Canterbury Tales Prologue Character Worksheet

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Name __________________________________________________________

Block ________

The Prologue

1. In what month will the pilgrimage take place? ___________________

2. The narrator encounters the pilgrims at the ____________ Inn in the city of _________________.
3. How many pilgrims are in the party? _____________
4. What kinds of things does the narrator intend to convey to the reader about each pilgrim?
The Knight
5. What four traits does he have? _________________________________________________
6. In how many fatal battles has he fought? ___________
7. Why is the knight not gaily dressed?
8. Why is he going to the shrine of St. Thomas?
The Squire
9. He is the knights __________ and _________ years old.
10. In what regard is he very different from the knight?
11. Name some of his non-military talents.
12. Show how he is respectful to the knight.
The Yeoman
13. You know hes a yeoman because he wears ________________________________________.
14. What business does he know very well? ___________________________________________
15. What is the significance of the St. Christopher medal? __________________________________
The Prioress, Madame _________________
16. What is her job? _________________________________________________
17. French was an elegant language. Why does the narrator look down on the Prioresss French?
18. What does she do very neatly? _________________________________________________
19. She has a tender heart and sympathies for _________ but apparently not for _______________!
20. Why is it important that she is not undergrown?
21. According to her brooch, her motto is _________________________________________.
The Monk
22. He likes the sport of _________________________.
23. Although he is a monk, he does not think he has to spend all his time in a _________________.

24. How odd: the monk has a pin shaped like a _______________________________!
25. What characteristic does he share with the prioress? __________________________________
The Friar
26. What does a limiter do? _____________________________________________________
27. What were the four orders of friars? ___________________________________________
28. It seems in doubt whether he is qualified to ____________________________________.
29. If you give this friar a gift, he is likely to give you ____________________________________.
30. He gives gifts such as _________ and _________________ to __________________.
31. What musical talents does he have? ______________________________________________
32. He knew all the _____________, ___________________, and ______________________!
33. What is his reason for not ministering to the slum-and-gutter dwellers?
34. What physical defect does he pretend? ___________ Why? _____________________________
The Merchant
35. He seems to be a prosperous businessman, so one would be surprised to discover ______________.
The Oxford Cleric (student)
36. How can one tell he has little money? _____________________________________________
37. What does he do with the money he gets? ___________________________________________
38. What fills his speech? __________________________________________________
The Serjeant at the Law (lawyer)
39. A successful lawyer, he has earned _________________ and _______________.
40. He is very skilled at drafting which document? ________________________
41. He knew every judgment, case, and crime since the time of King William, which would span _______ years.
The Franklin (well-to-do _______________________ but not of _____________________)
42. He lived for ____________________ and _______________________ delight.
43. For what is he famous in his town?
The Haberdasher ( ___________________________________), Dyer, Carpenter, Weaver,
and Carpet-Maker
44. These men together represent a _________ or _________________ common in the Middle Ages.
45. Each of these men is affluent, involved in his community, married to an ambitious women and wants to
improve his social status. In the 1990s, they would be called ________________________!
The Cook
46. Yuck! The cook prepares savory dishes, but has an ___________________________________!
The Skipper (sailor)
47. Because he spends his life on the water, he has trouble _________________________________.
48. What did he enjoy while in Bordeaux? _____________________________________

49. Being the nice guy he is, what did he do to enemy sailors?
50. He is an expert at __________________________________________________________.
The Doctor
51. Many doctors in the Middle Ages were also trained in ________________________________.
52. Interesting. . .if you were hot and wet, you had too much ________________. If you were hot and
dry, you had too much ________________. If you were cold and wet, you had too much
______________, and if you were cold and dry, you had too much ______________.
53. Its obvious the doctor was in cahoots with the _____________________________. How did the
scam work? ________________________________________________________________
54. Maybe the doctor should spend more time reading _______________________.
55. What does it mean that he kept the gold he won in pestilence?
The Wife of Bath
56. Her physical defect? _____________________________________
57. What made her angry? ______________________________________________________
58. She had _____ husbands and traveled to Jerusalem _____ times. This lady has money!
59. What do you think large hips signify on a woman? ___________________________________
60. Married as often as she was, she knew how to cure ___________________________________.
The Parson
61. He is the only one of the pilgrims who truly knew ____________________________________.
62. In the saying If gold rust, what then will iron do?, the gold represents _____________ and the iron
represents ___________. Translation:_____________________________________________
63. What was his business? ______________________________________________________
The Plowman
64. He is the Parsons _______________ and performs the job of a _______________________.
65. He lived in ___________________ and perfect _______________________.
66. List the characteristics that mark him a humble man. __________________________________
The Miller
67. Weighing in a ___________, he could easily knock a door of its hinges, sometimes using his
68. His beard is ______ and shaped like a ___________; he has a ______ on the tip of his nose with
________, bristly hair growing out of it; his nostrils were ________ and ___________; his mouth was
shaped like a ____________. . .this guy is so obviously a _____________ figure and not to be trusted!
69. What kind of stories does he tell?
70. What musical instrument does he play? _________________________________________

71. How does he cheat his customers? _____________________________________________

The Manciple (__________________________________________)
72. An uneducated fellow, hes smart enough to cheat the company of thirty ____________ he works for!
The Reeve (_____________________________________)
73. He is choleric, meaning _______________________________.
74. His success depends on his ability to read _______________________________.
75. Never caught cheating in any way, he has saved enough money for a _______________________.
76. As a young man, he learned how to be a __________________________________.
77. In the parade of pilgrims, he is found where? ______________ Why do you think he rides there?
The Summoner
78. It was his job to summon people to appear where? ______________________________
79. Yuck! He has carbuncles all over his face, and his eyebrows are _____________________. What
are carbuncles? ________________________________________
80. He likes to eat _________, ____________, and ______________ and drinks _____________.
81. When drunk, he speaks _____________________.
82. If he catches you committing adultery, what will he do? _________________________________
83. What does he wear on his head? ________________________
The Pardoner
84. He is traveling with ____________________________.
85. They are both minor church officials who are singing a _______________________________!
86. His hair hangs down his back like ____________________________.
87. His eyes ______________ like a ___________________.
88. How do you interpret the information that he cannot grow a beard?
89. He has a piece of cloth that he claims is ___________________________________________.
90. He can make more in a _______ than the honest parson can in __________________________.
91. He makes quite a haul in churches, too, thanks to his _________________________________.
92. The narrator warns the reader that the stories are told in what way? ____________________________________________________.
That should not offend anyone because even Jesus Christ ____________________________, and
Plato advised that The word ____________________________________________________.
93. The narrator says if he messes anything up, well, hes not _____________________________.
94. Who proposes the idea of a story-telling contest? _____________________________________
95. The story that gives the fullest measure of _____________________________________ will
win for its teller ____________________________________________________________.
96. Who will tell the first tale?

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