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“Social media is changing the way we communicate and interact with each other,

and we must understand its impact on our daily lives.” Assalam o Alikum today
the topic of our presentation is the impacts of social media on society. Social media
has become an integral part of our lives, and its impact on society is undeniable. It
has brought people closer together, provided a platform for self-expression, and
facilitated the spread of information. On this very day, I will discuss the
aforementioned points:
1. Social revolution,
2. Youth and psychiatric concerns,
3. Social media and illicit behavior,
4. Digitalization,
5. From connections to confidentially,
6. and Final analysis


Social networking sites have played an important role in enhancing students’ social
presence and motivation for learning. Impact of Students’ social networking
experience on social presence and the perceptions of social networking site usage for
educational purposes.


Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with each
other. It has become a powerful tool that connects people from all corners of the
globe, allowing them to stay in touch and share information regardless of physical
distance. In today’s world, where physical separation is becoming increasingly
common, social media has become a lifeline for many individuals and communities.
The widespread adoption of social media has led to an increase in social skills among
people. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn
provide an avenue for individuals to interact with each other, share their experiences
and opinions, and build connections. However, while social media has the potential to
enhance social skills, it can also have negative effects. One negative impact of social
media is that it can lead to social isolation and withdrawal. Additionally, social media
can promote the spread of misinformation and fake news, which can lead to the
breakdown of trust and the erosion of social bonds. Despite these potential drawbacks,
social media has undoubtedly had a positive impact on social skills development.


However, social media can also present challenges and pitfalls. Social media provides
a platform for individuals to express themselves in ways that were not possible before,
allowing them to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with a wider
audience. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may feel
marginalized or excluded from mainstream society. However, social media can also
have negative effects on self-expression and identity exploration. Social media has
had a significant impact on self-expression and identity exploration. While it provides
a platform for individuals to express themselves and try out different identities
individuals need to be.


. The rise of social media has also led to the emergence of new forms of media, such as
user-generated content and influencer marketing. The influence of social media on
media consumption is a complex and multifaceted issue. On the other hand, social
media algorithms can create filter bubbles that limit exposure to diverse viewpoints and
information. Additionally, social media platforms have been criticized for their role in
spreading misinformation and fake news.


Technological advancements have revolutionized the way businesses operate and

market their products and services. The rise of digital marketing has transformed the
way businesses reach out to their customers. With the advent of social media,
businesses can now reach a wider audience and engage with their customers in real-
time. The use of big data analytics has also enabled businesses to gain insights into
customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to create more targeted
marketing campaigns. In addition, technological advancements have also led to the
emergence of new marketing channels such as influencer marketing and affiliate
marketing. These channels have proven to be highly effective in reaching out to
customers and driving sales. Additionally, the use of technology in marketing has
raised concerns about data privacy and security Overall, technological advancements
have had a profound impact on business and marketing. Businesses that can leverage
technology effectively can gain a competitive advantage and drive growth.


Digital literacy involves proficiency in using digital devices such as smartphones,

laptops, and tablets to access the internet to discover, create, review, evaluate, and use
information via different digital platforms. Technological. The ability to use digital
devices and access the internet is no longer a luxury but a necessity in today’s world.
Digital literacy and web proficiency are essential skills that enable individuals to
navigate the digital landscape effectively. The importance of digital literacy and web
proficiency has been further highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has
accelerated the shift towards digital technologies the ability to use digital devices and
access the internet has become critical for remote work, online learning, and


Technology has presented several options for marketing, communication,

transportation, delivery, and e-commerce to entrepreneurs. It also argues that
technological advancements can translate to entrepreneurial success by creating new
opportunities and solving problems. some of the leaders and organizations are driving
growth in digital commerce, coding automation, cybersecurity, biotechnology, and
blockchain. It also explores how these leaders are creating healthy cultures, exercising
best practices, and leveraging technology for social good. It analyzes the factors that
contribute to the development and survival of technology-based startups, such as the
role of multinational enterprises, the vision and strategies of returned expatriates, and
the changing policies of the government. technological advancements in
Entrepreneurialism are shaping the world and creating new possibilities for innovation
and value creation.


Technological advancement in E-commerce is a topic that explores how new

technologies are transforming the way people buy and sell goods and services online.
More and more consumers are using their smartphones to research and purchase
products online. This means that e-commerce websites need to be optimized for
mobile devices, offering fast loading, easy navigation, and secure payment options.
ecommerce subscription services gain traction: Subscription services are a type of e-
commerce model that provides customers with regular deliveries of products or
services for a fixed fee. They offer convenience, personalization, and loyalty benefits
for customers, and recurring revenue and retention opportunities for businesses. Some
examples of subscription services are Netflix, Spotify, Dollar Shave Club, and
Birchbox. Customization makes products highly personal: Customization is the
process of creating products or services that match the preferences and needs of
individual customers. It allows customers to express their personality, style, and taste,
and increases their satisfaction and loyalty. Some examples of customization in e-
commerce are Nike ID, Zazzle, Shutterfly, and Stitch Fix. Augmented and virtual
reality are making online shopping interactive: Augmented reality (AR) and virtual
reality (VR) are technologies that create immersive and realistic experiences for users.
They can enhance the online shopping experience by allowing customers to try on
products, view them in different settings, and interact with them in real time. Some
examples of AR and VR in e-commerce are IKEA Place, Sephora Virtual Artist,
Amazon AR View, and Alibaba Buy.

 Accelerated Connectivity

Technological advancement in accelerated connectivity is a topic that explores

how new technologies are enabling faster, more reliable, and more ubiquitous
communication and data exchange across the world. 5G networks and beyond:
5G is the fifth generation of mobile network, which promises much faster data
download and upload speeds, wider coverage, and more stable connections1. 5G
is expected to support a variety of applications, such as autonomous vehicles,
smart cities, virtual reality, and the Internet of 2. Satellite internet and low-earth
orbit constellations: Satellite internet is a type of broadband service that uses
satellites to provide internet access to remote and rural areas, where terrestrial
infrastructure is limited or unavailable. Low-earth orbit (LEO) constellations are
networks of thousands of small satellites that orbit the earth at lower altitudes
than traditional satellites, offering lower latency, higher bandwidth, and wider
coverage. Some of the companies that are developing LEO constellations include
SpaceX, OneWeb, Amazon, and Telesat. 3.

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