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Receiving temperature check Job Instruction

003_Inbound_Receiving temperature check Revision Date: 27/09/2022
Target Role Grocery Associate, Shift Lead, Store Manager Owner Elena Suutarinen

Step Key points Illustrative picture

1. Product Measure the temperature from the surface of 2

temperature products:
check ● Choose a product from the middle of the box (to
get a reliable temperature reading)
● Measure with the laser thermometer on plastic or
paper surface, preferably where the product inside
is “touching” the packaging
● Avoid measuring on reflective surfaces

2. Destructive If the above test fails, do a core temperature destructive

(spike) test test:
● Unfold the metal spike on the thermometer
● Stab it into the product 2-4 centimeters deep and
read the measurement
● Remember to shrink the destroyed product in

3. Car ● This is only done in countries, where it is possible to

temperature enter the delivery car
check ● If possible, go into the truck and measure the
temperature from the goods from 2 spots (one in
the front, one in the back of the truck)
● Write down the temperatures on a post it note/ take
a photo of the readings

4. Acceptable ● Fridge items should be delivered at their storage

temperature temperature and frozen items at minimum -15C.
● The acceptable storage temperature of a product is
written on the package in most countries
● The temperature of the product should be colder or
same as its minimum storage temperature
5. Decision to
accept / reject ● If the temperature is not in the accepted range, you
cannot accept the delivery
→ follow the rejection process
● If the temperature is in the approved temperature
range, record it in the daily inbound report, or store
temperature recording sheet

Thermometer use guide

● Press “ON” once to turn the thermometer on

● Hold the ▲/ON button and point the IR light at a product to measure the surface temperature
● For destructive test (contact), change into put the stick into the product, don’t hold the ON button, let it
measure until the reading stops blinking
● Testo 104-IR manual

▲ on the screen = infra-red measurement

▼ on the screen = spike measurement

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