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24 Space 4.1 Living on water (ENED living on water 1 1 5 Choose the correct answer to each question, 1 Which one s usually bigger? fa thesea b theacean ‘Which one is not near thesea? a abeachonthe coast. —b alakeinland Which oneis a type of boat? a aferry D acanal 4 Which phrase means you are travelling across the sea or ocean on aboat? ‘Which of these is surrounded by the sea on all sides? a anisland b themainland b atsea ‘Which plants grow in water? a cactiandpinetrees breeds andrice Match the headings from an advertising brochure to the correct text. ‘TAKE THE FERRY TO YOUR HOLIDAY DESTINATION GO ON AN EXCITING HOLIDAY ACROSS THE OCEAN HAVE FUN ON A CANAL HOLIDAY ENJOY A SPECIAL BEACH HOLIDAY HEAD INLAND TO VISIT OUR LAKES AND FORESTS After twelve days at sea, we reach Bermuda, where there ‘will be time to visit the beautiful island .. Relax on the beach, swimin the sea and enjay the bar, the restaurantand volleyball... It's the best way to make the short, one-hour crossing from ‘the mainland to the island... ‘There's more to Corsica than sand and waves, so rent a car, leave the coast and take a look at its natural beauty .. ‘Spend a week travelling slowly through England's beautiful, countryside on the man-made system of waterways... Orm Oxford 3000™ 3 Complete the article with words from the box. © sTUDY TIP sake sue you look atthe words on bot sides of the gaps before decting whic word fs nesch gap. beaches canals coast ferry floats inland island mainland sea waves The world’s EVs es 4 Every summer, the world’s largest car * ferry carries holidaymakers and their cars across the 2 frotn Holyhead to Dublin, The port of Holyhead is on the west 8 of the small of Anglesey, in Wales. Dublin isboth a port and the biggest city on the trish ‘The ferry’s name is the MS Ulysses; itis over two hundred metres long and about fifty ‘metres high, and it can carry 2,000 passengers and crew, and approximately 1500 vehices. How it (on the water with so many cars on Soardisa mirscl of engineering Once te ery arrives in Dublin, holidaymakers head for the city, or for the sandy? on the coast. The sea off the coast of ireland is great for surfing, especially in Sligo and Donegal, Surfers love the Ihuge, powerful & Other holidaymakers drive? towards the hills and villages of central ireland to enjoy walking or cycling holidays; or they rent a narrow boat to explore the vo" "the many waterways that go across the country. Thanks to the world’s largest ferry, getting to Ireland is easy, and there is plenty to do once you get there. will/be going to for predictions and decisions 4 Choose the best future form to complete thes 1 There are no clouds nthe sky. It.von't (sn going rain today, solet’s go to the beach. 2 Inthe future, ordinary people won't / aren't going to be able to travel abroad as inexpensively as people do now. 3. The tourist board have plans forthe island. They'l/ ‘regoing fo build new hotels there 4 Your suiteaselooks really heavy. / going to carry it upstairs for you ifyou like. 5 We've had lookat the brochure and decided on a hotel We'l/ re going to stay on the coast. tent 5a Read the extract from a radio travel programme. ‘Complete the sentences with will or going o inthe correct affirmative form. Use contractions with pronouns as in the example, TRAVEL (3 WORLD Next week, on Travel the World, 11 ‘nt going ¢o_ visit ‘an unspoilt island in the Pacific where islanders face dificult choice. A major hotel chain has offered alot of money to build a luxury hotel. and they 2 start construction next year. Atleast, that's their plan. The islanders have the final say, and they hold a meeting to discuss all the Issues. We hope to be there to hear what they think. Currently, nobody knows what they decide to do. Many people believe that tourism bring unwanted pollution ‘and large, ugly buildings to the island, Atthe same time, others believe it ® create jobs and introduce shops andservices, On other Islands nearby, for example, the arrival of tourism has resulted in the destruction of coral reefsand the islanders’ traditional way oflife; but people are rieher. and have more opportunities. Clearly, the choice isn’t an easy one, 17 see you next ‘week. Goodbye from paradise. bb anQtisten tothe extract and check. 6 Read the responses of six holidaymakers to the question ‘What are your holiday plans this year? Complete the responses with will or going o and the verbs in brackets. 1. We've just bought a new house, so we can't afford a holiday. Weke going to stay_ (stay) at homet we (go) abroad this summer L we 3 We've planned a holiday in Scotland. We ____ (climb) Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain. 6 “ 2 | haven't realy thought about it, ut | don't think .) 4 My boyfriend and I have decided to go to New York in dune. We tickets tomorrow. | cant wait! (book) the 5 I never go away on holiday. One day, pollution from carbon fuels (destroy) the ‘ozone layer. That's why I never fly. 6 I haven't thought about i, to be honest. | (tel you later Jean... Very well Quite well More practice ‘talk about the natural world (water). [e) oO. oO Talk about plans and predictions. o o @ 26 4.2 Forest bathing the natural world Match words 1-6 to pictures af. 1 rocks b 4 cliffs 2 peaks 5 soll 3 pools 6 greenery _ Read the definitions and unscramble the words. 1 something clean and pleasant to breathein fresh air shrefria 2 examples are spring and summer anosse ‘warm and feels good insushen 4 all you can see when you look across a large area spdelnac 5 itcan make the sky turn red, pink or orange ‘tunses 6 thenatural beauty that yousee around youin the country Fecysne Six people are talking about their favourite hills or ‘mountains. Complete what they say with the unserambled words from exercise 2. 1 Ilove hiking in the Peak District in England. I's an tunspoilt_lavdscape_of steep hills and green fields. 2. Myfavourite in the Pyrenees, on the border between Spain and France, is spring. The snow has gone and the mountains are covered in flowers, 3. Upinthe Canadian Rockies, you feel so healthy, breathing in the Orn Oxford 3000 4 Aftera long day skiing in the Alps, [love tositand watch the The colours can be awesome! 5 [remember climbing above the clouds on Mount Fuji in Japan, We suddenly had warm. ‘on our faces, and it was so bright we had to put on sunglasses. 6 We travelled around Iceland last year and were amazed by the extraordinary ‘The landscape ‘seemed to be from another planet. 4 Complete the text with words from the box. cliffs landscape scenery soil valleys waterfalls The Zhangjiajie National Forest Parkin China isan amazingly beautiful Landscape of high mountains and deep? Powerful? ‘rash down the sides ofsteep * into ahuge lake thatlesfar below. Around the lake, alot of plants grow in therichS ‘creating a thick ores. In the park, three thousand natura columns of rock stand like magical towers.The® ___issospectacular and dramatic thatthe forest appears to be a place on another planet. And, believe itor no, itis! Zhangjaie National Forest Park isthe setting fr the Hallelujah Mountains and the forests ‘of Pandora in the popular 2009 fl, Avatar © STUDY TIP whenyou add new nouns to your Vocabulary ntebook, nate down wheter ey ae Countabe oor uncountable, for example ct ( scenery. probability Choose the word or phrase which expresses the meaning inbold. 1 not probable a willdefinitely b du © may b may will definitely b will ¢ islikelyto 4 possible a willprobably b- may ¢ isunlikely to 5 impossible a might b definitely won't ¢ islikely to 62 Complete the second sentences in 1-6 s0 they have the same meaning, using the words in brackets. celebration. Every year, in the first week of December, people across the country plant a tree. Here are six reasons for taking part in next December's event. 1 Ovora quarter ofa milion peope are to jin our celebration this year. (defintely) Over a quarter of a milion people_will definitely join. ur celebration this year. 2 We will probably plant more trees than ever before. (ikly) We ‘more trees than ever before 3 Our forests won't survive unless we pant more trees, definitely) Ourforests unless we plant more trees. 4 Over two hundred school and community groups might take part inthis year’s event: (possi) (Over two hundred school and community groups ___ inthis year’s event 5 You may not need them, but our team of volunteers are here to hep. (not probably) You ‘them, but our team af volunteers are hereto hep 6 National Tree Week may not succeed without the hep ot people ike you! (unikely) National Tree Week ‘without the help of people ike you! b_42{)Listen and check youranswers. 7 [Read the article about the future of the Amazon rainforest ‘and choose the correct options to complete the text. ‘The Amazon rainforests the largest tropical rainforest in the world, covering over five and a half milion square kkiometres. I's home to 10% ofthe world's known ‘animals and plants, but if we continue to destroy the forest as we are doing now, we can be sure of one thing: many ofthese natural wonders *may not /(won'? survive. ‘Jaguars, giant river otters, taps and other animals 2wil/ ‘might most certainly become extinct inthe wild. ‘So, what can be done to save the rainforest? Today, there are many important projects that aim to protect millions of kilometres of unspoiled Amazon rainforest. These actions could resut in two exciting possiblities. One is that we definitely wil / may save many species from ‘extinction. The other very small possibilty is that we “are likely to / might recover some ofthe land that was conce rantorest. Here, at Rainforest Survival, we aim to support these vital projects, and that’s why we'e asking for your help. Please send us your donations. f we dont take action now, the rainforests Shkely / unlikely to disappear in our lifetimes, and we Sprobably won't / wll probably ose a ‘whole world of wonders. Jean... Very well Quite well More practice ‘talk about the natural world. [e) oO. oO ‘talk about probability. oO oO oO 2 28 4.3 Vocabulary development idiomatic phrases 1 about places Read the comments and circle the correct, ‘words to complete the texts and tweets. Post your comments and tell us what's making you happy right now! Fal fooing %@/n / on home andl ‘enjoying going Gut wth my nowy fiends al university Marina Ancilicia ae Relaxing h my garden on a summers day; mies tom anywhere /everyahiere / nowhere, ard looking at the beautiful Guido Liguria es ‘Working fom home, 601 dort have to travel to an office every day, packed in Ihe 3h /sarcines / tana on te bust Barbara S20 Paulo [Ticking my room, getting rid at /oF7 | with everyting ldorit need any more, and making oom Sk / for / of more Detelina Soa re Vine fa beauty, wich row ike the tack /ingers / font ol myer, end whee lea! | belong Mauro Verona a a Te thal sated 7donn /n7up wth iy parner, We got marie and now Imexpoctg a baby Marisol Caracas terre Thought fst my passport. looked lor / ove up the pace and taly found Ahmed Cairo a Or Oxford 3000™ 2 Read thetext and complete it with idioms, using the word in brackets, Micro ‘The problem with living in a crowded city like New York is that apartments are hard to find and very expensive, ‘That's why so many young city-dwellers these days are making themselves at ‘kame _(make/home) in tiny micro apartments. Some are only 100 metres. in size! They are often beautifully designed, with space-saving ideas like making the stairs into ‘a set of drawers! Even $0, new tenants soon ? (run/space) for their belongings, and have to 3 (rid) all the extra clothes and stuff they don’t need when they move in, They have to be very tidy because they simply can't move when there are clothes and bags and things 4 {al/lace). However, athough it won't suit a couple thinking of (Gottl), it wil suit busy young professionals who work hard, go out a lot and & (feelhome) right in the heart of New York. (renee 0 3. Match the words in the box tothe definitions, There are four words you do not need. canal coast ferry forest island lake ocean peck rock season steep waterfall the top ofa mountain peak. the place where land meets sea atypeof boat watersurrounded by land a man-made waterway place full oftrees spring, summer, autumn, winter land surrounded by water 4 Complete the sentences with a, b orc. More than one answer may be possible. aatsea b inthemountains _¢ onthecoast 1 Youfind waterfalls... _b.¢ 4 You find beaches.. 2 Youfind waves. 5 Youfind pools... 3. Youfind cliffs 6 Youfind soil 4.4 Speaking and writing GT enquiries 1a 443{)Listen to conversations 1-4 and match them tothe situations Telephone banking b Atthedentsts © Inashoeshop d Atabusstop 4431) Listen again and complete the sentences and {questions with one word or number in each space. Conversation 1 ‘Thanks for your help, Lzeally by the way, Conversation Could you leaves? Conversations 1 ityou could help me transfer £wmynew account? Conversation 4 it Tmsize me when the Just one last -Iteost me, last time, How much do you think i'll cost this time? Complete the conversation between a receptionist (R) and guest (G) by writing two wordsineach gap. R How can help yout or call at7? Certainly. Are you? starts at tomorrow because i’ Sunday? G No, thanks for telling me, OK. wake me at7.30, then? R Certainly. Can Thelp yous G Could tothe airport? R Yes, ofcourse. The airport bus leaves at 10am, 12,2 and, G OK. Thanks for yourhelp -7 it you could give me a wake-up breakfast else? ‘me when the bus goes ai) Listen and checkyouranswers. avoiding repetition 3a Read the text about a Norwegian town called Mo. How ‘many times does the writer repeat Mo, town, old and good? | grew up in Mo, a small town near the Arctic Circle ‘on the coast of Norway. Although Mo is an industrial Mtown contre ,2Mo hhas an interesting ‘old quarter with Svery interesting “old ‘wooden buildings. Many of these buildings are painted bright colours. In summer, the sun never sets in Mo and it never goes dark. Personally, | think this is what makes my 5M avery ‘special town Mo is one of the most northerly towns in the world. ‘Surprisingly, however, there are plenty of things to do 7inMo For example, there isa really 9004 theatre, a Freally good museum, and a wonderful festival that takes place in May. So, next time you're in the north of Norway, come and visit me in Mo! b_ Make the text about Mo more interesting by crossing outthe ‘words in bold and replacing them with words from the box. ‘entre fascinating great hometown it place there traditional Jean ... Very well Quite well__ More practice “understand idiomatic phrases about places. [e) oO. oO ‘make and deal with enquires. o o @ ‘avoid repetition when writing. oO oO cy 4.5 Listening for pleasure ese 1 Complete the three captions with the wordsin the box. architect architecture eardbeard designs paper tubing recycled refugees. shelters ‘The * Cardbsard Cathedral in New Zealand was designed by Japanese ‘Shigeru Ban, who was born in Tokyo in 1957 and studied 3 in Japan and California, Ban, who uses 4 paper as a building ‘material, has also designed emergency © made from long rolls of § to provide housing for? 30 (One of Shigeru Ban's most interesting * the Centre Pompidou-Metz, a large museum of modem art in eastern France. 45}) Listen to an interview with an experttalking about Shigeru Bans career Choose the correct options to complete the text. Shigeru Ban has become *known / knowing as the ‘disaster architect’, and for good reason. His, architecture is perfect in a disaster / disastrous zone, In fact, his work became famous when he ‘came up with a result / solution to the desperate need for shelters in ¢question refugee camps in the early 1990s, Refugees who have lost their homes / houses often don't have enough stone / wood to bbulld shelters. Ban's solution was to make shelters from paper tubing, and it was perfect, The shelters ‘were cheap, strong, 7easy / hard to build, and they saved / spent lives. 4 Whatdo you think ofthe materials Shigeru Ban uses? ‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of using paper toconstruct buildings? 414243 44 45 Review: Units 3 and 4 1. Putthe words inorder to make sentences. 1 Andy / open /able /front door / to / wasn't /the. ‘Andy wasnt able tv dpen the front door 2 get home /we/ before / won'/ nine oclock / definitely. We 3 didn't/1/ to / the / manage / exercise /finish 1 4 t0//allevening / here / you /have /stay / don't. You 5 unlikely / better /to / get /are/ they / much / maths /at. ‘They 6 what / she / pass /to / does / need / do / the exam / to? What 2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1 You can't/ don't have to parkon the motorway. I's llegal, I've got the job! will/‘m going to start work on Monday. We will / might stop for a picnic ifit’s sunny. ‘When Iwas akid, [couldn't / didn't manage to swit think thatin the next fifty years, over half the world’s population will / is going to be aged over seventy. 6 You don't have to/ mustn't buy it. end you mine. 2 3 4 5 3 Complete the text with the words in the box. can can't couldn't may wit will won't Life under the waves “One day, wet will_ definitely live underwater’ That's the confident prediction of marine biologist lan Lewis “The technology is already there.’ says Lewis. "We 2 ‘already construct bulldings on the sea floor. In the sea off the coast of Florida, for example, there are research laboratories ata depth of eighteen metres, We3 Dbulld those facilities forty years ago, We didn't have the materials, But now, there sno reason why wet constructa whole city underwater. We have the ability. All we need isthe desire and the money, Itis just possible that one company $ have both the desice and the money to build alarge underwater complex. They have plans to build an ‘underwater hotel in the Maldives. It twenty-two rooms and a bar and restaurant although, ofcourse, it” hhavea swimming pool! There's no point when you can just put on your diving. sult and swim out ofthe front door! have 4 ‘Match the verbs in box Ato the words in box B. Then. ‘complete the advertisement with the phrases. ‘A deal rise succeed take werking B inachieving responsibilty to the challenge ‘underpressure with problems AIR DIGITAL We are seeking experienced sales executives to join our team. Candidates must be good at working wider pressure_to meet tight deadlines, and be able to? of seling ina very competitive market. NEW WAVE HOTEL GROUP Ambitious hotel manager sought by exciting new hotel group. In your role, you will be expected to for the day-to-day running of a busy hotel and “ whenever things go wrong. SHINE SUMMER CAMPS We seek young people to work with disadvantaged children at our annual summer camps. Together, we can ‘our goal of improving ives and opportunities. 5 Purthe sentences in the conversation between Dan (D) and Tracy (T) in order. D Straight? How do you do that, exactly? Can you show ‘me again? —_ ‘T Well, then you fold over these ends. You do it ike this. ‘Make sure they're straight. It’s really easy. Let meshowyou. __ How do you make a really good paper aeroplane? Sure. Look. After doing this, you just fold the wings back, and there you are, a perfect aeroplane. __ ‘T_ Right, the first thing you do is fold the piece of paperin hal D OK, what next? D Thanks, Tracy: Here, I've got some paper. 4on 3

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