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Name- Ashish Bhoir

Div – D3

Experiment No. 4
Aim: Bio Medical Image Analytics
Theory: The actual content of the image depends on the instrument used: photographs measure visible
light, x-ray and CT measure radiation absorbance, and MRI scanners measure magnetic fields. This
program work with sections of a computed tomography (CT) scan from The Cancer Imaging Archive. CT
uses a rotating X-ray tube to create a 3D image of the target area.
Imageio: is a versatile package. It can read in a variety of image data, including JPEG, PNG, and TIFF.
But it's especially useful for its ability to handle DICOM files.
ImageIO reads in data as Image objects. These are standard NumPy arrays with a dictionary of metadata.
Metadata can be quite rich in medical images and can include:
· Patient demographics: name, age, sex, clinical information · Acquisition information: image shape,
sampling rates, data type, modality (such as X-Ray, CT or MRI)
Plot images:Matplotlib's imshow() function gives you a simple way to do this. Knowing a few simple
arguments will help:
cmap controls the color mappings for each value. The "gray" colormap is common, but many others are
vmin and vmax control the color contrast between values. Changing these can reduce the influence of
extreme values.
plt.axis('off') removes axis and tick labels from the image.
Load volumes
ImageIO's volread() function can load multi-dimensional datasets and create 3D volumes from a folder of
images. It can also aggregate metadata across these multiple images.
For this exercise, read in an entire volume of brain data from the "./dataset/tcia-chest-ct-sample" folder,
which contains 5 DICOM images.
Field of view
The amount of physical space covered by an image is its field of view, which is calculated from two
· Array shape, the number of data elements on each axis. Can be accessed with the shape attribute.
· Sampling resolution, the amount of physical space covered by each pixel. Sometimes available in
metadata (e.g., meta['sampling']).
Advanced plotting
· To plot N-dimensional data, slice it!
· Non-standard views
§ Axial (Plain)
§ Coronal (Row)
§ sagittal (Col)
Generate subplots
You can draw multiple images in one figure to explore data quickly. Use plt.subplots() to generate an
array of subplots.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)
Slice 3D images: The simplest way to plot 3D and 4D images by slicing them into many 2D frames.
Plotting many slices sequentially can create a "fly-through" effect that helps you understand the image as
a whole.

Code & Output:
Conclusion: Biomedical Image Analysis demonstrates the benefits reaped from the application of digital
image processing, computer vision, and pattern analysis techniques to biomedical images, such as adding
objective strength and improving diagnostic confidence through quantitative ana

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