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The family’s response to health and illness is reflected in:

a. It’s utilization of existing health services
b. The type of illness and causes of death
c. The number of vulnerable members of the family
d. The degree of assistance given to the family

2. To effectively give nursing care to an indigenous family, the nurse should first:
a. Understand their culture
c. Work with their traditional healers
b. Assess health beliefs and practices
d. Share experiences in community health work

3. To modify harmful practices among indigenous families, the most important factor is:
a. Ensure that change blends to their culture
b. Increase health knowledge of the family
c. Involve family in bringing out change
d. Persuade family to change practices

4. An indicator that behavior change is maintained and sustained is:

a. Change is incorporated to everyday life
b. Barrier to change has been removed
c. There is an awareness for need for change
d. Family verbalizes need for change

Situation: In the municipality where you work as a Public Health Nurse, almost 80% of the children are
Malnourished. Diarrhea, Parasitism, and Measles are common health problems. For the prevention and
control of malnutrition one of your strategies is to conduct a series of health educator sessions for
mothers where you will discuss the following among others.

5. The causes of protein-energy malnutrition in children are:

a. Parasitism
b. Infections like diarrhea and measles
c. Mothers do not observe proper breastfeeding
d. All of these are causes

6. An early sign of malnutrition in infants is:

a. Light-colored thin hair that falls easily
b. Edema
c. Growth failure in the first 6 months
d. Repeated

7. Malnutrition in children can be prevented by which of the following:

a. Bring the children in the health center for consultation and growth monitoring
b. Give supplemental feeding as early as 4 months old and not later than 6 months old.
c.Prepare the right kind and amount of food for the children
d. All of these

8. In order to prevent infections you will emphasized the need for:

a. Environmental Sanitation
c. Immunization
b. Good hygiene
d. All of these

9. There are mothers who are afraid to give supplemental feeding for their child for fear that some foods
might cause allergy. For this, your advice would be to:
a. Give solid food later when child is not at least one year old.
b. Select from the foods the other members of the family are taking.
c. Initially give food that is soft like “lugaw”
d. Give new food items one at a time and in small amounts.

10. In the preparation of your nursing care plan for this community, which of the following objectives
should be least prioritized?
a. To conduct health education sessions on infant feeding and food preparation
b. To assess current practices regarding personal hygiene and environmental sanitation
c. To reduce incidence of ARI by 50% by the end of the year
d.To increase by 50% the number of households for health teaching on hygiene and sanitation

Situation: The following questions are in relation to policies and strategies on the health programs that
are implemented by public health nurses.

11. Under the expanded program of immunization the following are identified as “high risks” groups,
a. Children in areas with Vitamin A deficiency
b. Children in remote areas
c. None of these groups of children
d. Children of urban poor

12. The strategy adopted by the department of health for the prevention of neonatal tetanus is/are:
a. Educating the public on the benefits of immunizing women of child bearing age with tetanus toxoid
b. Training and retraining of “hilots”
c. Utilizing “hilots” in identifying mothers for tetanus toxoid immunization.
d. All of these
13. These are implemented in relation to the national anti-smoking campaign of the department of
health except:
a. Sale of cigarettes is prohibited
b. Notice of hazards of smoking on pack.
c. Non-smoking in enclosed and public places
d. Prohibition of smoking in public transportation

14. The following are strategies implemented by the department of health in order to prevented
transmission of malaria except:
a. Land filling of standing water
b. Chemoprophylaxis of none-immune persons going to endemic areas and pregnant women in endemic
c. Vector control by residual spraying of insecticides
d. None of these

15. Regarding measles control, which of these statements is incorrect?

a. Treating measles patient high dose of vitamin A significantly reduces mortality rate
b. All cases of measles should be reported
c. As a routine, measles vaccine is given to all infants between 9 to 12 months of age
d. There are evident contradictions for giving measles

16.Calendar method of Natural family planning

A.identifying longest and shortest cycles
B.determine fertile phase by subtracting 18 days from the shortest cycle (earliest day of fertility) and 11
days from the longest cycle (latest day of fertility)
C.Abstain during this time frame
D.All of these

17.What type of family planning method if the Patient relies on breastfeeding for natural family
planning, as breastfeeding often delays the onset of ovulation and mestruation for approx 6 months
A. Abstinence Method
B. Lactation Amenorrhea method
C. Breastfeeding Method
D. All of these

18. What is the goal of nutrition program in the Philippines?

A. Improve the nutritional status of Filipinos by reducing the prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition.
B. It aims to prevent danger signs f children such vomiting, lethargic and diarrhoea
C. To minimize the mortality rate among malnourished
D. All of these

19.Which of the following in order to improve their oral health and general wellbeing in the
A. Encouraging patients to carry out oral hygiene instructions
B. Addressing any dental health problems that are present.
C. A and B
D. None of these

Questions and Answers

20. Involvement is not only cleaning surroundings and toilet construction but also sharing
responsibilities and participation in one of the following:

A.Problem-solving seminars

B.Meetings with barangay officers

C.Social work about livelihood

D.Defining health needs

20 D. Defining health needs

The correct answer is "Defining health needs". Involvement in this context refers to actively participating
and taking responsibility in various activities related to improving the community's health. This includes
identifying and defining the health needs of the community, which is an essential step in developing
effective healthcare programs and interventions. By actively engaging in defining health needs,
individuals can contribute to the overall well-being and development of their community.
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21. To encourage community participation, which of the following should a nurse do?

A.Invite people from civic organizations.

B.Refer to the doctor for prescriptions.

C.Encourage sponsorship to programs.

D.Listen when people relate their problems.

21- D. Listen when people relate their problems.
A nurse should listen when people relate their problems in order to encourage community participation.
By actively listening to individuals, the nurse can gain a better understanding of their needs and
concerns. This creates an open and supportive environment where community members feel
comfortable sharing their experiences and seeking help. By listening attentively, the nurse can provide
appropriate guidance, support, and resources to address the community's health-related issues
effectively. This approach fosters trust and collaboration, ultimately encouraging community
participation in healthcare initiatives.
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22. Which of the following is appropriate for common ailments such as cough and fever?

A.Indigenous plants with proven benefits

B.Medicine at Botika sa Baryo Project

C.Medicine from other drugstores

D.Medicine in the doctor’s clinic

22 A. Indigenous plants with proven benefits

Indigenous plants with proven benefits are appropriate for common ailments such as cough and fever
because they have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes and have been scientifically proven to
be effective in treating these ailments. These plants often contain natural compounds that have
therapeutic properties and can help alleviate symptoms and boost the immune system. Additionally,
using indigenous plants promotes sustainable and eco-friendly healthcare practices, as they are readily
available in local communities and do not require the use of synthetic drugs or chemicals.
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23. Which one of the following is NOT an essential element of Primary Health Care?

A.Multi Sectoral Approach

B.Community involvement

C.Appropriate technology

D.Qualification of health providers

23 D. Qualification of health providers

Primary Health Care (PHC) emphasizes the importance of accessible and basic healthcare services for all
individuals and communities. While the other options, such as a multi-sectoral approach, community
involvement, and appropriate technology, are considered essential elements of PHC, the qualification of
health providers, while important, is not specifically listed as an essential element within the core
principles of PHC. PHC focuses on equitable access to essential healthcare services, community
involvement, intersectoral collaboration, and the use of appropriate technology to meet the healthcare
needs of populations. Qualification of health providers falls under the broader context of ensuring
quality and competent healthcare delivery within the PHC framework.
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24. The mission of PHC must be embodied in the hearts of health care providers. Which mission
strengthens the health care system?

A.Supporting conditions for healthy habits

B.Increasing opportunities to be healthy

C.Letting people manage their own health

D.Financing health care programs

24 C. Letting people manage their own health

Letting people manage their own health strengthens the healthcare system because it empowers
individuals to take control of their own well-being. When people are able to make informed decisions
about their health, they are more likely to engage in preventive measures, adhere to treatment plans,
and seek timely medical care when needed. This not only improves individual health outcomes but also
reduces the burden on healthcare providers and resources. By encouraging self-management, the
healthcare system can promote a culture of personal responsibility and proactive healthcare, leading to
a more efficient and sustainable healthcare system.
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25. The key strategy to obtain the mission of PHC is:

A.Linkages with health organizations.

B.Requesting donations from NGO’s.

C.Partnership with people.

D.Electing good people in government.

25 C. Partnership with people.

The key strategy to obtain the mission of PHC is partnership with people. This means that involving and
engaging individuals and communities in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of primary
healthcare initiatives is crucial for the success of PHC. By forming strong partnerships with the people,
PHC can ensure that the healthcare services provided are responsive to the needs of the population,
promote community ownership and participation, and ultimately improve health outcomes.
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26. Aim of PHC is to evolve a total community health care system integrated in people’s way of life.
What was done by the government?

A.Mandate of devolution

B.Soliciting from NGO’s

C.International acceptance

D.Linkages with WHO

26 A. Mandate of devolution
The government implemented the mandate of devolution in order to achieve the aim of evolving a total
community health care system integrated in people's way of life. This means that the government
decentralized power and decision-making processes to local communities, allowing them to have more
control and responsibility over their own healthcare. By doing so, the government aimed to ensure that
healthcare services are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each community, leading to
better overall health outcomes.
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27. What factor contributes to the effectiveness of care to your clients as a Rural Unit nurse?

A.Interpersonal relationship with barangay officials

B.Expertise in health education

C. Knowledge of the objectives of health programs

D.Respect of customs beliefs and values of clients

27 D. Respect of customs beliefs and values of clients

Respecting the customs, beliefs, and values of clients is crucial for the effectiveness of care as a Rural
Unit nurse. This factor ensures that the nurse acknowledges and understands the cultural background of
the clients, allowing for more personalized and culturally sensitive care. By respecting their customs,
beliefs, and values, the nurse can establish trust and rapport with the clients, leading to better
communication and cooperation. This ultimately enhances the quality of care provided and promotes
positive health outcomes for the clients.
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28. As a nurse, your organize community groups to participate in your program?

A.Instruct them to agree with you

B.Assign roles
C.Let people decide for themselves

D.Conduct group work

28 C. Let people decide for themselves

The correct answer is "Let people decide for themselves." This is because as a nurse organizing
community groups, it is important to respect the autonomy and individual choices of the participants. By
allowing people to decide for themselves, it promotes inclusivity, encourages active participation, and
ensures that the program meets the diverse needs and preferences of the community members.
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29. Utilization of indigenous resources maximizes efforts of the Community Health Nurse. Which one of
the following Department of Health programs could you apply this principle?

A.Vegetable gardening

B.Training of Hilots

C.Herbal medicine

D.Nutrition of children

29 C. Herbal medicine
Utilizing indigenous herbs and plants for medicinal purposes is a way to maximize the use of local
resources, which aligns with the principle of maximizing efforts for community health nurses. This
approach can be both cost-effective and culturally relevant for healthcare.
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30. One important function and responsibility of the Regional Training Nurse is:

A.Designing training program for nurses and midwives.

B.Assessing the needs of nurses and midwives.

C.Organizing field trips to tertiary hospital.

D.Evaluating credentials of applicants.

30 B. Assessing the needs of nurses and midwives.

The Regional Training Nurse is responsible for assessing the needs of nurses and midwives. This involves
identifying the specific areas where training and development are required, such as new procedures or
technologies. By conducting assessments, the Regional Training Nurse can ensure that the training
program is tailored to meet the specific needs of the nurses and midwives in their region, ultimately
improving the quality of patient care.
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31. Perla is Elena’s co-worker as a Community Health Nurse. Which of the following is the general duty
of Perla?

A.Provides nursing care to the community

B.Communicates to the health team

C.Coordinates with municipal Health Officer

D.Establishes rapport with clients

31 A. Provides nursing care to the community

Perla's general duty is to provide nursing care to the community. This means that she is responsible for
delivering healthcare services to individuals, families, and groups within the community. She may
provide direct patient care, administer medications, conduct health assessments, and educate
individuals on health promotion and disease prevention. By providing nursing care, Perla contributes to
the overall well-being of the community and helps to improve the health outcomes of its members.
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32. The Rural Health Midwife, Rosita, is under the Supervisor of the Public Health Nurse. In which of the
following health care aspects should Rosita be assigned?

A.Reporting of disease incidence.

B.Coordinating with clients

C.Basic maternal child care.

D.Monitoring use of equipment

32 C. Basic maternal child care.

Rosita, as a Rural Health Midwife, should be assigned to the aspect of basic maternal child care. This is
because midwives are trained to provide care and support to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and
the postpartum period, as well as to newborns and infants. They are responsible for ensuring the health
and well-being of both the mother and the child, providing essential services such as prenatal care,
delivery assistance, and postnatal care. Therefore, assigning Rosita to basic maternal child care aligns
with her role and expertise as a midwife.
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33. Which factor influences OLOF (Optimum Level of Functioning)?



C.Health care delivery


33 A. Eco-system
The ecosystem, encompassing the natural environment and its elements, significantly influences the
Optimum Level of Functioning (OLOF) in community health nursing. Environmental factors, including air
and water quality, access to resources, climate, and biodiversity, have a direct impact on the well-being
and functioning of individuals and communities. Natural disasters and vector-borne diseases can disrupt
functioning, and community health nurses play a crucial role in assessing and addressing these
ecosystem-related health challenges.
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34. What is the focus of secondary health care?

A.Early malnutrition

B.Early signs and symptoms

C.Early diagnosis and treatment

D.Early detection

34 C. Early diagnosis and treatment

The focus of secondary health care is early diagnosis and treatment. Secondary health care refers to
specialized medical services that are provided by medical specialists upon referral from primary care
providers. The aim of secondary health care is to diagnose and treat diseases or conditions that require
more specialized knowledge and resources. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial in preventing the
progression of diseases and improving patient outcomes. By identifying and addressing health issues at
an early stage, secondary health care plays a vital role in promoting overall health and well-being.
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35. Each process has a unique way on adaptation. Which aspect should man co-exist with?




35 A. Environment
Man should co-exist with the environment because it is crucial for his survival and well-being. The
environment provides essential resources such as air, water, and food, and it also offers a habitat for
humans to live in. Man's actions have a direct impact on the environment, and therefore, it is necessary
to adopt sustainable practices and protect the environment for future generations. By co-existing with
the environment, man can ensure a harmonious relationship with nature and promote a healthier and
more sustainable way of life.
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36. What would you tell a mother who refuses to immunize her baby?

A.“Immunization is okay for your baby.”

B.“Vaccines are expensive, you get it free.”

C.“It’s up to you if your baby gets sick

D.“Vaccines will prevent diseases.”

36 D. “Vaccines will prevent diseases.”

The correct answer, "Vaccines will prevent diseases," is the most logical response to give to a mother
who refuses to immunize her baby. This answer highlights the importance of vaccines in preventing
diseases and emphasizes the potential risks and consequences of not immunizing the baby. It aims to
educate and inform the mother about the benefits of immunization in protecting her baby's health and
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37. Which one of the following Acts means that “Health Workers” are all persons engaged in health-
related work regardless of their employment status?

A.Magma Carta of Public Health workers

B.Security of tenure of regular employees

C.Discrimination Prohibition

D.Code of ethical standards of Public Officials and employees

37 A. Magma Carta of Public Health workers

The correct answer is "Magma Carta of Public Health workers." This act defines "Health Workers" as all
persons engaged in health-related work, regardless of their employment status. It ensures that all
individuals involved in healthcare, whether they are regular employees or not, are recognized and
protected under the law. This act aims to promote the rights and welfare of health workers and ensure
equal treatment and opportunities for all individuals in the healthcare sector.
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38. The Philippine Nursing Act of 1991, in Section 27 Scope of Nursing, describes the person practicing
Nursing when the person uses which one of the following scientific knowledge?

A.Nursing process

B.Management skills

C.Studies of nursing manpower needs

D.Diagnostic procedures

38 A. Nursing process
The correct answer is "Nursing process." The Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 defines the scope of nursing
practice, and according to Section 27, nursing practice involves the use of the nursing process. The
nursing process is a systematic method that nurses use to assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and
evaluate patient care. It helps nurses provide holistic and individualized care to patients by following a
structured approach. Therefore, the nursing process is an essential scientific knowledge that a person
practicing nursing should utilize.
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39. The nurse assigned in the Rural Health Unit as a beginning nurse practitioner is described as one of
the following:


B.Mother-child nurse


D.Home care nurse

39 C. Generalist
A beginning nurse practitioner assigned in a Rural Health Unit is described as a generalist. This means
that the nurse has a wide range of skills and knowledge in various areas of healthcare. As a generalist,
the nurse is capable of providing care to patients across different age groups and with varying health
conditions. They are trained to handle a variety of medical cases and are equipped to provide
comprehensive care to patients in a rural setting where specialized resources may be limited.
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40. In Rural Health Unit, which kinds of health services are available?

A.Safe motherhood

B.Post hospitalization

C.Home care

D.All types

40 D. All types
All types of health services are available in a Rural Health Unit. This means that the unit provides a wide
range of healthcare services, including safe motherhood services, post-hospitalization care, and home
care. This ensures that the unit is equipped to address various health needs of the rural population,
from maternal health to post-treatment care and ongoing support at home.
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41. Which of these scientific processes is used by the nurse wherein biological and sociological sciences
are utilized to obtain community resources?

A.Nursing management

B.Nursing program

C.Nursing networking

D.Nursing process

41. D. Nursing process

The nursing process is a scientific process used by nurses to obtain community resources by utilizing
biological and sociological sciences. It involves a systematic approach to assess, diagnose, plan,
implement, and evaluate the care of individuals, families, and communities. By utilizing this process,
nurses are able to effectively identify the needs of the community and allocate appropriate resources to
meet those needs.
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42.What is the legal basis of the implementation of PHC in conjunction with the First International
Conference on Primary Health Care sponsored by the WHO?

A.Letter of Instruction 949

B.Presidential Decree 996

C.R.A 7305

D.R.A 7164
42 A. Letter of Instruction 949
The legal basis for the implementation of PHC in conjunction with the First International Conference on
Primary Health Care sponsored by the WHO is the Letter of Instruction 949.
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43. The ABCDE of safe sex should also be emphasized. ABCDE stands for?

A. Abstinence, Being Mutually Faithful, Condom Use, Do Not Share, Needles, Emphasize the
Impotence of Multiple Sex Partners.

B. Abstinence, Being Polygamous, Condom Use, Do Not Share Needles, Education and

C. Abstinence, Being Mutually Faithful, Condom Use, Do Share Needles, Education and

D. Abstinence, Being Mutually Faithful, Condom Use, Do Not Share Needles, Education and

44. Boiling the plant material in water for 20 min.


45. Plant material is soaked in hot water for 10 - 15 minutes.


46. Directly apply plant material on the affected part, usually in bruises, wounds, and rashes.


47. Mix the plant material in alcohol.


48. DOH Three Major Roles in the Health Sector

1. Acceptability in Health Care

2. Leadership in Health
3. Availability of Infrastructure
4. Enabler and Capacity Builder
5. Accessibility of Service
6. Administrator of Specific Services

A. 123
B. 135
C. 246
D. 456


National health programs of the Department of Health

Family health programs of the Department of Health

Maternal health
Family planning
Child health including infant and young child feeding
Expanded program on immunization
Nutrition program
Oral health program
Essential health packages for adolescent, adult men and women, and older persons.

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