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3A Language focus 1 Question forms

1 What do you think are the safest small-talk topics?

2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Nine questions
that you ask at
your own risk
1 you / better / have / to / anything / don’t / wear
2 talk / let’s / politics, / we / shall / about
3 you’re / you / not / working / right now / are
4 it / about / don’t / me / you / what / that / like / is
5 honestly / of / tell / you / haircut / could / me / you / what / think / my
6 don’t / everyone / they / likes / meat, / eating
7 you’re / so / saying / you / earn / don’t / much
8 you / would / how / are / you / me / tell / old
9 another / you’re / having / holiday

3 Work in pairs. Why might each question in Exercise 2 be risky to ask aloud?
Would it depend on the situation? Why/Why not?

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3A Vocabulary Ideas

1 Complete the questions (1–12) with the words in the box.

around brainwave bright dawn given idea ideas mind occurred

out passing springs

1 When you hear the word creativity, what

is the first thing that
to mind?

2 Have you ever had a

idea that seemed good at the time, but
turned out to be a bit of a disaster?

3 Who do you like to bounce ideas


4 If you’re of ideas, what

would you do to spark some new ones?

5 Do you ever find that solutions to problems

on you suddenly?

6 Have you had any

thoughts recently while you were doing
something else?

7 What thoughts have

to you recently about English or studying

8 Has a film or TV series ever

you an idea, for example
travelling or pursuing another dream?

9 Have you ever had a

while trying to solve a problem?

10 What’s the brightest

you’ve ever had?

11 How often do you bounce

around with colleagues
or classmates?

12 When you think of attractive people, who

springs to ?

2 Think about your answers to the questions. Write your ideas in the second column.

3 Work in groups and compare your answers.

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