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Teoptone” SOL bTS4e ellos fag Be > CREXGATam2 a 12675280 My No. d 0g BD > cas axon postmasterd@health gov tk Newthe. r Sora at eal } eaLeminll i: 08 wee ) www health gov, - x — fe SUWASIRIPAYA Bob » 2022012005, ——m , CBS FOIDIICAG ae HAIG Slooioske Ministry of Health ox, ODEED GS crow : 02/109/2022 Send cords edmBoous Geckis qietle dood - B com Sifin ediow, ame® anda - 680 eclee, 05206 BO Taco GOOD OLEH FOES edlos qdsciedeues, ced ea0s otbor qdsclaocus, nde eats oo gcanieocrd, AVE MeOH GHB edo. ends GOaoraed qa Go emo GEIS omed PL. — 01 — 2006 () IN OH egies mbcsia&o) mdg8 cSsbame - 2023 (668 Oa) cade AOrnancoed GOHD SEBa smOs FEDS esas Pl. 01 2006 (8) Ill BH e¥Biad eas B O20 03 0820 ccd a8d Boag mbaswea) mo—8 cddems Bune, G2 © ee8E HIVWEd Sosog EDS ao 8B Gebcos dq ed. Sows Coody EAH Tao dOMe |) EOD geBo aged aes moq aU. (omm@e edeaes com OpeD 01-16/2020 aao sox, Ogsda GS cea 02-15/2020e» 2020/02/05 EmeB Bees nom eg BBeae qDex 96 avo.) 02 geno’ 288 O8o eiulemad cacOme ous cards qDsKEEd OTD GYBc smOM BES med PL — 01 2006 (6) ana) 8@ aaqdD mbae me oneE, qAdiBmd, eo OUD, EEE eABEME:, Goer, jaEmd:, Des ealos Gomer, aq 0d eclGead ooig Gamer, gS avg Gamo, eas be aincm (ova), cars mbo aoen (médd) Ill egMed edOd ed Bn GEASdO 088. (qaged moaein qdas5 Zoo Ba 2023015 Fa Ba BO III egHad ofa, awe eS Bo CO cS Bendees qaeBesd cum © eo S880 Boga mea.) (oveBe aqS : - cas edmBed ome Oged® GE as 02- 90/2015 @ 2015.08.12 Cox GBed ogo 2012.07.20 Zod mbme mbo coon, quncdind:, ead OrBNd., Cort MBO, Gomer, Dard, Och exiorn Gomer, ag Sood eciGes csig Gamo, eBs cob Gamc, exo mbe once (oars), earls MOO aeam [eoshakD) III ged Dao 03 sf QUOD exh BeDSs e089 Emooass Beodod qi abs oO Bem CoB Bo gq emed. 385, de AlolOo Foedus 69 6200, eOOD 10. 1S .amadahgudsfunrAGrainslionaniaGeOmmenarbmnp, Gane 10 ANS. Rev. RavldeoamalW imalawancaT heraMawatha, Calamha 1. Sri Lanka, 03, aaeBerd 89 HQedas qoamed CWO aed crisis ago acUacOs FAs amd mosagg qurBod mace odio ©Gdh, emED 10, aos A¢eKO2 BOOS BB OO, gus 385, “QOBOVG” adsow (Bers) eo 2023/0105 Eo eo} GO 26d Gio eS EEO mewes OBe gqe Gg9 woes o8eo gue emedeoS “PL-Ol- 20068) 111 8 egies mbaxiawm mOg® cBxiamo - 2023 (cee Ha)" seo EacB wom Boreas oe weed HE Gqe 080 mbariasm mO—® Omisw0 eof GIOD queBmcr BBs qdss geqa® oo) af 200 eoxdo@a Sear oS Deo HeaTa OBS ¢ ao qarBoans gs mB emromde BOE BO gana GdBe) BBs ¢ aOfia mo BBO ADbac «8, m8 qecSoo ado owas GBao coi soxata EBnc Eee G6 &% 110.00 Sb SBar Bdqo Neh 9x4 OBE Bal BOO 01 w OBS gee. GOR S eda awcBodc, qaBabén ea! B12 aBo Om qaeWede, so cin® {OSs em» ofidissio mon evel. ecg: egdS qBEBEsDS MaIBO ABD, qaeBoge A, DOQBED O68 SgeO qem 01 GO OM cers EEO 8988 qua 05 GO 08 CHO amd mE aAe. PD MRC MME emda Bae eacBog moo cad Zed emoo oFiaiede mom eve’. 04, Baxs eraig 1 Based eG9 060 Bod Om qucBAcsd BO OdqdES Boos Hoa ete. asaqd qac@acres bah Baasd ox 25/- QBs qerg emmE CKO geg® Sged qed Doded qd © Too eae) qoeg DEBT. " GB dems Oo v8se GOdH C4 Boo axdq eas Baxoed ano) Or Bdexd eo} MOG eededd Benda emieied. 05, Bexaad eume@dind oH, 1 Bod queBed eco edsumaslo geBood Gqd mon ewes. 08 geBesd Balm ods nigheme eddem osiago edo gilod mEgas. ded ema DOD cdriemsd cod 8990 qnEED emrere’. ll Boxe qedeemlqedsGmod BBs Baro OED get oosiee wAIDEsd dOBe qasumds mage: BE GEE. 5 ACO EHO CubsOn FoHOOS rats ome glSod seaee. (a) O80 exxaoo (co) ema2 q@iosKee eo) CO aE MEBNDES BGs OOo ceo Bgd DOH ec eoxgaoo (a0) Berg Sacor aeege [at] eg Sade e845 aeoos 06. Bx eBo100 + 08m otsiasnaG, (odsem enldecd 06s can edn edn age) HBD® Ege si088 me a0) + Bes BBcba 15 8. + 86 Rm oMO 100 B Hod BO oes) Ae Osead ena 40 of EdaD aqD 385, Gas Olek OSeHes BY OOo, eMED 10, MamdsiydofunppmcshoornuineyeymorasnpGaegio 10 BWR, Rev, RaddeoamaWimalawaneaTheraMawatha, Colombo 10. Sri banks, 07. 08, 09. Bae Bde¢o OO mas ESaems 1 AVE BEDTD Os exda nom Man. sHsds mbacs SERCO qdo2 OFC cumo CO ardigS een a8® - Emm 30 Il @@a5 mbae © s) Mans adage GesBeas SEAL ange AVE e180 - emey 30 Il mmqoo o:dedn B80 mbass SZaL0 COMddS cE a» GoMdES quad mOsm queer OBO - een 40 Bae aBodd eoQes ageemc 65 88a CSxiaMCO aged On0g CID OO edQEBuDde, Bo nog aPdaddosas aQoVAe nog 228 qeand 66 ©) cogeSsio ¢ Sa qesdencd aoa Fo eae. Sed9 ebod qacSmovsoq0 cB Bees coh cond qucBmovgeass eo! etoeaRess cD eDueOde KCB Ba ans, BBE, KOO CODA &) 5 ©) OBID cHEEDED o» Bead comome ODm) GOe0s KEG Be coe BS BO nO Edo Emo qedowneag ¢HOB EMO Gos 8 que. metEIDS €89 Opedded no CL BO MensEd Beg BOOB sas Goemad |B EEO ems GEIS were PL — 01 ~ 2006 (6) II] OB egified Beatles crso:BOO agdodda. (620 emoqor www Health gov.kk 608 ebBecsie @axoD ee) G1g 282 Ogeddad Bme, e¢Oe co gGE EeBcacsS O98 and o8 qaanemOss eqgQeeard Boe Has Saxo HeBeae Oeowduded. Bom oe Becks Ga08 (O1@9) II agm8 6dm00 eons qoImewse O28 99. 0005. Goaids quis dats texge) ‘goede Gono "goRGes" ane 10. 385, QUs Wlela® Bed SF 0:00, OED 10. HS.asdsigkofuUpBsawahocanetydynonayberpGaregby 10. ANS, Rev. RadddeoamaWimalawancaT heraMawatha, Calamha 10 Sri lanka, EXG anche quefeo mbago geakias eco | cass aoasced Ed8O GdBo emda BEA omed PL- 01-2006 6) I XH egfied mbasiesa, md98 cBatemo - 2023 (668 8a) O @) (i) qaeBincxes ainda © (Bemoess) (il) qacBmored Bebe O8 (GS mBOE andes ) 4 | ia : : | | (iii) GeRcL Bee 8 B-neees } (iv) QeRcr Be HF ( gHGB mBOE ands ) { | | de @ (en .. a (ii) I eg iGO 456 OddB ec Zoo SB mae Git) 2012.07.20 B@ Fao edo mee (iv) (180 ede BBD Bo () 698 gomdm 7 (i) Sie srgeBes que a (ii) Bey Bene 2 @) Gad edoe mon genes (Gxseeai) (e-GBeass) EATON Hie ninmmnmeiy (@) 688 qramee qacd Boke = able Benno - 2675 emo Cl (2) C@xS amo GdexinS Oo aos ceD (qd) 8 qa0d EdGiakm (9) Bae Gedo OBE O89 gm SUED GBmo GOH eC 9" XA” E&rtned oz 110.00 © BKEO GLEN GG BOO 01 oh aweBogso Agim ededc? ©) i) ereng BBoe ( Beneess } .. Gi) weg CBee ( 9G axBOY amOos ) 03 DexDGd coH Ba GAB ( Boe | oc / gGS ).. 4 (ii) Bd Ed8 089 Baracd eo Bedke?, gagSed g&God mosses CdD! 860 eared 9B Odeo aed Gelie?. acco ema 385, GUS Afe{S9 BEgdo 68 8:00, emIE® 10, 35,cumimipdeTunsApancienenietpCmnoraping Gangby 10. AS. Rey. BaddevamnaWieval unsaThereMawaths, Colombo 16, Sri Lanka, 105 qaeBnded cata. () Ged e1g® © BSOIDG SOL ©B8 caKB oVEd ones HO MH emg Ons dBc} eB eV. © Ge BDehess GOO OOO aeBes Bers axkg eoB9 gHNSS BOd) GOS HMO emyOo ALB O15 004 fe) dco Ae) HS O8d * 089 GaE@ OBGD 8 DBs qED eG BECO Beng GSLO 40d Berg B 0889 conde @¢, BEE OOS ERNE BOB. ) carbs q@onKee BBs Box BEORD o98) a8 BSH Ogd dnSd Goi G5eod, e88 Saxo SEK exeddO aa © eacdam OD co8 Gace, sas Berseddiendde deg BOLO os EAH BEC oat Gomano €8 One 05 OOe5 68Gs5 coda NOB. oa, qaddncved ado 06 condeGe GBemg mo Seo edd] Feadiced coGae 08 gaged arose Goa FOO cod © edo Aces BOdI, eoxiaGn GSowraqed ae emonoweo g@® qaekmcr BGe GSES eB qac¥en aBgdaeo aH oOd5, Ill egies Geass eqs Om mbodeen mOg8 Saad 065 GVO goss aegmd agd mH Od, e&S awcBosds Sond eondata GB cold eomng BOs asso n08. a0 28 9 aden 07 ass cofoed eofiao son /8a/e0e8s". Benson Oasad 89 ansed eda BOM BOs 9 Dara ecH Beles GOS OOOT[Oo OOO emO* 206 & J 8 885) B™eo 89 AagBegGD GED mB BOC | BECO MED GOdos BODG* qogdoed & Gave emone cacOarwd eceGa Banged mG emroqer aH SOLE OOsh e8O BaxsQad eo8 BIGO OHO) G20 EQS KH AOS anda nC. O gedSOL added me Oo, aoso 508, mene gaSaed qdcn (gp aide ea) Bam | SedBe | e8sd0, Soved Sed gonmed adda mom 3 Beade0q aod, qarBeers % Bean eon aucEmored eerdoss @Seeowysd a8 emvoger ago BCE aod, 8 Baxsed ooB GIO AQ] / Ud gegos aS add 0960 908. Beane emda BadBo Heed pasos gdae [088 Q98 ao aqe] (ae8sa emdd me) eSsio ) 415, Goa Below OLGOLe EE 0m, eco 10. 385 amnsafimigMupApaineiosoamneGpGrnoraipans,Ganepby 10 ARS, Rev. RauldeesmaWimalawansaTheraMaw tha, Calambo 1, Sei banka, / cont 0112669192 , 0112675011 oxtwoa Gprmacun 0112698507 0112694038, snag) Bw) CFIEXGI07/2022 Telephone 30112678449, 0112675280, Myo, ) eats 0112493866 Guts’ 10112693869 estes) fon 30112692913 2051 Bm > g0S8e08 aoe : cae swore —_ postmaser@eathzov tk ‘imard en} aeouurus Geet coy ) SUWASIRIPAYA ging ) 2022/12/05 ebBendo J wow health, pov tk COVA PODSWAG bes 7 Awamuiamd — | FHI Somos vob H Ministry of Health GungsiprHons Gerda - 02/109/2022 wranes sangsty Gowssuronash yD UsRiuMEnt grub - Gowosp Chu oapPwanaso - Ganpiy asiuteny Geshu eneyssSusmene> - sing Ws Gu onder Ap Praddaluph sae oeuixSwsraneoseite vesftsren} ssi, wranes sangiy Cseaui) uestiuienjasi yGg9 aangny Coenausch usnfiusenicsh afl Peorordaor gerooaitaronib, sangay Sen0bs6 CanPoLud sump xUiU gs Bsereudene PL- 01 - 2006 (6) saw Il ge we Garbo Cancion G 03 aigisiasr PommeOLerpida wpstent déguoiu Cuaigus apgsorougs ereudsnomw atest so Ulles — drimobgAppmdood Hud —QuNPssgRiDL ASiUGd — soiug —_Bpssstod Suds WUGeng ulcer pea Cupd Pod, G0, Cyd asus uty og HKorule GHAI Sie terns, 02 geraconesi Sanpay simwsHe OsnpCUd amp sb 93 Camaudey PL.-O1-2006(A) UpeBasmes spe Usstunen) © gofuien), Gur Gaius, WBE wGUOH, ads gaseten}, ungiaTves, amebsengs Agr faraf, et 2 wih Gubsen), CoraiCur suihy Budget, Cool seal Guan}, sara Sorwdas a poluneni(onsmen pd), sangstT epMucdsci x gsiusTni(aoRap) gw IIT eb Pusvend Guipsien © AACunaps}as unpEID Goiomi Oonp Eger UPLB ofertas wpqusd (opi; Fetoncrdaci qisCancieniiGd BpxPfouoran 20230005 aid Fagusct apd UM pe Purood Cow anph Sendo Ouimeien 2 dPCnedsjoong Sarhaminniase ung cede ONT ener KLeupdens aGadeopi) (eovadanoyh - sangny Gowerrerfar Gung oxigxfigu Bex 02-90/2015 wip 2015.08.12 ey Bassas ang Ge eAUSL OI Gormang 2012.07.20 yd HaGuyst s1gm% UsArter) 9 gafurten), GLB Carine, YbpeNd at Gus, adele gorse}, mgm), monebiayh Opin, Bot muy bit Gudgay, CyraNGin ourb65 Gum, Opal ape Buvieson, aapny sxyincdsch 2 gofustens Corgi goii), aaingey sigyoiaeh 2 gsefuunend (weap) tir upedisaed gb IIT od soins ann Roamiiaioying, miedo» jPeumipiact Bip uti moutoleyhgs AGoHAminx Gotorgred sac BinsAeade, BanipCerssugus ojodunSsrere. Tis, Gas OgaOE Oo gHos GB SHH, emEw 10 56, earasEBOFTa UABpaw clicwaTs Ope CIOpmR Gareey 10 195, Rev. GaddegamaWimalawansaTheroMawatha, Colombe 10, Sr nko, 03 0s flaca susit Brow Poushel Bogue anCiouc Geter unghie, oeoosws gumPdoiucG ysamuGp0u Get Sahoniugriscte: ferkenturiusch — prietiggeus arama gponevouile ema LwaCastont (uttarrac, asian sKnnds, “andi”, Besa - 285, aemdeshiefu usGpew oosvasis Qagt wravhsng, Qs) ~ 10 shard epsauNes 2023/0105 wb Hae ypsiont on éwd snquswnpy HIWernosed CovssiGid. ang eomild Big uss Gwd qpmouted sfiaieniisgid uf ensufsn Guus “OpnByCud amp aysiu 59 rmmudtay PL = 01 - 2006 (6) upebuded gd ML - 2023 (yse0gs gLoa) sai GHUILOUGE GamiGe, mappnmosiat poLtufimsd, te ee Quen 2 sPumnssG0 ciakeiugd opal Goon oimexdgs pAaIds—Rt afhistena! cick Boordon pmaniend a wPLOARiNG Bob CamsGd. gtissg eloherul upsysor ot SSmtoniupmulel (paorulL uc. GUT. 11000 Gugwogusui ypBery GLLOULL Ap eo Ol shoves (AHe sHoiemiugnh garg Gb (pseulom@ur, sKdoos) s—rRIos (psexfutarin SHILOW). Beene opiioniis CasiGd. oiomin epmay PHaplbgi Sahara fon dod siataninnise ages oefolipognd Qsigh PadoniniBd. cfaotaniuonag: Ad gral Gqudsrincineyd wweuGsd punMisie Coad yppmioigs Ldagsgiod 01 — 04 evengusan afugrimepid, Byeinengs udwsed 05 - 08 ouyumten efuyriewDid Pcie AU HESS MQUEND CHG VIS gues Selena ag os opalppand Bai Ayaan, uftensd CLs 41 cope YomuNG Uftmsde cfatenSied sfatoniugtect fiend oC oniactnlares sSGoSdaiur Geioenh, Joan afedamiigaech geiGane aALuUpPe GUT 2500 pub Grins Cours WAdenom oCy oe Ufo B05) mBouMUsSos BG Bw! Gain edpr BovoiGd. 42 ab enpomhBoad AanwiGd Goon Grpsatucr ufteed aL Lemurogs Coy UtCerraaiat GUTBLG wTpRLUBSBO, Oday Gn Cups CupGarster Gwvshesov vont. uft@suie GUg Ge cus Gasncirenged 5.1 gimdGancioniul. eetocuiieceh QuIG’G ateniugniocmés uftms sens) Seas SpLOAsaOUGS. 91 ufos sKpInGs UsBIAHam a dus panpued WouGsD ules gydle pom emunide Combi. sian, CuxiGasrsioniun feds UACensie, Crmreupynes welds woe ngs. 52 UNleniat Gung G SahemIAsKie oakaniugTacRer QUTG |] UNsoad Boate Sromensbe wise! ayo HoLuTord Soa 2 FOUTS Cancenarse Cun tp GAA Hu Gain QREMRISETE Qasim BaraiG a1BBsd CoroiGd (9p OgsFur Lue oF ont (ay) Bovondsenfonrsd opis Geter omusten 9H. @)— amrawion an smwsdivissinwd ©) amano ao 4G i, Gs Bxarin® BSGO.0 6 HOD, emIGW 10.5, aaRoAERO TW UIE ohomRTY EA; wTaygaNp, Ganup 10 2385, Rev SaddagamaWimalauaneaTmoralAawaths, Colombo 10, ri ania. 06 7 08, 09 ut ana © BeictamwusSnd 1 wows fureo Cond cumUBEElUCL euppge ufCoauTEd. oygiei 2 Ust@pihor whgad 20 oenein) oamrdeenend Cares. moh asnet. * Gwrg pt Ysiasch 100 Wo. AADweovwids Goobos 40 yseilsmend CunGrairgu. ef wegen axgayam pitsmasd () shu 2 S8Gunasgi grat Cxoe: hus HpAMpIG GUM saUUGE oes Gym ina Gingussioy o_edennd CanesiGoiomyn seivsny eral) Courged (i) waren sais ow wi Goa ‘hone wmnsdh OpnLhns uBdtie, acta ny Upeiuia GUNGLG QUUMLASIUG GasiGap sLewossh Ggmhurs Cungionareney sea, wpb ayypadsoon Gund GarosiGsromgT aeiung ooIIG Qaigor. Ulio Og itster Gupte, olflsenend songs. UiCamg Bast GPUYs sor Hai Hd movsy) UNISB suoBIESD Gen GainuCUC Getongy. ganamLs utLerigBadiet ston garcfine uiids1 awaieand gor Gouuiduc Gorongs gEmmsGareat 2 gol) Gauipeom palisavs Gasieions ComiGid. Gwgxd snaundag Gpreno@ud) ushynd oyna ot CpMLiyeus OAALILMc, GoxPyeshwsd wuaysoriscs WWBLGS HGH CoraiGh Geiadshasanen BBb epsOang UtLoTIGA Cyd HLoysos a4iuBb. Besides) eoterehuviame 2 wo) Pomm~Pée sion sa5 sangIy spnoddier sip Uafiyfayd ans GgnPpilub ards e pstGunag.ss GsooeuSeder PL - OL - 2006(5) HL Lucha apbaner obUeT IN BLL Bed |rAUTLOUGston CUnagpsuar seo sHOMaEDd Did SAUUBABIAIG GUKdine CupGsrciony>. Bbsaiusevseon www-health.gov.lk «gab Geremus waoFuisdeaiss CuBDs Genser «pI) sowie > Adomb, GO, ydloGond wo op DommensSon Cu ger SoxUNGes SroUGonTd AuamBonP gp ship MEUsW siprsyOL WATE. Gem anti o\ ewes, HE uoflysreny pews ( shovasd ) Gausorong ames, sanany aionoi a 3H5, GUE OlaCHS Boxdos G8 10, eaE 10.385, aumampaetas upSpo swoon Bplpr weexpanm, Gnrgariny 10 385, Rev, BaddepamaWlimalawancaTneroMawatha, Colombo 20, Si Lanka. on. 02, 03. EXG Long ifiaextemciuity utgend SAKE UBUTE AH Guna G (oy (eo ie) (o ®@ Sotbponowpdarer ofenaroeneno sine gentiufms — 2023 (urpenaigs sms.) ()—— eBertomiiginfuieh pags Guus (axd\Pedoungseyiy wo rere LITT | Gil) oped oupaideremt ob Guust > (gabled 1p Cuwt (gyieDEcICL ed eased Gv) EH aYSBBOM od Guu ( YMG Led eupsereaaa) (uel Gi) pmb IN i ina Gunved Guys grays: ay Bovis: Gil) 20120720 w Heshussiry Gowns seo Gv) apn) QUgHD exgLABs Baypombd (vy) @sudag Ggrmatudl Geo (vi) GpFwspmueno eo Bev: 7 (vi) atone s0Gings Breronyhugh Spsvan Siieus new L uit oping) oC OL S@lyags GUIGLG Opsions eioniugntulogs aan cule 9x4 sions, 110.00 GugogLen.u (EAE BLOW app eenp OI BmenbacucG a i (Bue qpacah (Assond ge) Gi) gummed epee (ayrielen scuSioned supprsbsseied) Utes Csrimmiten Gon (Asem fg /egytuBeud) (oo (2 B5bG Ysa UNL mies onishupretyn? rina Gpaiiudeored Sb pees (wifes cul Oxhengsn? [ wpHayincno BS, OSs OfeO0 Bopive 68 Gla, ome 10.285, erndapgieerTa updwew stows CpOyr wnayparp, Careaby 10 1385, Rev. BaddegamaWimalawansatherotawatha, Colowbo 10, Sr tanks. 05, afleiiemdugafivie »gDujooy ()— Gimtateniuihe CanGbaculGien pansies oWranfgid aorkecwrereres sip Bi Licensee, pret (yeh pLomuTs CEng UfLosd sLLamd GEBBa Gpaauileron ee Gupexhyeus — ySefons ocoustegrend Gb ysdequTEg Toreruiugssse oly BH Course wpdiot Uneaten Cumoducrus YpbayOueoy OpTaiissii Oxnchandei@rs Gi) saga) goons fom UfL@sact Gpnturs Gast ougsien aC BCL Kiaeyie snow GourpuGCent — asin, «Gi URe@s§— OprLturan — Uenoneimeye — oimious pte Jmomcuhpaane SIOMCLI amg UIT PHS peionoilne Hydpr Onigoded 85s Gpriuns aGsaiuGh abs ShorapPH|Gd BemigGash acid Bybgsred Opsiiase Gasronenteinsi fy es 7 stahemiugnfule eaCumiusd 06. seit Canersuiena oounepd oSLus qpatenngga © pafusenfe » ous Be) Sakemiuotag Kaos WpaSahbs weet acafLio uNpooidaiucrg) awiprb, swiss GCancrautsd asin ghawbostes owiumuded suns YaniuBapiut Goings apd, pmb IM pare ciomsgnon anok socouTios Sariataniul ubsyspeH yh gai swiss GanonowSed Garraniiue Goreng) aig Bbsred 2 pIUGhsesWiGnet. p06 Goin owduriud 07. Bipwvenys genconuti sein pid Peaneni/Be505/Gasboh. ait 2s Biouwasfe CromunbaAenpnt coed Bo 2 phunasst Biutiosses Cpurpes wed yap —atiusted — fungi pempucdo>—_aakugaed oun Gupvsuner washers Béataionupsed gCyupionprad lepsHeges gC omudundicrens acinyd, aiemiupged AsnGbsuc Geren geeucdach eriancupnfusest swaps Garments ecionaluytissat uy sfuramauss siaayb, Biusfrmades aleskeninTougsasron pamusme Gait GananGrieit carob, aig) cpsiofersouTed ers Gusti Gatemt sshLengsind> 2 pPLuGEeMacyat (PB un. Baswverys seneoouile emGumcntd 08, SSCHLIMalat permed » prLUIBS Be BelBewshlssreRiGasdove . adiunraayssSquovans cs, Pe APCuIspsse usiurioeig aig. cereus CandksULGeion gaairdact suds Cs1onds 01 shunemaGuspd, Giuttosses Compnphs ou persswosators Bait Uh Gauigniomi asigh 2 msiuGSsseiGns Bag LstpaiugopOulL Wifey! Ga Liey senavaufah nsQumoLib (Binh whos Bite Gavi) ii, Bas OGalSS Bogive GE Sa, eaiGD 1 HS, ameiagaNOTw UApew chonwwts GREK weber, GomeeiK 1 385, Rov. BaddgamaWimalawangaTheratawata, Colombo 10, Sri Lanta. yonasoi9ao1a7son exis 1 Gonanncih 0112698507 011209033 sa ax) Telephone ———JOU267449 0112675280 Myx CFIEXG/07/2022 xs Jorrasotee Gunes Donnaes69 atone) fa yorize2013 = 2105) 0883 Your No. > Fea occte _tmaterheah gv tk aa aaa esse | soudifumus fe : SUWASIRIPAYA | spariags eot0uO> J ww eth gon Da > efraeeeaee cans GOaaso HTT SYOOI0S Ministry of Health neral Circular Letter No :~ 02/109/2022 Provincial Health Secretaries, Deputy Director General - National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo Director — National Hospital, Kandy All Hospital Directors under the Line Ministry. Provincial Directors of Health Services, Regional Directors of Health Services, Heads of Departments, Efficiency Bar Examination in Grade II] of Primary Unskilled Service Category PL - 01 - 2006 (A) of the Ministry of Health - 2023 (1 Term Efficiency Bar Examination for the posts belonging to the Primary Unskilled Service Category PL. 01 - 2006 (A) of the Ministry of Health which should be passed before expiry of 03 years from the date of recruitment to Grade III will be held in Sinhala, English and Tamil medium. The date, venue and the time of the examination will be mentioned on the admission card. (General Circular Letter No 02-15/2020 dated 05/02/2020 has been cancelled in terms of 1¢ General Circular No 01-16/2020 of the Health Secretary.) 02. Qualifications: The officers who have received an appointment to the posts of Karyala karya sahayaka, Packer, Book Binder, Foot — bicycle Messenger, Watcher, Store Keeper, Lift Operator, Photocopy Ronio Machine Operator. Spray Machine Operator, Saukya Karya Sahayaka (Ordinary), Saukya Karya Sahayaka (Junior) in Grade III belonging to the Primary Unskilled Service Category PL - 01 - 2006 (A) of the Ministry of Health, are only eligible to apply for this examination N: Bs Please take action to send me only the appli ions of the officers who have been appointed to Grade IIL and received appointment letters by 2023/01/05 the closing date of applications. 285, quEaYn(OEEgEa6TOOO, 00109 10, 385 cimdeppieSsMUAeEmoshonanisyGynomayiers, Garey 10. (N: B Since those who have exceeded three years in Grade IIL in the post of Saukya Karya Sahayaka y we (Junior) as at 20.07.2012 have been exempted from this examination as mentioned in the General Circular Letter No. 02-90/2015 and the letter dated 12.08.2015 of the Secretary of Health, they need not to appear for this examination.) 03. Applications: Applications prepared by the candidates in accordance with the specimen form of application appended at the end of this circular should be sent by registered post to reach Director (Examinations) Ministry of Health, Suwasiripaya, No. 385, Rev. Baddegama Wimalawansa ‘Thero Mawatha, Colombo 10 on or before 2023/01/05 through the respective Head of Institution. The name of the examination applied for should be mentioned as “Efficiency Bar Examination of Primary Unskilled Service Category PL. - 01 - 2006 (A) in Grade IIH - 2023 ( 1" Term) * on the top left comer of the envelope. It is mandatory that the formation subject officer in charge of personal files and the head of the institution certify that all the provided in cach application is correct that the applicant meets the required qualifications to appear for this efficiency bar examination, A self-addressed One (01) envelope (Official or private address) in the size of 9"x4" inches, affixed with stamps to the value of Rs. 110.00 should be sent along with the application. Applications received after the closing date, incomplete or inaccurate will be rejected without notie: N.B.: The applications should be prepared in compliance with the specimen form of application in the size A4 using in such a way that No: 01 to 04 appear on the first page whilst the No 06 to 08 appear on the second page. Applications not jance with the specimen form will be rejected without any notice. 04. Examination Fees: I Candidates who sit the examination for the fist time are exempted from paying examination fees. Other candidates should affix stamps to the value of Rs. 25/= per subject in the application and cancel the same by placing his/her signature, Il, The examination fees paid will not be transferred to any other examination or refunded under any circumstance. 05.. Admission to the Examination: Admission cards are issued to the candidates whose applications are accepted, The admission card should be duly completed and submitted to the supervisor of the examination centre Otherwise, it will not be allowed to sit for the examination, I Candidates should prove their identity to the Supervisor at the Examination Hall, For this purpose, one ofthe following documents willbe accepted a) National Identity Card b) A formal Identity card issued by the Mini ©) Valid Driving License Valid Passport of Health M5, guRale(N@BSED8OBEND, OIE 10. 385 eiamsapsig hisssGpmivohowanieGsBrunsyenr,Ganaginy 10 96. Examination Procedure * An oral test (should answer orally to the questions asked by an examination board). * Duration: 15 minutes + Total marks 100. At least 40 marks should be obtained to pass the examination, 07. Syllabus of the Examination:~ General Administration |, Measure whether the officer has the knowledge as required on the tasks assigned to the Institution the officer is serving. ~ 30 marks I. Knowledge on general office systems and Inst ional administrative methodologies. ~ 30 marks IIL, Measure whether the officer has acquired sufficient knowledge and proficiency regarding various tasks assigned to the post. ~ 40 marks 08. To follow the Regulations Related to Examination Procedure Candidates shall abide by the regulations governing the oral test and other rules and regulations applicable in conducting examinations. Candidates shall refi nd in from helping another candida also from getting help from another candidate or a person. Further mobile phones & the similar electronic equipments should not be used. Any candidate who disregards this rule is liable to punishment 09. Please bring this Circular to the notice in the grade III officers of Primary Unskilled Service Category for which the prescribed salary scale PL - 01 - 2006(A) is stipulated in your Division/Specialized Campaign/Institution, (This information can also be obtained from the web site - www health,gov.tk) N.B- In the event of any inconsistency between Sinhala, Tamil and English texts of this notification, the Sinhala text shall prevail. Crow Chamika F\Gamage Deputy Director General (Admin ) I For Secretary Ministry of Health Chamika 1. Gama wi 65, GRA GerNSSSGOGSEOROO, oDXE 10. 38S emmaoisaideoMarysEmoohooremedyononaxs ap,dancgir) 10. EXG Specimen Form of Application For Office use only Efficieney Bar Examination in Grade UI of Primary Unskilled Service Category PL - 01 - 2006 (A) of o1 02 03 04, the Ministry of Health - 2023 (1" Term (a) ()_ Name of the Applicant: (In Sinhala/Tami) (il) Full Name of Applicant: (In Block Letters) (iii) Names with initials (In Sinhala) (iv) Names with initials: (In Block Letters) (b) Gi) Position (ii) Date of Permanent Appointment to Grade I Letter No, ii). Service period on 20/07/2012. (iv) Present annual salary (9) Mobile number (vi), NEC number (vii) E-mail address (a) Present Station: (In Sinhala) (In English) (b) Working Station under the Line Ministry - rr Provincia Counet!- [] (©) If Provincial Council, mention Province @) District of the station (©) Whether a self-addressed 01 envelope in the sizeof "9"x"4 inches with stamps affixed tothe value OF Rs. 110.00 has been attached to the application to post the Admission Card, (© @__ Postal Address (In Sinhala). Gil) Postal Address (In Block Capitals) Medium in which you sat for the examination (Sinhala/ English’ Tamil) Centification of the Candidate: (a) Whether you have sat for the examination before (0) IF the application is forwarded not for the first time whether stamp has been affixed Stamp Cage 285, QIsLoLOSOLGOOEBOOO, CDE 10 WS pemiasyagMuusGpaccdoonnistgayrinisypeng,Osmepy 10 0s. Certification of the Candidate: 1 do hereby certify that the particulars furnished in this application are true and comect to my knowledge and | need not affix stamps since I sit the Examination for the first time / have affixed stamps to the value of RS since 1 sit the Examination not for the first time, and the stamps, affixed are unused And genuine I, 1 do hereby agree to comply wit the rules and regulations imposed on examination and I do agree to comply with my decision to cancel my candidature if 1" decided disqualified accordance in until the minute of the Examination, Date: Signature of the Applicant 06. 07 08, 1S, QS e(98B9@DG58000, COX 10. 3k5 aimaapgee hunsBGpmoahosermatseynayheng Gn Certification of the Officer who have handled the personal files | certify that this application has been delivered to me before the last date of receipt and that the applicant has correctly completed this application as per the information in the personal file and that he has met the qualifications required to appear for the Grade III Efficiency Bar Examination and that a copy of this application has been filed in the personal file Date: Name and Signature Certification of Head of Institution: *I do hereby certify that Mr/Miss snes SEIVES 08 a in this institution and *he/she* the Examination forthe fist time /not forthe first time and has affixed stamps tothe value of Rs. J not necessary to affix stamps and the particulars furnished in the Application are true and correct to his/her* personal file and helshe* is eligible to sit for the Examination, He/she* placed his/her* signature before me. Date Signature of Head of Institui Frank/Rubber Stamp Certification of the Unit Specialized Campaign. 1 certify that Mr/Miss, serves as a in my Campaign and particulars furnished in the application are correct in accordance with the particulars available in the personal file oF the candidate and he/she is eligible to sit for this examination, Date Decentralized UnitiSpecialized (Rubber Stamp)

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