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Great American desert- 19th century which is a part of the US east of the Rocky Mountains that is about

in the 100th meridian

Monoculture- the cultivation of a single crop in a given area

Herbert Hoover optimism- “I have no fears for the future of our country. It is bright with hope.” He was
in office March 4th, 1929 and thought the roaring 20s would continue then the great depression
happened less than a year later.

FDR War on the economy- he created the new deal he said “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”

New Deal- helps the banking industry and re-inflate the economy, series of programs, public work
projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by FDR between 1933-1939

Expansion of presidential powers- federal government was able to make laws that regulated the

Bank Holiday- FDR closed banks on March 6, 1933 till March 13, 1933 to ensure they only reopened after
congress could enact something and gain the trust of people, people lined up to deposit their hoarded
cash after banks reopened knowing their cash was safe now.

Fireside chats- series of radio address given by FDR between 1933-1944

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – independent agency created by the congress to maintain
stability and public confidence in the nation’s financial system

National Recovery Administration (NRA)- stimulate business recovery through fair-practice codes during
the great depression

Father Coughlin- Catholic priest who founded the National Shrine of the Little Flower church, supported
FDR and the new deal. Also accused FDR of being too friendly with bankers. Established the National
Union for Social Justice which called for monetary reforms, nationalization of major industries and
railroads, and protection of labor rights.

Huey Long- populist Democrat, criticized FDR and the New Deal for being insufficiently radical.

Populist- political stance that views ideas of “the people”

Social security Act of 1935- a social insurance program that gives retired workers a continuing income
after retirement.

Frances Townsend- influence the social security system by revolving an old age pension. Townsend act

Wagner act of 1935- established unions and employers to a private sector

Works Progress Administration (WPA)- carry out public work projects, including construction of public
bridges and roads which created jobs during the great depression.

Treaty of Versailles- June 28, 1919. Forced Germany and other central powers to take all the blame for
WWI and to pay for all the damages and lose territory to the Allied powers.

Rise of Axis powers- alliance between Germany (Adolf Hitler) and Italy (Benito Mussolini), Pact of Steel
Fascism- authoritarian, ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of
opposition and strong regimentation of society and economy that rose to prominence. Liberal
democracy is obsolete

Militarism- belief that a government and/or people that a country should maintain a strong military
capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend its nation

Japan- occupies Manchuria in 1931, Invades China in 1937, Bombs Pearl Harbor in 1941, is part of the
Axis powers,

America First Committee- lobbied congress against American involvement against foreign wars. Large
anti-war organization

Charles Lindbergh- first nonstop flight from NYC to Paris, U.S. mail pilot, first solo transatlantic flight

Lend-Lease act (1940)- Allow the US to lend or lease war supplies to any nation deemed “vital to the
defense of the United States”

“Four Freedoms” speech- FDR speech where he says our four freedoms are freedom of speech, freedom
of worship, freedom from want, and freedom of fear.

Atlantic Charter- Book by FDR in 1941 where it states a nation’s right to choose their own government,
the easing of trade restrictions and a plea for postwar disarmament

War Powers Act- give the president (FDR) enormous authority to get involved in WWII after the attack
on Pearl Harbor, allowed censoring of mail, reorganize the executive branch, independent government

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