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‘ei23, 837 PM Engh conversation topics or howe Sf rextzrmyepentiaets gst 82 First (FCE) - Speaking art Sand 4 roctce quston or 2 orma, OESL/TEFL Conversation Topics for Kids sometime shard to getyoungat Grammar Lesson ~ Indefinite Pronouns (Gome-Any-No-Every) tot tudes getconed our ESL Halloween Video Lesson - Thour htipsifoscariessons.convce-speaking:i! FCE Parl 2 Speaking Questions (ll) - Oscar Lessons FCE Part 2 Speaking Questions (I) Here are some more questions to practice the FCE Part 2 speaking exam. The FCE part 2 speaking exam focuses on your ability to compare two picture and also your ability to be coherent when you're speaking by yourself for a relatively long time. Fluency and coherence are heavily emphasized in this portion of the speaking exam, Compare these two photos and say which one of them you find most enjoyable: Compare these two photos and say which one of them you find most enjoyable Example Answer: In these two pictures we can clearly see people having fun, although the people in these pictures are having fun in quite different environments. n the picture on the left, there are two ‘un in the snow, while in the picture on the right there is a father and daughter having fun on the beach. Both locations are great in my opinion because even though the climate in one is hot and in the other itis cold, there are plenty of fun activities to do in either. | personally prefer the heat, | love surfing, swimming even building sandcastles, but | have plenty of friends who enjoy the cold. | have friends who love skiing, snowboarding, and all sorts of cool activities people can do in the snow. In the eng, there is ne wrong answer when it comes to this, question, it just depends on whether you are willing to leave your comfort zone and try something new. aT ‘ei23, 837 PM FCE Parl 2 Speaking Questions (ll) - Oscar Lessons Compare these two images and say whether it is better to eat out or cook at home: ‘Compare these two images and say whether it s better fo eat out oF cook at home Example Answer There are advantages and disadvantages both to eating at home ani ing out. When we eat out in my family, itis usually a special occasion, for example a fun F someone's birthday or any other special eve home is nothing out of the ordinary. in my family we eat at home most days. Some families eat out more often than others and | have friond Thome b fornily never caus nobody likes cooking or because it is cheaper for them to eat out When comparing both photos, | tend to lean towards eating at home, there is a feeling of coziness associated with home cooked food and although eating at a restaurant is great, it doesn't compare to a nice home cooked meal with your family ond friends, Compare these two pictures and say whether it is better to work at home or in an office: htipsifoscariessons.convce-speaking:i! ar ‘ei23, 837 PM FOE Parl 2 Speaking Questions (ll) - Oscar Lessons compara these hwo pictures and say whethar it is better to work at home or in of Example answer A good working environment is essential to being productive and having a good work-life balance. In these two pictures we can 6 two quite how people are choosing to. work nowadays. One the one hand, working from home allows you to see your friends and family more, but some people say it blurs the Ine between work and personal life, as we are doing common examples o both activities in the same space. On the other hand, working from the office can fee! lke a bit of a waste of time as people have to commute there and sometimes the work done in the office could easily be done at home. | believe there needs to be a. compromise be: in spending five or six days o week holed up in a stuffy office. In my view, there should be two or three days of office work and two or many people feel like there is no need three d -offic would be ays of h ok, in this way, meetin reserved for the office time and people could be productive at home during their home-office hours. Compare these two pictures and say whether it is better to drink tea or coffee and why: an ‘ei23, 837 PM FOE Parl 2 Speaking Questions (ll) - Oscar Lessons .— i Y we pie. Compare these two pictures and say whether itis better to drink tea or coffee and why Example answer This sometimes feels like a controversial question because coffee and tea have some avid fans and it sometimes feels like you can only like one or the other. The obvious answer as to which is the healthiest feels fairly obvious, Tea is healthier than coffee, Why? Because tea is just water with some dried leaves in it. There Is borely any difference between some herbal teas and just drinking hot water. Even though the answer to this question seems straightforward, mony people hove pointed out the health benefits provided by coffee. | am not an expert, but Ihave heard coffee is quite a healthy drink as well.| will say though that coffee warrants moderation, but | have never heard anybody tell me to drink less tea In conclusion, although beth drinks are healthier than drinking a soda or drinking a beer, my money is on tea being healthier because it's basically just water and there is nothing healthier than water. Compare these two pictures and say whether it is better to draw by hand or using a computer: htipsifoscariessons.convce-speaking:i!

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