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Fundamentals of machine design Machine Design- I| 1-2

Unit- 01 Fundamentals of machine design

T1] Describe various steps involved in the design of a machine element (Give
general design procedure for a machine component). Discuss what working
drawing is.
T2] Distinguish between static and dynamic load giving suitable examples.
T3] What is factor of safety? Why it is used in machine design (why it is
considered while designing the machine element?)? How is it selected?
T4] Discuss the guidelines for the selection of quantitative values of ‘factor of
T5] How will you classify engineering material? For each category of
classification, give at least two materials, falling in that category.
T6] How material is selected while designing a machine element?
T7] Summarize material selection procedure adopted for designing a machine
T8] Explain in brief factors govern the selection of material for mechanical
T9] Explain the various factors influencing the selection of material for a
particular application.
T10] Name different theories of failure. Define any three.
T11] Enlist different theories of elastic failure giving area of its application.
T12] Illustrate the use of theory of failure for brittle material.
T13] State the major alloying elements added to steel and their influence on
properties of steel.
T14] What do you understand by following designations of materials?
a. FG350 c. 20Mn2
b. 40C8 d. 40Cr1Mo28
 FG350 indicates a grey cast iron with ultimate tensile strength 350 N/𝑚𝑚2
 40C8 indicates a plain carbon steel with 0.4% carbon and 0.8% manganese
 20Mn2 indicates alloy steel having average 0.2% carbon and average 2%


Fundamentals of machine design Machine Design- I| 2-2

 40Cr1Mo28 indicates alloy steel having average 0.4% carbon, 0.25%

chromium, and 0.28% molybdenum
T15] Suggest with justification the suitable material for the following:
a. Ball bearing, roller bearing
b. Machine bed (Lathe machine bed)
c. Dairy equipment
d. Surgical instrument
e. Large flywheel
f. Helical spring
g. Leaf spring in automobile
h. Side stand spring of bike
i. Lathe tail-stock
j. Water bottle
k. Helmet (Two wheeler)
l. Engine parts: Connecting rod, piston, gasket, crank shaft
m. Automotive cylinder block
n. Keys for fastening
o. Flange for coupling
p. Blade of house- hold knife
q. Turbine blade
r. Gears
s. Worm and worm gear
t. Boiler water tubes
u. Machine tool spindle
v. V- belt


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