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ahem the allure of Gilad aminos allah wa

sallim ala nabina muhammad rather an ego

savvy at random abide we praise Allah

the exalted in might the majestic and

who asked him to exalt the mention

grantees and send his blessings upon the

final messenger and the seal of prophets

the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah when he

was in them there are many questions in

this life that are unanswered and there

are some questions which we can afford

to leave unanswered and there are other

questions which we cannot afford to need

one answer there are certain things with

which we should know and not knowing

them creates a conflict in this worldly

life and it will create a bigger

conflict in the life to come among the

questions which we must have an answer

for every single human being regardless

of its background ethnicity race

nationality or whatever other things

that have divided human beings in this

day and time and before this is the one

thing which each and every one of us

must know and that is a purpose of life

what is the purpose of life why are we

here why am i here why are you watching

this is it just for passing time is it

for entertainment is it that we go

through this life just to experience

different feelings and emotions and so

on and so forth and then there's no

accountability afterwards it's

impossible it's impossible everything in

this life of ours proves and alludes to

the fact that there's another phase of

life where we will be held accountable

for what we choose and decide to do in

this day and time what we decide to do

today you could tell this by other

examples that we can see on daily basis

you know that's why there's a judge and

there's a court and there are people who

are being persecuted and there are

people who are being tried that people

would be killed if the killer were to

get away with all the crimes then and at

what point is he supposed to be held

accountable for these crimes is it that

he dies and he gets away with it even

though he inflicted harm and diamonds

hundreds or maybe thousands of human

beings ultimately there's a time when

people would have to answer for the

actions that they do in this lay in this

life of ours today as we speak the

question then what is the purpose of

life is the most important and the

answer has provided again and most

explicitly in Islam in Islam we have

verses from the Quran which give us a

clear-cut answer which cannot afford

misinterpretation or misunderstanding on

the part of the one who's reading it one

of them examples is the statement of

allah azza wajal wa ma khalaqtu l-jinna

wa l-insa illa liya vodoun i have not

created jinn which is a form is a cree

creatures made up smokeless fire and

inns which are humankind except to

establish worship so of Allah so the

human beings in the jinn were created

strictly and merely to worship Allah no

one may think why is that the case why

do they have to worship Allah alone it's

not a matter of having as much as it as

a matter of logic that's what God

deserves the greatness of God the

majesty of God the grace of God the love

of God the blessings of God which we

experience on daily basis and what I

mean when I say God I mean Allah Soprano

to Allah the Creator and that's his name

in Arabic when we when we see all the

favours he has bestowed upon us then

this is the least we can do as means of

adoring the one who gave us what we have

it's not a matter of being imposed as

much as it as a matter of being dutiful

and being faithful and being

appreciative same way we did with other

people and someone does you a favor you

find within yourself the need to pay

them back to do them a favor at some

another occasion as means of being to

even things out you know

this is how we did with others and so

how is it that we receive every single

thing we have from the Creator and then

we don't want to give anything back and

the amazing thing is when you give

people back when someone does your favor

and you do him a favor in return you're

actually benefitting them as well

they're benefiting from that favor of

yours which is just a return favor

but in the case of the Creator then

there's no benefit for him he doesn't

need us he doesn't need our worship it

does not increase his Dominion it does

not increase his majesty and its

authority it remains the same we are the

ones who would actually gain from that

we will gain by going through the tests

which we were created for so that we may

succeed in the life to come because it's

all about the life to come it's all

about paradise because there's paradise

in there's hell and we need to strive to

do the things which will admit us to

paradise and protect us from Hell so the

purpose of creation then is worship and

worship is a very broad term which is

applied by different human beings in

different ways some of which are valid

and acceptable and others are invalid

and unacceptable so we would like to

focus on what is intended by worship

what is intended by worship is singling

out Allah in worship 1 because someone

may worship an object that is not worthy

of being worshipped or someone may

worship in a manner which is not

prescribed or legislated and that would

be of no value that's like someone going

to school and in enrolling in the school

or I'm sorry in attending the classes

however the person never registered so

when the time of the exam comes and the

teachers distributed the papers as per

the names of the students and this

person will stand up to say where's my

exam is he who are you

in the class you know on daily basis

forever for since the beginning of the

semester see well that's awesome but we

don't have any paperwork that proves

that you ever enrolled as far as we're

concerned you don't exist so lacking the

foundation will make the person miss out

on on the benefit even though they had

attended the class you understand what

I'm saying so in the same light in the

same manner we have to understand if the

foundation is is missing if that worship

is not for the one who's worthy of being

worship then that worship will be of no

basis of no value of no benefit because

the foundation didn't exist the sound

correct foundation did not exist

therefore we say tell hey do you hear

this term often or you should hear it

often which really means that oneness

and uniqueness of the Creator we believe

in the oneness and uniqueness of the

Creator it's important to understand

both terms oneness in a sense that is

one is not three in one or two in one or

many gods thousands of God manifesting

in one or incarnated into one no no it's

one God there's no equal there's no

second there's no third one true God and

unique there isn't anything like him now

in amongst the creation we compare say

yeah that thing is like that that animal

is like that animal or this animal is

like that animal a Tigers may be close

to a lion they have some things in

common they have some things which

differentiate them but you know but you

don't compare a lion to a chair so there

are things which are comparable but in

general the creation they're comparable

unto each other the Creator the one who

brought everything into existence is not

comparable to his creation that makes

him unique because you can have one

phone and I can have one phone and

someone else can have another phone so

we can all say we have one form that if

our phones are the same identical

they're not unique if I say I have a

unique phone meaning I have a phone

which no one else has it has something

that distinguishes it from the rest of

the phones so when you say the unique

God meaning he is unlike

the other god that the people have made

a gun because he's the only one and true

God so then we say that our lives should

be revolving around identifying and

knowing and loving and worshiping this

one and unique God where to go how to

get to know him simple it has been

revealed in the preserved final

revelation the Quran if you really want

to know who you creator is whom you will

meet one day on the day of judgment you

shall meet him if you want to be

prepared for that appointment if you

want to be prepared for that moment that

it begins now read the Quran read the

Quran was an open heart and open mind

with submission and sincerity seeking

guidance therein read the Quran and you

would get to know who your Lord is and

you would get to love your Lord and you

will get to be obedient and subservient

and and and in in the best state you

could ever dream to be in that's the

only time you'll find a peace of mind so

only time you'll find tranquility it's

the only time you will feel that you're

on a path which will grant you success

in this life and it will grant you

success in the life to come so I invite

myself in you to this very valuable

profound truth and reality the one of

knowing the one the one of knowing the

one the one in unique and the Quran is

is that preserved revelation which

facilitates your research you don't have

to go looking for it has been brought to

you and preserved for your benefit all

human being so make sure that you don't

live this life and miss out on the most

important thing and the reason why you

were created to begin with ask God Allah

say Allah to facilitate this for all of

us and to make us among his righteous

servants and all praise is due to allah

may allah exalted mentioning grant peace

to the prophet

Mitsuru seldom salamualikum' I had to

lie here again

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