operating at a profit.

q Entrepreneur -- A person who risks time and money

to start and manage a business.

q Successfully filling a market need means you could

make money for yourself and provide jobs for

Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

q Success in business is often based on the strategy
of finding a need and filling it.
q A business provides needed goods, jobs, and services to
people in the area.
• Goods -- Tangible products such as computers, food,
clothing, cars and appliances.

• Services -- Intangible products that can’t be held in your

hand like, education, healthcare, insurance, recreation and
q A business provides needed goods, jobs, and services to
people in the area.
Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An
1. The relationship between profit and risk

• Revenue -- The total amount of money a business

takes in during a given period by selling goods
and services.

• Profit -- The amount of money a business earns

above and beyond what it spends for salaries and
other expenses.

• Loss -- Occurs when a business’ expenses are

more than its revenues.

5 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

• Risk -- The chance an entrepreneur takes of losing
time and money on a business that may not prove

• Businesses take risks, but with great risks could

come great profit.

6 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

• Standard of Living--the amount of goods and
services people can buy with the money they

• Quality of Life -- The general well-being of a

society in terms of its political freedom, natural
environment, education, healthcare, safety, amount of
leisure and rewards that add to personal satisfaction.

7 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

Maintaining a high quality of life requires the combined
efforts of businesses, nonprofit organizations, and
government agencies.

Be careful: Working to build a higher standard of living may

lower the quality of life if it means less time with family or
more stress

8 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

• Stakeholders -- All the people who stand to gain
or lose by the policies and activities of a business
and whose concerns the businesses need to

• Who are Stakeholders?

- Customers - Community Members

- Employees - Media
- Stockholders - Elected Officials
- Suppliers - Environmentalists
- Dealers

9 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

• Outsourcing -- Contracting with other companies
(often in other countries) to do some of the firm’s
• Insourcing -- Foreign companies opening offices
and factories in country such as the United States,
Vietnam, etc.

• Nonprofit Organization -- An organization whose

goals are for the betterment of the community, not
financial gains.
Using Business
Principles in

10 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An


v Operation Smile


v Vietnam Red Cross

v Blue Dragon Children's Foundation

v Capital Aid Fund for Employment of the

Poor (CEP)

11 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

Progress Assessment

• What’s the difference between revenue and


• What’s the difference between standard of living

and quality of life?

• What’s risk? How is it related to profit?

• What do the terms stakeholders, outsourcing and

insourcing mean?

12 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

2. Entrepreneurship Versus
Working for Others


v The freedom to v The freedom to fail.

succeed. v No paid vacations.
v Make your own v No health insurance.
v No daycare.
v High possibility of
v Hire your own staff.

13 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

The Importance of Entrepreneurs to the
Creation of Wealth

Five factors of production that seemed to contribute to

1.Land (or natural resources)
2.Labor (worker)
3.Capital (including machines, tools, building, or
whatever else is used in the production of goods)

•Entrepreneurs use what they’ve learned to grow their

businesses and increase wealth.
14 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An
Progress Assessment

• What are some of the advantages of working for


• What benefits do you lose as an entrepreneur?

And what do you gain?

• What are the five factors of production? Which

ones seem to be the most important for creating

15 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

3. Business Environment

16 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

3.1 The Economic
and Legal Environment

A government can promote business by…

1. Minimizing spending and keeping taxes and
regulations to a minimum.
2. Allowing private ownership of businesses.
3. Minimizing interference with the free exchange of
goods and services.
4. Passing laws that enable businesspeople to write
enforceable contracts.
5. Establishing a currency that’s tradable in world
6. Minimizing corruption.
17 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An
3.2 Technological environment

=> How Technology Benefits Workers and You?

Technology -- Everything from phones to copiers
and the various software programs that make
businesses more effective, efficient and productive.

• Effectiveness -- Producing the desired result.

• Efficiency -- Producing goods and services
using the least amount of resources.

• Productivity -- The amount of output you

generate given the amount of input (example:
hours you work).
18 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An
The Growth of E-Commerce
• E-Commerce -- The buying and selling of goods on
the Internet.
- B2C: Business to Consumer
- B2B: Business to Business

19 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

Using Technology to Be Responsive

• Databases -- An electronic storage file that enables

stores to monitor what you buy and helps them know
what to carry in stock.

• Identity Theft -- Gathering of individuals’ personal

information, such as Social Security and credit card
numbers, for illegal purposes.

20 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

Follow these steps to help protect yourself:
• Protect your Social Security Number.
• Shred financial documents and items with
personal information.
• Don’t give out personal information unless you
know who you are dealing with.
• Use strong passwords.
• Never click links in suspicious emails.
• Monitor your credit report.

21 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

3.3 Competitive environment

• Customers want quality products at a good price

with excellent customer service.
• Because business is more customer-driven,
some managers give frontline employees more
decision-making power.
• Empowerment -- Giving frontline workers the
responsibility, authority, and freedom to respond
quickly to customer requests.

22 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

3.4 The Social Environment
and Managing Diversity
• Population shifts are creating opportunities for some and
limiting others.

• Diversity has grown from just recruiting minority and

female workers.

• Growth of single-parent households have encouraged

businesses to implement programs such as family leave
and flextime.

• Demography -- The statistical study of the population in

terms of size, density and characteristics like, age, race,
gender and income.

23 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

The Global Environment

1. Growth of global competition

2. Increase of free trade among nations
3. More efficient distribution systems and
communication advances.
Wars, like those in Iraq and
Afghanistan, cost billions of
Tax money is diverted.
Cost of security goes up.
Cost of insurance goes up.
24 Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An

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