Bài tập buổi 3

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Bài tập buổi 3

Bài 3.1
\documentclass[14pt, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage{geometry}[left=.5cm, right=.5cm, top=2cm, bottom=3cm]
Team works skill are necessary as our field involes carring on big project. Team working is one way to
perfect ourselves through learning from others. These team work skills are:\\
\item Team buiding skill: create a group of people with regular interaction anh together they
achieve a goal
\item Dominant skills: is knowing how to achieve efficiency like aiming a target, clearly seprating
individual work, communication, etc,... Some of them are very important such as\\
\item Communication: Well-interacted with your teamates to create friendly working
enviroment and understand among members to gain efficiency
\item Conflict resolution: seeing thorouh the conflict anh using communication to solve.
\item Hold up meetings: make a plan, step by step follow, using visual supporting, figure, maps,

Bài 3.2
\documentclass[14pt, a4paper]{article}
\title{\textbf{The heat is on: from the Arctic to Africa, wildlife is being hit hard by climate chaos}}
\author{-The Guardian-}
\lhead{Latex Basic}

\textbf{Global heating affects fertility, immunity and behaviour - often with lethal-and the problems are
getting worse}

\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{polar bear.jpg}
\caption{Polar bears have to change their behaviour to survive}
Sweating, headaches, fatigue, dehydration-the ways heat exhaustion affect the human body are well
documented. As temperature inch up year by year we need to change the way we live, creating cooler
palces that provide refuge from heat.

But what about wildlife? We know mass die-offs are becoming more common as heat-waves sweep
terrstrial and marine ecosystems, but incremental increases in temperature, which are much harder to
study, are harming alomost all populations on our planet

\caption{Thick-billed murres on Coast Is-land in Hudson Bay, Canada}

Earlier this year, for the first time, a paper was published on the impact of heat stress in large Acrtic
seabirds. Normnally, research on species in that corner of the world is about adaptation to the cold, but in
an era of climate chanos, learning to live with heat is the new challenge.

As well as undergoing physical changes, animals across the world are changing their behaviour-murres,
for example, are spending more time getting into posed to gulls and Arctic foxes. For parents, it's a trade-
off between keeping cool enough to avoid heat stress and protecting their young.
Many birds with similar ecological niches are at risk, Endangered bank cormorants risk overheating when
sitting on eggs on exposed, rocky cliffs in souhthern Africa, arcording to research published in
Conversation Physiology.

\begin{figure}[h] \label{fig:three-alternative-operations}
\includegraphics[width=6cm]{bear (1).jpg}&
Figure 3: Grizzly bears in Alberta,
\textcolor{white}{abish} Figure 4:Thick-billed muress on Coast\\
\textcolor{white}{asoehvaa.......ivrbv.sr..vrajjjjjjaa} Island in Hudson Bay, Canada

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