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Prepare each programme thoroughly. Please co-operate - As a commentator working for a pan-European channel, please help your colleagues all over Europe by sharing information through the forum and/or the sport producers.

Cue-points have to be respected - Eurosport broadcasts in 20 languages and we need to be sure that producers are not cutting off some words when editing/cutting the programmes (see detailed description of the cue-points hereafter). No complaints or negative remarks about Eurosport, the programme or the output. - On the contrary, when something is going wrong try to minimise the damage. In case of a technical problem, please apologise in the name of Eurosport and never refer back to the problem after it has ended. Never let the frustration affect your standard of commentary. No discrimination - Pay particular attention not to make any remarks that could be construed in a negative way by people of a different nationality or culture than your own. There must be no form of discrimination in your commentary No favouritism - with regard to athletes, teams, federations, organisers or constructors/manufacturers. No commercial references - There should be no commercial references during a programme. Commentators cannot include any hotel / airline / tourist / magazine / sponsor board or similar institutions without prior permission from Broadcast Management. Mention your name - At the start of each programme introduce yourself and your co-commentator. If you wish, you can mention your names once more at the end of the programme. Dont tell the viewers that you are not on site - Commentating from the studios brings up the thorny subject of how to approach the fact that you are not on site. The ideal approach is not to say that you are on site but give the viewers the feeling that you are by giving as much local knowledge as you can. Be neutral - Remember that a lot of programmes are repeated at different times of the day, sometimes even a month later. Therefore be neutral and dont say good morning or good night. Make sure your programme will not be repeated before you refer to other programmes or occasions. Promote our coverage - As all viewers receiving Eurosport2 also have access to Eurosport, it is important to help them navigate between the two channels and have the maximum of information on where they can follow their sport. Whether you are commentating for Eurosport or Eurosport2, the priority is to promote the live coverage whether broadcast on Eurosport or Eurosport2. Do not plug personal email addresses or websites other than the Eurosport ones. - If you need a message board for your respective sports, please contact the Internet staff. You will find below a list of people to contact. Promote the Eurosport Web sites Turn off mobile phones when being on air

Treat every programme, however unimportant it may seem, as if it was the most important coverage. Commentating on sport is a joy and it should sound like it. Avoid eating when on air When you are commentating for several hours at a stretch, make sure your microphone is turned off whenever drinking. Give as much of your character as you can without sounding eccentric, be upbeat but don't oversell. Be informative, bring emotion Every sport requires its own approach to commentary but be aware that using the natural sound from the event can often be more interesting than words. If you feel the roar of the crowd let the viewers feel it too. If you are in doubt as to the value of what you are going to say, then dont say it.

If you are in doubt as to how you are going to finish your concept, then dont start the sentence. The pause as you struggle to find the right word to finish off the sentence makes you lose credibility fast. Always turn up for your broadcast alive and alert. Anything that makes you weary such as alcohol is to be avoided.

Respecting Cue-points is absolutely essential Eurosports broadcasts in 19 languages and we need to be sure that producers are not cutting off some word when editing/cutting the programmes.

Bear in mind that each cue-point is potentially a point at which the programme may be cut. Don't refer to what has been said just before the cue and try to find a neutral continuity after (your first words after the cue may immeditely follow a commercial break in the repeat. Beginning: The co-ordinator in the regie gives you the countdown: "start in: ten...nine...eight......and cue commentators". Restart-cue: The point where the repeat programme will (or could) actually begin - which may clearly be minutes after the live broadcast has started. For example: we show ski jumping live. After five minutes of general pictures, wide shots and close ups of spectators the first jumper prepares to jump. For Paris this is the moment for the restart-cue. Please don't repeat "Hello and welcome in ... ", choose your words carefully for a neutral restart: "Blue sky, perfect snow conditions and high expectations - a perfect day in Hinterzarten for the third leg of the skijumping world cup ...... Do introduce your expert guest (if any) and don't forget to give once more - with different words- the most important general information (wind, weather, competitors, the importance of the event...)

Summary-cue: This cue-point is used for shorter repeats - for example cycling when we show only the last part of the race. Please give a short summary of everything important that has happened so far in the event. This will be the intro for the repeat and the viewers rejoining us at the end of the live programme will appreciate. X-cue: Is the point at which the repeat programme will end. Summaries have to be given; results and a general round up. After the X-cue you can say your final good-byes, announce the next broadcast of your sport on EUROSPORT and hand over to the next programme and the next commentator.

The final clip will be announced by the co-ordinator in the regie. You must stop talking before the beginning of the clip.

(Beginning of programme for repeat)

(Summarize everything that has happened so far for an even shorter repeat)

(End of programme for repeat)

(between 5 & 10 mns)

(between 5 & 10 mns)

(between 5 & 10 mns)

(between 5 & 10 mns)





(Handover to next programme)


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