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Innovation sports officiating

with design thinking

Presented by : -

Akanksha Raghav (22gsob2010815)

Lovely Kumari (22gsob2010808)
Lakulish garg (22gsob2010057)
Manav kumar
Youth sports are currently facing a significant crisis that jeopardizes the entire youth sports
system. The main issue at hand is the declining number of young and skilled referees, which is
affecting the recruitment and retention of sports officials. This situation requires innovative
thinking to counter the negative trends and safeguard the benefits children gain from
participating in sports. Instead of focusing on the common problem of parents getting upset
with officials, this case study delves deeper into various issues using design thinking.

It introduces students to the concept of design thinking and encourages them to generate
creative solutions by applying this problem-solving approach. Students can choose a specific
problem area, participate in an idea generation session led by their instructor, and work on
innovative solutions.

The traditional approach to sports officiating and its challenges.

The importance of effective officiating in sports for fair play and integrity.

The emergence of innovative technologies and methodologies in various industries.

The need for fresh perspectives in sports officiating to enhance accuracy and fairness.

An overview of how design thinking can be applied to solve complex problems, including
those in sports officiating

"Innovative Sports Officiating with Design Thinking" is a concept that

combines sports officiating and the principles of design thinking to improve the
officiating process in sports.

Design thinking is an approach that focuses on understanding user needs,

generating creative solutions, and rapidly prototyping and testing those

When applied to sports officiating, it aims to enhance the decision-making

process, reduce errors, and improve the overall experience for athletes,
coaches, and fans.
Problem Statement: The case likely begins with identifying the challenges or issues within
traditional sports officiating. This may include human errors, controversial calls, and
inefficiencies in the officiating process.

Design Thinking Approach: The case would explore how the principles of design thinking,
such as empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing, can be applied to sports officiating to
address these challenges.

User-Centered Solutions: Design thinking involves understanding the needs and pain
points of the users, in this case, the athletes, coaches, and officials themselves. It might
involve conducting interviews, surveys, and observations to gather insights.
Ideation and Prototyping: Teams may brainstorm creative solutions to improve sports
officiating, which could range from incorporating technology example - VAR in soccer to
reimagining the role of officials on the field.

Testing and Iteration: The case would likely discuss the importance of testing these new
ideas in real-world scenarios and iteratively refining them based on feedback and data.

Implementation: Once a successful solution is identified, the case would explore how it
can be implemented in various sports and leagues.

Challenges and Considerations: It's important to address any potential challenges or

ethical considerations, such as the role of human officials in an increasingly
technology-driven officiating environment.

The case study on using Design Thinking to improve sports officiating has shown that it
can bring big improvements to the sports world.
By focusing on what the users (athletes, officials, and fans) need, understanding their
feelings, and continuously trying out new ideas, sports officiating can become more fair,
precise, and exciting for everyone involved.

This means better matches, happier fans, and fairer outcomes in sports.
This approach ensures that athletes receive fair and accurate judgments during their
competitions, officials can make better decisions, and fans can enjoy a more engaging
and satisfying viewing experience.
Thank You !

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