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Remote Reps

Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

Table of Content

RemoteReps 3
Who are we? 3
What is our Mission? 3
What are our Core Values ? 3
General Policies 5
1. Non-Discrimination Policy 5
2. Anti Bullying and Anti Harassment Policy 5
3. Duty to Report Policy 6
4 . Security Policy 6
5. Data Privacy Policy 7
5.1 Personal Information 8
5.2 Protecting Confidential Information 8
5.3 Team, Zoom and Google Meet Virtual Meetings 9
5.4 Phishing Attacks 9
6. Code of Conduct 10
Human Resources Policies and Procedures 13
1. Attendance 13
2. Business Hours 13
3. Overtime 13
4. Time Tracking System 14
5. RemoteReps Incentive Program 14
6. Absences and Leaves 16
6.1 Paid Time Off 16
6.2 Sick Leave 17
6.3 Unpaid Time Off 17
6.4 Family Leave 18
6.5 Bereavement Leave 18
7. Pay Practices 18
7.1 Pay Platforms 19
7.2 Cut Off Day 19
8. Career Opportunities 19
9. Disciplinary Actions 20
9.1 Informal Warning 21
9.2 Formal Verbal Warning 21
9.3 Written Warning 22
9.4 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) 22
9.5 Unpaid Suspension 22
9.6 Removal from the Project 23
10. Separation 23

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook


Who are we?

Remote Reps is a virtual sales and service workforce, sourced from our strong network
of experienced professionals around the world that provides the needed solution for Clients.

The Company was founded in 2013 to resolve a number of issues that other vendors
have, such as overcharging, high operational costs, high turnover, and other. In the same year,
we got our first client.

RemoteReps was firstly based in a project model but in 2016 it changed to Reps model having
the next year (2017) as the first Big Boom for the Company crossing 50 Reps. RemoteReps has
continued growing since then adding new business divisions, crossing 200 Reps and
consolidating the commitment to its team and clients.

Only Remote Reps has the combination of technology, talent and experience to serve
Clients´ customers and drive performance at the level that Client´s brand deserves.

As stated in our mission, RemoteReps is focused on our Reps, who are the core of the

What is our Mission?

To create economic and financial stability for the global remote worker via US based jobs.

What are our Core Values ?


We inspire trust in our clients

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook


We provide transparency in the processes.


We are kind to our reps and their situations. We are firm but kind in all we do.


We are creating this community of hard workers around the world who are bonding with each

However, we also commit ourselves to the following cultural values and principles that are
part of who we are and how we would like to conduct business.

● Security : We exist to ensure that all our Reps partners and our management team
around the world have financial and long-term stability and growth development for their
families and themselves.
● Partnership : How we treat all people means everything to the future of our mission.
● Excellence : We go the extra mile to make it easy for clients to understand us, trust us,
like us and want to do business with us.
● Innovation : We create, we seek to improve, and we inspire through hard work and fun.
● Integrity: We work everyday with a high level of integrity.
● Reliability : We show up every day and understand that complacency, status quo, being
too comfortable and laziness is not an option for anyone at
● Growth: We strive to develop our passion for our job and career growth. Financial
security will just follow.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

General Policies

1. Non-Discrimination Policy

RemoteReps works in a diverse multicultural environment and we encourage everyone who is

part of our team to disregard any kind of cultural differences and prejudice against one's culture.
RemoteReps will not tolerate any kind of discrimination on the basis of race, religion, creed,
gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or
military status, in any of its activities or operations as this creates a hostile and unpleasant

Any individual who acts under discrimination premises is subject to disciplinary actions and/or
termination depending on the severity of the offense.

2. Anti Bullying and Anti Harassment Policy

RemoteReps is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated with
respect and dignity. Everyone at RemoteReps has the right to work in an atmosphere that
promotes collaboration, ethical and equal treatment and prohibits unprofessional behaviors.

Therefore, RemoteReps expects all its Reps to support an inclusive and kind work environment,
free of any type of bullying and harassment.

Examples of bullying or harassing behaviors may include but are not limited to:

● Circulating malicious rumors

● Unfair or disrespectful treatment
● Making any type of stereotype jokes about someone.
● Regularly undermine or intimidate someone
● Making unreasonable demands
● Sending aggressive emails, messages or notes.
● Excluding or isolating someone.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

● Persisting abuse or mistreatment to someone.

● Making inappropriate personal questions or comments.
● Making offensive comments about appearance or clothing.
● Making offensive mimicking gestures.
● Repeated sending malicious or threatening messages.
● Misconduct of any sexual nature that includes, but not limited to, unwelcome
sexual remarks, indecent comments/jokes, offensive sexual banter, unwanted
sexual advances.

In RemoteReps we believe that it is not what you do or say that matters but the impact these
actions have on others and how they feel about it. We expect our Reps to be kind and
professional at all times.

3. Duty to Report Policy

Reps have the responsibility to report any misconduct, unethical or unprofessional behavior.
Anyone who feels harassed, discriminated against or suffers any unfair treatment or are witness
to such situations are strongly encouraged to report this to their direct supervisor, next level of
management or Human Resources so an investigation on the events can be conducted.

RemoteReps prohibit any type of retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, files a complaint
of harassment or discrimination and/or participates in an investigation under this policy.

4 . Security Policy

Reps collaborate with RemoteReps, not directly with our clients' lines of businesses. Therefore,
any issues, concerns or reporting of any type should be channeled through RemoteReps.

RemoteReps has a zero tolerance policy for discussion with the clients about salary and any
other internal matter as it is considered as a breach of contract. Questions, concerns, or other
discussions should be channeled directly to RemoteReps.

The following actions constitute a violation of our Security Policy

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

1) Improper or unauthorized release of confidential company information.

2) Failure to handle classified information.
3) Disclosing Protected Consumer Information
4) Violation against FCC ( Federal Communications Commision) that may jeopardize the
clients business
5) Disclosing salary information to the clients.
6) Discussing any RemoteReps internal matter with clients

5. Data Privacy Policy

As part of our core mission, we ensure that all our Reps partners and our management team
around the world have financial and long-term stability and growth development for their families
and themselves.Therefore, it is our responsibility to be aware of the risks and dangers of the
breach of confidential and proprietary information for our Reps and our business partners.

Data Privacy is important for:

1) Business Asset Management

2) Regulatory Compliance

Guidelines to adhere to our Data Privacy Policy

● Access: Reps are required to log out of networks and lock computers when not in use.
● Equipment: If Reps are using RemoteReps supplied equipment they must adequately
secure and protect devices used to remotely access the client’s network and do not
share the devices with anyone else.
● Connection: Reps are required to use secure, password-protected and encrypted home
Wi-Fi networks or hotspots and must avoid insecure public Wi-Fi.
● Printing: Employees must avoid printing documents with confidential, proprietary or
trade secret information, unless these documents can be stored securely.
● Location: We encourage Reps to be in a safe, secure and private work environment at
their home or other location where they are working remotely.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

Let your supervisors know about any data breach suspect or unauthorized access to
confidential information and inform them in case a work-related device is lost or stolen.

5.1 Personal Information

RemoteReps keeps Reps´s personal information for recruitment and management purposes.

When Reps submit an application to collaborate with RemoteReps, the personal data provided
will only be used for the purpose of processing the application and will be treated as confidential
and in accordance with regulations.

RemoteReps will not disclose any personal information beyond the Core Management team.

5.2 Protecting Confidential Information

Reps are required to always protect Confidential Information by following RemoteReps IT

security policies, procedures and protocols such as:

● Using unique passwords, change them often and avoid sharing with others.
● To avoid mixing personal and work related data, email and any information.
● Making sure all connections are secure using VPN and/or two factor authentication when
working with a Client's network.
● Encrypt any confidential information before sending it and make sure to send it only to
known parties.
➔ Communicate passwords verbally, either in person or over the phone.
➔ Communicate passwords through encrypted emails or slack. You must remove
them after sending. Sending passwords via unencrypted emails is never
➔ Send passwords in a password vault file such as KeePass/LastPass.
● Shut down computers and close out of programs when not in use.
● Refrain from downloading company information on personal devices unless they are
used for work.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

● Be attentive to suspicious apps, documents and files and verify before clicking links or
opening attachments. Contact your direct supervisor and the RemoteReps IT team in
case of suspicious risks.
● Refrain from loading games and entertainment on work-related
● Prevent others from accessing your computer system and network.
● Use only business email for official work related communications.

In case of an event, immediately report suspicious emails or activity on work related accounts or
computers to your supervisor. Also, use RemoteReps communication channels, and let
everyone else in the organization know about such events.

5.3 Team, Zoom and Google Meet Virtual Meetings

While adhering to our Data Privacy Policy is also important to prevent data information from
being disclosed through Virtual Meeting platforms.

● Keep meetings and communications private and confidential and conduct them in a safe
and secure environment.
● We recommend requiring a password to enter a Teams/Zoom/GoogleMeet to control the
individuals that can attend.
● Avoid publicly sharing links to Teams/Zoom/GoogleMeet on social media.
● Close the meetings once all attendees have joined.
● Limit the ability of attendees to share their screen with meeting participants.
● Notify the host when an attendee joins a meeting.
● Disable file sharing to prevent the sending of malicious files.
● Turn off home assistant devices with recording capabilities (e.g:. Amazon, Alexa).

5.4 Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a type of attack received usually through malicious email designed to trick people
into revealing personal and financial information, system credentials or any other sensitive

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

RemoteReps requires its collaborators to

● Treat all emails referencing COVID-19 with caution.

● Be aware of fraudulent charity requests during the COVID-19 pandemic and verify
authenticity before donating.
● Avoid sharing bank information, Social Security numbers or logins and passwords.
● Avoid opening suspicious emails or attachments from unknown senders.
● Avoid clicking on suspicious links. Specially if you receive a shortened URL like
[]( or such from an unknown sender
● Review emails for red flags (e.g., spelling and grammatical mistakes).
● Be careful about fraudulent websites and malicious applications.
● Confirm details regarding any wire transfer of funds.
● Verify with legitimate sources if personal or confidential information is requested.

6. Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct for Reps reflects our company’s mission, core values, principles and
culture. The purpose of this code is to affirm RemoteReps´s commitment to do business in an
ethical manner and with the utmost level of respect. This Code of Conduct aims to serve as a
guideline as to how RemoteRep expects its team members to act on a daily basis.

Our Code of Conduct outlines expectations regarding how Reps should appropriately interact
towards our colleagues, supervisors, clients and overall organization.

RemoteReps is committed to providing a work environment free of discrimination of all types

and abusive, offensive or harassing behavior. Therefore, we expect the Reps to embrace
professional behavior and ethical practices.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

Working remotely requires a lot of discipline and self motivation. Understanding our company
core values and Code of Conduct will help us ensure that we will grow with the company and
find greater purpose.

Considering the above, RemoteReps will not tolerate:

● Loafing Attitude

RemoteReps values responsibility, accountability and ownership at work. We expect all

members of the team to join the efforts for excellence and contribute to success at all times.

There is no space for idleness at RemoteReps.

● Unprofessional behaviors

Our success is based on our good attitude and high efficiency of each individual. We have to
deliver what is expected from us at all times.

Some examples of unprofessional behaviors may include but are not limited to:

➔ Disrespectful treatment to anyone

➔ Improper interaction and ignoring boundaries with colleagues
➔ Gossip, spreading rumors and/or false affirmations.
➔ Discourteous conduct
➔ Insubordination and refusal of performing assigned tasks.
➔ Spreading misinformation
➔ Dismiss important deadlines.
➔ Accessing non-work related web-sites during work hours.
➔ Lack of accountability
➔ Persistent tardiness in attending meetings without valid and reasonable cause.
➔ Uncooperative behavior during regular activities.
➔ Improper treatment to confidential information
➔ Blame other for one's actions

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

➔ Regular attendance and activity issues

➔ Not communicating changes in address, providers, tools etc.
➔ Attend personal matters during working hours when these are not emergencies.

● Call avoidance

Providing high quality services is highly important for RemoteReps as this ensures not only the
business and the team's success but also an overall better experience and satisfaction for our

The Company expects its Reps to commit to work and be responsabile. That's why call
avoidance is not acceptable at RemoteReps and it constitutes a severe misconduct. Trust is one
of our core values so we appeal to the professionalism and good faith of each Rep in this sense.

● Outside collaboration

Engaging with extra jobs or any other professional activity during RemoteReps´ working hours
represents an unprofessional behavior for the Company and it is not a practice that honors our
values and principles.

Professional ethics, trust and integrity are very important at RemoteReps so, we expect the
Reps to be transparent and honest while collaborating with us and focus 100% in their
assignments at RemoteReps during the agreed working hours.

Failure to comply with our Code of Conduct may lead to disciplinary actions, including

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

Human Resources Policies and Procedures

1. Attendance

RemoteReps values the punctuality and regular attendance of the Reps as this ensures
high-quality services for our clients.

Reps are responsible for reporting any absences and/or tardiness happening during their
regular shift. RemoteReps expect the Reps to inform this to their supervisors with as much
notice as possible, especially when it comes to unexpected and unauthorized absences and late
connection. Employees must keep open communication with their supervisors in this sense.

Recurrent unplanned absences and tardiness may lead to disciplinary actions including

2. Business Hours

Regular hours at RemoteReps are 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day. However, each Rep´s
working schedule will be defined based on the assigned project and client's needs. Working
shifts are always confirmed by the Recruitment department during the hiring process.

Due to the nature of RemoteReps´ work, it may be required for Reps to operate during night
and/or weekend shifts, in which case any Rep who potentially would collaborate with us will be
properly informed, also during the hiring process.

3. Overtime

On some occasions, some projects may require working overtime to complete assignments.
Everytime Reps need to work additional hours, they will be informed by their supervisor in

Overtime will always be pre-approved by the client and informed by the supervisor. Reps are not
allowed to work overtime unless their supervisor requires it.

Additional hours are paid at the same rate.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

4. Time Tracking System

Hubstaff is a RemoteReps tracking software. All Reps must track the working time through this
app for payroll purposes.

Hubstaff is internally used to track your time, monitor productivity and manage your weekly

All Reps will be granted access to Hubstaff for their own tracking of weekly hours and activity.
Hubstaff is also used for Time Off request purposes.

Failure to use the Company's tracking system may result in delays in payroll processing, affect
the Company's billing and lead to disciplinary actions.

5. RemoteReps Incentive Program

With the purpose of promoting engagement with our Reps and motivating them to continue
being part of this team, RemoteReps has established what we called our Incentive Program.

Our Incentive Program consists of:

★ Hiring Bonus

All Reps will receive USD 50 after they complete their first 30 (thirty) days in operations (
Launching date.

★ Perfect Attendance Bonus

Reps will receive a bonus of USD 50 every month if they complete their shift as it is scheduled
with no tardiness and/or absences.

This bonus requires 100% attendance with zero outages.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

RemoteReps reviews attendance data on the 2nd business day of each month for the previous

Note that the hours measured are based on billable hours.

★ Anniversary Bonus

RemoteReps is committed to create long term relationships with its Reps and to see
them success and growth year to year.

That's why every year Reps will get an accumulative bonus of $50 per each anniversary
of collaboration with the Company. Reps will get $50 for their first year with
RemoteReps, $100 for their second year, $150 for their third year and so on.

Reps would be entitled to the bonus after they have completed a year of service in
operations working in the assigned project.

★ Annual Salary Increase

RemoteReps will grant Reps an annual salary increase per each year of service

For the first year in operations, Reps will receive a salary increase of $0.50 per hour

As of the second year in operation and until the third year, Reps will receive an increase
of $0.25 per hour per year accomplished.

★ Employee Referral Bonus Program

RemoteReps appreciates Reps to refer colleagues who may want to collaborate with us.
As part of our Incentive Program, the Company will reward with $ 100 for each successful
referral that Rep submits.

For the Reps to be entitled to receive this bonus, their referral must:

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

1) Have completed successful 2 (two) weeks in operation.

2) Be in good standing with RemoteReps.

To refer someone, log into the Office site, go to your profile and
find your referral link in the personal info section. Have your referral sign up using that link.

⚠️Please note that all these bonuses are on top of any commission structure from clients (if any).
❓For any questions on this matter you can contact your HR Team at
6. Absences and Leaves

6.1 Paid Time Off

Reps are eligible to accrue paid time off after 6 months of tenure at the Company. 1 Paid Time
Off per quarter, totalizing 4 Paid Time Off per year.

On top of this, RemoteReps grants Christmas and New Year's Eve holidays as Paid Time Off as
well when these days fall on weekdays.

Regardless of the Paid Time Off offered by RemoteReps, some clients may approve a different
PTO policy that improves RemoteReps´s one. This is totally subject to Client's discretion.

Reps are encouraged to use the Paid Time Off during the relevant period but if this is not
possible for any reason, Paid Time Off may be carried over to use in other moments. However,
Reps should keep in mind that the maximum accumulated Paid Time Off they can have in
balance will be always 4 Days, meaning that if they don´t use at least 1 day before they accrue
a 5th Paid Time Off, they will lose one day from previous period because the balance will remain
at 4.

Paid Time Off cannot be monetized for any reason, nor can it be used during the notice period
given to the Company for the purposes of resignation.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

If Reps require 8 hours Paid Time Off, meaning full day, they will not be allowed to work any
additional hours that day. The requested day will be considered a full paid day off.

How to request Paid Time Off ?

Reps must communicate their supervisors about their intention to take paid time off at least 2
business days in advance so approval from them and clients can be seeked. All paid time off
requests must be pre-approved before requesting.

Once approved, Reps must submit the Paid Time Off request through Hubstaff. Requests must
be submitted before Friday end of day to ensure a correct weekly payroll processing.

Paid Time Off Balance will be accordingly updated in the system after a request is submitted.

Reps are required to take a minimum of 4 hours in a row per request, meaning that they will be
allowed to take half a day ( 4 hours) or full days (8 hours).

6.2 Sick Leave

Reps must notify their supervisors about any health related issue that occurs during their
working hours. This must also be registered in Hubstaff under the corresponding Time Off

At RemoteReps, sick leaves are unpaid and should be justified by a doctor's note that indicates
the rest time.

6.3 Unpaid Time Off

Unpaid leave must be previously notified to direct supervisors and approved by them.

If Reps need to request and file an unpaid day for personal reasons, this needs to be
anticipated with as much notice as possible.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

Reps who want to request more than 1 unpaid day off, need to notify this to their supervisor with
5 days notice.

In case of emergencies , please inform your supervisor as soon as possible. .

6.4 Family Leave

After 6-months tenure, Reps will be entitled to 5 Paid Time Off and 2 Paid Time Off for Maternity
and Paternity leaves respectively.

To apply for these leaves, Reps will be required to submit a birth certificate or medical
documentation provided by the hospital to Human Resources by sending an email to

Once the paid leave is concluded, Reps are entitled to apply for an unpaid leave. For more
information about this contact

6.5 Bereavement Leave

RemoteReps understands the importance of accompanying and supporting family in difficult life

For that reason, the Company will grant 3 paid time off in case a direct bloodline relative of our
Reps perishes.

To apply for this leave, Reps will be required to submit the corresponding death certificate to
Human Resources by sending an email to

7. Pay Practices

Reps will be automatically paid on a weekly basis in accordance with the weekly hours worked.

New hires will have a one week window to receive their first payment corresponding to their first
week. This means that they will get their pay for the first week after they completed their second
week; the payment corresponding to the second week will be paid the following week and so on.


Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

1st week payment ↠ After completing 2nd Week

2nd week payment ↠ After completing 3rd week

3th week payment ↠ After completing 4th week

7.1 Pay Platforms

We usually pay through PayPal, Payoneer or Veem. Reps should inform their preference on this
and provide necessary details for payment to be processed.

Payoneer users should expect a delay only in their first payment as it usually takes up to 5
business days to link their accounts to RemoteReps´ account.

7.2 Cut Off Day

As Reps´ payroll is processed on a weekly basis, the usual cut off day is Sunday EOD, which
means that timesheets and any downtime, idle or missing hours should be submitted and
informed before that date to the Hubstaff manager.

Failure to comply with may result in a wrong payroll processing and/or delays in the process.

Reps are responsible for submitting timesheets and any change and/or issue with the system to
their direct supervisor and Hubsatt manager.

8. Career Opportunities

RemoteReps encourages and stands for professional development and growth opportunities
for our Reps within the Company.

An example of this is our Management team who have initiated their career at RemoteReps with
very different roles than the one they have today. They have developed their own career while
accompanying the Company's growth and we are proud of it.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

Reps who are interested in pursuing a career within the Company, in any of our departaments,
are encouraged to elevate their interest to their supervisors. If any opportunity is open at
RemoteReps and Rep may be a good fit, the Company will always support career advancement
by promoting internal transfers that contribute with Reps´s development.

9. Disciplinary Actions

At RemoteReps, Reps are expected to meet performance standards and conduct themselves
appropriately considering the Company's values and policies. This policy is intended to provide
tools for addressing Reps´s conduct and performance issues in a reasonable,consistent, and
effective manner.

Offenses and misconduct at RemoteReps will be assessed according to their severity and the
impact these may have on our day-to-day operations and/or direct clients. Following this policy
offenses will be categorized as follows:

Minor Offense/ Misconduct: May includes but it is not limited to

● Tardiness and/or unexcused absences

● Lack of responsibility on registering time in the time tracking system (Hubstaff).
● Lack of communication within the team.
● Overall uninterested attitude.
● Failure to follow job instructions.
● Overall unsatisfactory job performance and low productivity.

Severe Offense/ Misconduct: May include but is not limited to:

● Failure to provide assistance or service of an acceptable quality

● Insufficient and inappropriate customer service to clients and its customers
● Violation of known and written policies.
● Failure to handle confidential information properly
● Call avoidance

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

● Insubordination
● Hang up on clients and customers with no reason.
● Repeated minor offenses

Very Severe Offense/Misconduct:May include but is not limited to:

● Failure to comply with anti-bullying and harassment policy

● Theft to the Company and/or Client
● Discussing salary with clients
● No call / no show for several days
● Abusing client and/or client's customers
● Dishonest use of time tracking system and/or make use of different tricks/cheats to
manipulate the activity and productivity statistics registered by the system
● Performing jobs for other Companies during RemoteReps assigned shifts.
● Use client and client's customer information for your own benefit.

The procedure in this policy provides for progressive discipline actions to address issues
involving low job performance and to give Reps notice of the inefficiencies and an opportunity
for improvement. However, RemoteReps recognizes that there may be behaviors that are
considered unacceptable and therefore, it reserves the right to take any action without following
any specific order if it considers that other disciplinary measures are inappropriate.

9.1 Informal Warning

If the misconduct or performance issues is considered a minor and not serious, your directa
supervisor will have an informal conversation with you encouraging you to take improvement

Your supervisor might send you an email with a recap on the conversation.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

9.2 Formal Verbal Warning

In case of repeated small misconduct and/or in cases where the issues are considered severe,
you will be invited to a conversation with Human Resources to align performance expectations
and discuss the necessary actions to ensure improvement .

After the meeting with Human Resources, you will receive a formal email on the discussion.

9.3 Written Warning

Written warnings are a more formal step within the disciplinary process that will proceed when
the misconduct of performance issue is considered severe and needs to be addressed through
a formal letter submitted by Human Resources that includes:

● Misconduct and/or performance issue

● Immediate changes needed.
● Consequences in case the changes are not made.
● Rep´s commitment to take the necessary actions to improve.

Human Resources will send the corresponding written warning with details described above and
Reps will be required to acknowledge receipt of the letter.

9.4 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

This procedure will be put in place to give the Rep with performance issues the opportunity to

RemoteReps has a commitment to help Reps to improve so, when this disciplinary action is
considered appropriate, the supervisor will work with Human Resources to develop a plan with
specific and measurable goals.
Any PIP will have a specific and determined timeline that will be informed properly.

During the process , the Rep will be provided with different tools, additional training, and
coaching that will help him/her to overcome the set goals.

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

Outcomes may vary as it may include successful performance improvement, project transfer or

9.5 Unpaid Suspension

Considering the nature of the misconduct , RemoteRep can proceed with an immediate
suspension without pay.

Whenever a Rep is placed in a suspension without pay , no compensation will be processed for
this Rep for the duration of the suspension which will be defined by Rep´s direct supervisor
depending on the severity of the misconduct.

9.6 Removal from the Project

In cases of very severe misconduct and/or other disciplinary that may have been taken didn´t
lead to the improvement expectations, RemoteReps may decide to remove the Reps from the
project or proceed with an immediate termination.

When this happens, Rep will be informed accordingly.

10. Separation

When initiating a collaboration with RemoteReps, we expect the Reps to be committed to work
as well as the Company commits to them.

However, should Reps find that collaborating with RemoteReps is not suited for them, they can
submit their resignation letter and inform their supervisor on the decision of separating from the
Company. In order to proceed, Reps will be required to provide 2-weeks notice to RemoteReps.

Failure to submit the required 2-weeks notice will result in forfeiture of last payment.


This handbook has been written to outline the main policies and procedures currently in place at
RemoteReps but it is subject to time-to-time updates and/or changes at discretion of the

Remote Reps
Sales/Customer Service Reps Handbook

For any questions, please contact


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