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EDE 4942- CT Observation Modified Lesson Plan

Name: Christian Taulbee

CT Name: Mrs. Lori Dodd

Grade Level/School: 2nd Grade Sea Breeze Elementary School

Date of Observation: November 6, 2023

Before the Observation: Before completing the “lesson plan” below, you will observe your CT completing this task. As you observe, record
everything you see and hear (as detailed as possible). This should include the steps used in the procedure, the phrasing/language used to explain
the directions, and what the teacher and students are doing. Use the space below to record these observations. Again, the more detailed, the

1. Mrs. Dodd’s timer goes off and announces to the students “Alright, it's time for recess. Put away your papers and we will work on them
in ELA later today.”
2. Mrs. Dodd announces, “Classroom helpers grab the lanyards and everyone else let’s get lined up for recess.”
3. Students put away their items in about 1-2 minutes and begin to fall into the line outside the classroom door.
4. Mrs. Dodd announces, “I am waiting for everyone to get into a single file line.”
5. Students adjust themselves accordingly. Classroom helpers also fall into line.
6. Mrs. Dodd announces, “Remember, we are at level 0 volume in the hallways.”
7. Mrs. Dodd calls for a classroom helper to hold the door, then she opens the door, and the students walk out in a single file line.

Planning the Observation: This section will be used to share your “lesson plan” for how you will support the students in lining up successfully.

What FEAPs are aligned to this routine?

2a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention.

2b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system.
2c. Conveys high expectations to all students.

2e. Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills.

What is your objective for this routine? Students will be able to line up to go to recess in a timely and efficient manner with little to no
distractions in alphabetical order at a minimal talking volume.

What classroom rules/expectations are aligned with this routine?

 Students are expected to be in alphabetical order while lining up.

 Students are expected to be at a level 0 volume before leaving the classroom,
 Students are expected to transition with minimal talking.
 Classroom helpers are responsible for collecting the ID lanyards.

What rules/procedures/expectations might you need to go over with students BEFORE completing this routine?

 I will have to remind the students about the level 0 talking expectations in the hallway.
 Classroom helpers often need to be reminded about the lanyards.
 Classroom helpers often need to be reminded of the door holding expectation.

Step-by Step Plan:

Be sure to address all of the following in the chart below:

 How will you review and/or model the classroom rules/expectations?

 What will you as the teacher do and say during the routine?
 What teacher talk will you use? What will the students do and say? What will it look like and sound like if students are meeting your
 How will you respond to students who do not meet your expectations?
What do you plan to Amount of time each Who is responsible for What will you say? Include your script here.
do? Be thorough and step should take this step?
descriptive. Use your (Teacher/Students/Both)
notes from your above
CT observation to
decide how you will
complete these steps.

I will begin by getting 10 seconds Teacher I say: “Everyone Eyes on Me”

the students’ attention.
Students show me that 10 seconds Students
I have their attention.
We as a class will go 30 seconds Teacher and Students “Alrighty, can anyone remind me of the expectations for lining
over the expectations up for recess?” (Field responses from students)
for lining up.
 Responses should cover; Expected Volume Level, ABC
Order, and Classroom Helper Jobs.
Students will be 10 seconds Teacher “Okay, let's begin lining up for recess. Everyone put away their
instructed to start the papers. Classroom helpers grab the lanyards. Remember a
lineup process. straight line in ABC order.”
Students begin lining 30-45 seconds Student In case of expectations not being met: “Thank you, ____ for
up. Classroom Helpers lining up quickly and quietly”. If expectations continue to not
grab lanyards. be met, then a reminder may be made “Class can you remind
me what the expectation is for lineup volume?”
After students have 10 seconds Student and Teacher “Remember, it is a level 0 volume in the hallways. Classroom
lined up properly it’s helper come hold the door and let’s go.”
time to leave for
I open the door and 10 seconds Student and Teacher
lead the students to
CT signature approving lesson plan is ready for observation: ____________________________________________

After the Observation: Watch your video back and reflect on the following questions. For each question, be sure to provide a
minimum of 2 paragraphs PER QUESTION. Be specific using times from the video and connections to the FEAPS for this course as
evidence to support your thinking! The more critically we reflect, the more we can improve moving forward.
What went well?
I would say overall I did better than I expected. The first FEAP that I believe I nailed was 2a. The actual lining up process and
going over expectations with the classroom lasted exactly 1 minute and 15 seconds. Typically, Mrs. Dodd allocates about 2 minutes
for lining up procedures and transitioning to the desired location. This means that generally I was in the right ballpark on timing
ending at the 2 minutes 20 second mark. Another FEAP that I believe I covered well was 2c. I made sure to meet the same high
expectations as Mrs. Dodd. One of my largest priorities was to let the students know I had the same expectations for them as Mrs.
Dodd. This limited confusion among students as much as possible.
I wanted to make sure to implement an open discussion between myself and the students. This led me to addressing FEAP 2f.
Right away students were able to express what Mrs. Dodd’s expectations were to me. More than half the students were called on to
give at least one example of an expectation. Lastly, I believe covering the expectations for lining up beforehand allowed me to meet
FEAP 2a. This meant students understood what I expected of them, and this allowed me to hold students to the very same standard
as Mrs. Dodd. Students quickly, quietly, and calmly lined up properly with little intervention needed.
What would you have done differently?
I would say that I could improve on communicating in a more efficient manner to meet FEAP 2e. While I believe I covered
everything I wanted to cover in the introduction I caught myself rambling a bit at the 20 second mark. I also think I could work on a
more confident and commanding delivery. While looking back on the recording my communication would come and go in
confidence. A lot of this has to do with being thrown into a new situation. However, I know it’s something I can definitely work on.
Lastly, I did not run into any behaviors that needed direct intervention. Due to this I was not able to demonstrate my full
ability in meeting FEAP 2b. Fortunately and unfortunately students were incredibly well behaved during the whole evolution. I would
also say I implemented Mrs. Dodd’s expectations for simplicity sake. In my own classroom I would obviously implement my own
procedures and expectations. For the most part I think my weaknesses boil down to inexperience in real-world applications.
However, I will continue to challenge myself in areas I need to improve on and become more comfortable with.
Example Reflection Excerpt: For example, I noted that at 3 minutes and 52 seconds (or 3:52), I stumbled on my directions making it
difficult for students to understand my expectations. This is an area I can continue to work on which connects to FEAP 2e. Models
clear, acceptable oral and written communication.

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