LESSON PLAN Emo Identification kg1 kg2

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LESSON PLAN: Emotional Identification for HI KG1 & KG2


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and express basic
emotions (happy, sad, and mad) using visual cues and basic sign language.


- Picture cards with facial expressions displaying happy, sad, and mad

- Visual aids (e.g., posters with sign language for emotions)

- Visual cues (e.g., emojis or drawn facial expressions)

- Chart with sign language for emotions

- Whiteboard and markers

Introduction (10 minutes):

1. Greet the students and explain that today's lesson is about identifying and expressing emotions.
Mention the importance of understanding and expressing emotions for effective communication.

2. Display a poster or visual aid showing various emotions, including happy, sad, and mad. Discuss
each emotion briefly, using exaggerated facial expressions.

Activity - Matching Emotions (25 minutes):

1. Introduce the picture cards with facial expressions displaying happy, sad, worried and mad

2. Teach students the sign language for these emotions. Use exaggerated facial expressions while
demonstrating the signs. Encourage students to mimic your signs.

3. Display a large chart with the sign language for each emotion and go
through it with the students, practicing the signs together.

4. Present each picture card one by one, discuss the emotion, and ask the
students to express how they feel when they see the emotion on the card.

5. Engage the students in a matching activity:

- Place the picture cards face down on a table or the floor.

- Have the students take turns flipping a card and identifying the emotion

- Encourage them to use the corresponding sign language for the


6. Continue the matching activity until all the picture cards have been used.
Discussion (10 minutes):

1. Sit down with the students and ask them to share their
experiences during the activity. Encourage them to express how
they felt when they saw different emotions.

2. Discuss the importance of recognizing emotions in others and

how it can help improve their interactions with peers and adults.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

1. Summarize the key points of the lesson: identifying and

expressing basic emotions (happy, sad, and mad) using sign

2. Encourage students to practice using the sign language for these

emotions in their daily lives.

3. Provide a simple take-home assignment: Ask students to find examples of these emotions at home
or in their surroundings and try to express them using the sign language they learned.

Homework Assignment:

- Ask students to find a family member or friend and demonstrate the sign language for the emotions
"happy," "sad," and "mad." They can share their experiences during the next class.


- Assess the students' understanding of the lesson by observing their participation in the matching
activity and their ability to express emotions using sign language.

- Check homework assignments for their application of the concepts learned in the lesson.

Adaptations for HI Students:

- Ensure that all students have access to visual cues, sign language, and written instructions.

- Provide extra support for students who may require it, such as one-on-one assistance with sign

- Use short stories or videos with emotional

content to practice identifying and expressing

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