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Maximum power point (MPP) tracking

From the characteristics of the any PV panel, it is clear that the nature will vary according to the insolation falling
on it & therefore it becomes necessary to vary its power output so as to maximize the energy extraction under
varying atmospheric conditions. This is achieved by using maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller
used extensively in solar PV systems. Generally MPPTs are the electronic high frequency DC to DC converter
(boost converter being the most appropriate one) that optimizes the matching between the solar PV panels, and
the battery bank (or utility grid). The simplified arrangement of a PV system using MPPT controller is given in
Figure 28. The duty cycle of the DC to DC converter is varied according to the voltage & current output of the
PV system (VPV & IPV respectively) while considering the load voltage conditions, v (optional). MPPT techniques
can be either of the following types:

i. Indirect techniques: Fixed voltage, open circuit voltage and short circuit current methods are some of its
types where simple assumption and periodic estimation of the MPPT are made with easy
measurements. For example, in case of the fixed voltage technique, the operating voltage of the solar PV
module is adjusted at different seasons while assuming higher MPP voltages in winter and lower MPP
voltages in summer for the same irradiation level. As, irradiation and temperature level may vary even
in the same season & therefore this method is not accurate.
ii. Direct techniques: Perturb and observe (P&O) & Incremental conductance methods are referred to as
direct techniques as it involves the measurement of both current and voltage (& hence power). So,
they are more accurate and will have faster response than the indirect counterparts.

Figure 28. Block diagram of solar PV system by using a MPPT controller

As direct techniques are having their own merits over the indirect techniques, the methodology to be adopted in
the two direct technique methods are discussed in the subsequent sections.

Perturb and observe (P&O) method

In this method, the present & previous output power is compared and the output power is measured periodically.
When the power increases after some time, the same process must be repeated. The structure of P&O (or hill
climbing) method for the kth iteration will be as given below & the philosophy is illustrated in Figure 29.

Step 1: Measure VPV(k) & IPV(k) to determine P(k).

Step 2: Compare P(k) with P(k-1) by performing the subtraction operation i.e. Pd = P(k) - P(k-1)
Step 3: If Pd > 0, go to step 4
Else if Pd < 0, go to step 5
Otherwise go to step 6
Step 4: Compare VPV(k) & VPV(k-1)
If VPV(k) > VPV(k-1), increment reference voltage Vref by V
Otherwise, decrement reference voltage Vref by V
Step 5: Compare VPV(k) & VPV(k-1)
If VPV(k) < VPV(k-1), decrement reference voltage Vref by V
Otherwise, increment reference voltage Vref by V
Step 6: P(k-1) = P(k). Increment k by 1 & repeat from step 1.

Figure 29. Philosophy of P&O method

Incremental conductance (IC) method

When the MPPT has reached the MPP in P&O method, oscillation around the MPP may occur. Tracking of peak
power under fast varying atmospheric condition is having the disadvantage of P&O method which can be
overcome by IC method. In this algorithm of MPP detection the slope of the P–V curve is detected and the tracking
of MPP is done by searching the peak of the P–V curve. The instantaneous conductance I/V and the incremental
conductance dI/dV is used by this method to determine the direction in which the MPPT operating point must be
perturbed. When MPP is reached, perturbing the operating point is stopped. IC method can also be useful to track
rapidly increasing and decreasing irradiance conditions with greater accuracy in comparison to P&O. The
structure of IC method for the kth iteration will be as given below & the philosophy is illustrated in Figure 30.

Figure 30. Philosophy of IC method

Step 1: Measure VPV(k) & IPV(k)

Step 2: Determine VPV(k) = VPV(k) - VPV(k-1) & IPV(k) = IPV(k) - IPV(k-1)
Step 3: Check whether IPV / VPV > - IPV / VPV. If yes, go to step 4. Else, go to step 5.
Step 4: Decrement duty cycle D(k-1) by D (or increment reference voltage Vref(k-1) by V)
Step 5: Increment duty cycle D(k-1) by D (or decrement reference voltage Vref(k-1) by V)
Step 6: Update VPV(k-1) = VPV(k), IPV(k-1) = IPV(k) & D(k-1) = D(k) (or Vref(k-1) = Vref(k)) ). Increment k by 1
& repeat from step 1.

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