Thesis Resume (Diplomacy)

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Cultural Diplomacy / Soft Power of some Institutions

Thesis I: (Chin-Wei Tsou – 2020) The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in

Taiwan's Diplomatic Relationships with Africa
Thesis 2: (Ridho Adriansyah – 2020) French Cultural Diplomacy in Indonesia through
Institut Francais D’Indonesiea 2015 – 2018

Arranged by:
Adam Rizqy Hidayat – 20190510025
Fitriah Islamiah Askhari – 20190510060
Nabila Parwi – 20190510233


THESIS 1: The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Taiwan's Diplomatic
Relationships with Africa

Chapter 1 – Introduction

1. Background

In response to the issue of China's Representation at the United Nations (UN) in 1971,
Resolution 2758 passed by the General Assembly and the People's Republic of China (PRC)
has been recognized as China's legitimate representative (Wang, 2009). At that time, the
Chiang government as the government of the Republic of China (ROC) rejected Kennedy's
proposal, accepting two Chinese representatives, one from the mainland and one from
Taiwan. In response to this issue, Taiwan established the International Cooperation and
Development Fund (ICDF) to implement a technical cooperation program from the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). The ICDF allows Taiwan to avoid using its official name in
providing humanitarian assistance to other countries and provides relatively flexible
assistance to expand substantive diplomatic relations in the narrowing international
community (Lin, 2019). The ICDF sends agricultural missions, educational missions, and
medical missions throughout the African continent in countries such as Cameroon, Senegal,
Sierra Leone, Niger, Central African Republic, and Rwanda, etc.

However, despite the successful project, Taiwan still lost its diplomatic relations with
African countries one after another. After Taiwan severed diplomatic relations with Burkina
Faso in 2018, it immediately halted various ongoing international cooperation projects
between the two countries. including infrastructure, medical and health care, and
scholarships. NGOs with low political implications play an important role in Taiwan's
diplomacy. NGO contributions allowed Taiwan to be known later recognized by the local
population, and eventually by the international community. Taiwanese NGOs have long
participated in international assistance, and they are indispensable partners in assisting
governments in non-diplomatic countries to promote international cooperation and
development. Taiwanese NGOs in Africa mainly focus on humanitarian & charitable
assistance, agriculture & environmental protection, health care, and social welfare. This
research seeks to find possibilities for Taiwan to maintain and build relationships on the
African continent through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
1.1 Problem Statement

' Taiwan has always wanted to strengthen and expand cooperation with emerging
African countries, but little research addresses these three aspects simultaneously and
explores interconnections. Compared to international restrictions on official government
development assistance activities such as the ICDF and Taiwan Democratic Foundation the
international assistance activities of NGOs and volunteer services in other countries go
deeper, going beyond government-to-government. Interact and reach out directly to the local
population thus holding the promise of fostering deeper and more meaningful recognition and
relationships, which are lacking in many official foreign aid organizations.

1.2 Research Questions and Objectives In achieving these objectives, the research question of
the study is "To what extent do Taiwanese NGOs contribute to strengthening Taiwan's
diplomatic relations with African countries?". Furthermore, there are four sub-questions
consisting of:

1. What kind of projects are they doing in Africa?

2. What are some of the challenges facing Taiwanese NGOs in Africa?

3. What are the results or achievements of foreign local projects in Africa?

4. What impact does this project have on Taiwan's international profile and diplomatic

Chapter 2 : Literature Review

2.1 Definition of a non-governmental organization

The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) proposed the
definition of a non-governmental organization in Resolution 1996/31, namely, "any
organization not established by a government entity or intergovernmental agreement shall be
considered a non-governmental organization. organizations" Chung (2003) believes that
NGOs are "non-profit voluntary community groups formed in a region, country or
internationally. This group consists of a group of people with the same philosophy. Its main
task is to achieve its ideal goal". According to the above definition, NGO is a broad term that
includes a wide range of diverse organizations. Such organizations that are not established by
government entities or intergovernmental agreements will be considered non-governmental
organizations". Its main task is to achieve its ideal goal
2.2 Global governance

According to the UN Commission's definition of Global Governance, global

governance can represent a governance structure. Within that structure, governments,
international alliances, non-governmental or non-profit organizations, civic movements,
multinational corporations and other global issues actors can govern the world. Structure can
also be considered a governance process; that is, the process of interaction between actors
related to global issues. In addition, these actors involved in global governance can also
influence the global situation and have many effects on the global environment that exceed

2.3 NGOs in diplomacy

In 2000, Taiwanese NGOs gradually paid attention to global issues and took world
action, such as environmental protection, women's rights, workers' rights, and human rights.
Judging from the current difficult diplomatic situation of Taiwan, the space for Taiwanese
NGOs to participate in international affairs is much greater than that of traditional
government agencies that use traditional diplomatic methods to operate on the international
stage. Taiwanese NGOs participate in various international activities through different
development strategies especially in international humanitarian assistance and Taiwan has
experience in international assistance since the 1990s. For example, Taiwan Root Medical
Corps (TRMPC), Noordoff Craniofacial Foundation, and The Relief Agency of Taiwan all
work in different countries abroad to provide different types of medical assistance. In
addition, Taiwanese NGOs turned to developing grassroots organizations in other countries
and used technical cooperation with other international NGOs, adopted long-term plans to
achieve sustainable development goals, and increased the accumulation of social resources.

Taiwanese NGOs are now well established and internationally recognized, placing
them in a key position to influence international affairs and potentially influence diplomacy.
NGOs can do what the government cannot. Under PRC repression, they say, Taiwan cannot
follow traditional diplomatic paths to interact with other countries, and Taiwanese NGOs
with abundant resources can reinforce the importance of non-state actors, they say. Mao and
Wu summarized the role of NGOs in diplomacy into three categories: "intermediaries,
ambassadors, and substitutes". "Intermediaries" represent the government's handling of relief
activities, such as government subsidies for NGOs to deliver material 5 to disaster areas,
avoid corrupt recipient countries, and ensure that materials can be delivered to victims.
"Ambassador" means that when no official diplomat is stationed in the country, NGOs can
play the role of diplomats. For example, Taiwan's Tzu-Chi Buddha Foundation donated
masks and cared for international students in the United Kingdom (UK) during the COVID-
19 outbreak.

2.4 Soft Power and Influence

The current discussion of soft power is largely based on the principle defined by Nye,
namely the ability to influence others to obtain the desired result through "attraction rather
than coercion or payment". Nye believes that compared to the previous emphasis on material
capabilities, the countries of the post-Cold War era no longer focused only on military power
and conquest. In addition, factors such as technology and education are increasingly
becoming important issues in global developments, and the role of culture and ideology in
international relations has become very important suggesting that before discussing the
influence of NGOs in diplomacy, it must first be defined what influence is.

2.5 Conclusion

International studies of the influence of NGOs on diplomacy largely believe that

NGOs can convey the exact needs of society and be closer to underprivileged minorities than
governments. In addition, under a global network of governments, NGOs can express
opinions about international organizations and even negotiate with governments of other
countries to influence policy formulation. The difference is that Taiwanese scholars, and even
Chinese scholars, when discussing the influence of Taiwanese NGOs in the international
arena, focus on the visibility that NGOs can bring to Taiwan

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Study Design

The design of this study uses a case study approach that places cases in the context of
Taiwanese space in the diplomatic domain and uses a variety of data to conduct in-depth and
multifaceted investigations. As a research method, the main design of case studies is based on
the observation of causal processes. When conducting research, the background, context, and
development of the case itself are described in detail, and the research data are described and
deduced in causality. The cases are two Taiwanese NGOs, the Bjorgaas Social Welfare
Foundation (Bjorgaas) and the Taiwan Root Medical Corps (TRMPC), both of which are
engaged in the humanitarian sector, especially in the health sector.
3.2 Data Collection

The Study Desk, namely some data sources, was used for this study. The main data
sources for understanding Taiwan's foreign policy strategy are documents from the MOFA
website, such as International Cooperation and Development Reports and press releases. The
source of the ICDF website is to understand cooperation projects with foreign countries. To
find out the NGOs, the website of the NGO's International Affairs department offers a clear
map of Taiwanese NGOs, where a simple introduction of NGOs and current projects can be
easily found, in addition to that to collecting information such as evaluas criteriai.
Qualitative interviews, are subjective in nature and involve examination and reflection on less
tangible aspects of the research subject such as values, attitudes, and perceptions.

3.3 Data Analysis

This research develops a structural framework of qualitative data by conducting

inductive analysis. In general, qualitative analysis using grounded theory, discourse analysis,
and phenomenology Inductive approach allows qualitative data analysis to identify themes in
text data related to evaluation objectives. . In the second step, the researcher establishes a
clear relationship between the data and the research objectives. The final step is to create a
small number of categories and develop a framework from qualitative data.

3.4 Conclusion

This study used Bjorgaas and TRMPC as case studies to discuss the work of
Taiwanese NGOs on the African continent. Researchers gather the necessary information
from secondary data to understand the background of the study.

Chapter 4: Development of Taiwanese technical assistance teams and NGOs in Africa

4.1 Summary of Findings d

One of them is an expert from an agricultural team in Central America; the other is
the project manager of the education team in Burkina Faso. Not being able to interview
current government officials working in technical assistance teams on the African continent is
a limitation of this research.

4.2 Justification of Bjorgaas and TRMPC

Bjorgaas and TRMPC are representatives of Taiwanese NGOs that participate and
engage in humanitarian assistance and cooperation with local communities in local medical
and development assistance. Both NGOs are active in the countries that are the focus of this
research area, Africa. Bjorgaas was founded in 2013 and operates in Malawi. However, some
members had participated in local development projects in Malawi long before the foundation
was founded. In addition, Bjorgaas has established cooperation with Luke International (LIN)
in Malawi. Dr Liu founded the TRMPC in 1995 to provide free health clinics in remote areas
of Taiwan. So far, the TRMPC has been active in Liberia, Madagascar, Eswatini, Senegal,
Malawi, Gambia, Somalia, Ghana, Uganda. , Kenya, Chad, and South Africa. In addition, the
TRMPC joined the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations (CONGO) on behalf of
Taiwan in 2003.

4.3 Summary of Findings from Bjorgaas and TRMPC

The first part of Bjorgaas' educational project is scholarships, which provide

opportunities for children from vulnerable families to enter primary, middle, and university
programs. The second area of focus is feminist initiatives, including menstrual education and
gender education, to prevent girls from dropping out of school because of their menstrual
period. Regarding the provision of free health services, the TRMPC insists on treating local
people with the medical standards that can be obtained in Taiwan wherever they set up
clinics. Its medical team includes doctors, dentists, pharmacists, medical technologists,
registered nurses, anesthesiologists, and, in recent years, traditional Chinese medicine doctors
have joined in. In addition to holding free clinics, TRMPC also provides medical training to
local doctors.

Chapter 5: Analysis

5.1 Comparison of international development activities of government organizations and

NGOs Regarding the efficiency

The current administrative system of Burkina Faso still pays attention to class. For
small official documents have to ask the minister for instructions, which is very time-
consuming. Moreover, it is very different from Taiwan's administrative system. In contrast,
Bjorgaas and TRMPC did not experience any inefficiencies when implementing their
projects. Regarding satisfaction with the time and effort spent on the project. The
effectiveness and results of such projects are not 100% in accordance with local needs.
Although the technical team has perfected the project, the resources are in the hands of two to
three percent of the elite. In addition, we often fail to implement projects in certain areas due
to conflicts with vested interests. On the other hand, from the point of view and intention of
helping local development, the two NGOs have been carrying out local activities for many
years, understanding the situation and local needs. The operation of the project was not
interrupted after it was transferred to local residents. In the process of interacting with
residents, it also gives a good impression to the local government. Goals, such projects
involve political betting interests. The decision was made entirely by the Taiwanese embassy
in the local area. In contrast, the goal of Taiwanese NGOs working in other countries is more
selfless dedication.

5.2 InteractiveLSM (Informal Network)

Through indirect and in-depth interactions with residents, NGOs understand local
living conditions. Both Bjorgaas and the TRMPC stated that they had participated in an NGO
forum organized by the Taiwanese government to share their local experiences with the
Taiwanese government and other NGOs. For TRMPC, setting up free clinics in different
countries also means conducting valuable medical studies. If the government is willing to
help, it can bring smears back to Taiwan for academic research, contributing to the medical
community in Taiwan. MOFA Taiwan provides financial assistance to NGOs through the
NGO's Department of International Affairs. Both Bjorgaas and the TRMPC have received
financial assistance (including subsidies) from the Taiwanese government in various forms.
From a diplomatic perspective, Taiwanese NGOs cooperate and provide humanitarian
assistance in countries that do not have diplomatic relations. Due to the soft power of NGOs,
other countries develop a good impression of Taiwan and the international reputation of those
countries will also increase. NGOs in other countries recommended the TRMPC to
participate in CONGO and pointed out that the TRMPC's performance in providing free
healthcare has been recognized and appreciated. It also provides an opportunity for
Taiwanese groups to participate in international organizations.

Chapter 6: Conclusion

Through analysis, research shows that formal networks have a relatively significant
impact on Taiwan's international status, but are not conducive to maintaining diplomacy.
Informal networks through good interaction between NGOs and host communities and
governments encourage development cooperation. It also virtually improves Taiwan's foreign
THESIS 2: French Cultural Diplomacy in Indonesia through Institut Francais
d’Indonesiea 2015 – 2018

Chapter I - Introduction

1. Background

. The France Institute is a French cultural center institution built to disseminate French
culture and values in the country it occupies, the France Institute is located in 143
countries under the auspices of the French embassy for that country, in ASEAN there are
only 5 France Institutes, namely in Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Indonesia. The
Institut Français d'Indonésie (IFI) is a French cultural institution located in the country.
Institut Français d'Indonésie (IFI) is a French cultural institution established in 1975 and
under the auspices of the Counselor of Cooperation and Culture of the Embassy of the
Republic of France in Indonesia. In carrying out its activities, IFI relies on its main
mission, which is to promote and disseminate French contemporary cultural art from all
artistic fields to the Indonesian public, accompany the emergence of the younger
generation of Indonesian artists and encourage exchanges between cultural activists from
both countries. Every year the Institut Français d'Indonésie (IFI) always makes new
activities in disseminating French culture with varied media in various regions in
Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta, but there is also Alliance
France which is part of the IFI in Medan, North Sumatra and in Bali. With the wider
movement of the Institut Français d'Indonésie from year to year and also the increasing
number of instruments used in French cultural diplomacy activities from language, film,
music, to cuisine, it is very interesting to analyze the efforts that have been made by the
IFI, cultural diplomacy itself is a factor and also an important way for a country to
maintain good relations with a country that accepts the spread of its culture in order to
obtain new opportunities in cooperation. This cultural diplomacy is the most appropriate
way when a country seeks to spread its values in the eyes of the world. In summary, this
research will examine how cultural diplomacy activities were carried out by the Institut
Français d'Indonésie a French cultural institution in Indonesia in 2015 – 2018.
1. Problem Formulation

Based on the background above, the problem in this study is How is the cultural
diplomacy carried out by France through the Institut Francais d'Indonesie in 2015 – 2018?

2. Research Objectives

The purpose of this study is to analyze the cultural activities of the Institut Francais
d'Indonesie in 2015 – 2018.

4. Research Benefits

4.1 Theoretical Benefits

This research is expected to explain the diplomacy carried out by France in the
cultural path in Indonesia through activities carried out by the Institut Français
d'Indonésie in 2015 – 2018.

4.2 Practical Benefits

The benefits obtained in this research are to assist the international relations study
program in providing information and data related to French cultural diplomacy in

5 Bibliography Review

This literature review will summarize various writings discussing Diplomacy,

Cultural Diplomacy, French Cultural Diplomacy, and the French Cultural Center. First,
the Journal written by Sarrah minotti jiun entitled "Indonesian cultural diplomacy towards
America through culinary 2016 – 2018" This journal discusses the activities carried out
by cultural diplomacy, especially in the culinary field by Indonesia towards the United
States. Second, the journal written by Sintia Catur Sutantri entitled "Indonesian Cultural
Diplomacy in the Process of Proposing Pencak Silat as a UNESCO Takenda Cultural
Heritage" this journal examines Indonesian cultural diplomacy in the process of
proposing Pencak Silat as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage. Third, the thesis
written by Zaenatien Oktaviati is entitled "French Cultural Diplomacy in China Through
Alliances Francaise Period 1989 – 2009". This thesis explains the diplomacy carried out
by the French in terms of culture in China through the Alliances Francaise. Fourth, the
journal written by Hardi Alunaza is entitled "Analysis of Indonesian Cultural Diplomacy
through Saman Gayo Dance in Strengthening the National Identity of the Nation". Fifth,
the Journal written by Adirini Pujayanti entitled "Gastro diplomacy Efforts to Strengthen
Indonesian Diplomacy" This journal explains gastro diplomacy, Gastro diplomacy is
cultural diplomacy that uses food as a vehicle to increase the nation's brand awareness.

6. Theoretical Foundations

6.1 Diplomacy

The word Diplomacy comes from the term "Diploma" which comes from
Latin and Greek which means "Letter of Credentials". Diplomacy is the organization
of relations between sovereign states through diplomats to promote international
negotiations. Conventionally, diplomacy is a country's effort in order to fight for its
national interests in the international world. Diplomacy is also said to be "Soft Power"
in the sense that the concept of power can be described as the level of resources,
capabilities, and influence in international affairs. The concept of power has two
devices, namely (i) Hard power that uses military power and (ii) Soft Power that uses
cultural and economic power.

6.2 Cultural Diplomacy

Cultural diplomacy which is a means of exchanging ideas, information, art,

and other cultural aspects with the aim of maintaining mutual understanding between
one country and another country and between its people. The concept of cultural
diplomacy to influence the general opinion of the people of other countries in order to
support a certain foreign policy policy, a common pattern that usually occurs in
cultural diplomacy relations is between the people of one particular country and the
people of another country. Cultural diplomacy is a dynamic effort made by using
cultural content for the benefit of unity, national unity, and foreign recognition and
respect through cultural cooperation and exchange. Thus, everyone for the benefit of
his nation is obliged to carry out, cultural diplomacy to improve the unity, unity of the
nation, and the welfare of the people and the cultural image of a country in the
international community.

7. Main Arguments

In accordance with the concept used in the research work, the author argues that IFI as
a cultural institution under the auspices of the French embassy in Indonesia is a forum that
has the aim of spreading French culture in various ways and media, every year IFI always
makes activities that attract the attention of the Indonesian people to participate and
participate in these activities, in 2015 – 2018 there were new activities carried out by IFI in
an effort to conduct cultural diplomacy.

8. Research Methods

8.1 Research Design

In the study using a qualitative descriptive approach, which is research without

a calculation process and the strength of numbers but rather obtained through
literature studies. This research studies problems in society, as well as procedures that
apply in society as well as certain situations, including relationships, activities,
attitudes, views and ongoing processes and influences of a phenomenon. This
research will be supported by various sources, both primary and secondary. The
primary data will be obtained by the author from the speakers of the Institut Français
d'Indonésie, while the secondary data will be obtained from books, journals, theses,
theses, magazines, the internet, and various publications – other publications related
to the author's discussion.

8.2. Concept Definition

8.2.1) Diplomacy is one of the important instruments in the implementation of

a country's national interests. Diplomacy as the main tool in the achievement
of national interests relating to other countries or international organizations.
Through this diplomacy a country can build an image of itself. Diplomacy is a
very important part to be used as a solution or solution to seek a peaceful
settlement. Diplomacy is carried out to achieve a country's national interest.

8.2.2) Cultural diplomacy is diplomacy that utilizes cultural aspects to fight

for its national interests in the international community. Cultural diplomacy is
also considered as a tool to show the level of civilization of a nation. In
addition, another definition of cultural diplomacy is a technique for utilizing
the dimension of wealth in the relationship between nations. Diplomatic
activities are not only carried out by governments or state institutions, but also
non-states, for example, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), groups,
and individuals. In essence, cultural diplomacy activities can be carried out by
8.3 Research Focus

Is cultural diplomacy with indicators Music festivals Discussions and Public

seminars Art exhibition Demos and cooking classes Film screenings Fashion week
French Language Education in France.

8.4 Analysis Unit

The level of group analysis is understandable with three approaches, namely

formalistic, competitive, and collegial. The first is a formalistic approach that explains
that there is a hierarchical structure within a group that aims to clarify the commands
intended to solve a problem. Within this formalistic approach there is an executive
office that is useful for making regular decisions, and is usually led by one person
where the members of the group provide reports and information on the aspects they
are good at and will then be reported to the head of the department.

8.5 Data Types and Sources

This type of data analysis method uses qualitative data, the author will expose
the data in an explanatory form, Secondary data sources, which in secondary data are
sources that indirectly provide data to data collectors, which are secured secondary
data sources that can be obtained from newspapers, journals, and informants via the
internet. Secondary data sources are also data that are directly collected by researchers
as a support from the first source.

8.6 Data Collection Techniques

Data collection techniques are techniques or ways that researchers do to

collect data. Data collection is carried out to obtain the information needed in order to
achieve research objectives, in this study researchers will use literature study
techniques: Literature studies are data collection techniques by conducting review
studies of books, literature, notes, and reports that have to do with the problem solved.

8.7 Validity Techniques

Adequacy Engineering Data references in this context mean the availability of

various sources that can be used to explain the data of a study. This means that
researchers have many sources that can be used to explain their research data, both
human sources (in the form of sources), and material sources in the form of reference

8.8 Data Analysis Techniques

In the data analysis technique, the author will use qualitative data analysis
techniques, this qualitative data collection technique is an analysis based on the data
obtained, then the author will develop it again in a paper which this time is in the form
of a thesis.

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