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CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA Financial Policy & Regulation Department Central Business District PMB. 0187 Garki, Abuja 799-45237404 E-mail: FPR/DIR/CIR/GEN/01/035 November 26, 2012 LETTER TO ALL DEPOSIT MONEY BANKS AND STAKEHOLDERS COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK FOR THE NIGERIAN BANKING INDUSTRY Further to the Exposure Draft on the Competency Framework, subsequent correspondence and the contributions of the Bankers’ Committee on the above subject, we formally forward herewith, the finalized version of the COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK FOR THE NIGERIAN BANKING INDUSTRY for implementation. We also wish to remind you that the timeline for full compliance with the Framework is 24 months as provided under the gestation period. Bank Examiners will be required from their next examination visit to report on the efforts being made by each institution to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Framework, JQ WYO CHRIS O. CHUKWU DIRECTOR, FINANCIAL POLICY & REGULATION DEPARTMENT NOVEMBER 26, 2012 CENTRAL BANK OF Netanry Contents 10 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 40 70 BO 9.0 10.0 Infroouction Objectives Country Experiences Banking Industry Job Families/Roles/ Controlled Functions Approved Persons Database Code of Practice for Approved Fersons Training and Certification Accreditation of Training Service Providers Role of the Other Relevant Stakeholders Appendices 1.0 INTRODUCTION The recent global financld crisis exposed lhe inadequacy of skills and dearth of executive capacity in the banking industry. The skill gap manifested in. among others: * The lack of indepth knowledge of core banking functions and poor understanding of basic banking operations: + Poor understanaing of banking regulations; * Unethical conduct and unprofessional practices; * Poor risk management and corporate governance praclices; + Kriowledge gaps in financial markets and Ireasury management: * Knawiedge gaps in business development practices; and + Poorrelationship management techniques. Reasons advanced for these inadequacies include the lack of: |. Acoardinated indusiry-recognised training accreditation and ceriification system; and fi, Competency standards for practitioners in the indusiry. From the foregoing, the developmen! of staif competencies has become Important in eddressing these inadequacies, underscoring the need to train o new generation of banking professionals that is knowledgeable, skilled and competent fo develop and deliver satisfactory banking products and services tothe consumers. With stably now restored to the Nigerian banking system following several measures and initiatives taken by the CBN under the on-gcing banking sector teforms. It is imperative that immediate steps be taken 10 consciously re-direct the ‘sanking industy towards the path of entrenching a sequenced competency development programme. The development of a competency framework for the Nigerian banking industry is predicated on the need for banks to accord high priarity to the continuous enhancement of human capital and lifelong leaming. This will imbue banking professionals with the requisite knowledge, skills ond expertise not only at the strategic and management levels, but also at the technical and operational levels, The availablity of appropriately trained and competent human resources is a critical factor in supporting the effective performance of the banking industry, This, In essence, implies that continuous strengthening of intellectual resources and capabilities must be undertaken to create a pool of talented and high caliipre professionals in the banking indusiry. The framework is expected to address the competency challenges in the banking industry, explore growth opportunities as well as crifically fecilitate improvement in the quality of the industry's human capitcl. Under the framework, successiul banks will be Ihose thal dislinguish themselves by according high priority to continuous enhancement of human capital and lifelong leaming. However, the framework is not intended to eliminate the training programmes of banks as banks are encouraged to continue to explors opportunities for enhancing the quality of their human capital. At the commencement of the Implementation of this Framework, It Is expected thet occupants of some job roles may not meet the requirements in this Framework, Such occupanis may continue fo perform those roles bul can only advance beyond the roles upon satisfying the requirements of the Framework as they pertain to their curent positions, However, full compliance with the framework would take effect 24 months fram the date of the issuance of the framework. The proposed framework leverages on the practices in other jurisdictions such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Dubai which provide a useful guide and template for the Nigerian banking industry. 2.0 OBJECTIVES OF THE FRAMEWORK The objectives of the competency framework are {o: i. vie vil. vill. Define the minimum knowedge. skills and competencies needed for operctors and reguators to perform optimally on their various jobs/tasks. ii, To standardize capacily and competency development with a view lo nurturing and producing o knawledgeable, skiled and competent workforce for the Nigerian banking industry To establish standard compeiency requirements for each job role lo serve 9s a guide fo Nigerian banks for their talent recruitment and development programs . To provide standards for training certification, evaluation and accreditation 40 ensure the provision of quality training in the Nigerian banking indusiry To ensure thal practitioners continually update Iheir knowledge and skills in jine with the dictates of their assignments Serve as c tool for banks to assess theit overall human capital capabilities; \dentify competency gaps and develop requited leaming interventions to bridge identified gaps. Provide a basis for sustaining coreer developrnent in the Nigerian banking Industry. Establish a system of assessing and tracking compliance to defined standards 3.0 31 BANKING INDUSTRY JOB FAMILIES/ROLES/CONTROLLED FUNCTIONS In this framework, jobs in the banking industry have been classified into job families, roles and controlled functions. For each class of banking (commercicl, merchant, or specialised), there exists generic jab families. These are occupetional groups or clusters of closely-related jobs that capture the essence of an underlying business function; while job roles capture the essence of what must be done ond how itshould be done fo achieve the required level of performance. On the other hang, controlled functions are roles within o business that have a particular operational and/or requiatory significance. A function may be designated as a controlled function if an. individual exerts significant Influence on the conduct of the financial institution's affairs. in relation to controlled activities. Controlled functions are further clessified into. Significant Influence Functions and Customer Functions. Significant influence functions Significant influence functions are those functions that materially impact on the activities of the financial institutions. These can be divided into the following sub-groups: |. Gavering functions: These include enfily significan) influence roles such as Chaiiman, Managing Directer, Deputy Managing Director Executive Directors, Non-executive Directors. Independent Directors, li. Regulatory functions: These include the Audit and Compliance functions, li, System and control functions: These include Finance, Risk, Interna Audit ond Information Technology functions. 3.2 vie Significant management functions: These include key management functions such as company secretariat, Investment business, financial resources functions, settlement and other key business operations functions. Parent entity significant influence functions; This is applicable where @ financial institution is a subsidiary and there are ditectors or employees of the paren! company whose decisions or actions significantly impact the decisions of the board and management of ‘the financial institution, Significant shareholders: These are investors with shareholding of 5% ‘or more in the financial institution. Customer Functions These are functions that can influence customers’ decisions on investments and service adoption. They aoply to advisers who communicate with the customers or deal with their assets. They Include; vi Specialized lending officers, Ombudsman, Branch managers, Private banking adviser, Customer service/contact centre managers, and Retail advisory officers. Table 1: List of Controlled Functions [ere Tode Funetion Category Caan Significant parent enily fonchons i Crcou Significant siarshor en FET Chaitman of the Board CHET Chaiman of Board Kak Gomnities Significant [crea ‘Chairman of Boord Audit conmiliee ‘nfuence Function ‘Chaiman of Board Numan Resource, or equivaienl, Conmilee CES ‘Ciel Execuiive Olfico Managing DVecIar 7 Deputy Managing Director Ereculive Director Cree ‘Non-Execullve Director a Cre ‘char RIK Oicer CFCTO ‘Chist Financiol Officer FEN ‘Chiat intemal Avaitar CHET? Chief Compliance Officer CFCIS Wead, Humor ResouIces crc la Head, Creail Risk Officer CFCS Head, Operational R&k Officer CFEVS WEGG. Marker RISK/ALM Oricar crciy | itAuditor CFCS Grief information Officer CTF Business infomation Secumty Onicer CHC 20 ‘Company Secretary CFI Treasurer Crew a a. Chief Decle/fnancial _—_ Markels—_ Officer 2. Dealers CFORS Senior Corperate Finance Officer CREW ‘Ghlef Economist /Seniar Econornet CFCS Senior Lending Officer = Reta ‘Customer CCR Senior Lending Officer - Corparate Funetion CCRT Senior speciaied lending Officer Crem ‘Senior Agricullual Lending Officer CFCS ‘Sanior Operations Gilficer Trade Finance Significant CEM ‘Senior Operations Officer - Fleclronic Banking influence CST ‘Senior Operations Officer (General Function CrO32 ‘Ombudsman reas Pivate Banking Advser Crow Bronch Manager Customer CROSS Relall Advitory Officer function Details of the banking industry job families\roles\functions ond their minimum. aualifications are provided In Appendix A. 40 4.1 42 43 APPROVED PERSONS DATABASE To ensure that only Fit and Proper persons man the different job roles and Control functions within the banking industry, all persons for the position of Assistant General Manager and above as well as key positions that have significant impact on the resources and operations of a bank shall be approved for appoiniment in line with the Assessment Criteria for Approved Persons Regime issued and reviewed from time to time by the CBN, In furtherance of this objective, a central database for approved persons shal be created and maintained at the CBN. All banks as reporting institutions shall update the database with details of approved persons and access if as par! of their due diligence prior to the engagement and appointment of persons within the industry. The database will: Assign a unique identifier to each banking practitioner. Be accessed prior to the engagement or appointment of persons to board, top management or critical operational positions in the banking industry. Provide reference information to relevant stakeholders - regulators, employers, employees, auditors, business partners, etc — for the assessment of the continuous Fitness and Propriety of approved persons in the industry Encourage transparency in the recruitment and appointment process. 4a 5.0 Sd 5.2 Details in the database will include: + Full Names~=sumame, other nomes + Commonly known names/alias names Identification number — National [D, Intemational passport, drivers! licence number + Passport photograph + Biometric finger prints © Professional qualification and educational background + Controlled functions curently being performed ‘+ The institution's reference number ‘+ History of previous approvels for the individual * Disciplinary history = Career history * Credii poinls gamered from altendance and certification ot accredited training programmes. CODE OF PRACTICE FOR APPROVED PERSONS An approved person, performing a controlled function, must ect with integrity, due ski, care and diligence. He/she must observe proper Standards of market conduct and deal with regulators ih an open and cooperative way, disclosing any information of which regulators would teesonably expect fo be notified. An approved person performing a significant in luence function must: i. Take reasonable steps fo ensure that the business of the financial institution for which he is responsible is organized so that it can be controlled effectively: ii. Exercise due skill, care and diligence in managing the business of the financial institution for which he is responsible |n his controlled function. w i. Take reasonable steps to ensure that the business of the financial institution for which he Is responsible complies with relevant laws, rules, guidelines and other requiatory requirements. Details of the proposed cade of practice for approved persons under this framework are provided in Appendix B. a 6.0 61 62 63 64 65 TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION The framework seeks fo ensure that persons engaged in the various job families/controlled functions have adequate skills and competencies to carry out the roles for which they have been certified. There shall be structured generic and function or role-specific training and certification process that provides a reliable and cbjective assessment of an employee's competence and ability to perform and meet the demands of a job consistently over time. Competencies and their related certifications will be based on job roles rather than job titles. Training and certification will be provided by accredited local and overseas education and training service providers. Accredited training service providers may administer online or classroom-based training. However, only accredited programmes will qualify for credit points under the framework. The minimum requirements for certification of each job role/control function are as indicated in Appendix B. A training service provider could be any of the following: + Anindividval * Aprofil-oriented consultancy outtit or commercial entity * Anotfor-profit entity + The training/leaming centres of banks + Relevant professional bodies * A university, polytechnic or other relevant educational institutions of higher learning. Banks ore expected to put in place policies that ensure quality and equitable training for all their staff. In this regard, training programmes 2 6.6 67 $8 69 attended by bank sersonnel avera period wil be evaluated on the basis of total credit paints obtained within a given period of time. To.attain and maintain competency in a particular job role, the individual responsible for a controlled function is excected to accumulate a minimum number of predetermined credit points, through attendance ot and successful completion of accredited training programmes. The ciedit points for training programmes attended shall be awarded by designated accrecitation agencies, taking into cognisance such foctor os: * Programme .curriculum * Duration of Pragiamme «= The Facully * Quality and relevance of the programme, + The pedigree of the training provider. To ensure objectivity and credibility in accumulating the required credit points, Nol more than 60 per cent shall be obtainable through an institution's in-house training programmes In-house training shall be deemed to be accredited training programmes conducted by the intemal faculty of an institution and or by accredited external facilitators solely for the institution. The number of relevant eccredited training attended and credit points accumulated shall be one of the assessment criteria in determining Ine suitability of approved persons for specific job roles/functions Consequently, banks shall be required to populate the Approved Persons Database with detalls of credit points eamed oy approved persons in their employ. 43 7.0 at 72 73 74 7.8 ACCREDITATION OF TRAINING SERVICE PROVIDERS The accreditation of a training service provider will be conducted by an industry-recognized accreditation agency. The agency will cony out extensive review ond evaluation in order to ascertain if the provider has the competence fo conduct the training programme(s) envisaged under the Framework. An agency shall be designated as an accreditation agency, subject to meeting the qualifying criteic fo be prescribed by the Bankers Committee and approved by the CBN from time fo time. An accreditation agency could be any of the following: |. Arecognized professional institute/body i. recognized educational institution of higher leaming ll, A recognized training consultancy outfit iv. Other duly recognized boay, institution or company. An accreditation agency shall not render any training service under the Fromework. The accreditation of training providers is a quality assurance mechanism to ensure that the taining provider is qualified to provide the desired training and the programmes of the training provider meet the learning objectives ond will impact the requisite knowledge, skis and competencies required for each job role. The accreditation agency shall be responsible for accrediting training service providers. This will involve the endorsement of the training provider and ils programmes based on an assessment of ifs curicula, competence, ccpacily, capabilily, faculty, resources, facilities, crecitality, a 7.6 77 78 independence and integrity among other criteria, in. carying out specific training programme|s), The accreditation agency shall, among other things, register training service providers. Accreditation of a training service provider shall be valid for a period not exceeding three years. However, the accreditation agency shal continually monitor prostammes to ensure that they meet set requirements al all times. The accreditation agency shall also present a report of its activities annually to the Barkers’ Commitiee. There shall be two types of accreditation of training service providers, namely Solicited or Unsolicited, Accreditation may not be solicited in respect of: * Wel-established and/or industry-recognized training ond cefiification programmes offered by qualified and eligible training service providers under this framework. + A training service provider duly accredited by a competent accreditation agency in Nigeria. In every other case, training service providers wishing to offer their services in the Nigerian banking industry shall solicit and be duly eccredited by a competent accreditation agency under his framework. Where accreditation is solicited, Ihe cost of accreditation shall non-refunded and bore by the service provider. 8.0 ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS The following stokeholders are expected to olay various roles under the framework: |. Central Bank of Nigeria The CBN will provide supervisory oversight, monitoring and regulatory guidence to ensure banks’ compliance with the framework, In addition, the CBN will perform the following roles: * Coordinate the development of the Framework; * Approve ond supervise subsequent periodic upgrades of the framework; * Maintoin the datobase of approved persons and financicl institutions; ‘+ Withdrawal of approvals where necessary; * Application of sanctions for breaches by approved persons, ll, Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation The Corporation will provide suporvisary oversight in the implementation of the framework. ji, The Bankers' Committee The Bankers’ Committee would act as a coordinatar alongside the CBN for the development and implementation of the framework. 15 iv. Financial institutions (Fls) The financial inslitutions will provide specification of minimum competencies needed for each job role along with inputs for the specification of coreer paths, job descriptions and training curriculum needed for the development of the framework, Furihermore they are shall: + Comply with data protection requirements, + Update the datadese with details of training programmes and credit points obtained by each officer performing a controlled function, * Periodically review the requirements of each controlled function. Financial institutions are expected fo conlinually satisfy themselves Ihal the persons performing controlled functions have the necessary qualifications, experience, competence and capacity to carry out thelr duties. yw vi Financial Institutions Training Centre (FITC) FITC fs expected Jo provide inpuls for the specification of competencies for job roles, career paths, job descriptions, and training curriculum. tt will also act os a training service provider under the Framework, subject to cerliication by {he accreditation agency. Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigetia (CIBN) CIBN shail be the Accreditation Agency under this Framework. It is expected to provide inpuls for the specification of minimum competencies for jod roies, career paths, job descriptions, and iraining curriculum. It will clo issue ethical and professional guidance as well as monitor the conduct of its members. {twill also monitor the performance of the accredited training services providers. vii, Other Professional Bodies and Associations These include professional bodies such as the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers (CIS), Chartered Institute of Management (CiM), Risk Management Association of Nigeria (RIMAN) ana Committee of Chief Compilance Officers of Banks in Nigeria (CCCOBIN), etc. They will also issue ethical and professiond guidance and monitor the conduct of ther members. They are also expected to develop training curricula and provide professional and other relevant training to their members and practitioners in the banking industry, vil, Accreditation Agency The accreditation agency will be responsible for registering/deregistering, accrediting, supetvising/monitoring and evaluating ircining service providers in the industry. ix, Training Service Providers These are entities accredited to provide training services under the framework. These include orofessional bodies, educational institutions and other entities that are expected to design appropriate curricula ofientec fo the talent ana skills needs of the Nigerian banking industry. 18 Appendix A Banking Industry Job Families/Roles/Functions and Entry Level Qualifications “Funetien SW | Category Function Roles Required corifcations | Ganenesns Wintram Gualfieatons | Rinimum Expenance Type Skills and Competoncies 7 | Significant Governing | Chaiman of | Te ensure affocive | * good undatsanding | “General leadership | A fal degree or Ws | Relevanl experience iv Influence Function | the Beard | operation of the Board | of the role of | Skilsnfuencing skis | equivalent in any | business/executive Funelions such that it works | Chatoman sin able to | “Team bulking confer | oiscinine le owards schleving tre | operste affectnely in | management company’s strategic | such a role at the | ‘Orgarizalon and | Membership ofS years post objectives highesi level. Relavamt | coordination skills | Institute of Directors or | graduation experience. financial industry | “People ‘Ske | any ether relevant and experience Wo | “nttasive recomised 5 years board desirable. “Entrepreneurship! —_| professionalinsitule | experience in * good understanding | taking owners. Financial Services and experience of | “Analytical Skits! Industry Nigerian boardroom | Problem! solving and sorparate | *Salt govemance issues, | ManagemertInterparso ral Skils 2 | Signiteant” | Governing | Charman of |“ preses at meetings | Good understardng of | “General teadership | A fst Gagree or We | 1 yeas paw Vhftuence Function | Board isk | of tha Board Risk | risk lesuca in Mhancial | Skilenfluencing skills | equivalent in any | graduation experience, Functions Committee | Committes and ensure | services. “Team buling /confict | disci 5 years experience In that the work of the Commies ® performes in an fofficient and timely manner. * Ensures that the Committee provides Finarcial acumen Must be confortable dealing wh Fak \esues and make every etfor to Koop up to date wih dest practice develoomants (i) sk managertent management ‘Organization and coordination sklls “People Skis sinitasve “Entrepreneurship! faking cownershin “Anuiyical Skits ‘Membership or Institute of Directors or any other relevant snd recognised professional insite ‘sk management ‘SN | Calegeny Funston] Finetion Foes Required” coricatons | Generic skills ‘Minimum Gualicavons | Minimum Bxpericnee Tyee ‘skis and Competencies ‘ovelsght and sdvice | and measurement Problem ‘solving to the Boat on "Sele ‘currant risk exposures Managementinterparco ‘and future risk strategy ral ‘Shits ‘S| Sianifcant | Governing | Chairman of [* presides at meetings |" Rnowedge and | “General leaderahip | A Wet degie® or WS | The candidaie wil be (otuence, Function | Aut of the Audit Committee | understanding of audit | Skisinfluencing skits | equivalent in ary | esoacted to possess Functions commities | and ensure thal. the | issues, “Team building f confct | discipine. adequate ‘work of the Commitee | * Good knowedga of | management knawiedgelexperience Je performed in an | banking eperetions. | “Organization and Ih the preparation and ‘efficient and timely coordination skits analysis of financial manner. *Pesele ‘Skills ‘statements. “initaive Ensues thal the *Enkrepreneurthip! Committee otfszivaly fakirg ownership reviews the “Analytical Skis! ‘appropriateness. and Problem solving ampleteness of the “Sol company’s sysiem of Managementinterpersa intarnal contra al Stal reviews the report Which identifies. high level control issues of Group Level Signifeance that require oF aie subject {9 remedial action and ensures thatthe Committee considers whether necessary 20 SW] Catagory] Faaton | neta —] Rates Rogue GaINeTORe | SOROS ia SURE Wa EPR Type skis an Comptia aan are BRE token to remedy any stanfean flings or senaincsos “The chairman pesos al meetings of he Commits and ereire that the work of te Comite | setomee in an ficient and tiny mane. | Siirfeant | Govering | Chama at [To teed the Human | "ooweaganble about | General fade | A Wat dagras or ie | Knowledge oF lbor Infuonce | Furetion | Boars Human | resoures Cornmitae | cura best ricice in| Skilriiiencing shits | equndtont inary | lawo.angerpedence k Funetone Resource —|in developing and | HR poses and | Team buling /confet | elsopine Numan eeouree cammitise. ot | mplemering human | executive recutment | management wranagenent equivert resource and | ~knowedgeale about | *Orarizaion and Commitee. | remuneraton polices | curert nest racie in| coordination sis and pracices tat | execrive “Paonia Sle support the diver of | remuneration snd | itative the business sttegy | undestans ne | “Enireproausip! ‘and nen thereby | imporance ot abging | taking ownership. help create value for | execuive remard ta | ‘Anaiyical Shit sharehaldes the aciaverert ofthe | Problem salva Grous's strategic | *sat- ojecives Managemenvnterpano val ‘kas a Tatgoy —) Funeifan Function Poles Roquired ceriffeatons | Ganorie aie TMiaimarn Gualifeadens | Winmwum Experience Typ0 ‘still and ‘Sompoioncies ‘Sipiteant | Gavering | Chet Respansibe for the | “Knawiadga and | “Gener —manageral’|A Wat Gagree oF fe | Wiimum ef 18 year Infuance: Function | Executive | conduct of the whle | understanding of the | administration equivalent in any | post graduation Functons. OfficertManag | o! the bushess of the | Nigerian banking | “Team buiking /canfict | aiseipline experience with at Ing Director | company under the | market. ‘management Yeast 10 years in the Immediate auhorty of | “Steng strategie | "Coachra’/ Leatership | Relevant ——figher | Barking Sector the Board. | oriertation i Infuencing | degroes and “Excellent customer | “Organization and | professional A minimum of 8 years To develop strategies | relatonship coordination skills | certifications must have been spent that enable the bank o | developmenvinanage | “People ‘Skils | e.g ACIB. may be an | at senior management achieve itr eneparate | men: “trite sided advantogs. | lavel wth responsibilty bjectives and to ca-| “Good negotiation, | “Enveprereurship! ‘or Business aidinate, direc! & | probemssolving and | taking ownership development contr curent to lang | confict resolution | *Analytzal Skis Customer relationship term development of | “Creative and | Problem solving Mansgement or ‘market penetration | innovative “sot Customer Service swategies whe | “Knowfedg2 and | Managementinterperso management reeting and | understanding of | nal Stalls exceeding custome’s requirement as walt sraximizina proft and minimizing cost and Fisk, ‘To cany out the day today runing of the company; guiding the development and growth of the company ana acthg as the company’s leading commercial financial products “Good product development and, portfolio management capabilities “Visiilty of market relevance a networking ality * Knowledge of sk ‘management "Advanced Credit Skills 2 Cate, Fanetian | Faneton Role Required cerifestions | Genarie ale ‘imam Gualifeatana | Winimum Experience —) Type skis and ‘Compotancies arene te dealings with its | stakeholdrs Siniant | Gavemning | Cepay | Raspansbie fer he | "Kravdodga and] "Gana manageta | A Wat dogee or | Winans aE yeas tntuence | Function | Managing | conduct of signitant | understanding of the | acministraton equvalent in ary | post graduation Funct Direcor —_| aspect ofthe business | Nigerian tanking | "Team building /contct | discipline expeconce with at ‘of the company under | market management Relevant Wigher | beast 10 yeare in te| the supanison of te | “Strong stratogc | ‘Coaching / Leadertip | damiee and | Bankng ——Seotr EO. In the abserce | orientation i Intuencina | professional | ot the CEO, he takes | “Excelent ctstomer | “Organizstin and | corifeatione Arian at ye | ‘eezonabily for CEO | relabonship coordination sills | e.g ACIB ardoters | must nave been spent ‘oles win aporoved | develipmenimanege | “People Sis ad ai raga delogates auzhory. | mont “tative fev with esgoritly “Good negotiation, | “Entrapreneurshi! br business provism-soWvng and | taking ownership development and confiet solution | ‘Anaiieal Skits customer relationshis | ‘Creative and | Problem solving mangement | innovative “sot skoowodge and | aragementntersere | undestancing of | ral ‘Skits commercial Tnancil | “Advanced Cou Sls products "Good oduct development and porto management capabilities “Visiilty ef “market relevance & networking aby 23 SH] Caugony | Funefon Function Fares Requled ceriications | Gener skile Tiinimam Gualifeations | Minimum Experience Type ‘skits and Competencies 7 | Significant Governing | Executive Responsible Yor | *Knowledga ‘and | “General managerial’ | A first degree or is | Minmum of 15 years: Influence Function | Directors | making and | understanding of the | administation equivalent in any | post cualifcation Functions, implementing Nigerian banking | ‘Tear building / confict | discipine experience at least operational decsions ard running the Group's business on a day-to-day basis under the leadership of the Chie Executive The duties of an executive Director Include the general ities applicable to all Drectoms Those ities extend to the whole of the business ‘and not just that part of it covered by their individual executive responsibiles. market + knowledgeable in relevant areas of the company’s activities in addition to ‘qualiications that may bbe required for their pectic assignments, or responsibities. “Strong strategic orientation “Exeallent customer relationship developmentnanage ‘ment “Good negotiation, problem-solving and confit resolution ‘Creative and innovative "Knowedge and understanding of, commercial financial products, "Good product development and portfolio management management “Coaching / Leadership 1 Influencing “Organization and coordination skis, “People ‘skis stnititiva “Entrepreneurship! faking ownership “Analytical Skills) Problem solving *selt Management/nterperso pal Skills Advanced Credit Skills Relevant post sracuate/grofessional cottfications 8.9 ACIB and others toyears in tho Borking Sector. A minimum of 8 years ‘must have been spent at senior management level 24 SH] Category Funeton —] Finetion Fees Fequled cerifioatens | Gener aka ‘Minimum Gualiicavons | Wininum Experones Type Skits and Competencies capabiiies ity ot market relevance & networking abilry & | Santeant | Goverang | Non 7 —Gonsinatively |* broad experience, | "Gareral _managenal| A ist degree or t= | Proven Sills and Influence Function | Executive | challenge and | integrity and creaitity, | adrinistration equivalent in any | competencies in Functens Director contioute athe | ‘Proven sits and | “Team building / confit | discs thelr felds; evelopment of | competencies. in their | management ‘+ Knowedge of the stateny files; "Coaching Leadershin | Membership ot | operations «of * eruinise the | *Knowiegge of the'| / Influencing | Institte of Directors or | bankaldiscount perfomance of | operations at | ‘crsanization and | any otter relevant and | houses na management in | banks/eiecount Houses | coordination skills | recognised institu, televant laws and resting agrees goals | and relevant laws and | “People Skis regutatons gulag and objectves and | regulations guiding the | “nitive tho financial service monitoring, and where | financial services | “Enireoreneurship! industry; necessary removing, | industry taking ownership ‘= Ablity to make sseniot management |“Abiity to make | “Analytical ——Sklef meaning land in succession | meaningtl Problem solving eontrbutons te planing ‘contributions to board | “Sek board detierations * Salisty: themselves | deliverations; Maragementintererso that foancal rl Skits Information is accurate ‘and that financial ‘controls, and) systems of risk management are robust and defensible. . aterminng appropriate levele of remuneration of, 25

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