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Pearson Online Academy Honor Code

Pearson Online Academy's mission is to help each student maximize their academic potential,
and we expect academic honesty to be a core value for all students, Caretakers, and school
staff. Students who are academically dishonest do not learn what they need to succeed and
achieve their goals. Therefore, we require all students to sign the Honor Code, indicating they
agree to abide by Pearson Online Academy's expectations for academic honesty.

We require Caretakers to agree to the Honor Code since they are an integral part of their
student’s learning experience.

Pearson Online Academy Honor Code

I agree that I will …

• Read (or have read to me, if needed) and understand the contents of the Pearson
Online Academy Handbook
• Value learning above my grades or scores
• Always value and exhibit honesty
• Be well informed about plagiarism and cheating, and not use "lack of knowledge" about
either as a reason for engaging in plagiarism or cheating
• Never give my work or answers to assessments (tests, quizzes, etc.) to other students
to submit as their own
• Never plagiarize written, oral, or creative work, and never copy (plagiarize) others’ work
or submit work of any kind that is not my own
• Never post assessment answers on the Internet or in other public places or otherwise
share assessment answers
• Never search for and use assessment answers on the Internet or in other public places,
including using translation services for language courses
• Never give or receive unauthorized assistance on assessments, including from my
friends/peers, Learning Coach, or any others
• Understand that all assessments are "closed-book" meaning I need to take
assessments based on the knowledge in my head, and not use any other sources
• Adhere to all Student Conduct guidelines for proper use of the Internet and materials
provided to me
• Accept the consequences, including disciplinary action, of breaking this Honor Code,
(More information on Discipline and Due Process can be found in the Pearson Online
Academy Handbook)
• Never provide a forged document or signature to the School
• Verify my learning by completing a Curriculum Based Assessment with each of my

I understand this Honor Code is not limited only to the examples listed above. By checking the
box below, I confirm that I have read (or had read to me, if needed) and agree to abide by this
Honor Code and the expectation for academic honesty.

For the 2021-2022 School Year, by checking this box, as a student:

☐ I confirm that I have read or had read to me, understand, and agree to abide by the
above Honor Code.

For the 2021-2022 School Year, by checking this box, as a Caretaker/Learning Coach:
☐ I confirm that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the above Honor Code.

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