Prepare! 1 Workbook

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& CAMBRIDGE PREP | Garan Holcombe | Second Edition Cambridge Univesity Press soncambridgeorielt Cambridge Assessment English swt Information on ths tite: wwwcambridge org/o78s20840938 (© Cambridge Univesity Pres and UCLES 2015, 2019 “This publication iin copyright, Subject wo statutory exception sind to the provisions of relevant collective heensng ayeeements, to reproduction of ay part may ake place without the writen permission of Cambridge University Pes. Firs published 2015 Second Fdtion 2019 2019 1847 WAS 1g43 12 WOE TSS as2L Printed in Dubai by Oriental Press A catalogue record for this publiation i asllablefrom the British Library ISBN 978-1-108-34092-8 Workbook with Audlo Download ISBN 978-1-108-43327-3 Student Book ISBN 978-1-108-38058-4 Students Book and Online Workbook ISBN 978-1-168-38593.0 Teachers Book with Downloadable Resource Pack (Chas Audi, Video, Photocopiable Worksheets) ‘The publishers have no reagonsblity forthe persistence or accuracy Of URLs for external or third-party internet websites ferred to in this publication, tnd do ot guarantee that any content on sch website io wl remain ‘curate or appropriate Jafri regarding pics, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work correct tthe time of fist printing but ‘the publishers do not guarantee the acuracy of such information thereafter. | | 10 a 2 a 4 15 16 a 18 19 20 In the classroom All about me My family My home My things: What can you do? Party time! My day Atschool Feeling good Things we do My digital life Working life Places Out and about What shall wear? Buy it Different places The weather Afantastic concert Animals 2 16 20 24 28 2 36 40 44 48 56 60 64 68 n 6 80 84 ae VOCABULARY Bere 4. Usten and chose the corret names. 1 Gulia) Julie 2 Brian/ Bryan 4 Steven / Stephen 5 6 Stowart / Stuart Numbers 2. Circle seven numbers. & e' % 4, ent) RC threegnas® 3 Write the numbers. one sheen wo seven ‘welve seventeen eighteen four nine fourteen nineteen five ten fe STARTER UNIT Days A, Write the days. BU esnestay 8 Twsday 9 Feday August 201) 10 seucay 1 Saturday om a 2. Sunday aaa 3° Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday $ ae 12. Friday ‘ida a 14 Sony 5 Testy 16 Tuesday x 17 Wednesday ‘18 Thursday & Thursdy, q@ 9 Frey 10 ‘i : January Saturdy | fonday Tuesday Wednesday na i 1 > ; : a Saturday Sunday * 7 5 Match the questions to the answers. © Hello, I’m John. What's your name? aah My nae sore 1H What's your name? bm 11yearsold 2. How do you spell it? € t's Thursday. 3. How old are you? / d SARAH, 4 What dayisit today? =e Hi, John. I'm Mark, G Write about you. 1 Hello. What's your name? 2 How do you spell it? 3 How old are you? 4 What dayis it today? IN THE CLASSROOM “3 aa ‘The classroom 7 Look at the picture and write the words. Use one, two, three, four and six. apple books boys desk girls orange pen _— pencils ruler__—_ teacher ° 3 ‘ 9 1 4 7 2 eS 8 Colours fan & Circle eight colours. cr » J], Write a or an. J ° a blue book Monday 5° September Miss Wilton Class 28. : pele 2 picture Rae 3 sgreen rubber 4 apple 5 red pen this, that, these, those 2. Read and colour. ssa — back Co 1 This ules orange, That rulers green, 2 These pens are blue. Those pens are yellow. 3 Colour and write === —_— {1 Write the words in the right order. D4. Usten and write the birthdays. 1 Lucy sori April August December February re anvary July June March May ee November October September ae : ; 5 elisa January sje 2 . 7 Mia a a 8 Jack 4 9 Maria 7 10 William 6 e d thursday book dialnfujajriyjelijgjnje numbers colours days months the classroom IN THE CLASSROOM =| ke ALL ABOUT ME ACL 2 == Objects and people 1 Complete the words. Oca mera 5 stud ida 6 ch 2f end Th 3p ne eb g 4 pho at le 2. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. Hi, My name's + Michelle, Look at this photo ‘This gir is my Her name's Laura. 24 Hello. 'm Linde and Fingice ote : ts This is my S 2 its black and pep. Hi. 'm Tomas. Thisis, my‘ It's white. This is my Listen to the conversation. Ist Eve's or Joe's birthday today? Listen again, Number the sentences in the order you hear them. A You're in my class! B See you Monday! € I'm Joe. D Today's my birthday! E I'mi2, F My name's Eve. oo00008 Listen again. Are the sentences right (V) or wrong (x)? Eves in Joe's class Joe is 12 years old, Martha is 13 years old, Eve is 13 years old. Eve's phone is green and blue. Joe's phone number is 60732982 < 4, Match the pronouns to the determiners. ria a his 2 you Nb my 3 he © her 4 she d your 2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. ° 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a V'm Michelle. Laura is(nip)/ her friend. She's 12 today. it's her/his birthday. Look at that boy. His / Her name's Tom. Jon's my friend, His / Your bag’ ed You'rea student. What's my /your name? She's Azra, Tiss his her watch 1m 13. Ths is my / his phone. Amy is my sister. This is his/her camera He's my friend, His / Her name’ iam, Helio! My name ® 5 Pablo and | ‘a student. 17 12years (od. My birthday * in December. be gular © 3 Look at the example (0). Rewrite the sentences. © tis my book Irs my bi 1 Lam Michelle. 2 You are my fiend 3 Heismy dad 4. She is my teacher. 5 itisbive 6 Sheis my mother. 7 Heisa student 8 She is my friend, Javier and Laura are my friends. Javier is a student. He's in my class. His birthday is in July. He 12, Laura’ a student too. Her birthday isin January. She 9 Lam Jack, 10 Itis my phone, My class in school is called 7A. This is Miss ‘Sanchez. She™ my teacher. Gountries and nationalities 1. Circle five nationalities. cits tiuir gihifieitia | ifzitialwiely biviculolry 2. Match the nationalities in Exercise 1 to the countries. 4 China 2 Turkey 3 Russia 4 Spain : . 5 Mexico 6 italy ~ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct nationality or country. 11 Augustin is from Argentina, He's 2 Sarais from Spain. She's 3 Sergey's from He's Russian, 4 Femanda is from ‘She's Mexican. 5 Lorenzo is from He's italian, 6 Gizemis from ‘She's Turkish. 7 Linis from China. She's 8 Bruno is from Brazil, He's [o UNIT My name's Burak, V'm from Turkey and I'm 12 years old. Ths is a photo of me and my new FED this is Ana. This is Maria, | Anais 11 years old. Maria Is 13 years old. Ana is from Brazil and Maria is from | Mexico. Ana is funny. Maria is funny too. This is ris. She's my friend, Her dad's from Spain, but she's from England, Iris is 14 years old. Her camera This is my friend Viktor. He's 15 years old and he's from Portugal. His mum's from Portugal too, but his, dad's from Russia. His and Marco. Luca is from Italy. Marco is from aly too. Luca is 14 years old. Marco is 12 years old. 5 Read the text again. Complete the sentences. 1 Burakis years old. 2 Anais years old. 3 Maria is from : 4 Iris: is from Spain, 5 Irisis from 6 Viktoris Burak’s 7 Viktor is years old. 8 Lucais from 9 Marcos years old be plural © 1 Rewrite the sentences. (© Weare from Mexico. We're from Mexico. 1 You are from China, 2 They are from italy. 3 Weare from Brazil 4 They are from Turkey. 55 You are from Spain 6 We are from Russia 7 We are from Argentina 8 You are from Mexico, be singular and plural © 2 ‘Complete the sentences. © Ritaisitalian. She __isn't__ Spanish, 1 Hello. 'm Irina, I'm from Russia 1 from Brazil 2 Elifand Emre from Italy. ‘They're from Turkey. They're Turkish. 3. Zhang Wel is from China. He's Chinese. He Mexican, 4 Hi. 'm Ana, 'm Argentinian. | from Spain. 5 Igor and Nikolai are from Russia, They from Turkey. 6 Carlosis Spanish, He Italian, 7 Chiara and Martina are from italy. They from Argentina 8 Manuela is Mexican. She Brazilian. Read the sentences. Write negative sentences. © She's Turkish, She isn't is 2 He's Spanish, Tur 2. She's rom China 3 You're Mexican, 4 They've from Brazil 5 Fim from tly 6 She's Argentinian. Uh |] Read the description. Answer the questions. Hil My narne’s Claucha. m 13 years old. 'm from tal. 'm talian. These are my parents ‘They aren't from italy. They're from Argentina They're Argentinian. 1 Whatis her name? 2 How oid is she? 2 Wihere is she from? 4 Wihat nationality is she? 5 Where are er parents from? 6 Where nationality are they? 2. Write about you. 1 Hello, ’m Martin, What's your name? 2. 'm 11 years old. How old are you? 3 'm from Brazil, Where are you from? 4 'm Brazilian. What nationality are you? 5 My parents are from Mexico. Where are your parents from? 6 Goodbye. ALL ABOUT ME nN ites iy 5 Read again. Nate he names tthe family 1 ae mother Fandlies 2 All b sister | 3 Hasan € father | 1. Look at the pictures. Complete the table withthe words 4 Dilan 4 brother | inthe box. Read again. Are the sentences right (V) or baby child brother children dad wrong (¥)? | oughter father husband mother 1 Olgais.s. mum parents sister. son wife 2 Olgais from Russia. 3 Selen is from Izmir. 4 Selen is 14 years old 5 Azrais five years old. 6 Hasan is very funny. dough 2. Write the word. Use words from Exercise 1. © parents and children 1 sonand 2 ‘and wife 3 brother and 4 mother and 5 and dad 3 Write about your family. Susan is my mother. Michaelis my fother. A. Read the email. What nationality is Selen? Hi Olga, ‘Thank you very much for your email and the photos of your family and of your country, Russia. How old is your sister? |'m 18 years old too! Look at my photo ~ this is me with my new phonet This is a photo of my family. My family is Turkish, We'te from a place called lzmi lami is in Turkey, My mum's name is Diian and my father's name is Al. My sister is called Azra. She is 111 years old. Our brother is five years old. His name's Hasan. He is @ very funny boy! Love from, Selon [= UNIT2 J Look at the picture. complete the sentences. etic RuLg Sola Write ills or Laura’s. = © iamis Lauro’ son, 1 Liamis brother 2 Holly's sister 3 Hollyis daughter. 4 Nickis husband, 5 Nick's, father. Hello. Liam. Thisis my family. My name is Luis and this is my sister Mariana. We are from Mexico. Thisis* our family. : parents are Sandra Determiners and Esteban, Sandrais* mum, Esteban is * 2. Complete the table dad. We're * children, 1m? son. Mariana is pronoun determiner ‘ daughter. i ; you 2 he 2 k she . E ine . they : k Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. ©. 'm Liam and Holly isp your sister. 4 We're our/ their children. 2 Laura and Nick are our/ their parents, 5 l'maur/ their son. 2 Laurais our their mum. 6 Holly is our / their daughter. 3 Nick is our/ their dad. MY FAMILY = 13 Adjectives: feelings 11. Putthe letters in the right order to make adjectives. tho bot sda cein ertd dbeor eevelr payph yurnhe. nunyf @4ounwnne 2. Complete the sentences. Use the words from Exercise 1. 9 Your sister's Listen to the conversation. Where is Anna from? Listen to the conversation ag sentence (V). © A Annais Alex's friend. B Anna is Alox’s mum 1A Anna’s family is from England. B Anna's family is from Russia, Choose the right 2 A Alex’s mumis from Russia, B Alew’s dadis from Russia. 3A Alex and Anna are hungry. B Alex and Anna aren't hungry. 4 A The film is sad. B The film isn’t sad, 00 00 00 00 ON be @ and short answers ‘1. Complete the questions with Is or Are, J. Correct the sentences with capital letters. a you Chinese? © my friend is called Viadimir 2 ‘your parents Russian? My fiend is called V 3 it Monday? 1 vladimir's from russia 4 you tired? 5 your English teacher clever? 2 he'srussian 6 you hungry? 7 your friend funny? 3 he's 14 years old 8 you bored? 4 today he’s tired! 2. Answer the questions in Exercise 1 so they are a true for you. 1 2. Read the description. Complete the table. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 Read the sentences. Write the questions and short answers. © I'mtired Are you tired? 1. Sophie ishappy. 2 James isn't bored. 3 My friends aren’t hungry. 4 Our classroom isn't hot 5 My sister is funny. 6 My mumis lever. name a 4, Putthe words in the right order to make age 2 questions. nationality 3 © your / What / name /is? today she i 4 What is your nome? 1 from / are / Where / you? 3 Write about your friend. Remember to use capital letters and full stops. 2 is/ birthday / your / When ? Mpa ; My friend's names, 3 number /What / your /is / phone? as Geanaa He's 4 friends / Where / your / are ? fein chem Today he/she is MY FAMILY 15 eg Rooms J. Circle 12 house words. b ° kiiftic{hlein tlalbitibizic showe rg tlojiitieitib wiiln dlolwz diilnilaletr bru f|Moo x bathro. 2. Complete the table. Use words from Exercise 1. rooms things living room, 3 Write the house words under the pictures. fe UNIT3 Slee LD q Aisten to Lily describe her house, How many - bedrooms are there? ° 0 G Listen again. Match the people tothe rooms. 1 livingroom WZ] window walls oa kitchen og door oO diningroom bathroom shower bath bedroom hall floor Beth — 2 bedroom Dad b living room Mum © dining room Tom 4 hall Ellie e kitchen Listen again. Tick (7) the rooms and things Lily talks about. oo0o0000 |]. Put the words in the right order to make sentences. | 1 is / wall / picture / There /a /the / on | 2. bookcase / bag / is / There / a/on / the 3 windows / There /in / are / room / two / the 4 the/ bed /in/ a/ room jis / There 5 two/ kitchen / the / There / boys /in/ are 6 girl/ the /room is /living / There / a /in | 7 house /six/ are / There / the / in / rooms 2. Match the words to make two sentences. g | Theres — seven rooms onthe house There are Ul a pena case he table 1 Theres sixbooks on the bathroom _— in thefeo | 2 There's aboy on the bedroom. | Thereare _fwepicures [in thewal 3 | Theres [three photos on | the bath — in thewalh 4 Theres twowindows on the lee, | “Thereare _acamera_in_|thekitchen | There's apet fh” {on he ting roam | There are |fourgiis Jin. | theboekcae. 3 Complete the sentences with There's or There are and | inoron. © There are ___two girls in the | bedroom. | 1 aclock the kitchen, } 2 ‘two doors the living room, 3 a picture the wall 4 three windows bathroom. 5 two beds the bedroom, 6 abag the floor. 2 three boys the Living room, 8 a book the table. 9 a camera the table, 10 board games the dining room, Look at the pictures. Write sentences. Use There is | There are and the words in the box. gids pictures window There are two girs in the kitchen, | bed — boys — pictures window 4 5 6 7 | poy door girls 8 9 10 a MY HOME | Things in my room ‘1. Put the letters in the right order to make words. oedb 1 syto 2 voniteelis 3 oleck 4 retpso 5 Icsteho 6 irugta 7 eokaobes 8 tpe sifh 9 pucmtroe 0 radbo gema 2. Look at the picture. Write Yes or No. There are toys on the floor. The clock is on the bookcase. The posters are on the wall The computer is on the chair. The guitar is on the bed There are clothes on the chai. There isa pet fish on the desk. There is a TV in the room. fe UNIT 3 | Read the three descriptions. Who is from England? Hil My name's Frank. I lve in Paris. Parsis in France. 'm 13 years old and Ilike my bedroom. I've got a bed, a desk, a chair and two big windows in my room. And I've got 12 posters on the walls! ‘No more posters!" Mum says. My favourite Colour is red, but the walls in my room are blue. Hello. m Luke and I'm 11 years cl. 'm from Warwick in England. My bedroom is great! The walls are yellow and blue — these are my favourite colours! ‘On my walls I've got some posters and a nice black clock Wve got a desk in my room, There are lots of books on it! Vee Hi. My name's Alex. I'm 12 years ‘ld. fm from Ireland, but my pparents are from Scotland. My ‘bedroom is my favourite place. Vive got my clothes, my board ‘games and my books in my room, but my favourite thing in my ‘bedroom is my guitar ~ its new! There's a computer in my room 100. My friends ike it Read the text again. Answer the questions. (© Where is Frank from? He's from Fronce. 1 How old is Frank? 2 Wihat is Frank’s favourite colour? 3 How old is Luke? 4 What are Luke's favourite colours? 5 Where are Luke's Books? 6 How olds Alex? 7 Where is Alex from? 8 What is Alex’ favourite thing? 11. Put the words in the right order to make 11. Read the text. Choose the correct words. sentences. | ] GRAMMAR | se got WRITING | © got / computers Mum's / two | Mum's got two computers. | 2 got/I've/ books / five 2 a/sister's/ pet / My /got/fish | 3 camera a /got/Dads | 4 new / got/ brother's /TV/ My /a “To Die a there ave / Hour badiooms. ee police a tharos: oe 6 board game / great / We've / a/ got 7 a /got/ Mum's / phone / blue 8 nice /a/ i've / bookcase / got i 2. Match the sentences. My name's Elen, My sister's name is Katrina, I'm Jack and my friend is George José and Juan are my friends. My brother's name is Sam. We've got board games and toys. I've got a phone and a computer. He's got a clock and a camera, She's got lots of posters and two guitars They've got a pet fish and a television, | 3 Complete the sentences with 's got or ‘ve got. © 'm Luisa. I's my birthday today. | | ve got ‘anew camera. 1 Mateo’s my friend. He two brothers and three sisters. 2 Tom and Amanda three children. 3 We're Harry and Jacob. We three pet fish in our Living room. 4 My sister lots of ‘books in her room. 2. Write about your home and your bedroom. 5 Amelia and Poppy Use the text in Exercise 1 to help you. lots of friends. They are happy. 6 Helen and Richard are my parents. They 2 TVin their nian fie 7 You're a student. You ps os ten books and a computer on your desk, ae 8 My brother anew bagfor school. its red and black. = Weve algo gt + My fovouite room ie = im my bedroom tve got MYHOME 19 Se UE Things in my school bag 11. Match the words in the box to the photos. banana football scarf wallet chocolate coat sloves hat keys. water bottle 2. Read the descriptions. What type of room do the students describe? Petra, 13, Russi Is avery big room - there are 30 students in it! Its got a red door, light blue walls and four windows. t's got ots of small brown desks. On ry desk I've got my pens, my books and a water bottle. like my desk. ‘Dao, 12, Vietnam It's small room. There are bookcases - two, three, four! On the bookcases there are lots ‘of English books. The room's got five small ‘windows and a dark green door. The walls are light green. There are two long desks in the room, My bag is under the desk. In the bag, ve got my scarf and wallet. 11 Italy I's nice big room. The walls are white and there's a blue door. Oh, we've got one very big window in the room— we like it! We've got our ppens and rulers on four desks, but our water bottles are in cour bags. Callum 13, England It's small room, but its nice. I's got three big windows. The walls and door are yellow = i's happy colour. ‘There are lots of desks in the room. On my desk I've got all my pens. My bag is on the floor next to the desk ve got my books, some chocolate and a banana in my bag. 3 Read the descriptions in Exercise 2 again. Complete the table. big/small door Petra’sroom ed, Dao's room a Chiara’s room big Callum’s room A. Read the descriptions again. Complete the sentences. 1 Petra’s rooms very 2 Petra’s room has got lots of 3 There are English [a UNIT 4 desks. in Dao's room. walls, windows light green 4 The windows in Dao’s room aren't 5 Chiara’s is in her bag. 6 There are (on Callum’s desk, 3 Complete the dialogues with ’s got | ve got or hasn't got | haven't got. PPLE) have goto 11. Write the negative sentences. Mum, where's my football? Ella: gor itt She's in the garden, © Miguel's got his wallet. Thanks, Mum, Miguel hasn't got his wallet. Oh, no! 1 Irene's got her football Are you OK, Ben? | No, Pm not. 12 ‘my phone. 2 Dad's got his water bole, 3 ve got my blue bag 4 Emilio goths redhat. 5 Mum's got her long scarf. 6 ‘Sara's got her black gloves. 7 Charlotte’ got her white guitar. 8 Marco's got his watch, 9 ve got my red coat. 410 Jess's got her new phone. 2. Look at the things in Jim’s bag, Tick (7) the right sentence, © A He's got a ball B He's hasn't got a ball oO 1 A He's got his keys. Q B He's hasn't got his keys. QO 2 A He's gota coat. Oo B He hasn't got a coat. QO 3A He's gota camera. Q B He hasn't got a camera, a 4A He's got a drink Qa B He hasn't got a drink, a 5 A He's got abanana, Qa B He hasn't got a banana Oh, where isi? Your phone? Look - it's on the table! Oh, yes! Thanks, Dad, Dad, is my hat in Adam's bag? ‘Adam?* yourhat, Ben! Your hat’s on the floor in the living room. Ben? Yes, Ella Where's my chocolate? Bb it Ella. sit in your bag? What's that in your coat, Ben? Mum! Ben ‘ my chocolate! Ready, Ben? Yes,1° a water bottle, some chocolate, a banana and my coat. i Your gloves and scarf? Yes! I've got my gloves and ... oh, no! 1 my scarfl Where isi? Mum: It's on your bed, Ben! 4 Write about you and your family. Use hasn't got or haven't got. thaven't got a quitor. My sister hasn't got a comero, MY THINGS a OF usrenne | Adjectives: things Complete the table with the adjectives from the box. light tong new dirty small ald - dean 0 1 short [2 3 [4 big dark grey grey 2. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with adjectives from Exercise 1. 2. Jessica's got a scarf 2 Sam's gota bag, 3 Isabella's gota rey hat. 4 Dylan and James have got a football 5 Dan's gota book 6 Ava's gota guitar [= UNIT4 Ive got aan old new hat Fve got ang / short scart Fe got a big / small book five got a dirty / clean coat. ve gota ight grey | dark grey bag. Listen to the conversation. Where is Emily? Listen again. Are the sentences right (/) or wrong (Xx)? © Emily isn't tired today. x 1 Emily's rulers on the table, 2 Emily's dad has got her pens and pencils. 3 The maths book is on the bookcase. 4 Emily's coat is on the chair. 5 Emily's dad has got her bag. Listen again, Tick (/) the items Emily takes to school. isot 9 S pencils ant =O 6 waterbotte ae 9 7 mathsbook a pen 8 coat o | 1]. Answer the questions. Write short answers. © Has your mum got a short coat? v 1 Has your brother got a big bedroom? x 2 Have you got two pet fish? x 3 Have you got nice teachers? v | 4 Have your friends got a ball? v 5 Has your dad got a guitar? x 6 Have you got anew phone? v 2. Write the questions. Then complete the answers. © A: you / hat? Have you gota big, blu B: No, /hoven't 1A: your friend / a green coat? Br Yes, she 2 A: you / smal classroom at school? B: No, we 3 A: Tomas and Santiago / a new baby brother? Br Ves, 4 A: your mum / dark blue bag? No, 5 A: your brother / football? Byes, 6 A:you/blue pencil? B: Yes, A: your parents / big bedroom? No, 8 A: your sister / old computer? Br Yes, 9 A:Holly / red scarf? B:No, she 10 A: your friend / black guitar? B: Yes, she 111A: Sam / English books? Yes, he 12 A: your brother / blue coat? B:No, ‘1 Complete the questions in the questionnaire. Use have got / has got. The family and things survey __ you got © brother or sister? ‘your family got a house orator? G) you mum oF dad got acomputer? : @)= you got a guitar? 38) you got any English books? 2. Match Jake’s answers to the questions in Exercise 1. a Yes, | have. I've got the Harry Potter books. b Ihaven't got a brother, but 've got two sisters, © No, haven't We've got a small flat. t's great e.My mum and dad have got a new one, It's got two computer games, 3 Write about Jake. Joke's got two sisters. He hasn't got 4 Write your answers to the questions in Exercise 1. MY THINGS “al i) WHAT CAN YOU DO? m gb Listen to the conversation. What VOCABULARY JETT LISTENING

two |B Read the invitations. Choose the right (7) sentence. 1 “ts at Cates pose on Fncay Path Octaner, ‘from 7 unti latet = 7 Serica: : perils iateee ete 2 WOULD YOU LUKE TO COME BEN'S Fue PARTY? When is? Soturdoy. 21st November Winero ist? Bors house ‘hot hme ist? 4 pe an 11 pot Mio can call? Ben on G721 665 992 3 ‘Carmen invites you to her party in the park! PARTY FOOD! MUSIC! FUN! Place Scotland Park. Date. letAprils = ‘Time from 12 until Hal 0242 766.991 4 OME TO mY CooL Poot PARTY! WHERE Ceniral Swinvting Poot aehind the park) WARE Sunday, 100 Mey TIRE From 120010200 OM Gregor PHONE We 0277 B87 331 © A There is music at Callie’s party. B There isn’t any music at Callie party. Callie’s party is at her friend's house. Callie's party is at her house. There isn'ta film at Ben's There is a film at Ben's party. You can call Ben. You can’t call Ben, There is food at Carmen's party. ‘There isn’t any food at Carmen's party. Carmen's party isin a house. Carmen's party isn’tin a house. Gregor's party is in the park Gregor's party isn’t in the park Gregor's party is on Saturday. Gregor's party isn't on Saturday. o> ares er ener on 00 00 09 00 00 09 oO Os 4, Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 The party's at /on my house. 2 It'sat/ on Ist June, 3 ton / until Friday. 4 It’sat/on five o'clock. 5 It's from on five o'clock at / until eight o'clock. 2. Complete the table with the words in the box. aethuly 18.15 Friday, 10th May the swimming pool 17.30-20.00 Wednesday | twoo'clock-fourc'clock — 45pm | seven o'clock on at from... u 3 Write about you. Use on, at, from and until. { get up at 7.00. fory, maths and. pool fr Pmat sc 9.00 un 4, Complete the invitations with the words in the box. Would you like to come to my party? 18. OM. Thursday, 12th May the pork, 3 16.00 zl 19.30. Call Vitor on 01298 479823. Eee ed Ly ‘1 Read the invitation, Answer the questions. ae ees ce as Seircr ed pert peers 1 Who isthe invitation from? 2 Who is the invitation for? 3 Which day is the party? 4 What time is the party? 2. Write an invitation to your party. Use Exercise 1 to help you. PARTY TIME! al DY A. Listen again. write Yes or No, © Rosa is 11 years old Yes, Daily activities 1 Abbie gets up at six thirty. | 2 Connor cleans his room on Saturdays. 11 Look at the pictures. complete the phrases with 2 Abbie likes eggs. the words from the box. 4 Abbie walks to school. | 5 Connor catches the bus | catch dinner face get__goto to school | have school shower up. ao = 1 get faves wesh your aressed walkto the bus to school tanch eat 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bed | 2. Which sentence ight (7)? 1A Iclean my teeth and | getup. | get up and I clean my teeth, eave the house and I wash my face. | wash my face and leave the house. Ihave breakfast and catch the bus to school. ["] | catch the bus to school and have lunch. J | walk to schoo! and | leave the house. Qa | leave the house and | walk to school. a | get dressed and | catch the bus to school, [7] ‘catch the bus to school and I get dressed.) B a B a B a B a 3, Listen tothe conversation between Connor and Abbie. Where is Rosa from? | [= UNITT ‘Complete the text with the verbs in the box. | catches cleans gets dressed | | getsup goes has leaves | Holly to school in Birmingham. she? at7.20 and she 2 breakfast with her mum and dad. Then she * herteeth and : She the house ‘at 8.20 and she™ the bus to school. Holly likes school! 2. Choose the correct word to complete the text. XC Hi, 'm Pep and my dad i called Pablo, This isour morning routine, Dad “get up / gets up at6.15. He wash/ washes his face and get | dressed / gets dressed. ‘get up / gets up at 6.30. | have / has breakfast with Dad at 7.00. After breakfast, 2d clean j cleans his teeth ‘Then "clean /cleons my teeth! "leave / leaves the house at 8.30 and 1° walk / walks to school. Dad “leave leaves the house at 9.00. He catch / catches the bus to work. We "ke / tikes our moraing routine! i 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of, the verbs in the box. | catch get have leave walk — wash | j 1 up at 7.00. 21 my face and get dressed. 3 breakfast with my mum and my brother at 7.30. 4 My mum and my brother the house at 8.00. 5 My brother to schoo! with his friends. 6 My friends and | the bus to school 4, Some sentences have mistakes in them. Write right or wrong. Correct the wrong sentences. © He get up at 6.09. Wrong. He gets up at 6.00, 1. She get up at 6.30, 2 He has a shower at 7.00. 3 They have breakfast at 7.30. 4 He catch the bus to school. 5 She walk to school 6 They have lunch at 12.00. 7 They does their homework after dinner. 8 He go to bed at 10.0. Telling the time (2) 1] Match the times to the clocks. © It’s half past four. B Its six o'clock. It’s quarter past three, It’s quarter to nine. Its half past seven, Its eight o'clock Its five to two. It’s ten toten, it’s quarter to six. 2 Look at the pictures. Make sentences. 32.45 pan] 1 My cat sleeps at eight o'clock inthe morning, 2 I catch the bus atquartertoeight inthe evening, 3 My little brother goes to bed at seven o'clock at night. 4 Juan plays tennis at half past three inthe afternoon, 5 Wehave breakfast atten to seven in the evening, 6 My mum goes to English lessons | at quarter totwelve | in the morning, 3 Read the text. Who gets up frst? Dod does te the momings. He can stayin bed? Dad wats from ome He ied in he momings. He ges up ot 7 om ond has breokos with us. Inthe evening. Doc makes dines. help hil We oot Sores tees ee Mum ban gts ota pas re evry meringl Aa he os {shower and gets dressed, She mokes breakfst of 7 am, Mu leaves the house at 7.30 walls fo school. Mum's 0 teaches te soos wa cr seen nh ein he Hannah (© Who makes dinner for the family? Oscar's dad 1 What does Oscar's dad do at 10 pm? 2. Who gets up at 5.30? 3 What does Oscar’s mum doin the evening? trends onthe no Me Fm Oscor.m 71.1 get up teen minutes be ‘he house at 7.45 in he morning Hannah and some school. She catches he bus, buf wok ike my walk schoo Inte everng help Dod make cine on ay Boas games, ‘4 What time does Hannah get up? 5 What does Hannah do at 7.302 6 What does Oscar do at 7.457 7 What does Oscar do in the evening? [= UNITT A, Read the text again. Answer the questions. Present simple © ‘1 Complete the sentences. Use don't or doesn't. © Ihave breakfast with my mum and my sister. don't have breakfast with my dad, 1 Amanda does her homework in the evening, She her homework inthe morning, 2. My teacher works in a school. My teacher inapark, 3 | play football in the park with my friends. 1 football in my garden 4 clean my teeth in the morning and at night 1 my teeth in the afternoon. My brother sleeps in his bed. He fn the floor. 2. Look at what Daniel does every week. Complete the sentences, Daniel Monday clean my bedroom Tuesday ‘make breakfast Wednesday make my bed Thursday walk to school Friday wash the car Saturday {g0 to bed at 10.30 pm © He _doesn’tclean his bedroom on Friday. 1 He his bed on Tuesday. 2 He breakfast on Wednesday. 3 He the bus to school on Thursday. ate the car on Monday. 5 He tobed at ten o'clock on Saturday. Koy |]. Read about Akiki’s day. Write Yes or No, Correct the wrong sentences. aise ce MSU Ue Beek mecrrpeieeesysrasest peice ‘jn Uganda in Africa with his sister ard M8 ‘poferit. Thelchousatis got ta TOMS, = fp gets up at. am end has broakéast at At 7am Ake goes o.seheok He- wots to schol Sth hae flere t6zz8 ‘But some: of ther. Pnense- doe (Goto Schoolies cevesing, Aiki does © Akiki lives ina big house, No, He lives ina small house, 2 He lives with his family 2. Aiki gets up at six otlock, 3. He has breakfast at quarter past six 4 He goes to school at seven o'clock, 5 Akiki catches the bus to school 6 Aiki does his homework in the morning. 2. Read about Caitlin’s day, then write a description of her day. Use the text in Exercise 1 to help you. Morning 7.00 get up 7.30 have breakfast 8.00-12.00 play the guitar with guitar teacher Afternoon 12.00-1.00 have lunch 4.00-5.00 have music lessons §.00-6.00 have dinner Evening 6.00-7.00 do homework 7.00-9.00 talk with friends, read, watch TV 10.00 go tobed cat 'sday my pay “| ey School subjects J. Look at the pictures and write the words. 2. Read the sentences, Write the 3 Ustento the conversation. Which ae Ellen's favourite subjects? school subjects from Exercise 1. 1. Ready? Go! Run and kick the ball 2 Look at your computer. D Lsten again, complete Ellen’ timetable, Monday Tuesday Wednesday [Thursday Friday am * moths i : Seava eer se maths scence story science history Lunch 4 Moscow isin Russi pm English geography science geography English S 7344124=858 . PE T PE « ¢ Tat youare hels shets, D5 Listen again, are the sentences right (7) or wrong (x)? © Ellen isn't happy with her timetable 7 OK, everyone, please paint a picture of a horse. 8 In the year 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte of France | 9 Wteris ais called H.0. 10 Bonjour! | [= units Maths is Ryan's favourite subject. Ellen says maths is important. Ellen's lessons start at 8.00. Ellen's lessons finish at 2.00, yan has got English on Monday mornings. PTL UEUIE Present simple © 4 ook atthe school timetables, Answer the questions in Exercise 0 Ho, she doesn't, She has it on Tuesdays 1 Complete the questions with Do or Does. ¥ ° our friend have lunch at 1 your parents speak English? 2 your school have a film club? 3 your teacher catch the bus to school? 4 you have PE on Fridays? 5 your friends do their homework? 6 your sister go to school on Saturdays? 1 your brother go to your school? 8 you have art on Wednesdays? as SEEEELAEIIE TIT ORSSSSSSREEEEERESSEOES: + +120 maths French oo ae ssaanscecsScEEeEl TUDES Faseess eae! 13.90 English 14,20 music art 2. Match the questions from Exercise 1 with the answers below. No, he doesn’t. He goes home forit. o bb Yes, they do. They do it before they have dinner, € Yes, Ido. It's my favourite subject! ike painting and drawing, No, she doesn't! She plays, football with her friends. No, she doesn't. She walks to school £ Yes, it does. We go every Friday evening. & Yes, he does, We walk to school together. Ih Yes, they do, They can speak Chinese, too. i No, we don't. We have it on Mondays. | don't like PE. 3 Write the questions. ©. Eve / geography / Mondays? Does Eve have geography on Mondays? 1 Eve/ art / Mondays? 2 Eve/it/ Mondays? 3 Jack history / Tuesdays? 4 Jack / maths / Tuesdays? 5 Jack / PE / afternoon? 6 Eveand Jack science / morning? 7 Eve and Jack / music / Mondays? 8 Eve and Jack English / morning? AT SCHOOL al Words with two meanings 1]. Match the verbs with the pairs of definitions. 1 come to/from 2 get 3 meet 4 see 5 think 6 catch ‘a believe something to be true b have an opinion about something © gotoaplace or to where a person is, d be from a place, e.g a city or a country €@ take hold of something that is moving through the air, e.g. a ball £ get on bus or train to go somewhere arrive somewhere receive something use your eyes visit or meet someone see and speak to sometne forthe first time 1 see someone at apace and time 2. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from Exercise 1. Use some verbs twice. © Hello, children!___ veer your new teacher. Her name's Linda. 2 Lalways my friends in the park on Saturday afternoons. 2 V'm French. | _ _from Paris. 3 Would you like to to my party on Saturday? 4 What do you = __ofmy ‘new coat? Do you like it? 51. the film starts at 6a! go! 6 Canyou___thatboyover there, Mum? He goes to my school. TI to school at 8.45 am. #Ooyou 2: ‘the bus te school? [= uniTs iy 1B Read the dialogue. Which subject do Ava and Luiz both =| have on a Tuesday? 1 Hi, Luiz, Hi, Ava. Good to talk to you again. How are you? I'm fine, thanks! And you? I'm OK. But Fm tired after school. Me too! Luiz: What time do you go to school in the morning? ‘Ava: Most days catch the bus at 8.30 with my sister School starts at 9.00. How about you? When time do you go? Oh, it’s very early in Brazil! Lessons start at 7 am! Tam! Yes, Monday to Friday. But I like the mornings. Do you catch the bus to school? No, I don't, | walk to school with my brothers, What about lunch, Ava? Do you have lunch at school? Yes, | do. What about you? I never have lunch at school! | have lunch at home with my family. What do you do in the afternoons? I stay at school. I've got more lessons! Really? We don’t have lessons in the afternoon! Wow! | ike that. We always have lessons in the afternoon in Canada, The school day finishes at 3.30. Aiter that, | often meet my friends in a café, What subjects do you like, Luiz? Luiz: Um ... | think my favourite subjects are English and PE, What are yours? ‘Ava: History is my favourite. I'm good at it. We have it on Mondays and Wednesday afternoons. | think history is a very interesting subject. | ike science too. We have that on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Luiz: We have science on Tuesdays and Fridays. ! don’t like science very much. But | like school. I've got lots of friends and my teachers are good. Lui 4 Read the texts again. Write Ava or Luiz. twiz___goes to school at seven o'clock. Catches the bus to school doesn't have lunch at home. {goes to school in the afternoon, often meets friends after school. thinks history is interesting, doesn’t like science, 1 Complete the questions with the words in the box. howoften what where who why when ° who isyour favourite teacher? 1 is your favourite sport? 2 do you live? 3 does school startin the morning? 4 do you talk to your friends? 5 do you lke English? Match the questions in Exercise 1 to the InRome, Every day! Because | like learning languages. At9 am. Tennis Mr Black. Put the words in the right order to make questions. 1 TV/often / How / do / you / watch /? 2 do/ Where j play /football / you /? 3 When / up you / do / get /? do/ you / What /the / at / do/ weekend? English / Who / your /is teacher |? you lke / swimming / do Why /? ‘Answer the questions in Exercise 2 for you. WRITING | ‘1. Complete the questions in the questionnaire. The school questionnaire © What _syourname? 7 — are you from? 2 os do you go to school? 3 _ 'syour favourite subject? 4 is tyour favourite subject? 5 often do you have art at school? 6 i do you do your homework - in the evening or in the morning? 2. Maria goes to Thomas's school. Read about Maria then write about Thomas. Use the school questionnaire and text about Maria to help you. Maria and school ‘Maria Dupont comes from Paris in France. She is 13 years old. She goes to SOSA sence seers eS is science. She tikes science because she is interested in the ‘world. She has science at school two days a week. Maria dors her homework sn the evening. ‘Thomas and school AT SCHOOL 3] CE «oo ESET Sports and activities 1. Complete the words for sports and 2. Write the name of the sport under the picture. 3 Complete the conversations with activities from Exercise 1. A:Doyoulike* football? B:No, | don't. What about you? AA: Yes, I do! I like FC Barcelona. ‘A: Do you like * 2 B: Yes, I do. I's my favourite sport! Like Rafa Nadal and Garbifie Muguruza. A: Do you go? 2 B: Yes, Ido. | go five times a week. ‘There's a great pool near my house. A: Do you go? ? mM B:No, I don't. How about you? A: Yes, Ido. There's a big park behind my school. run there with my sister. ‘A: What's your favourite sport? B I play it with my friends at the weekend. Listen to four students talking. What are they talking about? Listen again. Tick the things the students are good at. A Charlie A dancing C] — Bfootbat 2 anna Ahockey CO] Brunning 3 Ed A swimming] Baseball] 4 Dana A hockey [1] B basketball [] Listen again, Which sentence is right (/)? Carlie likes table tennis. Charlie likes hockey. Anna likes badminton, ‘Anna likes swimming. Ed goes running every week, Dana likes table tennis. Dana likes football. Dana sometimes plays hockey. 1A 8 a B 3A Ed sometimes goes running. 8 a B A B Dana never plays hockey. 0000000000 oi; Citas the correct words 2 Tom / basketball x 1 like going to school, but Ike / don't like doing, homework. 3: Sima / dancing v 2 My friends like / don't like running, They run every morning before school! 4 Mum and Dad / running x 3 My sister likes / doesn't like swimming, She's very happy in the water. 5 My friends / baseball v 4 My brother ikes / doesn't like playing football, but he likes watching it on TV, 6 ly sister / reading v 5 like / don’t ike eating chocolate. | eat it every weekend! 7 My brother / drawing v 6 like / don't ike playing badminton, but | ike playing tennis. 8 Clara send / text messages x 7 like { don’t ike your new camera. It’s very nice. 9 Marco and Gianni / watch TV 2. Match to make sentences. she likes playing basketball they like playing football they don't like swimming, she doesn't like dancing. he likes dancing, 1 Marco doesrtike playing football and 40 Isabella /ride horses v 2 Jake doesn’ tke singing but 3 Maris tikes running and . 4 Ben and Amy dont ie running and 5 Wet sbout what you ke and don't. Use the Sam and Hugo like swimming and “ 6 Ana Uks singing but — : basketball dancing football 2 he does ike lyingtashetbal | running table tennis | ¢ 4 ® ' 3 Look at the table. Complete the sentences. milly v Aidan x 1 Milly football Aidan football, 2 Milly basketball Aidan basketball 3 Milly dancing, Aidan dancing, 4 willy running, ‘idan running, 5 Milly swimming, Aidan swimming, 6 Milly tennis Aidan tennis. ‘1. Complete the phrases with the words in the box. 1 good you 2 feel 3 isnot good for 4 fine 5 well 2. Complete the conversations with the phrases from Exercise 1. © A: Why do you eat lots of apples? B: Because they're good foryou 1. A: |eat chocolate and biscuits every day. Is that OK? B: Don't eat them every day. It 2 A: I'm tired. I can’t do my homework. B: Go for a walk. You'll I after that, 3 A: don’t eat fruit and vegetables. Sometimes | don't feel well It’s good for you to eat fruit and vegetables, Eat them and you'll 4 A: Idon'thave breakfast. And in the ‘morning at school | don't feel well B: Oh, have breakfast! You'll fe uniT 3 Answer the questions with sentences about you. 1. What makes you feel well? ag mokes me feel well. | olwoys fel be 2 What is good for you? 3 What isn’t good for you? 4, Read the text. What time does the family eat breakfast? twe Have for breakfast {Laura is. 12 years olc and is from Cambridge. She tes, us about breakiast in her famy. ‘Some people don't have breakdast, but my mum and dad say a healthy breakfast is good for us ~ we foo! wal, ‘iy lasmily bas braaixtast at seven o'clock every Tomning. teat some fruit and some bread. | drink some walt 190.1 don’t sat Biscuits, 1 ke them but my mum ‘says they're not gaod for me. Raquel abd Paula ara my sisters. Raquel tikes milk and drinks lots off. She has bread and butter for braaktast and ots of uit Paula doesn't ike bread. She has fruit and some water ‘My brother's namie i WA Will eats eggs and broad ‘and butter for breakfast. He has orange juice too. Wil kes fruit, but he doesn't lke it at breakfast. He eats fruit at bunch ‘Mum nas frit, yoghurt, and milk for ‘breaifast. Darl has some bread and ‘Diller. He has some cheese too. ‘He doesn't drink mik, He dossn't Hike He crinks water, 5 Read the text again. Match the descriptions to the people. 1 Raquel ‘a eggs, bread and orange juice 2 Paula b fruit, yoghurt and milk 3 will ¢ milk, bread and fruit 4 Mum bread, cheese and water, 5 Dad @ fruit and water 6 Laura f fruit, bread and water Pronouns 1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 ike eating biscuits but they aren't good for sme j hi, 2 play tennis with my friends. I's good for her jus | play the guitar but 'm not very good at him / it My sister eats vegetables. They're good for him { her. 5 My brother sleeps for eight hours every night. It's good for him | her My parents like running. I's good for them / her. 7 Eat lots of fruit. It’s good for it/ you. 2. Change the underlined words. Write him, her, it us, them or you. © 1 ike footbal.'m good at football, 1 My brother eats lots of sugar les nat good for my brother. My friends and | walk to school It's good for my friends and me My sister drink lots of water. Ws good for my sister My parents eat some fut for breakfast. it's good for my parents. 5 Play ots of sport. I's good for you and your friends 6 My mum eats alot of fruit. 1 good for my mun, 7 My sister plays basketball She's good at basketball 8 My dad eats lat of chocolate Itisn't good for my dad 9 ike running {'m good at running. 30 My riends go swimming five days a week. Its good for any fiends. Te08 ‘every day and { swim five days: Read the text again. Write Yes, he does or No, he doesn't. 1 Does Luca lke reading books? 2 Does he like swimming? 3 Does he like watching music videos? 4 Does he ike playing computer games? 5 Does he like cooking? 6 Does he like eating chocolate? Answer the questions for you in the questionnaire. Write Yes, do or No, i don't. eee orn) Seiad ‘Do you like reading books? ‘Do you ike playing computer ‘ames? ‘o you like cooking? ‘Do you lke eating chocolate? ‘Do you like swimming? ‘Do you like watohing music videos? 4. Write about what you like doing in your free time. Use the text in Exercise 1 and your answers in eercse Stohelpyou, FEELING GOOD “a| CY a AT After-school activities 1. Putthe letters in the right order to make school clubs. 4 nogicd 5 oeyrcko 6 iadggnnre T sittaiech 8 daobr msega 9 eohrsiigrdn 2. Complete the sentences. | 0 It's coding __ club after school today. Mr Macmillan says we can use the new laptops. 1 Hello everyone and welcome to club. What would you like to watch this afternoon ‘Stor Wars: The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi? 2 Can we play chess in club? 3 Are you ready for club? Today, we are learning some Italian phrases. 4 Werunin club. We have races, too! 5 Do you grow vegetables in club? D3. UstentoMiss Doyle talk to her class. Which club does everyone ike? QD 4, Listen again. Complete the timetable. Timetable for after-school clubs “Monday Tuesday 0 judo aL © 5 Listen again. Write Yes or No, Correct the wrong sentences. 0 Judo club is at four o'clock Yes 1 Yoga starts before athletics club, 2 Athletics club starts at 4.25. 3 The school doesn't have a coding club. 4 Horse-riding club is at half-past four. 5. There is one club on Friday. [« UNIT 10 ee 7 the correct form, 11. Look at the pictures. Put the verbs in bracket 1 Julia's (ide) a horse. 3 Her sisterisn’t (write) a letter She's (do) her homework. 2 Her brother is (kick) a ball 2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use the correct form. cook do kick make paint | play talk watch write i] © min myroom.t ‘m1 making _ my bed. 1 My sister's in the living room. She atext message. 2. My brother's in his bedroom. He ‘a board game with his friend, 3 Dad's in the kitchen. He tohis friend on his phone, ‘4 Mum and her friend are in the living room, They a picture. 5. My friends Max and Bill are at home. They their homework, 6 My aunt and uncle pasta My friend Jack nv. 8 My friend Juliais ballin the garden. 3 Write the negative form of the sentences from Exercise 2. © Fm not in my room. mn not making my bed. 4 Her mum is (make} lunch and her dadis (sit) on a chair Look at the pictures. Write sentences. 1. Daniella is my sister. She likes music. (she / dance) in the street (she / play) the guitar. 2. Miguel is my brother {he / play) basketball {he /run) in the park 3 Tomas and Juan are my friends. 7 (they / sing) (they / swim) 4 You're a student (you / do) your homework (you / make} your bed, THINGS WE DO “| Jobs around the house ‘L_ Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use the correct form. clean cooking dog _—_washing-up feed shopping tidy © A: Mum, the cat's hungry. B:Can you feed__ it, please? 1B: One moment, Dad. 'm doing the 2 A: Where's Chioe? B: She's in the kitchen. She's cooking, the 3. B:Can you help me carry the 2 “These bags are very heavy. 4 A: Where's Mum? B: She's walking the 5 A:Oh, look atthe bath! + Bs Yes, it’s time t0 a, it 6 A: Look at these clothes on the floor! your room, please. 2. Choose the correct words. 1 do/ make yourbed 4 do/ make the washing. 2 do make the housework 3 do/ make a cake 5 do make breakfast 6 do make lunch 3 Look at the pictures and write sentences with do or make, He's making his bed. ° 2 2 3 4 5 [e UNIT 10 4 Read the email. Which three people have their hday today? How are you? What are you doing now? It’s hot here today. 'm in the park with my friends. We're having a big party. I'm 13 today, Chen! But i's not only my birthday — it's Ingrid's ‘and David's too! ¥'m writing you this email on my new smartphone I's a birthday present from my parents. fm sitting Gn a bench near the big trees and | can ‘see al my friends, Alex and Andres are dancing to some loud music. They’re very good at it. Carlos isn't dancing, He can't dance very wel. He's playing football with Camilo and Julian Ingrid and Diego don't ike football. They are playing tennis, Ingrid is good at it, but Diego isn't Who else can I S00? Oh, yes — Luisal She's sitting under a tree. She's talking to David. David is next to her. e's sitting on the grass. They're ‘900d friends. Write soon Love from Gabriela x 5, Read the email again. Answer the questions. 1 Where is Gabriela? 2. How ald is Gabriela today? 3 What is Gabriela’ birthday present? 4 Who is good at dancing? 5 Who can't dance well? 6 Is Diego good at tennis? 7 Where is Luisa? 8 Where is David? 9 Who is David talking to? Present continuous ® L_ Complete the questions. 1 A Hello. ’'m Abby. I'm in my bedroom. B: doing your homework? A: Yes, lam, 2A: My brothers in the kitchen. 8: making lunch? AA: No, he isn’t, He's making a cake. 3A: My mum isn't in the house. Bi ‘AsYes, shes. I's very dirty! 4A: Meg and Poppy like music. washing the car? singing? A: No, they aren’t. They're dancing, 5A: William is my brother. He's in his bedroom. B: ‘making his bed? ‘A: No, he isn't! He's playing a board game. 6 A: Laura and Beth are my friends. They like sport. B: running? 1A: Yes they are, 7 A:i'mastudent. B: doing your maths homework? ‘A: No, I’m not. 'm doing my English homework. Put the words inthe right order to make questions. Then write short answers. © are / friends / your / playing / football ‘re your friends playing footboll? 2 No, they aren't x 2 bed / Are / you / your / making x 2 your/ brother / the / kitchen / cleaning / Is v 3 your friends / making / Are / lunch v 4 drawing / a / picture / Are / you x 5 Is/sister breakfast / your / eating v |]. Read the text. Find three spelling mistakes and two grammar mistakes. 1 4 2 5 3 = Claudia aa 2. Read the text again. Write Yes, she is or ‘No, she isn't. Correct the wrong sentences. 1 Her dad is cleaning the kitchen, 2 Her mum is writing a letter. 3 Sofas eating a sandwich 4 Lorenzo isin the tving room 5. Lorenzo is doing his homework 6 Claudia is writing an email. 3 Write about what you and your family are doing, Use Claudia’s blog post to help you. THINGS WE DO “| SEL 2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. bar nd concert famous fans Entertainment movie aan Rewspapers song 11 Look at the pictures, Write the numbers. 2 Doyour parents reed orread | the news online? g 2 Look at all these people! This singer's got lots of | 3 Look. Your mum is on TV. She's a person! ‘4 Do you want to watch a 2 We can go to the new cinema! 5 Abbie sings, Erin plays the guitar and Luke plays the piano. They can start a 6 Doyou know the 7Youcan listen to it on YouTube. 7 Lana's band is playing in a big (on Saturday. Do you want to go? Listen to the conversation. What do the speakers decide to do? QA Listen again. Which sentence is right (V)? 2 a lazy sings. b Izzy plays the piano. 2a Anya plays the violin b Anya doesn’t play the piano, 3a Robin plays the guitar. b Robin doesn’t play the guitar. 2 zy writes songs. b Anya writes songs. a Robin doesn’t want to start @ band, b Robin wants to start a band. oooonoooo00on D5 Listen again. who says these words? Write for tzzy,Afor Anya and R for Robin. 1 Doyou play an instrument, izzy? Yes. | can play the piano and the violin. | play the guitar, but! can't play it very well. ‘Anya writes her own songs. I write songs all the time, Robin. What's the name of our band? My favourite colour is blue and Anya loves eats. j Hi. My name's Brad. I'm a famous person! ima singer in a band. I write the songs. We've got lots of fans. Look. Here's our picture in the newspaper. We give lots of concerts. We sometimes sing on a TV show. They are making a movie about us. [a UNIT 11 |] Put the words in the right order to make sentences. 1 sometimes / friend / horses / rides / My 2 always / homework /1/ my /do 3 sister / swimming / goes /often / My 4 brother / My /sings / always /in /the / shower 5 sometimes / play /1/ games / board 6 watch /1/ always /favourite / my /show /TV 7 dad / often / newspaper / My /reads /a 8 goes / My / never | to /friend / concerts 9 TV/never/ My / mum j watches Rewrite the sentences with the word in brackets in the correct place. ° (Eteaaleetthetusteschoo. 1 tay otal iveve 2 Lara playsinher ends band. Gometimes) 3 We work on laptops in school. {often} «Youd yourForewar imei) 5 lliken to msicinmy oom cava 6 ty siter goes swiring, Gomme 1 flends goto the cine, ‘never 8 We have pizza at the weekend, (often) 3 Choose the correct adverbs. 1. I never / often do my homework in the morning. | always do it after school. 2 We always / often go to my grandparents’ house ‘on Sundays. We go there for lunch every week. 3 sometimes / always make breakfast for my little sister and sometimes my dad makes it. 4 | always / often go to the cinema on Saturday ‘evenings, but sometimes I stay at home and watch films with my family 5 always / sometimes walk to school with my friends. We never catch the bus or go by car! 6 My brother loves swimming, but |often / never go tothe pool. | don’t like swimming. 7 We often | always have pasta for dinner. We have ittwo or three times a week. Complete the sentences about you with always, often, sometimes or never. ' play ina band, 1 watch TV, 1 read a newspaper. 1 meet famous people. 1 sing songs. 1 watch movies. 1 goto concerts, 1 read books, 1 ride a horse. 1 do my homework 1 ‘eat chocolate. 1 ES eevousunn BE 0 swimming,

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