Antebellum Presidents Comparison Note Sheet

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John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison

Political Party Democratic Republican Democrat Democrat Whig

American System For Against Against For
Protective Tariffs For (Passed Tariff of 1828 or Against (Nullification Crisis, Against For
the Tariff of Abominations) Henry Clay, Daniel Webster,
John C. Calhoun, South
Carolina, Force Act
National Bank For Against (Bank War, Nicholas Against For
Biddle, Specie Circular, veto
Slavery Against For For Against
Campaigning Reputation Mudslinging Mudslinging and Support of Start Modern Campaigning
Jackson (Log Cabin and Hard Cider
Campaigning – giving public
speeches and campaigning)
Election News Corrupt Bargain, loss popular 1828 – Landslide Victory for Hand-picked successor of Issue-less
vote to Jackson, voted Jackson Jackson
President by the H.O.R. 1832 – Many 1sts Enemy-less
a. Three Party system First time the Whigs
Jackson was the main with anti-masonic proposed a candidate Portrayed as a poor frontier
opponent party (William Henry Harrison) fella
b. All whites can vote
Ended the Era of Good and not just
Feelings landholders
c. First time parties
Started the creation of the crate political
two party system (National platforms
Republican and Democratic d. First time parties
Republicans) hold nominating
Henry Clay was the main
Economy Well (Northern business Policies let to the Panic of Panic of 1837 Only in office one month
doing well and southern 1837 and further took money
businesses based on out of the National Bank and
agriculture) put in “pet” banks and
wildcat “banks”
Started of Market Revolution
(1st Industrial Revolution)
Indian Affairs Treat with respect and Treat horribly (remember his Followed Jackson’s policies Similar distrust and hatred
peacefully history) towards Indians (remember
he was an Indian fighter
Indian Removal Act during the War of 1812 and
Trail of Tears before in the Old Northwest
Five Civilized Tribes
Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia
(went against John Marshall’s
Spoils System Against For (Kitchen Cabinet) For Against
Foreign Affairs Texas Revolution Aroostook War Nothing (Only President one
2nd Seminole War (Chief Texas Annexation issue month)
Osceola) 2nd Seminole War (Chief Vice President Tyler does
Osceola) push through annexation of

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