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Clinical Psychology Notes

Characteristics of an Effective Counselor - Help the client, what if you do not have the energy to face
 Effective Therapists must have an Identity - You should be the client? Take a pause.
able to know who you are. - Take care of yourself, and value yourself.
Example: Other Psychologists focused on solution-focused therapy,
others are behavioral therapy, CBT, Gestalt, Existential, and  Effective therapists possess effective interpersonal skills
humanistic therapy. - Carry on the conversation, have healthy coping
 Effective therapists respect and appreciate themselves. - Example: Do not jump to a conclusion. Be more emphatic than being
“There is no perfect therapy.” It’s about handling the client a rationale.
because there are clients who lack commitment
Example: A mother referred her child to a psychologist and the child  Effective therapists become deeply involved in their work
does not want to cooperate with the psychologist. To solve this we and derived meaning from it
should ask the “What do you want” type of question and then follow - Accept the rewards, yet you are not a slave of your work,
up with the trap question “If you want to end this therapy you should you are intrinsically happy from your work.
answer my questions we end this and you are free to go.” Then ask
the client “What is the reason because someone brought you here.”  Effective therapists are passionate.
Do not give advice or relate the experience of your client to yourself. - Work-life balance,
The Client must be the one who will say the solution to their Example: be passionate about the life of your family, and self-love.
problem. As a therapist, you should know the art of questioning.
 Effective therapists can maintain health boundaries
 Effective therapists are open to change. – Exhibit - Do not bring the problems of your client with your
willingness to encourage to leave the security of the known. personal life.
Example: If the therapy is not effective you can tweak the therapy
you are using. Maybe, gestalt to solution-focused therapy. Challenges Faced by the Beginning Therapist
 Dealing with our Anxieties.
 Effective therapists make choices that are life-oriented. =  Being ourselves and disclosing our experience -Too often
Aware of past decisions, revised the mistakes then fail to value just being themselves.
committed in the mere fully than the bare minimum.  Avoid Perfectionism - The conversation should be free
Example: I drank a lot last night, and then I realized that I would flowing you should know how to manage the therapy
minimize my alcoholic intake. without losing your identity.
 Being honest about our limitation
 Effective therapists are authentic sincere and honest. - If you cannot handle a client refer.
- Be genuine, be honest with yourself be open to change with
the therapy itself  Understanding Silence
Example: show empathy with your client wholeheartedly. - We should be comfortable with silence.

 Effective therapists must have a sense of humor  Dealing with demands from clients.
- Simply means you can put events of life into perspective so - Should tend to say no.
that you have not forgotten how to laugh.
Example: Treat your client just like a friend where you can laugh and  Dealing with clients who lack commitment.
smile so both of you can be comfortable. Some clients are talkative - Be prepared, so they will less their resistant
and sometimes the client asks for your opinion, but make sure you do
not give advice. You can say “You know what based on what you say
could be truly true, you can relate or mirror out but not most of the  Tolerating Ambiguity
time. - Either we can break or make our clients. We should their
growth or change, should have fruitful effects.
 Effective therapists make mistakes and are willing to admit
them - Do not dismiss errors lightly and do not dwell on  Avoiding Losing ourselves in our client
the mistakes. - Do not think about your client all the time.
Example: you made a mistake just move on and make sure next time
you should not make the same mistake again.
 Developing a sense of humor
 Effective therapists generally live in the present. - Carl
 Sharing Responsibility with the client
Rogers TOP The Ideal self and actual self should have
- Journal, self-care checklist
interconnection. Able to experience the present with
yourself and others.
 Declining giving advice - Just do not give advice
Example: Just live in the present do not live in the past and future.
 Defining your role as a counselor
 Effective therapists appreciate the influence of cultures -
- Function as a therapist, recognize your strength
Must be aware of the ways of their own cultures that may
affect the client also their diversity. Because sometimes
others are not comfortable handling LGBT, Rape cases just  Learning to use techniques appropriately
refer to another counselor - Do not be mechanical.
Example: Be sensitive to the way you talk. Ask the client politely
“What do you want me to address you?”  Developing your own counseling style
- Wide approach that can be effective because our main goal
 Effective therapists have a sincere interest in the welfare of is to help the client.

Clinical Psychology Notes

 Staying vital as a person and as a professional Individual Psychology

- Do not involve your work to your personal life. - Individuum meaning indivisible – unable to be divided or
- Persons cannot be properly understood as collection of
parts but rather should be viewed as a unity, as a whole.
Sigmund Freud 4 Phases of Adlerian Therapy
- SEX AND AGGRESSION, UNCONSCIOUS- MAKING 1. Forming a Relationship - Bulding Rapport
THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS - Caring Interest/Listening with the eyes
- Informed consent “this therapy is sharing between you and
Psychoanalytic therapy of psychoanalytic more on making the me.” I am just here directing towards our goal. You must
conscious conscious. know how to free-flow
- Hearing the story
Free association – by saying something without censorship. It needs
more time no direction and more on anything and words. 2. Psychological Investigation (Assessment) – Integrate the
story of the client
Adlerian therapy - Lifestyle Assessment – What are the types of questioning
- Focuses on minor adjustment in life and minor adjustment - Conceptualization – based on the problem of the client,
of an individual. what do you think is the main problem of the client? Listen
- Growth or wellness model It is a matter of responsibility on the meaning of it.
because we are making the clients responsible for - Listening for Meaning
themselves, and encouragement solutions to their minor
problems. They are creative enough to think for the 3. Psychological Disclosure/Interpretation (Insight) – asking
solution unique, creative, capable, and responsible. questions
- Optimistic perspective. – Thinks the best possible thing will - Tentative suggestion (Hypothesis Interpretation) If the
happen client comes up with a solution example: Client said; I will
- Is a holistic, phenomenological, socially-oriented, and do my household chores so my mom won’t be agree.
teleological approach to understanding and work with As a counselor: “Oh really do you think if you finish the
people. household chores your mom would not be angry? How sure
are you? and you will not come back here in the clinic?
- Collaboration and challenge. Example: Yeah I am sure I
won’t be coming back here. Therapist: okay, how can you
be sure, when are you going to start to start your
household chores? Client may say; maybe tomorrow I still
have work to do. Therapist: okay very good, are you going
Key Concepts in Adlerian Therapy to do it everyday or other day?
- Emphasis on client’s subjective experience – “Erase the
been there than that” phrase 4. Re-orientation and Re-education – Ask them the right
- Teleology (Goal-oriented) question, do not ask the problem, specific actions towards
- Holistic well-being.
- Interpersonal/Social - Refraining old experiences, Patterns, and messages “how
- Gemeinschaftsgefuhl (community feeling/social interest) are you going to make it a pattern?” “just to make sure
and self-realization (completion) that we are on the same page you will be going to do
- People are neither “good” nor “bad.” Optimistic. Do not household chores.” Counselor: Once you are doing your
judge the person, but the action itself. household chores, your mom will no longer bring you here
- Developmental perspective based on observation and in the clinic correct? so what will you do? Client: I can
direct study of children. watch Netflix, Counselor: then so what will you feel and
- Emphasizes the primacy of the client-counselor thoughts about it? Oh I can manage my time.
relationship. - Creating new experiences
- Holds a non-pathological view of maladjustment
- Stresses an encouragement-focused processing facilitating Adlerian therapist focus on mild adjustment of problems of the client.
change “asking the right questions”
Therapeutic Chameleon
Adlerian Encouragement - Encouragement is not a technique, but rather an attitude
- Clients present for counseling because they are and a way of being with clients.
discouraged and lack of confidence and “courage” to
engage successfully in the tasks or problems of living. Forming relationship – Key takeaways
- Encouragement is not a technique, but rather an attitude - Mirror the emotion of the client (alive, sad, happy)
and a way of being with clients “after the session the client - Based your questions on the answer of the client
should have the encouragement to deal problems in life”
How to address the inform consent effectively.
Adlerian Encouragement: Factors and Skills - Confidentiality, On setting the right condition here, now
The common Factors of Successful outcome you have understood you get what I mean? Is everything is
- Extra-therapeutic (Client) Factors (40%) clear? Client: yes, Therapist: Going back, yes you have
- Therapeutic Relationships Factors (30%) mention about let’s continue.
- Hope and Expectancy Factors (15%)
- Theoretical and technique Factors (15%) Hearing the story
(Scott Miller – based on Lambert’s research)

Clinical Psychology Notes

- Ask for a general question first before going to specific

type of question. If the client said general answers the
therapist should ask general questions too. Adlerian therapy – Discourage clients
Existential therapy - are clients who are deceiving themselves.
Psychological Disclosure/Interpretation (Insight) Guide questions:
- Always show empathy towards your client then ask What is the meaning or purpose of your life?
questions. What do you want from life?
For tentative Suggestions Where is the source of meaning for your life?
- Start with asking the first step to achieve goal, and the How do you work through a sense of “no self” or feeling alone?
power of what else What are the possible reasons that people tend to blame others
for their problems?
Re-orientation and re-education
- If the problem is one “that to make sure I got it right you
make sure to?” Person-Centered Therapy
- If many “Just to make sure I got everything cover I will A humanistic theory – each of us has a natural potential that we
recap you have decided to?” can actualize and through which we can find meaning.

To end the session: Shares with existentialism a focus on respect and trust for the
- I appreciate your effort and coming to the office it really client.
takes a lot of bravery and courage to come here and I can
see that to yourself that knowing in your experiences that Humanism and existentialism both respect client’s experiences
you have shared don’t worry my line is always open. So and trust in client ability to change believe in freedom, choice,
you can just call me if you are experiences minor problem? values, personal, responsibility, autonomy, meaning
So, do you have any questions for me?
Difference of existentialism and humanism
Build rapport is not necessary for Rape cases, VAWC, Divorce cases.
Existentialism clients come into counseling because they are
facing anxiety in trying to construct an identity in a world
without intrinsic meaning.
Existential Therapy and Person-Center
- Therapeutic Goal to assist clients in moving toward Humanism – Clients do not suffers from anxiety in creating an
authentic and learning to recognize when they deceiving identity, Clients need to believe that they have the natural
themselves. potential to actualize.
Example: causes abnormality incase a person ideal self is way
to far to his/her ideal self. The role of the therapist
- Help clients face anxiety and engage in activity that is
based on the authentic purpose creating a worthy Necessary and Sufficient conditions for change
- Congruence, one’s behavior congruent with emotions
Key concepts: - Empathy accurate ability to view the world from clients
- The capacity of self-awareness perspective
- Freedom and responsibility about being authentic - Unconditional positive Regard acceptance caring
- Striving for identity and relationships to others (Affective,
Behavioral, Cognitive) Growth experience
- The search for meaning (purpose and meaning of life) - Therapy is only one relationship that can foster growth
- Anxiety as a condition of living - Growth occurs naturally when one is in a situation with the
- Awareness of death and non-being proper conditions to encourage that growth
- The therapist job is to set the stage, and then the client is
Phases of Existential Counseling able to do what is necessary for positive growth and
- Initial phase: Identifying and clarifying their assumptions
about the world
Example: client might say “I see the world poor people are not Gestalt Therapy
welcome” so clarify this ask the client if where the client belong To make whole
poor or rich? - Mind and body
- Emotional, behavioral, and cognitive
- Middle phase: self-exploration - Past and present
Example: Explore the clients self about life.
Theoretical Assumptions
- Final phase: transformation – Connected to tentative Humans perceive things as wholes and the whole is more than the
suggestion. sum of its parts (i.e. holistic)
- Ask questions that may lead to positive answers or
authentic for the client. Like what will you do while having Life is best understood by knowing the subjective internal rather than
a break? Anything else? the objective, external (phenomenological)
- Self improvement
- Alright do you think by doing those new activites? Would Awareness is ever-changing and each moment one of choice based
help you to bring back your motivation and on evolving awareness. Where are the creators of our own destiny
competitiveness? (existentialism)

Clinical Psychology Notes

The path to wholeness (contanct

People are manipulative are not willing to accept their own

Change happens in the present, if you want to go Alaska, where do

you start?

Goals of therapy

To become fully capable of organismic self-regulation

To have direct, immediate awareness of the total perceptual field
To establish contact with the world

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